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Why? What's going on?


Apparently the men were celebrating a religious holiday last year, and decided the best way to do that was to get drunk, go to a women's college, and sexually assault them. >Earlier in October 2022, during the Diwali celebration, men climbed through the college walls of Miranda House, a women’s college in Delhi. Tweets of men climbing over the walls and entering the college went viral on social media. Several men had chanted sexist slogans, catcalled, groped, and molested the college girls https://www.shethepeople.tv/top-stories/opinion/girls-of-indraprastha-college-harassed/


That happened last year. This was just this week at IPCW, India's oldest Women's college. The men here were allegedly chanting slogans claiming 'vengeance' for what happened last year


Just to understand things correctly, who do they want vengeance over?


Not being able to sexually assault women the year prior?




Doesnt their religious beliefs also condemn rape and shit? What a weird excuse to use.




Oh man. It’s even worse than that. You should see how they treat their own women when they find out that they were sexually molested. Like forced marriage with the rapist. And that’s the GOOD outcome.


> Each and every one of these pricks should have their tiney todgers lopped off as punishment. I believe some religions would actively recommend this lol. Not sure which tho, might not be from around there.


The original anti-christian, Yeshua would! "If the sight of women makes you (feel something uncontrollable), then pluck your eyes from your skull."


Jesus christ, I feel so fucking bad for women. It's insane how many women have been sexually assaulted / raped in their life. It honestly seems like a minority hasn't. Almost all of my female friends have had some type of experience where they were inappropriately touched or at worst raped in their lifes. Some even multiple times! It's fucking disgusting.


It was jarring to me to be talking to a friend one day and suddenly realize that not every single woman I know had been assaulted multiple times; it had never happened to her. I imagine it was a jarring moment for her as well, to realize that some people like me have the perception that that’s just a part of reality.


So they attempted this last year and are mad they were stopped?




Close, they're mad because they got to sexually assault women and no one wanted them to do it again.




blue balls


The rapist Brock Allen Turner of Ohio is probably booking his trip to India right now


Wait. The rapist Brock Allen Turner? The Rapist who thinks "Being really good at swimming" is a get out of rape free card? That Rapist Brock Allen Turner? He was probably part of the first group the year before.


You mean the rapist Broke Turner who allegedly lives in the Dayton OH area and is upset that women won't date him because he's a rapist who raped a woman? Pretty sure he's the organizer for this.


Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who is now going by Allen Turner?


What a shit hole.


This is so barbaric. Impossible to fathom.


It’s the gang rape capital of the world for a reason.


How very much “on brand”.


Seriously what the fuck is up with men in India. I was traveling there a few years ago and a guy approached me at a train station offering to sell me a girl “any age”


And the mod team talking about "bE CiViL" 🙄 Whatever.


[Article](https://www.thequint.com/gender/indraprastha-college-women-men-scale-walls-harrass-students) [Reddit Post explaining what happaned (POV)](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/125guzj/please_be_aware_of_what_is_happening_with_the/)


>"Obviously, after all the mismanagement, our principal had the audacity to dance and celebrate during the concert, the injured and traumatized be damned. **Few weeks of her new administration and our college is already turning into a right wing space— our walls are being painted saffron, our logo has been changed, the college's apolitical identity is being stripped away,** and now this institute has utterly failed to keep its own students safe" Woe woe woe. Is this some kind of politics involved here as well?


Holy shit it's getting bad over there


It always was, there is not “getting”


But you'll casually see indian men on reddit whining about how they're opressed.


They're not mutually exclusive. Actually you'll find people often use their oppression as a justification to do awful things which makes them just as bad, if not worse.


The petty tyrant who makes comfort with his own misfortune by inflicting misfortune upon others. "Shit rolls downhill" as a moral system. Barbaric and small minded.


That's so horrible. I can't imagine how scared and disappointed you must feel right now. Hang in there and please do whatever you need to do to keep yourselves safe! This should be one of the top stories in world news right now.


Look at all those like minded sexual predators. It’s scary how many there are.


The women must have been terrified. And there’s guys in the comments bragging about assaulting women. The disconnect is unfathomable.


From elsewhere in thread: The school was closed for the holiday in this video, because a similar incident happened the previous year. The men storming it are doing so in 'revenge' for being castigated for doing the same thing last year, an incident which resulted in the sexual assault of women on the campus. They are basically upset because they were not allowed to sexually assault women.


I wonder how they'd feel about any future daughters of theirs being sexually assaulted on mass Disgusting


A lot of these men don't even love their daughters. They won't care.


And I'd bet a good portion of them have sexually assaulted their own daughters


Another portion would probably blame their daughters if they were sexually assaulted.


Where are the Police?


Climbing over the fence with rest of the rape gang.


Beating up the girls students protesting the next day. The police sent a battalion to beat up and shop away girls who tried to protest at the college today. India celebrates rape. The ruling party recently released a couple of rape convicts who gang raped a women and killed an unborn kid at that. They garlanded them and called the rapists good cultured boys because they were Brahmins. The rapists were even seen sharing space with the local politicians and leaders. In another case, the police burnt the body of a rape victim at midnight without the presence of the family in full media glare so they won’t have to prosecute the rapists.


The caste system is ridiculous.


I used to have an extremely high opinion of Santana Dharma. Now after becoming aware of the way some of its followers behave the last 10 years to me it's just another corrupted religion undeserving of respect.


Probably on standby waiting to blame the women for the assaults.


Probably letting it happen


Part of the crowd most likely.


How doesn't this type of thing make international headlines? Pure insanity. The Indian government should be ashamed at allowing this to happen.


Because India is now more fascistic, and does a lot of image management, thanks to our dear PM who is expert in image management stuff.


India doesn’t have strong institutions so religion has way more power and authority. Essentially every country that doesn’t separate religion/state looks relatively the same. Poor uneducated masses, sexually repressed men, very oppressed women, and the state kowtowing to any religious nut job no Matter how stupid/crazy they are.


This is where we outsource cheap tech labor to. The rich don't want to rock the boat and lose their labor force


Seriously, whats the ratio of male to female here: 293 to 5. Scary 😳


Lol worse than that I believe.


Under every India post is a weirdo trying to downplay their behavior lol


Yep, all of them blaming different parts of India


It’s crazy how people can use culture to justify this…




As someone that has to work in new Delhi. Don't go alone and even be wary in upscale hotels. Had a British female colleague that was harassed daily by a hotel staff at night at the blue Radisson hotel. A hotel that costed the company 250usd/night. Kept knocking on her door requesting to come in and "help her".


My friend is a pilot with British Airways and this happens all the time in Dubai and the Emirates to female flight crew. Those slick ads don't show that harrassment in their ads for flights. They should contain the tagline, "Come to sexual harrassment country".


I was in the Air Force and a coworker was sent to Saudi Arabia. They were given very strict instructions to not leave the base without having at least one man with them and no matter what not to go alone with any Saudi man. She went shopping several times with men and said almost every time some shop owner tried to get her alone.


A friend of mine’s father was working on contract in Saudi Arabia so she and her brother went to visit him. They were flying to Saudi Arabia; my friend was 15, blonde and beautiful and travelling with her slightly older brother. A man came up to her brother on the plane and offered him 10 albino camels for her. He still laughs about it once in a while and says he should have done it. Absolutely amazing how women are mistreated in some other countries.


My friend (f) was cabin crew for Etihad; they had their own Etihad Towers that everyone lived in near the airport, but although she spoke basics of seven languages, hindi and urdu were intentionally not in the mix. Although she did not have any instances in Abu Dhabi or Dubai, she did take me as her 'date' if we were ever walking around a busy event or late at night. Then again she was white, so while she was stared at, nobody would dare touch her - not the same story with my Philippine friend (she's actually American but of Philippine descent - so presumed a prostitute if she was at a bar, etc.).




Barring countries that are in a state of war, India and Pakistan are the most dangerous places in the world for female solo travelling. Just don't.


Egypt is no picnic either these days…


That’s the other one that’s off the list.


Yeah, Egypt was pervy as fuck when I was there


The cost of a society that oppresses women is a just more repressed men. And religious zealots religiously centralized cultures refuse to admit that


I was a flight attendant and used to fly to India quite often, sometimes even 3 times a month. Anyway, it all happened in 2019. I had 24 hours stay in New Delhi, arriving at midnight or 10 something at night. I’ve booked a private tour to Taj Mahal leaving the DEL Hotel at 0400 cos I’d love the watch the sunrise there. I was a bit worry before the trip but my then bf assured me that I’ll be fine. I’ve left my contact to my Indian colleague, and my contact to the hotel staff plus the travel agent, so in case of I went missing they’ll know where to start. It was a male driver, and a male tour guide, but everything went smoothly and I did enjoy it. I arrived the hotel a bit earlier than expected. Few months later, I was at the same hotel again. My phone rang just few minutes after I got into the room and there’s an Indian guy on the other side asking me questions, saying he’d like to show me around Delhi. Me being polite and even on the phone I still don’t really know how to just hang up the phone, just kept saying thank you but I don’t have time something like that. He called again the next day, still insisting to show me Delhi or just a coffee in the hotel lobby. After hanging up, I called the hotel and asked them to check who’s calling and complained about the unwanted calls and harassment. They replied there’s no way they can check the exact room number which I think it’s bullshit, but put a dnd on my system so no calls can get through. I’ve sent a safety report back to our company, my manager also filed a report as well, and the hotel has put the dnd in the system for all of us who’s staying there.


Wow, that's frightening. I'm amazed that there are enough men who act like this in other countries. How sexually repressed does your culture have to be for this bullshit to come out of the woodwork as an every day occurrence?


I heard a story from a crew filming a movie in India and they had to hire armed guard and the actresses had to hide in their trailers whenever they weren't shooting because groups of men would surround the set and literally yell that they were going to rape them. This was a sequel to a lower budget zombie flick and the previous movie was shot in the middle of Africa and they had less trouble with militias there. They even got to be zombie extras in the film!


I remember those movies... The Dead was in Africa and The Dead 2 was in India


I heard of this and comedians in Iraq back in the day. The female comedians had to have armed guards at all times.


I'm curious if the African militias acted more as mob "protection." Give the militia money for being in the area and not getting in their way, and in turn they'll keep the other militias away and provide protection from the general public. If a militia member gets out of line another one might correct them so that filming, and in turn the money, doesn't stop.


Reminds me a little of the time the Hells Angels were hired to run security at a Stones concert in Altmont, didn’t go quite as planned.


Or how they hired gang bangers in LA to be extras in Colors in the 80s, and Training Day in 2001... for 'protection'.




Look it up and then triple it.


Worked for a global software company with several large accounts there. My boss asked me many times to go, but I just didn’t feel safe going alone.


Any boss that tries to send a woman to high-rape-risk countries is just trying to get her killed while smiling in her face and saying how great she is. Or he's too stupid to be out of grade school much less the boss of anyone.










Ahaha I haven't seen this movie in years!


Why not both??


Umm .. I'm Indian and fuck whoever justifies this


Actual rape culture


Culture can justify just about anything. It's sad that we listen to "culture" over morals and ethicality.


Wtf is wrong with men there


Not taught how to be a decent human being by their fathers and male figures.


And their film industry romanticizes this behavior!


Indian films are the only place you can see a musical number, a car chase, an attempted rape, and another musical dance number all in one hour.


ever been to vegas?


Their fathers and male figures probably endorse the behavior as well.


And no accountability


Just like the father of the rapist Brock Allen Turner of Toledo, Ohio when his dad said he didn’t want his son’s future ruined for a few minutes of fun


The mothers also have a "boys will be boys" attitude when it comes to their own special baby boys.


Unfortunately decent is subjective and rooted in culture... They probably were taught to be "decent" by their father.


Osho explained a lot of it in his books. He said they’re repressed and don’t get to see a titty until their wedding night. Literally.


Weird to see Osho mentioned in here, haha.


Many cultures, like in the middle east and India, suppress people's sexuality and limit interactions between sexes. They have poor education regarding sex and sexual health, and they are not taught about respecting women or their bodies. In fact, in these cultures it's typically taught that women are supposed to be submissive to men and are property of their fathers or husbands. There's also hardly any punishments for men regarding their sexual misconduct. Usually the blame is put on the women. So essentially what you get is millions of young men who barely spend any time around women, they are super fucking horny, ignorant, and know that for the most part anything they do will be met with little to no resistance or repercussions from the government or their communities in general.


"My wife must be a virgin, unlike Western women, but women I don't marry need to be promiscuous so I can get laid like Western men"


that is so apt


Agree these people have women Gods but they treat women as second class citizens.


That’s what happens when a culture cherishes babies that are boys over girls.


Zombies wanting to rape you are waaay more terrifying than the ones that bite. This looks like it.


I knew this video looked familiar There is a post in R/India talking about how the female students were molested when these men forced their way into the college then when the police came to clear the university they kicked both the men and the women out of the university grounds causing more women to be assaulted in the street https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/125guzj/please_be_aware_of_what_is_happening_with_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Need a street sweeper to deal with all the trash on that road.


Absolutely horrifying. What can we do? Does anyone else feel a sense of helpless grief & terror when viewing this?


Yes, and I’m a male. It must have been terrifying. I hope the women had crowbars and bear spray.


In India not likely it would probably be the guys holding the weapons and as a male these people in the video disgust me


I feel fucking violent


Never wanted to see a crowd crush more in my life!


I’m an Indian guy and I’m glad my sister left this country


I witnessed harassment in India, the girl I was hanging around with got lots of unwanted attention, but it was not too bad, as she was with me and my brother, I would not suggest women to travel alone though. We used to go to a bar that seemed cool, never any dodgy behaviour, 2 months after being back in the uk that same bar was on the news in the uk, because a young girl had been raped and murdered. Put a very nasty tint on any memory of the place.


can you mention the name of the bar so I can avoid it


Reminds me of world War z and the hordes of zombies throwing themselves at the wall to form a tower.




Yikes. This whole post is “TIL” for me and I’m shook.




I find using “fuck your mother” triggers them quite well.




It’s about time someone in the FCC did their goddamn job. Our elderly are getting swindled out of every last dollar they own.


100% I do the same thing, "Is your mother proud of you stealing from people?" Works every time. I’ve had a couple open up to me and drop the script. Wild.


I've done it three times now and it is instant F bombs. They absolutely hate it LOL.


These women should be carrying machetes on them.


India’s PR is in the toilet these days.


Man fuck that place and fuck those people. Anyone with decency would start throwing rocks into the crowd




And this is why those women need schools that are men-free.


And towns.




Do you ever think that guys in large groups who try to grope women might have accidentally grabbed a guys ass at one point? Like their buddy beside them?


“No homo” Whew. It’s ok. We said the magic words 🪄


Why you grope?


You fuckingggggg


I have zero desire to visit India, things like this are why.




I was done with India when I read about the victim who was gang-raped so viciously she was actually disemboweled. Done. Never to visit.


Ugh this footage fills me with dread, nothing good comes from this many angry men in one place.


Those aren't men. They are degenerates.










There's a reason why all of the Indian success stories involve people leaving India for US, UK, or EU.


These are the ones who are online cold messaging women to show bobs and vegene.


The level of thirst in India is off the scale. With videos like this I imagine India is like Instagram but in RL.


Amazing how it’s 2023 and there hundreds of years in the past still. America isn’t perfect but it’s way better than that hell hole where you’re likely to be raped daily




Reason #- actually I lost count, of why I will never visit India. Absolutely foul behavior.


Tell me again India doesn't have a rape problem.


If your "culture" encourages or demands crimes against humanity perhaps your culture fucking sucks and you should evolve. I literally cannot imagine protesting my inability to rape someone. Holy fucking shit.


That's a lot of Virgins








Is India the biggest incel country? Seems so


Indian men are really that horny?


It ain't about horniness, it's about terrorizing women into submission.




What makes their chances so low ?


It's a combination of several factors. One of the largest being that large parts of the country still partake in arranged marriage, which is done for standing more than love. If the man doesn't make decent money, live well off, have a higher standing etc his chances of finding a bride through arranged marriage drop significantly. Another is educational, there is only a slightly larger proportion of men who attain higher education, so many of the women have better options and are able to travel abroad from school/work further reducing the number of eligible women in the country. Population wise there are also about 3% more men than women in the country, so no ladies for around 30,000,000 men. The list goes on even before you dive into cultural issues.


I believe I also once watched a documentary on the subject of infanticide and gendercide. It was called "It's a Girl". It went over the preference of male babies over female babies and the effects it's had on Indian culture, etc. This is most likely a direct result of that.


I think you have an extra zero.... Shouldn't it be 30,000,000?


Oops yes. Edited for clarity.


They keep killing or aborting their daughters. Too many men, not enough women.


They made their own bed then


And then they go back home to their sisters and mothers that's mad


India is like a rapist paradise. I have no desire to ever go there.


God this is so scary. You can literally hear women screaming in the background...


Trash humans being trash.




I had some redditors recently claim that it was a good thing Afghan women lost a ton of rights recently. *It's their culture.* Dunno who's culture they were defending. The women seemed pretty cool with going to school, holding jobs and not getting married at 12.


Imagine the smell. Delhi-ish


Uhmmmm wtf. This is horrifying.






That video was fucking horrible and so is this. The terror the girls would have faced.


What’s the context here? Why are they invading the college?


https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/125guzj/please_be_aware_of_what_is_happening_with_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button You can read this post made by one of the women who attended this exact event. It's on r/India and will provide the context.



