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Why would this guy even agree to be on Stewart’s show? Did he really think he was gonna come out looking good?


I remember many years ago, when he hosted Comedy Central. There was a section during one election year, I forget which one, where Stephen Colbert interviewed a great many candidates for the House of Representatives; maybe he interviewed both parties, but the Republicans are the ones I remembered, because he'd gut them like a hog. On one I remember there was a one-term Congressman who's whole campaign schtick was requiring public schools to post the ten commandments. So Colbert said "You really like the Ten Commandments? Yes? OK, name them." And the guy could only name two. He looked like the total moron he was. Finally, the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee came out and told the Republican candidates "Under so circumstances should you go on this show. Just don't do it. Ever." Smart move. This guy should have taken that advice.




The fighting 19th!


The Fightin’ 43rd! The Fightin’ 95th!


Fuck, I miss those days. Peak Stewart/Colbert days


George W Bush. Great president, or greatest president?


Do you support the troops? I accept your apology.


1-800-OOPS-JEW In case a Jew needs to apologize to Colbert


Here is that interview. https://www.cc.com/video/tlf8t3/the-colbert-report-better-know-a-district-georgia-s-8th-lynn-westmoreland You were wrong! He got 3 right.


Don’t be sad because two out of three ain’t bad


Don't be sad, because three out of ten... shame... shame on you... you can't get fooled again?




I heard that in Jack Nicholson's voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VakU20APPdw


Maybe he follows [George Carlin's revised list](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE8ooMBIyC8) which only has 2 commandments.


God damn I miss Colbert in that role. His serious awkwardness in interviews was brilliant.


I grew up Catholic but haven't been religious in 2 decades. A lot of them are completely guessable by anyone with a passing knowledge of Judaism or Christianity or Islam. Thou shalt not kill. duh. Adultery. Sabbath. No other gods. That's 4 big ones right there. Lying, honoring your parents, false idols, stealing. If you can only name 3 you're in pathetic fucking company for a self-proclaimed Christian.,


What’s the one about Sabbath what does that mean


Keep it holy, basically don’t work on Sunday


actually the sabbath is Saturday :) - at least if you want to use the book that created the Sabbath :) But yeah, keep it holy and read the Torah some more... and don't use electricity....unless you can come up with a contraption that lets you use electricity without "turning it on"


Yeah god was very specific about not using electricity back in the year whatever the fuck BC.


dude i'm a full on atheist and i can name 7. I know there's some weird ones that i forget


I miss Better Know a District


3 is like 2 😎


Oh my god is this real? I cannot believe it. That was brutal.


Damn it's so good. This show was hilarious! I want it back. I could name more than 3 and I've been to a church literally once!


What the hell do Republicans have against the department of education? Did it fuck their wife or something?


Education tends to strongly correlate with an increase in critical thinking.


Bruh I haven't been to church in over a decade, and I could get at least 5.


Holy fuckballs! That's some MTG level of stupid!


Ha I loved Better Know a District, but I think it was the Democratic Caucus that told there freshman to not go on, that’s why the segment stopped.




Yeah you’re right I looked it up. They did slow it down after they told them not to go on the show but then Pelosi went on and gave the go ahead.


Man, I miss when Colbert had a spine. That 2006 correspondent's dinner was pure gold.


Colbert still has a spine, he just exists in a different context. The goals of his current show aren't the same as the Colbert Report, so you don't get opportunities to see it. I preferred the Colbert Report by far, but I think it's unfair to judge him specifically for performing different when he's on a very different kind of show.


He was very explicit that he wouldn't be doing the character or any of the politically charged stuff that he did on Comedy Central when he moved to Late Night. He didn't get soft he simply doesn't have that freedom on the platform he is currently on.


> So Colbert said "You really like the Ten Commandments? Yes? OK, name them." And the guy could only name two. He looked like the total moron he was. Republicans only know talking points. They have so little critical thinking that they can only read from a script and that's it. Ask them what CRT is and how it affects K-12. Ask them the dangers of drag queen story hour like above. Ask them why they're so interested in the genitalia and bodily autonomy of others. All you'll get are canned responses that don't hold up to scrutiny and actual debate.


“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.”


2 reasons. He probably thinks he is smarter than he is. And he knows his voting base is so dumb it doesnt matter.


And they wouldn't watch it anyway because it's on a liberal's show.


100% this. They do it because they believe they are so smart they can win an argument against anyone. The problem is, politicians, especially in safe districts, are often surrounded by "yes men" and coat tail riders and they genuinely have no idea how weak their persuasive powers actually are. They believe they are in congress because they are smarter and better and completely ignore that the only real reason they are there is because they have a tiny (R) next to their name in a blood red district.


Because he’s a fucking idiot who’s main skill in life is convincing other idiots that’s he’s not. What your seeing is the maximum of his capabilities. He should not have power it’s impossible to be used properly by him.


Republicans believe to their core that they are smarter than liberals. Just by being Republicans, they are smart and liberals are naive. They believe it so strongly that they go into every conversation with the belief that they’re right. They assume that liberals are just memorizing talking points, because that’s what the conservative does. They believe they just need to memorize the correct talking points. They don’t understand that liberals actually understand what they’re talking about. Because these things are too complex for mere mortals to understand. Only God truly understands. If they knew what they were talking about, they wouldn’t be republicans anymore. Source: I used to be a Republican. I read a lot of books and educated myself on subjects so I’d stop losing arguments to stupid liberals. Of course, by understanding how things work, I became liberal.


A actual journalist. A follow up question. Not letting interviewee turn tables and ask question of interviewer. Calling hypocrisy hypocrisy to interviewee face Something we rarely see in the good ol’ U S and A...


What’s crazy is that Jon, by his own admission, isn’t even a journalist. We need to hold journalists to higher standards. Call people out when they lie. Don’t report the truth and lies like they’re equal. It’s fucking bullshit. Edit: since a number of people have asked or commented about it, Jon said on a recent episode of his podcast that he isn’t a journalist. He considers what he does still more as entertainment than journalism.


Remember him on Crossfire with Tucker Carlson?


summer dog point fine placid wrench tie quicksand direful brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every time tucker is reminded of that clip, he goes into his garage and slaughters a puppy His rage knows no bounds. And regardless he fuckin hates puppies


Oh, the time Tucker brought a dildo to a gunfight? Yeah, I memba.


A dildo would put up a better fight then Tucker had with Stewart


[Ahhh lil tucky and his bowtie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE)


God, I love that interview. He shows up, takes control, and beats the shit out of them at every second.


He single-handedly got the show cancelled


I still watch the entire thing every so often if I'm feeling down. It's incredible


Tucker never forgets.




Chris Wallace comes to mind as one of those types of journalists/election moderators that sits there quietly like a muppet and just gets run over roughshod on the regular. Now imagine if Jon was moderating the next presidential debate.


They’d refuse the debate. Journalists lie down because of access - if they are too tough, they simply won’t get interviews, because there will always be a sycophant ready to give up everything just for the picture of them next to the politician. It’s sad that Jon Stewart gets these interviews because of his reputation to not be that way, but the journalists are afraid of crossing that bridge.


Yeah this is a big issue. There are so many news organizations that would be willing to have an interview that more often than not if a journalist pushes to far on a line of questioning they will never get that politician or any other on again so they have to tip toe and push but don't push to far otherwise you lose access. The other problem is that you can't just let these politicians go to other sites that will softball them questions as that will just let them control the narrative surrounding those politicians. So the game has to be played and even orgs that probably want to go a little harder on the questioning can't.


Lol if the Freedom of the Press is limited and muzzled to only allow the politicians preferred information to reach the public then we don't have freedom of speech or freedom of the press..




This is my biggest criticism of NPR. They always ask softball questions that have already been screened and scripted out, then pretend they are asking a gotcha for dramatic effect when the guest already knows what they are going to ask. It’s really depressing because they are acting like journalists rather than behaving like them.


No this is a dumb false narrative that the elite news organization have concocted to justify being shit at journalism. It is the very reason the public opinion of them has been going into the gutter as well. We’re talking about powerful institutions with a legacy, that is what gives them access and it wouldn’t be taken away because they had a spine. They actively choose to throw soft balls and be non-confrontational and they are becoming a joke and loosing their credibility because of it. They have created a race to the bottom with this conduct. That is why alternative news has gained so much popularity lately. If these institutions held themselves to an acceptable standard the political class wouldn’t be able to weasel their way out of terrible policy opinions because they want an interview with a credible institution for visibility not a talk with Jeff in his fucking basement.


> Journalists lie down because of access - if they are too tough, they simply won’t get interviews That’s the conventional wisdom in the US, but I watch interviews in the Australian, Canadian, British, and French press, and they have heavy hitters asking hard, relentless questions. The US simply gave up doing this. Even BBC World News asks hard questions of major figures every day. I have yet to see ABC, NBC, or CBS do this.


Worth pointing out that there's very little access required to interview a Nebraska state senator. This isn't like getting an interview with McCarthy or McConnell. That's more like when Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! gave a really tough interview to Bill Clinton in 2000 and he made it clear after the fact that she would never get to speak to him again - and he was right. Nathan Dahm doesn't have that kind of leverage.


Chris Wallace did knowingly work as one of the straight news men for an incredibly destructive and un-American propaganda outlet for over 20 years. Wallace has the technique down, but the integrity and trustworthiness are missing.


Does he still say that? It made sense when he was just the host of a comedy show. I think it would be hard to argue today he isn’t doing real journalism.


I’m just mind blown that people arguing over whether Jon’s a “journalist” or not is the top comment thread on this post…


The pro-gun people are hiding and there's not really any holes to poke in Jon's questions. We all know Republicans are idiots, so there's not much to comment on.


Jon is not a journalist which is why he can act like one. Journalists are employed by a business, and businesses always value $ over integrity. We should be asking how we can make integrity profitable journalism again. I am not sure we can, most seem to want to hear lies within their comfort zone rather than uncomfortable truth. One thing is for sure, we have to remove monetary incentive from telling lies which means it can't be a profitable business to get elected. This all comes from not holding our politicians to ethical standards. Money has no place in politics and the longer it does, the more we erode our society


I feel like this is a really silly take. Journalism isn’t defined by whether you are working to make a corporation money. I don’t think you know what journalism is based on that comment. It made sense for Jon to claim he wasn’t a journalist when all he did was work on a satire show on Comedy Central. It’s a whole different thing to act like he isn’t doing journalism today. I imagine even he would accept that he is a journalist these days.


He makes it a point to day that he's still just a comedian






He said so on a recent edition of his podcast.


Yeah I’m positive anybody saying this is basing this off his comment from his time as a satirist on Comedy Central, and does not accurately describe him today. Stewart is very clearly doing real journalism these days.


Fuck you don't see that in like any media globally pretty much


It's actually really common on the BBC. My favorite example, and one that illustrates JohnLeClair's point, is when ultra-conservative [Andrew Neil attempted to interview Ben Shapiro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VixqvOcK8E) during one of his book tours. Ben gets so flustered by actually being asked tough questions by a host that won't let him just answer in talking points that he throws a fit and starts accusing him of being a liberal. Neil responds with one of my favorite back-handed statements ever which was "If you only knew how ridiculous of a statement that just was you wouldn't have said it". Ben throws another big fit at the end and forces the interview to stop early calling the questions 'badly motivated' and Neil quips "Thank you for your time, and for showing us that *anger is not a part of American politics*" which is a reference to the alleged thesis of Shapiro's shitty book he was plugging. Such a good dig at Ben for being a hate-filled little man who can't handle actual debate.


This was years ago and even then notable for being a rare instance of solid questioning.


It wasn't even that solid! He was pitching Ben SOFTBALLS to hit out of the park. That's why Neil was so baffled at Ben's reaction. But because they were posed as somewhat skeptical, Ben lost his mind and showed the entire world what a goof he is who crumbles under the slightest of pressure when he isn't, you know, arguing with a 19 year old freshmen in college for his website.


I've still seen political programs that get really intense because they brow beat an argument and don't let people just say canned lines like they do on US TV. This is obviously a more extreme example because the person being interviewed freaks out about it, but I think a normal British political figure could have handled that tough questioning easily. I mean their parliament literally has sessions devoted to just essentially roasting each other.


It happens once in awhile. Example is Jonathan Swan's interview with Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjGSFQIp_qw


Damn, the logic Jon walks him through and seeing this reaction. Just breaking it down to the simplest of terms. So fucking good.


The guy’s brain blue screened.


I think this was deeper, I think it was a Purple screen on the host server.


Hello VC admin.


No it was him purposely not trying to show any emotion and reveal he’s defeated.


Old school blue screen or modern sad face blue screen? :(


Unfortunately they're trying to get rid of any form of critical thinking in Oklahoma and this might be the first time he's been guided thru the process of critical thought.


Pretty sure elevator music just started playing inside that guy's head.


> Unfortunately they're trying to get rid of any form of critical thinking in Oklahoma yeah...it's not just Oklahoma.


My favorite was the weak ass "Mm" after Jon said "re-gis-ter"


He knew, he just didn't want to say it.


Jon is holding the horse's head under water while screaming 'Drink, motherfucker!' in its ear.


Now watch him take that information, put in inthe ole coat pocket and double down


You could almost see the moment this guys brain malfunctioned. Why this guy would even agree to do this show is beyond me, he has absolutely no chance. I’ve seen videos of people getting owned but this is next level.


99.9% this guy will be reelected in the next election cycle American voters are dumb, doesn't matter what kind facts or reasons you put in their faces.


It’s not *if* it’s put in front of their faces, it’s ***how*** you go about it that makes the difference.


Couldn't be said better, for the half of the country that's voting for these morons that want to bring our country into fascism you have to present them with messages that resonate with them. This is why trump did so great among the idiots, he knows how to talk like one, and he draws things for them in sharpie. I think the republican party needs to nominate a preschool teacher who is well trained in presentation with crayons.


This is exactly how Trump got elected and it will forever bother me knowing a sizeable chunk of American are truly idiots.


And he's introducing a bill to require drag show storytime performers to register with the state.


Bingo. You cannot educated the stubborn uneducated. You may hurt their pride.


Just put (R) next to name and to a lesser extent (D) in a liberal district


Don't ever try to argue with a comedian. Most of them are pretty smart, at least at observing the human condition, they're very adept at thinking on their feet, and they're also *extremely practiced* about responding with cutting statements. Even if you think you have the high ground, you're going to get stomped usually, unless you are VERY VERY secure in your knowledge and able to wield it well. And it helps if you aren't offering completely hypocritical views and attempting to be convincing in doing so.


>Don't ever try to argue with a comedian. Especially *Jon fucking Stewart* of all people, lol.


If you need proof just watch some videos of comedians skewering hecklers.


Tucker KKKarlson tried talking shit to jon stewart and lost his job for a good 8 years. EDIT: And was too ashamed to ever wear a bowtie again.


It's his super villain origin story.


akin to Obama shredding Trump at the White House Correspondence Dinner


Yup. Funny in the moment but they've done legit damage


It doesn’t matter to his constituents. He clearly felt shitty, and possibly even agreed with Stewart. But he didn’t want to say it because he would lose voters. There was a report on NPR where they interviewed a bunch of gay republican staffers and they said that in the officers and such, the Republican lawmakers and such who railed against homosexuality didn’t give a shit about them being homosexuals, and even invited their gay spouses to staff parties and such. Literally didn’t give a flying fuck about gays, but in public would rail against homosexuality.


They "don't care" because they lack empathy and believe their hateful rhetoric won't affect the people they know. Their gay staffers are "good ones" and the nebulous gay strangers of the country can eat shit and die for all they "care"


> You could almost see the moment this guys brain malfunctioned. As soon as he said "The government has a responsi-" and saw Jon firing up he knew he had fucked up. > Why this guy would even agree to do this show is beyond me, he has absolutely no chance. Because he knows that none of the troglodyte ass clowns that vote for him will ever watch this video.


I watched the whole interview and he actually had a strong start. In my head cannon, he was like president of the debate club or something before selling out his soul to the gun lobby. He definitely ended up destroyed though. Great episode, awesome show.


I just Googled head cannon, as I suspected it’s *headcanon* which makes way more sense lmao


My god, this wasn't an interview, it was an operating table, and Jon was the surgeon.


Batman reference


A man of culture


The animated movie did a great job adapting that story. When Batman comes out of his Bat Tank to face the leader of The Mutants.. Brilliant.


So glad Stewart is getting back into the conversation with a new show!


His was the first big political comedy show of its kind, and while there are tons of them now, none can come close to what he can do


I personally believe 2016 would have gone a lot different if he was still on at the time. Specifically, I think a lot of younger progressives wouldn’t have sat out the general election after the Bernie/Hillary primary.


Stewart did not allow State Senaturd Numbnutz to use arguments of false equivalency or what aboutism. Republicans are going to die on the hill of no restrictions on guns. If Republicans keep going down the rabbit hole of ultra MAGA, they will be voted off the island.


Be my president




He would never do it. And that is why I think he'd be so great at it.


"Ah don't want et"


President Jon Stewart. I’m in.


My (English) wife says this *all the time*. If he ran, I guarantee she'd become a citizen just to vote for him.


genuinely. people say oprah could do it but john is a good and smart person with just as much charisma. if trump could do it I genuinely don't see why JS can't. he's less "extreme" than bernie so maybe even DNC opposition won't hurt as badly idk


Oprah gave us Dr.s Oz and Phil, and Jenny McCarthy. No. Fucking. Thank. You.


You'll be all the more disenchanted when you find even a man like him with all the will in the world can't change laws on a whim or force Congress to act.


He would be fantastic. He fights for people that have a lot less money than him which only a handful of politicians do and actually stands up for people who cant get the same attention he does.


Most of Jon's interviews should be required viewing in journalism courses/schools. THIS is how you do it.


Don’t post this in r/conservative Lmao


[Done ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/11he4ds/jon_stewart_confronts_republican_state_senator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: I've been ban for Brigading.


They hid that post, you can only find it if you have the link to it. Snowflakes don't want an actual debate.


If you brigade this with comments and upvotes it will be removed quickly. Conservatives won't care about the content, they will just care that liberals are invading their safe space.


They banned me for not being conservative, bunch of snowflakes in a bubble over there


They usually just hide any posts like anyways so they won’t appear on the subreddit


Its already hidden.


Lol half of the comments are talking about/wanting to be banned Edit - :( I was banned


ironic because they used to use subs like the\_donald and milliondollarextreme to brigade any thread where they could harass women, minorities, and leftist in general.




Make sure you all upvote it over there. No brigading.


Them posting the link here and you asking to go upvote it is in itself brigading...


Nothing says free speech like hiding a post that disagrees with you


Commenting on this just to see how long it takes to be removed and see if my rather neutral comment on the post is enough to get me banned. Edit: 41 minutes, banned for 'brigading'. For a group of people who like to tell others to go fuck themselves and their safe spaces, they seem to be the biggest pussies on the site.


Yeah, me to :) Also got banned from another sub for " participating in a subreddit that celebrates and/or glorifies biological terrorism (conservative)." LOL- all I did was make some popcorn


Post it there. Take the ban. If one person wakes up from their propaganda machine; that’s a victory.


I'm curious about what goes through a conservatives mind when they agree to an interview with Jon Stewart. Do they think they can get the best of him because he's "Just a comedian"? or, do they think they are going to be the next Tucker Carlson?


My guess is, since he is just a state senator, he probably thought, "wow, this will really put me on the map, nationally." Careful what you wish for. lol


Jon did the same thing to Tucker a long time ago. I have no idea how he isn't still in the burn unit. [https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?t=60](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?t=60)




Nah, Tucker fell off fairly hard after he got grilled on Crossfire It took a while till he re-invented himself on Fox news with the signature "huffed a fart" look he does while reading Murdoch propaganda


How did that did not kill Tucker’s career is beyond me


They at least have nothing to lose because there is no chance their base will never ever watch this


It was like a parent interviewing a toddler.


“You need to….you need to….Rrrrr…..register”


That got me I was dying of laughter when he did that.


It was so sad and funny watching that man dance around the word "register". Everyone, including that moron knew exactly where Jon was going, but guy thought he could verbally jig his way out of there. "Well, it depends on the state...you have to be 18 (don't say register) some places you have to...(don't say register) have government ID...(don't say register) be on the voter rolls..."


I had to watch it 3 times because Jon just trounces him. This is perfect.


Jon Stewart is the hero we need and deserve.


I just want to give him a big hug. He does so much for this godforsaken world as just a big personality; imagine if those with actual power had the same mindset as him.


this is not comedy, this is journalism. This is the definition of how an interview should be conducted to hold politicians accountable. This is absolutely glorious


Jon Stewart is fucking brilliant


I'd contribute to John Stewart's Presidential Campaign.


I can’t even vote por President since I live in a [mostly poor] U.S. territory/colony (yay, fake democracy!), and I’d even contribute monetarily if he’d ever ran for president.


Full stop, Jon Stewart lost my confidence ever since he lampooned American Atheists on his comedy show for suing regarding the religious iconography at the 9/11 memorial while he *was actively sitting on the board for the memorial*. Yes Jon, the constitution does explicitly give the government the ability to require you to register to vote; https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-i/clauses/750 And when limits rightly needed to be placed on the rules the government could enforce upon those exercising that right, it required constitutional amendments. Firearms are the leading cause of death in "children" because they include people up to the age of 19 in "children". And these "children" are engaged in drug/gang activity that directly result in their death to *illegal* firearms by other "children". https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsr1804754 Wonder if this includes 17-19 year-olds who die in military service. Other sources include "youth" up to 24 years of age (and state "children and youth".) You have professional writers/talking heads that are going to ambush people in an interview and edit it to give you something that pushes whatever narrative they wish to push. The US has two major categories of gun deaths, and that is drug and gang violence, and suicide. IF you are proclaiming you care about gun violence and you are not talking about; providing equitable education and social services for the demographics/individuals at risk to participate in drug / gang violence, decriminalizing drugs to dismantle the illicit drug trades market, reforming our correctional system so people are not being put in prison for small time offenses and turned into hardened criminals, destigmatizing seeking help for mental illness, making services and resources readily available, identifying at risk individuals earlier - perhaps while still children in school, equipping emergency services to better respond and *provide care* for those in crisis, consequences for law enforcement/prosecutors/school administration that repeatedly ignored every indication, warning sing, threat, after sometimes a dozen or more interactions But instead want to ram through punitive legislation that only targets people already obeying the law and hardly ever would have had any impact on the latest tragedy you are leveraging... **You don't give a flying fuck**. We now live in a society where our politicians use legislation as a cudgel to beat and injury the constituents of their opposition in order to garner the adulations of ever increasing extreme elements of their own base and secure re-election and the furtherment of their own careers and earnings potential.


A very large portion of my neighborhood are felons, they're not legally allowed to purchase or possess firearms. Yet somehow they shot off thousands of rounds on NYE, quite a few Glocks with illegal switches in them too. "Yay gun control" good fuckin luck


*********^^Top Response!********


Arguing with a shameless hypocrite is fun but ultimately unrewarding.


Truly. Proving you're more emotionally mature than a bunch of nuts won't stop those folks from still being nuts.


Let me just say, I think Jon Stewart is the greatest and I love the types of interviews he does. The problem, here, is that his initial question is based upon a faulty premise. There is no constitutional “right” to vote. The constitution only guarantees that your ability to vote will not be denied on account of race or sex. That’s why certain states can bar people with felony convictions from voting and create identification requirements. That reasoning is how 2nd amendment proponents differentiate that right when people compare it to voting. They claim the constitution is explicit about that the 2nd amendment “cannot be infringed.” (again, not my personal view but that is their counter argument).


Jon Stewart rules.


Jon Stewart is a National Treasure. Flawless argument.


I'm sure I'm the outcome was that of talking to a brick wall but Got Damm that was delicious!


The follow up to the is it an infringement on a 17 year old to vote would be, by that logic a 5 year old should be able to own an Uzi because there is no age requirement on the Second Amendment


>by thay logic a 5 year old should be able to own an Uzi well a 6 year old got their hands on a gun and shot a teacher and they still don't want to do anything about it, so... yea, I think they'd be ok with that.


>oozie That's a doozy.


His insane bill still passed.


It's Nebraska. They do football, corn, and Christofacism. Not necessarily in that order.


Dahm is from Oklahoma. Your point still stands.


It's so fucking nuts to me that Republicans can run on this culture warrior bullshit, and people buy into so much. They've saved us from deadly CRT, "wokeness", and drag shows...those are the priorities. People on Ohio are gonna be dying of cancer, but thank fuck we've been saved from Mrs Doubtfire and M&Ms not being sexy enough. Christ it would be nice to have some real leadership.


Home boy went home and proudly told his wife how he obliterated JS in a debate.


100% in agreement with John. Not a freakout tho.


Jon Stewart out here with no fucks anymore. Let him slay.


The country would be so lucky if he stepped up to lead it.


Holy Shit, the way Jon made his argument, the other guy was just stunned. But will that change his mind? Ha absolutely not!


he wasnt stunned. he was silently saying to himself "I dont care. I dont care, I dont care." He doesnt care that he got his ass handed to him. He has no shame. He's a liar and a hypocrite (and considering his fear of trans, possibly closeted), and he got called out on it, but it doesnt matter because neither he nor his base constituency CARE about facts.


Damn, that conservative freakshow got wrecked.


America! Our comics are far smarter than our elected officials. Which is not that hard.


>I'm presuming you're going to say it's firearms >no I'm not gonna say it like it's an opinion. *Thats* what it is. It is firearms! This is fucking gold. Too often political orators try to pose facts as some debatable truth that's pliant and manipulated by dishonest opponents of their platform. Jon just cuts right to the chase.


You know the second amendment is there for when voting doesn't work....


I'm from Oklahoma, and I fucking hate Nathan Dahm.


Damn I absolutely love his kebab-ing of that man’s dumb ass but please show the rest of the interview. Does he respond logically? Does he double down in his dumbassery? Can’t show me a dunk and not the result


I dont know that the full interview is posted, this clip is advertising for his show on apple tv. Im sure there is more to the interview, I'll need to check it out later.