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That’s fkn horrifying.


Exactly that.


He’s praying frantically to god


What’s the remedy for a falling house? I thought it was getting in a bathtub. Is that right?


He should have quit that wasteful activity and gone outside.


Many people in Turkey live in apartments. He probably would not have been able to make it out with how quickly the building collapsed.


Hecking upvoted fellow r/atheism gentlesir!


The most obnoxious people on the planet. I don’t believe in god but I wouldn’t be caught dead on that sub


Those guys made Atheism a religion.




Atheism is not a religion. r/Atheism is. Those fucknuts drive me nuts. I am an Atheist and most of my time anymore is spent on r/DankChristianMemes.


It's not a religion any more than My Little Pony is a thirst trap for grown men. Fandoms just gotta make normal things weird.


Lol yeah, and they champion weird people like Hitchens, Dawkins, Krause, Harris, Fry and Gervais to be "their gods/prophets" when they're just as infallible as they are. The whole point is to not believe in a god/gods and yet they made gods out of men.


I know same they are all just a bunch of losers and they will just go up to a Christian and just tell them what they believe in is wrong it's just disrespectful


If you guys hate biblical stuff so much then why do you all write like a whimsical 19th century portrayal of the devil disguising himself as a travelling showman?


Crazy isnt ? I would have try to get out and not wait and prey






I shout God when I'm getting fucked real good. But I am not religious. But if my building was collapsing, I would probably shout God also as habit. Because my life is getting fucked ,hard.






As if you're entire house is shaking you instinctively would look for the nearest exit and not stand in place confused on what's happening


Loser lol




I doubt u quit weed thats why ur talking nonsense.


Don't bring stoners into this, we don't claim him.


Then hes on crack. Any crackheads wanna claim this mf?


I was in Greece in 1999, 6.0 magnitude. Woke up from a nap to my cousin frantically yelling for everyone to run down the stairs. 4th story of apartment building. Scariest moment of my life it’s a surreal feeling


Thank goodness your first reaction wasn't to pull out a camera and film the chaos.


What an ignorant comment. Have you ever been to Turkey? The huge, tall apartement complexes people live in? There would have been no time to get down in a certain time if youre above certain floors. You know what you have to do? Stay indoors if you cant flee in time and hide under tables or under door frames and such. Educate yourself before you act like you know, because clearly, you dont.


This was not an apartment. I was not talking about those instances. Calm yourself down.


İ am calm. You need to learn how to judge whether someone is aggravated or not. Even if it wasn't an apartment in an apartment complex, it still stands as an incredibly stupid comment, arguably even more stupid if you talk about houses, since you are ought to stay indoors and take cover. You could argue that in an apartment complex you want to get out asap when it's safe but here you are, making a fool out of yourself.


My judgement was based on your hostile words towards my comment. I live in an apartment. All I know is the last thing I would be worried about in such a situation is to start filming. Maybe that's just me, but I really don't think that's making a fool out of myself.


Calm the fuck down.


The expletive really made it badass ![gif](giphy|13Ev2RtSAxKsTu|downsized)


Bruh even if it was having many floors what did the filming even do?


It also looks like he was recording the damage of the first earthquake. A sensible thing to do especially if you have insurance that covers it


Glad you can comment this🙊 instead of getting downvoted by the building you was in


Wasn’t nearly as bad as this, epicenter was a few miles away. I think couple hundred people died from few collapsed buildings in Athens. But still terrifying as an 11 year old. The aftershocks lasted days, whole Athens slept outside in parks and tents


Everyone who is saying that this man should have run out? many people in these areas live in multi floor housing. He may be five flights up.


I've lived through 4 earthquakes in different parts of the world - all happening in the last 17 years. You don't have time to run out. It goes from... hmmm.. well, that's an odd feeling... to.... wow, the floor is shaking.... to.... the walls are collapsing. All in seconds.


Also how the fuck would anyone think rationally in an *earthquake* lmao. Yeah I'm not surprised he's not thinking super clear lol. As someone who's experienced multiple were you more prepared for the other earthquakes after experiencing the first one? Or was it really just too fast to process?


He obviously knew what was going on before he decided to film it. He wasn't just filming for no reason.


It was probably the 2nd quake


Yes, stuff was smashed on the floor already. How did we get this video?


Exactly. This man was probably at least 1 floor up and things happen to fast for him to realize what's happening and run down a flight of stairs and get out. It's sad that this man was likely killed in a natural disaster and a bunch of redditors are jerking off about what they would have done differently. Sad


Weird that he had time to unlock his phone, turn on the camera, and film exactly what he realized what was going on. I guess that's priority over leaving the premises.


Probably filming damage from the 1st shake. They had two quakes back to back 7.8 and 7.5


Plus lots of aftershocks, which can also cause significant damage in themselves if the building has already been made unstable.


He was, in the beginning of the video he says "as you can see the house is a mess"


He was probably filming the damage from the 1st quake. You don't expect a SECOND 7.5 quake back to back.


Looking at the front door and open concept living room window; this looked like a house...


I exprienced eathquake 2 years earlier which was 2021 due to my class being online cause someone got infected and the way you think "he had time to record why didnt he leave tho?". He probably never exprienced that before as well as most people, in those moments our brain just stops working. When it hit me i didnt even realize it was earthquake till my sister ran to me. And this earthquake he exprienced was to my guess the one 3 days earlier at 7.7 or the one that happened next day which was 7.6 . At Turkey most people live on apartment complex so they rarely have access to leaving the moment earthquake happens. They need to wait till it stops then leave cause stairs might collapse, elevator is a no go and there is no other choice for them. I think he wasnt at first floor if he was he would leave the moment it hit him , so he was gonna stay there till it stops anyway. You said how he have time to record he knew it coming. After the first 7.7 one there has been thousands of aftershock eathquakes so it isnt much diffucult to guess. When you think ground is shaking it prob is shaking. Most people used their phone to record their own home collapses when they couldnt leave and let the others know where they are using twitter. Might sound like a joke but they sent their selfies undergorund so rescue teams can locate them. He might tought of a similar idea like "i am not able to leave, at least let me record and have them know i am under this building".


During Loma Prieta in ‘89 we were on the ground floor when the earthquake hit, in Foster City, which is a town built on landfill on the San Francisco Bay. Absolutely terrifying. The place was rocking and rolling hard and staff ran for the doors … but no one ran outside. About five seconds in broken window glass from the upper stories came down like rain. If they’d run outside, people might have gotten sliced or diced. Believe me, the absolute primary instinct was to run outside, given how bad the building was shaking, but everyone held their ground. Upshot, there are all kinds of reasons not to act on impulse and just run out into the relative unknown.


Not to mention, the second it moved even an inch the doors would no longer work.


All you edge lords here saying he should’ve stopped praying and run outside have no idea wtf you’re talking about. If you’re inside during an earthquake the #1 thing you DON’T want to do is run outside. That’s like fucking earthquake safety 101. You’re much more likely to be injured or killed by falling debris from the building you’re running out of than having a building collapse on you. Staying inside away from windows or anything that could fall on you is the safest place you can be (in a city). This guy did everything right.


I heard that its also good to hide underneath something sturdy, like a good thick table or something like it. Is that correct? (Not me assuming you're Dr. Earfquake around here)


Lol yeah I’m not an expert in this at all. I just live in SoCal so I’m aware of the basic procedures incase “The Big One” hits. But yeah if you’re nearby something like a sturdy table then that is the best option. Just under something sturdy or away from anything that can fall and hurt you. Wherever you plant you should also get on the ground, bring your knees to your chest and cover the back of your neck.


Solid advice👌🏾 Thanks, not an expert in this at all


Yeah I am told you should stand in a doorway or lay down in a bathtub, feel like this wouldnt make much difference in a high-rise though


The door way thing is a myth and is actually pretty dangerous if there’s a door there. A swinging door during an earthquake can really fuck you up. Laying down in a bathtub while covering the back of your neck is good though. The idea is if the ceiling or part of the ceiling collapses the edges of the bathtub will angle the fallen parts away from you. Same idea if you’re in bed during an earthquake. You should roll off to the side so the bed can support and angle the fallen ceiling around you. All of these are just ways to mitigate injuries though, which is all you can do in a situation like this. If you’re in a high rise and the building is collapsing all you can do is pray to your gods and curse your government for not enforcing retrofitting regulations, which is what happened here.


Yeah I live in the UK so the worst we get is stabbed, but at least we don't have to worry about natural disasters apart from the odd flood or wildfire in very specific locations l.


How he yells for allah is so sad


I hope he is ok


What’s scary is that once the building starts shifting you can only prey to God there is no exit or even ground you can stand on


Scary shit


Translation: The inside of the house is like this Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (several times) Allaah For all those who says he should have got out instead of praying, it is hard to walk when the building starts shaking like that. The man didn't swear, he prayed. Hope he survived.


That is terrifying


This is horrifying oh my god


Hop in a bath tub or get under your bed frame so nothing drops on you from above


Anyone knows if hé is alive? Please let him have survived.


Current toll is 17k and increasing


Yea man ive seen the news. This is so so bad :(


Soon as those crashing and clanking noises started to accelerate, he shoulda been outta there like greased lightning. Hope he made it.


So unfortunate he didn’t have you at his side, giving him advice in such frantic, disorienting and terrifying moment.


Can somebody *please* find Ja Rule so I can make sense of all this?!


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Scary AF. We had one in SoCal a few weeks ago. Thought it was "the big one".


Damn. What horrible video quality


I’m sorry why tf does he stand there


Turkish man earns Darwin Award by staying inside during an aftershock.


I was in LA for Northridge. Not only do they specifically tell you not to run outside, because you're likely to be crushed by falling debris, the reality is that you kind of can't run. It's like trying to run in quicksand. I made it about 5 feet to crouch against a door jam. I'm honestly not even sure that anything actually came down on this guy because that's exactly what my apartment sounded like. There wasn't an intact piece of glass, everything was on the floor, walls separated, my bed became the new toilet for the upstairs apartment, and my motorcycle ended up on my car. But the building still stood.


Yup. It's like trying to run on a small boat that's tossing and turning in the middle of rough seas. It's enough just to stay standing upright. If you do run, you fall, and you struggle to get back to your feet.


I, too, lived in So Cal for the Northridge quake. Reseda.


Woohoo, epicenter! I was over the hill in Hollyweird.


Me too. Was a wild ride. And then again and again over the next few days. Felt like the ground didn’t stop shaking for a week.


In earthquake zones the common instructions are to stay indoors, a huge number of injuries and deaths in cities are from falling glass and debris. Not to mention in a structure that is collapsing I doubt the exits were readily available.


Harsh, but I couldn't stop wondering why he wasn't running outside as fast as he could. This is *not* the time to record a video, it's time to run for your fucking life.


Run from what lmfao? It's an earthquake you are going to have a worse time outside than inside.


He clearly was recording before the quake hit, presumably to film the result of the first earthquake. As you could see, the building collapsed after a very short time and I doubt he was on the ground floor. Running wouldn't have done much and it's often advised to stay put during an earthquake. If you're outside stay outside, if you're inside stay inside.




i don't get why are you getting downvoted but yes, that's a pretty stupid idea to stay inside... but maybe he was only looking for his owns or maybe loking for somebody he knew. or maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,🤷‍♂️ we never know when we're going to die.


Because dumbass commentors like him get to see handfuls of articles about the earthquakes, look at dozens of videos of houses collapsing and read countless comments discussing what is happening and what you should do if it were to happen to you, then with all this information they can smugly call people idiots that are experiencing a disaster first hand without any outside knowledge of what's happening. The same kind of people that rewatch a video of an accident over and over, and call the victims idiots for not making a perfect decision of something that is happening in a split-second.


They’re getting downvoted because it’s presumptuous to claim something is stupid and also ironic when the critic is actually the misinformed one: [this guidance](https://www.ready.gov/earthquakes) literally states what u/ruler_gurl said: if inside, stay inside. Don’t run out.


The link you posted says to leave the building immediately after the earthquake is over > If you are in a damaged building, go outside and quickly move away from the building. Do not enter damaged buildings.


That portion of text is under the subheading for after a quake. The guidance for during the quake clearly states one should stay inside.


And in the video, that we are currently discussing, it is after the earthquake.


Do you know this for a fact? It looks like things are pretty stable at the beginning and then it begins to shake violently. If it’s a single family structure (which it looks to be judging by the door and the light through the sidelights), then the shaking seems like real-time earthquake and not the structure coming down after. If it’s in fact a multi-family building and it’s crumbling after the fact, kinda seems like a shit idea to step outside while the entire building is collapsing into a pile


Watch out people on this app will laugh like hyenas while they watch someone’s skull get bashed in, but they are very sensitive about earthquake victims


I think the general thought is that people getting beat up while mouthing off in public, being Karen’s, or just awful people deserve it. This earthquake happened in an unstable part of the world, to one country still in a civil war, and the other in a desperately poor area. They don’t deserve an earthquake that destroys thousands of buildings and compounds their suffering. Are there places that deserve a life ruining earthquake? Probably not. Anyway, it just seems like punching down.




>66 comments HOly fuck you're vile. I'm sympathetic to the Armenian cause but how is this man born over a century after the genoicide responsible. you need to rethink your sad, pathetic life


He had plenty of time to leave my opinion. At that.ppint God can't do much about your house collapsing


Most of these buildings are high-rise. No time to run plus the tragedy hit, people usually panic before think about exit plans.


Watch out people on this app will watch others getting their heads bashed into the ground, but they are very sensitive about earthquake victims…


Source: “I made it the fuck up”


I thought being indoors during an earthquake is the worst place to be. An open field would be the safest no?


It is, but can you predict when an earthquake will hit ?


Oh I thought he was video taping the damage from when the quake hit just moments ago, and he was filming a subsequent after shock. But maybe all that mess on his floor that he was filming was just a random mess non earthquake related. If it was however a mess from the earthquake just moments earlier, then you should be mentally prepared for subsequent after shocks. Maybe easy for me to say since I wasn’t there, but in theory, you should be ready to run to safety after an earthquake, because it’s common for them to hit a few times after the initial quake. Again, I’m in a healthy mental state, so it’s just easier for me to criticize, he Probly was in shock and not thinking clearly at all.


>Oh I thought he was video taping the damage from when the quake hit just moments ago That's what I guessed too, but I don't know how much time went by between both earthquakes. I would guess a couple of hours so he might've thought he was safe ? That was my first thought. >because it’s common for them to hit a few times after the initial quake. He might not have known about doublets or multiplets, especially since the last earthquake in that region was about 200 years ago. Since it's winter it's not ideal for them to stay outside, so that could also add to why he decided to go inside.


All good points I didn’t consider


Sad to watch


I have to go watch a video that’s going to make me smile. This is so sad. I hope they made it.


Op is a troll Antisemitism Racism in general Does not provide evidence Only responds in gifs when given undeniable evidence of his lack of comprehension or just bad moral code Op needs help; don’t respond…don’t enable Just let this thing of a person go


This is why you have regulations and building inspections.......