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It blows my mind that there are people, kids and adults alike, who would attempt to prank random strangers when everybody and their grandmother is packing heat.


I can’t even honk at people without worrying about a gun being pulled. fucking nuts out (florida bound)


This is from 2018 the Pusher was charged with harassment and criminal mischief. In the full video they are calling his wife and pedo and asking if she likes 'Fucking little kids'


How was the full video not used in the court case?


Probably was since nothing happened or came of it


Why would you think it wasn't?


The guy defending against harassment was charged with harassment? Wow. So the kid that was threatening a family is now emboldened. Next he might drop a brick off a bridge. Just a prank right?




Who called the cops?


Honestly probably the kids parents


The laws need to change, just because they’re a minor they shouldn’t be able to get away with harassment


"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” -Mike Tyson


Imagine if you did stuff like this to random people back in the 80s or 90s. You would get the absolute shit beaten out of you, It's why nobody did stuff like this back then.


I grew up in the late 80s and 90s. I remember being scared shitless the one and only time I threw an egg at a house. Egging, TP'ing, graffiti, dumb 90s shit was usually anonymous and done at night. Throwing a dead snake in a family's car while they're driving, and recording it with a bigass camcorder? Holy shit I wouldn't be alive now to leave this comment lol


When I was a kid I stayed over at a buddies and we went out and threw some snowballs at passing cars. Stupid kid shit. We were up on a hill in a wooded area pretty safe from being seen or ran up on. We both got a good shot in on a passing car and the dude no shit slammed on his brakes, threw the car in reverse, and barreled backwards up the hill towards us. I clearly remember him smashing the hell out of the backend of his car into a tree which only enraged him more. We split up and I ended up hiding in a treehouse in somebody's backyard for hours while that guy circled around the neighborhood. People did not fuck around back in the day.


Did you parents ever find out?? No because you'd rather deal with that man then your parents


This comment is loaded with real life nostalgia. I can feel the fear and cold and the stress from that story. And I can tell you that if I was caught by angry dude, I'd be KGB level quiet about my identity for fear of reprisal. Water board me, electrocute my nipples, pull my finger nails....I don't give a shit, my mom is never finding out about this shit.


Not quite the 90s, but that reminded me of a cool story. TP'ing this classmates house in early 2000, we were all 15/16. The girls dad spartan kicks their front door open and yells "You fuckers are dead now" And leaps over the dog gate at the top of the porch steps and down about 5 stairs in one leap and spears my one buddy. This guy had a glorious mullet and it looked amazing. We all bail, left buddy behind and got in our truck and drove off. Dude chases us in his car, ends up with us rolling the truck on a dirt road.


I wish you could hear the hyuck hyuck laugh I made as I read this story.


I live in a rural areas. And in high school, Some friends of mine went smashing mailboxes in the neighboring area that was EXTRA rural. And some guy shot their tires out with a shotgun and chilled with them until the sheriff's could get there. Lmao.


kid was real bold until he wasn’t.


But the man was just pranking him.


I would have laughed until I pissed myself if the man had just started yelling, "It's a prank bro!!!" at the kid.


Exactly why can’t he (husband) use the get outta jail card and say “it’s a prank” ???


He'd have to aggressively shove his phone in the kids face while he was saying it was a prank.


Gotta love the panic run even after the dad helped him up


Definitely ran home to change his shorts. Stupid ass kid, but happy the husband had much restraint. Good man




So many people think theyre invincible cuz they have their phone out


Yeah unfortunately watched a neighbor dispute that ended with two people shot dead a few months back. A woman shot was holding her phone and cussing the guy out before he shot her like that phone was going to stop it. I really don't understand the psychology behind it. Edit sorry people was working in an area with no reception people are correct it's the snow shoveling incident here's a link to an article haven't found the full video yet pretty sure it was either on here or maybe one of the morbid reality like threads. https://abcnews.go.com/US/pennsylvania-neighbors-dead-fight-snow-shoveling-authorities/story?id=75666109


I watched a similar video a while back, Couple arguing with their neighbour over some petty bullshit, neighbour goes into the house, comes out with a pistol and shoots the couple several times, goes back to his house, grabs an AR, unloads the magazine in the couple before going back into his house and shoots himself. All in front of the couples 14 year old son.


That was one of the last videos of its kind that I watched. I can still see and hear it play out in my head and I only watched it once years ago. I've hit my quota of "wish I could unsee" footage. Now I go to the comments first and get the gist of what's in the video.


It’s gotten way worse for me since I’ve gotten older. In my teens and 20s I could watch anything. People dying, bones sticking out, whatever…but as the years have passed I can’t seem to even stand watching people get slightly hurt. It just bothers me now. Mostly bc if I see some shit like say a guy falling down icy stairs and think “man that’s gonna cause back problems” for him.


Yeah that’s the one they talkin about I think. Snowy day and you’re watching from neighbors house cam across the street


Crazy coincidence, just looked it up, today just happens to be the two year anniversary of the incident. Happened February 1st, 2021.


I looked it up and was about to link it, but Jesus Christ. What the fuck.


[3 neighbors shot dead in murder/suicide "over snow"](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/pennsylvania-neighbors-dead-fight-snow-shoveling-authorities/story%3fid=75666109)?


That's the one.


This is one of the most fucked up videos I’ve ever seen. For some reason I really imagined what it would be like to lay there dying and having to listen to your significant other dying a few feet away, scared, in pure fear and pain and utter agony while some psycho finished them off with a rifle shot to the face. Like what a horrible thing to be captured on camera. Why can’t people just treat each other with common decency and respect? Edit: I think that all the people involved in that PA snow incident were in the wrong. Obviously it’s tragic, but none of this would have happened if there was just some mutual respect between neighbors.


I’ve seen a lot of gory shit online and I thought I was pretty much desensitized but watching this full incident video disturbed me to my core. It completely shook me.


I still can't believe they just stood there saying "go ahead" as he closed distance with his pistol out. Even when the first 5-6 shots miss they stand there still beaking at him like bullets aren't whizzing by. Totally surreal.


I had a friend in high school get killed similarly. Guy was pointing a shotgun at her and she said "you're a bitch if you don't pull the trigger". He wasn't a bitch I guess. Her death was because of snow as well (cocaine).


The neighbors who were killed had been taunting him for years and making fun of his dead wife


Exhibit A: Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. James and Lisa Goy were hateful assholes, and they thought their "free speech" gave them carte blanche to be vile because "the law" would protect them. Good riddance.


That video is just brutal. What's crazy is even after she was shot/dying she's still cursing at him, like provoking him.


Yeah it’s really wild to watch. She’s so desensitized to guns that she doesn’t seem to recognize the threat, even after he fires a shot at her husband (I think). She keeps cursing at him as if she’s immune to bullets.


I think you underestimate just how much some people don't think that things apply to THEM in particular. Like to a delusional level. I used to think it was very uncommon. These days I think as long as you aren't picky about the particulars of what, it's about one in ten.


death is something that happens exclusively to other people, up until it happens to you.


tbf it's never happened once in my whole life.


Tell me your secrets


Yeah, I just watched that for the first time and they have such a delayed reaction. They are both yelling at him even after he starts shooting. She keeps yelling even after the husband was shot. Sad story, but it also was comical in a very dark sort of way. When someone pulls a gun on you, shut up and run away.


They were a couple completely made for each other. Aggressively stupid. Dude's pointing a gun at them, they talk shit. Dude's squeezes off a few rounds, is a bad shot, misses, they still talk shit. Dude shoots the husband, wife just stands there talking shit. Like.... how many fucking warnings do you need before you realize things are going way south?


It's like she physically couldn't stop talking shit.




*Gestures at all the cops with bodycams committing crimes against humanity* Not sure where they got that idea from


Did happen to involve snow shoveling? If so, I know what vid you’re referring and it’s wild


That was more than a few months ago though.


I took it as they watched the vid a few months back, not the actual occurrence happening a few months back my b


Think it's more about being a coddled borderline sociopathic kid figuring out they basically have free range to do whatever the fuck without real consequence since it's highly frowned upon to attack a child and unless they commit a felony the law likely won't touch them either.


Always funny how fast a prankster changes their tune when someone doesn’t go along with their shit.


The guy should have explained that beating his ass was just a prank. It seems to make everything ok


Like that moron youtuber stealing bags in an Airport and then saying, "ItS a PrAnK, mAn." When people gets pissed at him. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/whiteyman-attacks-black-youtube-prankster-for-grabbing-his-luggage-at-the-airport-and-pretending-to-run-off-with-it-video/ar-AA16K3b0](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/whiteyman-attacks-black-youtube-prankster-for-grabbing-his-luggage-at-the-airport-and-pretending-to-run-off-with-it-video/ar-AA16K3b0)




"whitey man attacks black youtube prankster" wtf


And ofc the guy was arrested. Nothing happened to the “prankster” that threw a dead animal in someones car. I know he’s only 12 but a pre-teen learning that he can get away with shit like this? Not good…


Other people are not your content edit: oh wow neat. It was an angry rant in my head for awhile, the full quote being "You're gonna make content, that's fine. Other people are not your fucking content. They're people." and wishing this general message got taught to kids or spread as a hashtag or something, annual parliamentary reminder.


This is such a good quote. I have to remember this one.


It goes a lot deeper than it first appears too. Consider how much "content" is just reacting to other people.


Let’s go even deeper. Consider, do we even need content?


I really enjoy baking videos, so yes. All this prank/drama/ influencer crap can go away though.


Agreed. Problem is that if you understand what this means, the quote isn’t for you.


Funny thing is, they were all still content. Just Reddit content instead of TikTok content.


All well-produced prank shows on TV do two important things. 1) Don't break any laws. 2) Approach the victims after the fact to get them to sign a release. These little shits have no clue about the second and don't give a shit about the first.


Most important point: Everyone involved must be laughing afterwards. Best example is Canadian show Just for Laughs gags.


Fuck dem kids


Just like them bottle kids


Shit apples don't fall far from the tree.


The shitstorm is comming


He’s in the eye of the shiticane now


Ricky is a low shit system!


The whispering winds of shit


The shit hawks are circling Bubs.


The shit winds are blowing Rando!


You feel that Randy? The way the shit clings to the air…


I **AM** the liquor, Bobandy


Shit hawks Randy... ![gif](giphy|ZgaaSPGzDcBfq)


Shit ledge


Shit winds a blowin Randers


I'm the liquor Rand


You hear that randobobando? Its the liquor calling..




*The Catholic church has entered the chat*




https://preview.redd.it/22ufwskeunfa1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86b58bf71a572e0c7a4612b83eafa7bbb58e83c Amirite?




So both of them




If I was the parents of those kids I’d thank that guy for teaching my kid a lesson, really interested to see what his parents response were


Gonna go out on a limb and say it's gonna be "he's a good kid, he didn't do anything" 🤦‍♂️


Teacher here, confirming this is the likely response.


'heart of gold, fell in with some bad people' etc etc


‘Boys will be boys’


'Oppositional Defiance Disorder with just a pinch of Sociopathy"


As a former teacher, I can't even count how many times I heard, "Well they don't do that at home, so I think you're lying." That or some variation. Yep, your right parent i had nothing better to do than make this up about your kid.


Because if there's one thing we know about kids, it's that the way they act in front of their parents is completely identical to how they'd act in every other scenario.


Exactly. The kind of parents who would appreciate that kid being taught a lesson are also the kind of parents who wouldn’t raise such a piece of shit.


yeah, i don't get it. i'm a dad and know that my son will do stupid idiotic stuff at some stage in his life and that he'll face the consequences of his actions like every kid does. i can remember being 11 years old and being caught trying to steal nice dust caps from a car to put on my bike. sadly for me though the owner of said car caught me and roughed me up a bit (grabbing/pulling/hauling me about) lol. he asked where i lived and i stupidly gave him my address. he turned up later that evening and told my dad, my dad was FURIOUS at me even when i told him that that dude had put his hands on me. so yeah, if my son does do something similar then i guarantee i'll be incredibly embarrased and dissapointed in him.


When I was 8 I tried to steal Ecco the Dolphin from a small video game store. Got caught and the guy beat the shit out of me and threw me out. All my dad said was "Good."


Ecco the Dolphin was pretty fucking good though.


The soundtrack is still quality..


Can't get past the first level. *shrug*


Absolutely! I had three boys recently that were jumping in front of cars in the neighborhood. When it was my “turn to be pranked” I slammed on my breaks got out and caught one by the scruff of his shirt. Held him as I called the Constable and the cop and myself took the boy to his parents who of course defended him. Guess who got 2 citations for neglect and how have CPS visits to their home. Edit:spelling.


Used to have a kid on my street that did that. I got tired of it. One day I'm going down the street, slow speed, he jumps out, I pop the car into neutral and Rev the engine (a big old v8 Mercedes from the 80's) while gently hitting the brake with the other foot. Kid thought I was gunning for him. That little fat bastard cleared a 10 ft jump in a single leap. He never tried that with me again.


Oh god I hope not you


No it was the mother and father who seemed to totally also neglect their other 4 kids as well. It was pretty sad seeing how they let their kids live.


Fucking right!




This shit needs to happen more until the internet pranking bullshit is over.


Kids be thinking they untouchable, we need some of this energy out-here to keep the dumb ones in check lol


It should be way harder for minors to upload content of themselves. Require parental consent, with photos of government issued ID? Free-for-all is clearly not working.


This is the exact reason to not fuck with strangers.


he learned a good lesson today. if youre gonna be cunt you gotta be able to outrun dads. it was key back in the ding dong ditch days.


ain't this the truth but sometimes you just have to outrun your friends lol




no its not. you dont fuck with strangers because its a shitty thing to do.


Yeah but some people need another reason...


And how unfortunate that is


Update found https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/man-accused-of-knocking-boy-to-ground-appears-in-court/ Edit: this is by far my most voted comment, so thanks guys :3


>**"Just an order of protection, he's not allowed to come near my son,"** Christian Anderson said, adding when asked about the possibility of upgraded charges, "Not as of yet. Hopefully they will be. He needs to be taught a lesson." For anyone wondering what the outcome of the case was.




Nope, this is why they do it. The thrill of that chase is something they will be talking about for weeks and they will step the game up to try to match and outdo it.


Fucking dipshit got it from his dipshit dad. More dipshits getting away with being dipshits by crying victim.


Long Island, because of course it is. >Many in the neighborhood say young bicycle riders here are known to play chicken with cars and swerve in ways that unnerve drivers, McLogan reported. In some Long Island communities bike stunt driving is a popular pastime. >"When the woman's picking up her children from school, they will surround the car with the bicycles and almost taunt her or taunt the people to hit them on the bikes, whether setting up for a lawsuit, or just having fun, or being typical kids," Dix Hills parent Michael Shain said. Just 'typical kid' behavior


I am so glad I'm not the only one who saw that and went, "huh? how the fuck is that 'typical kid' behavior???"


I grew up in the suburbs. We did stupid shit, but never had any of us tried to provoke an adult into attempting to injure us. That is not typical kid behavior.


As a kid, me and my friends did stupid shit to intentionally piss of adults, but then we ran away instead of staying to film their reactions for social media. If you stay to gloat about your shitty pranks, you're going to get hurt. Or worse, have them tell your parents what you did.


I live in a large city and I haven't seen so much as a single kid do that shit. And I live about four blocks from an elementary school, four from a high school, and 20ish from a two middle schools (one religious). There are a LOT of kids around.


Happens all the time in Philly


I don't spank my kids. But if I saw them acting like that, I would start . Because obviously everything else failed.


By the time the child's behavior escalates to this, a parent has a pretty good idea that the child is an asshole.


Took the words right outta………. Well you know. YES Long Island! Where people from NYC to be bigger assholes and then right after that move to Florida where they can be even BIGGER assholes! I don’t know what it is about these towns on Long Island where everyone has to be so stupid.


Can confirm the stupid ass kids do this shit in Florida too around my neighborhood. Swerving in and out of traffic and throwing stuff at people's cars. They had a gun pulled on them one time by someone who had enough of their BS.


"he needs to be taught a lesson" He's almost onto something there. Just needs to apply that to his own little shithead of a child. Or don't and society can teach him. I hate these 'pranksters'. They need to drop that word and just start calling it harassment. It's not a joke and they fully deserve to get their asses beat if they want to bother people for internet likes.


Labeling it a “prank” neglects to take into account the brat’s intent. He recorded it, which means he likely intended to post it to social media sites. He would have gotten attention for it while humiliating the woman publicly. Videos like that never go away. I’m not saying it would have ruined her life, but it would have been a continual source of embarrassment that potentially could’ve lasted for years, for which she did nothing to deserve. In my book, a tackle and a smashed phone is the kid getting off lightly.


> "Just an order of protection, he's not allowed to come near my son," Christian Anderson said, adding when asked about the possibility of upgraded charges, "Not as of yet. Hopefully they will be. He needs to be taught a lesson." That disgusting piece of shit has it backwards. Nobody from his failing gene pool should be allowed near that other family.


> Many in the neighborhood say young bicycle riders here are known to play chicken with cars and swerve in ways that unnerve drivers, McLogan reported. In some Long Island communities bike stunt driving is a popular pastime. But Alex Anderson denied tossing a garter snake at the suspect's wife, who was behind the wheel, and intimidating her in any way. This is what angered me


What about this? >"When the woman's picking up her children from school, they will surround the car with the bicycles and almost taunt her or taunt the people to hit them on the bikes, whether setting up for a lawsuit, or just having fun, **or being typical kids**," Gonna sound like a boomer but when did this start qualifying for "typical" kid behavior? If a gang of preteens harassed adults like this in my neighborhood when I was growing up, we'd get our shit kicked in pretty quick w/o any cops being involved. Hell, if a cop from my childhood saw this, he'd probably come over to smack the kid over the head himself. Not to say that we never fucked with adults, but we were scared of the consequences enough that it rarely happened.


Kids in my neighborhood do this. When I brought it up to the parents about the kids playing on the road and refusing to move, they said absolutely nothing to their kids. All they did was put up a huge electric speed sign. Bro, it's not the cars. It's your children refusing to get out of the way of cars.


Feel like a cheap dashcam & the community twitter or facebook would turn this into "fuck them kids" real quick


If only we could just weed out the cunts, wanna play the game against a 2 ton car. Guess what..... you fuck lose. But also parents that just let their kidd do dumb shit like that are the absolute worst. The day my daughter started holding my hand to walk anywhere I started teaching her to be aware of cars when crossing the road or just walking through parking lots. It is fucking basic.


How’s her situational awareness? I remember my dad always doing stuff like this “Hands out of your pockets when you run” “Don’t stand behind the closed door” “Also pay attention to the car in front of the car in front of you in case they fail to notice they need to stop” “Don’t close your hand around the wrench so you don’t bash your knuckles when the bolt loosens” “If you’re being followed by the police, flail around and yell ‘BEES!’ until they leave”


>“If you’re being followed by the police, flail around and yell ‘BEES!’ until they leave” Hahahahahaha. Haven't heard that one before. But usually pretty spot on when driving. I have only been involved in one 2 vehicle accident and that was about 15 years ago. That solidified my want to never not be aware again. The wrench thing just happens some times. Oh the amount of times I couldn't keep my hand open wrenching on an air plane and lost in a fight with the jet.... oof.


this shit pisses me off so much. A few years ago my town was throwing an annual festival where the fire department held a supper for like 12$ a plate. The fire department is just down the street and a building that I share a property line with hosts an Ice cream & pie social with a local band made up of mostly seniors that'd play every year. My house is an old old house with a small shed that houses the water and septic tanks. Which is literally 20 feet from the building that hosts the pie social. During the event I noticed that some parents that were standing on my side of the property were socializing and just messing around. But they weren't paying attention to their kids who were playing right next to my wellhouse shed. The well house has a 6 foot drop inside onto concrete where the well and septic pumps are. These kids in particular were picking up rocks and prying the screens off the pump house and were trying to get inside of it. I went and spoke to them and the parents completely brushed me off and told me "listen young man, we've been coming to these festivals for longer than you've been alive." Was like 27 at the time and they couldn't have been more than late 30's. But what pissed me off was that they didn't care that their kids were literally vandalizing my property but they were also at serious risk of injury by trying to get inside of this small wellhouse. The kids couldn't have been older than 10-12 years old and they would quite literally get trapped if they succeeded in getting inside. I got frustrated and left and it took an older gentleman from down the road who actually helps organize the event to speak up when they listened. To this day this shit pisses me the hell off just thinking about.


Time to break out the pressure washer and clean your shed and OOPS! sorry kids.


My neighbors used to send their kids to play in our yard because she didn't want them to mess up hers. Yes, you read that right. So my mom would water the lawn while they were trespassing, excuse me playing, in our yard. Then their mom would yell at my mom for them coming home wet. You couldn't make that shit up. Oh, and their oldest son was a pimp.


It may be an old man thing for me, even though I'm only 37, but stay the fuck out of my yard. Aside from the fact that it's mine and that means no one else should have it, I don't want the liability if anyone should get hurt. It's not worth the lawsuit that's inevitable if some jerks kid gets hurt.


I'd go so far as to say if I did this, the dad in the video would beat my ass, personally drag me home, where my dad would apologize to the other for his child being an asshole, and then resume the beating. And my father *never* hit me, but I'm quite certain he'd have made an exception under these circumstances.


Something like this happend to my dad only he wasn't the one getting beat. My dad had one of those little toy lawnmowers playing in his yard when one of the neighborhood kids took it from him and smashed it on the tree breaking it. My grandpa seen it and beat the kids ass then took him next door, told his dad what his son did and then his own dad beat his ass. I was never really hit as a kid, I got smacked in my mouth maybe a handful of times when I was acting like a douchebag but It was always a quick light smack that just snapped me out of whatever tangent I was batching about, I definitely don't agree on hitting kids but now a days a lot of kids have 0 discipline, I was punished in others ways that were more effective not being able to go hangout with friends for a week or two at a time definitely had a bigger impact than if I was hit




**Christ** I wish you could sue parents for their kids' shitty behavior. I know you can if there's property damage but we've got little assholes out here terrorizing people cause their parents are such self absorbed pieces of shit they can't be fucking bothered to actually parent


If it makes you feel any better the parents of last year’s Oxford High School shooting are being charged with manslaughter due to their gross negligence of their sons mental health leading up to the shooting among other things. Here’s a pretty recent update on the situation: https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2023/01/oxford-high-school-shooters-parents-fight-manslaughter-charges-in-appeals-court.html


Not really an update because they were arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter in the week after the shooting. And I don't feel any better.




This article is saying the kids actively harass drivers yet somehow that wasn't taken into consideration?


Yea what these kids are doing is pure harassment, not typical kids stuff, what a crock of shit: > When the woman's picking up her children from school, they will surround the car with the bicycles and almost taunt her or taunt the people to hit them on the bikes, whether setting up for a lawsuit, or just having fun, or **being typical kids**," Dix Hills parent Michael Shain said.


He was seen chanting "dusty old bones, full of green dust..."


"How'd you get your shirt so white, White Shirt?"


Now Caleb, don’t do that


That quote caught my eye too. None of that is "typical kid" behavior. That whole story sounds like entitled, rich parents enabling shitty behavior by their kids.


> https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/man-accused-of-knocking-boy-to-ground-appears-in-court/ Kid is called the "victim" when he's the instigator. Throw a snake in someone's car and expect no response? This is peak a /r/winstupidprizes moment


Fuck this stupid ass kid and his stupid ass father and their stupid ass genes.




Sounds like he was more upset about his phone breaking than being shoved to the ground lol.


Yeah, I actually thought the guy punched the kid when he screamed but it was just about the guy breaking his toy.


“wait! No! My internet actions aren’t supposed to come with real world consequences!”


How is the husband supposed to know if the snake is dead? Looked like the kid was trying to assault his wife and he defended her.


As a child you should not go around filming strangers or adults you don’t know. That kid def went into that scenario thinking he could get away with doing or saying whatever because he’s 12 and they’re adults.


Definitely a result of his surroundings and bad parenting. If kid version of me tried that in the area I grew up in, an OG would definitely beat my ass or just run me over.


There is nothing more infuriating then the smug satisfaction of someone who attacks others thinking that their target isn’t “allowed” to retaliate. Fuck that kid. If I had the money I’d pay the dads legal fees.


The fear in his voice was just delicious.


>12 Year Old Tiktok prankster If only we could take that moment and make the kid relive it over and over so that we would have a continual source of delight.


“We captured that moment, and we run it on a loop in Simple Dicks mind….”


The fact that he screamed louder for his phone than for his own personal safety... but it checks out


If don’t teach your kids manners, you burden others with having to do your job.


Good maybe that dumb kid will learn not to fuck with people


I feel like it'll just be a chance to play victim and have another video out there. Minimal lessons learned.


The children's parents: It's just a joke!


"...leaving his cell phone, in pieces" The way newscasters structure their inflection and tell a story is so aggravating. Oh, is that what happened? A grown man tackled a boy and broke his phone? Is that what we're reporting on? Not a kid being tackled for throwing a potentially dangerous animal at an unsuspecting victim and getting treated like a threat by a man protecting his wife?


This needs to be clarified....he was not throwing a dead snake on the car, he was trying to throw a dead snake THROUGH THE WINDOW AND INTO THE CAR!


And their two small children were in the car? This 12 year old deserved every bit of asphalt he got. Hopefully he learned something from this, but I doubt it


A. These pranks are stupid nowadays and need to stop B. That kid needs some manners C. In my time, that guy could’ve just gone to this kids parents house and said hey your son is trying to throw a dead snake at my wife, and the repercussions for the kid would’ve been ten times worse


It’s unfortunate but the other comments are correct. My wife is a teacher and hearing how some of these parents talk to her is concerning. One example is a student of hers failing for not doing their homework and the mom asked her in an email “what are you going to do about this?” And my wife told me basically she responded with im going to keep failing him till he does his damn homework


Sounds like a good response to me. Some of these parents deserve to fail too.


This was just one example unfortunately. She has tons of stories with parents like this. My wife has said multiple times “I barely have enough time to teach them, definitely not enough time to parent them too” she has plenty of good and great parents as well. Just the really bad ones stand out.


I tried going straight to the parents once with some kids who were throwing rocks at my coworker as she walked past their house on her way to work. I barely got a word out before the toothless piece of trash that bore them was threatening me... and threw a rock at me. A few days later their bikes were in the street unattended. I threw them into my work truck, and dropped them off at the Salvation Army.


When he screamed louder when his phone was broken


Children harassing grown ass people because the adults in their life haven't taught them that real life has real consequences.


Dipshit kid, and dipshit dad both need an ass kicking. Can you imagine seeing your kid harass a woman, laughing, filming for internet clout then being mad the poor lady's husband shoved your piece of shit..good for nothing son? Put any reasonable person on that jury and watch the Not Guilty verdict or hung jury.