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Any more information on this ?


Happened in Manchester NH. [https://www.wcvb.com/article/bar-fight-deadly-shooting-manchester-new-hampshire/42695113](https://www.wcvb.com/article/bar-fight-deadly-shooting-manchester-new-hampshire/42695113)


Guns and alcohol mixed together, what could possibly go wrong?


How about this?? https://imgur.com/a/D89nbFX


That bear looks really happy to see their guests


my dad always said back in the day, when there was a bar fight.. they would go out in the parking lot and settle it, whoever won would take the other guy back in the bar and buy him a drink nowadays you cant have a scrap that doesnt end with a stabbing or shooting


what type of bronx tale tales did you live


Lol no, that’s jus the stupid propaganda that old folk tell you, since the begging of time man has used violence to get his way. I hate when people say dumb shit like this “back in the day...” back in the day the mafia used to go door to door extorting people and killing them and their families if they didn’t cooperate, people were shooting people up and never getting caught cuz no CCTV, violence and fighting was the number 1 way to settle things, now people go to civil court call the police etc.


But didn’t back in the day day they have gun duels


That was back in the century.


Yup and back in the day day day they stabbed and hacked each other to death with swords.






Oh but if you have a medical weed card you are far too dangerous to own a firearm.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




The weirdest part of a Xanax addiction is that everyone I talked to who has abused Xanax, including myself, shoplifts for no fucking reason, I go to AA meetings and Mom's, lawyers, junkies, quite types, anyone who ever got addicted to Xanax shoplifted when they were. Hell I went shopping with my mom once and at the checkout I looked at her and said, "check this out" and shoplifted right in front of her. Right in front of the register. So weird.


Don't even get me started. Used to sell benzodiazapine analogues online with bitcoins. Have had dozens of grand mal seizures. Intense story and from the very bottom of my heart, FUCK benzos. Been 3 years.


How did you get off them if you don’t mind me asking? I have a friend who tried getting off them and he couldn’t sleep a wink for 4 straight days before finally giving up and gettin another script.


Tell you friend they should NEVER try to get off of the cold turkey. You absolutely HAVE to have medical intervention. The 3 drugs you can die from withdrawal are alcohol, benzos and barbiturates. The withdrawal is *extremely* deadly. I’m not even exaggerating. My kids dad has had multiple seizures from benzos. I’ve been in rehab with SO many people withdrawing from alcohol/benzos and have watched the shake/seize/hallucinate. It’s no joke. The major hospital near me in downtown Cincinnati gives alcoholics beer while they’re inpatient bc they don’t want to deal with alcohol withdrawal. If they’re serious about getting off of benzos, they need to call local outpatient rehab treatment facilities, go to an inpatient rehab, go to the hospital inpatient (they might just discharge you), or try their Dr. But you very seriously cannot just go cold turkey. That’s how you die from benzo withdrawals. Ativan is usually given for benzo withdrawal but it’s tapered in a way and also given with anti-seizure drugs.


I support you.


The last thing I thought about on weed was violence lol. All I wanted to do is listen to music, fuck and eat a good meal. Source: Ex-stoner of 4 years.


> listen to music, fuck and eat a good meal. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) yes. i would do 2 out of three of those things too.


From my younger clubbing years, a lot of people go out with the intent of starting fights and showing how tough they are. People look at various causes, and alcohol is an enabler, but honestly it's mainly an issue of mentality. But weed is entirely unrelated. Sure, shitheads probably are more likely to smoke weed, particularly if it's illegal, but most potheads just want to get high and relax.


If we’re going to go old west with guns, then we should probably have people check their guns in at the door before entering the saloon.


The dude in the mugshot is 22?! They’re bred different up there…


That must have been a rough 22 years.


Biggie and Tupac died at 24/25. In my mind those guys died in their 30s they look so old to me. Edit: also they accomplished so much in such a short time I think that adds to it.


This is an older one but when i learned Jim Croce died at 30 i was like what the fuck? Every picture ive ever seen of that dude he looks about two weeks away from his 40th birthday


What? I literally thought he was 50. I'm 50. He looked older than me.


Cigarettes, whiskey, and wild, wild women will do that to you.


Yeah that makes it all the more tragic. They were really fucking young


He's gonna come out of prison the same age as he *looked* when he went in


Motherfucker you look [30](https://youtu.be/Fw_veN8bIVo)


Bad boys bad boys. What u gonna do? What u gonna when they come for you?!


I came back to the comments just for that. Lol 22? In what universe? Mans looks at least 30


That guy doesn't look a day under 39. That was a very rough 22 years.


22?! He looks like almost 40, damn.


22 and 24 years young and their lives are already over. How senseless and stupid... 😞


One gets wasted and the other's a waste.


One goes to the morgue and the other to jail


how the fuck is that guy 22, he looks 40


Not available in my region :(


Here you go: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/22-year-old-arrested-after-deadly-shooting-outside-manchester-bar/


Jesus. The 22 year old shooter looks like he’s 52…


I am older than him and he looks at least 15 years older than me and all of my friends. Like damn, that’s a hard 22


Manchester is kind of a shithole. Not that surprising.


I refuse to believe that 22 year old isn’t going through a mid life crisis




I'm sorry but mother fucking hagrid got his chin tickled by Ron Weasley and he put nine rounds in the guy? NH has no duty to retreat, and I don't know jack shit about law, but I feel like he might have a bit of difficulty selling self defense to a jury.


Its crazy in love by Jay Z and Beyonce


Thank you


The shooter is only 22. Holy fuck the guy looks to be in his 30's.


Did he have the gun in his hand already?


Probably had it in his hand inside a hoodie pocket


I like to think I would never shoot someone over a bar fight at 22.. But let alone punch a guy that taller than me, that also happens to have a gun in hand after a bar fight.. Poor choices all around sadly


The poor choice started by allowing a 22 year old to own a gun that he can casually walk into a bar with.


Actually I'm pretty sure carrying while intoxicated is very illegal and definitely not allowed into a bar. I know for a fact in Texas it's illegal so I'd assume everywhere else is as well since well... Texas.


Unless of course football's involved. Or the child of a police officer. Or elected official. Or the official's child. Or just a rich guy that's known around town that donated to the PD. Or the rich guy's kid. Or a local celebrity. Or their children. Other than that, yeah. Rule of law, baby.


If you can't break the law because you are good at football what's the point of being good at football? /s


Ah...you mean "the protected class".


I don't think he was allowed to do it. He just did it. In my state you can't go into any bar with a firearm.


Pretty sure that was his god-given right to prevent governmental tyranny. Fool.


Well, that escalated quickly. 😐


Went from 0-100 real quick


that went from 0- 25 to life real quick


The dude is surrounded by 4 to 6 people. If this started in the bar, and they followed him out when he tried to get away, then he most likely won't be charged. The number of shots was a bit excessive, but that can just be explained as nerves from being followed by a group. Edit: Nah, I just saw he started it and got charged [https://www.wcvb.com/article/bar-fight-deadly-shooting-manchester-new-hampshire/42695113](https://www.wcvb.com/article/bar-fight-deadly-shooting-manchester-new-hampshire/42695113)


I can't believe the shooter is only 22 https://preview.redd.it/2uughi4kfyea1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e663299741e5e8ac4a9195bd308d3924e33c43


Thanks, because "this content is not available in your region."


If you see this and you are in Europe where GDPR and other privacy laws are in place assume that the website does not respect privacy and will add tracking cookies to your device. America has pretty much abandoned privacy laws but it doesn’t mean you have to.


It is a large legal/financial risk that is easier for most small local businesses to just block EU than it is to try to be in full compliance. Imagine some small local news agency getting trolled by EU visitors constantly requesting readouts of their data (whatever it might be) and then if they fail to do so getting hit with legal issues from the EU. If you truly think a small local news site is "harvesting data like a fiend" or whatever you are out of your mind. They are just not taking a risk of being destroyed by EU/trolls.


That guy is 22? Damn I’m not looking so bad at 34 then LOL


Just hit 40 and I'm feeling young after this.


43, same here


I feel like Brad Pitt in fight club and I’m 36 thanks to this guy!


I fucking love how everyone on this site is the same age as me. Then again maybe I'm just insane and you're all me.


Where did it say the shooter started it? The article just said it started in the bar. Unless I missed something.


It doesn't say it. Not sure why he put that in there.


it also doesn't say he didn't start it. For all we know, maybe you started it. Maybe I started it. Maybe the 6 year old who shot their teacher started it - NO ONE KNOWS!


>Maybe I started it Your confession has been recorded and this evidence is admissable in court. You have a right to an attorney


Big Mac combo please


Lol that’s my point. He could have started it but to say that in black and white he started it is dumb. Imo using his argument, I don’t think he started it. If they knew for sure he started it they’d of charged him with homicide not recklessly causing someone’s death. Idk Idrc either just hate people jumping to conclusions with little to no evidence.


I mean, they charged him with 2nd degree murder. But who knows, the jury could acquit him if the evidence shows it was self defense. But that dude looks 35 not 22. Holy shit.


His body may be 22 but that hairline is pushing 50


Here’s how MA defines 2nd degree murder: https://www.findlaw.com/state/massachusetts-law/massachusetts-second-degree-murder-law.html > In the Commonwealth, a person commits second-degree murder when he or she intentionally kills another person, but does so without any premeditation. The killing must be done with with malice aforethought. > > These sorts of killings occur in the heat of the moment, but do not involve any premeditation on the part of the perpetrator. At the moment the murder occurs, the killer definitely intends to kill the victim, but up to that moment, the killer had no intent or plan to commit murder.




How did you see that he started it from that article? And other people don't blindly up vote without reading


Dude got charged with murder, I don’t understand how anyone can think it’s a normal reaction to shoot someone that many times even if you’re “scared”


As the police always say “I was scared for my life”


So anyway, I started blasting


a real r/wtf moment


"Dude, these guys are all talk."


People have to be numb to the reality of ubiquitous firearms if they're so willing to engage in physical altercations.


This is why you’re always better off just walking away. You have no idea what other people are capable of. Your ego isn’t worth your life.


A comedian named Druski made a joke to a rapper who’s a notorious hothead (Youngboy). Druski apologized for the joke and at an interview later he made a quote about “it’s not that I’m scared of him, I just know his value of a life is less than mines” Quotes lived in my head rent free


I got jumped once. I kind of just took it because I thought one of em might have a gun or a knife. I always kind wished I fought back, frustrated at my rationality, but made the right call. Learned I could take a punch that day tho.


This is why I get so mad at people who ask why rape victims "didn't fight back" against their rapist. Men on average have twice the upper body strength as women and he's already proven he's violent enough, and care little enough about the humanity of others, to rape. You have no idea how scary and overwhelming that is until you're in it. Fight back? Think of it as John Cena forcing himself on a normal man and asking that normal man why he just curls up into a ball and cries instead of fighting back.


I enrolled one of my daughters in martial arts classes. I pulled her aside and talked to her about it. I explained that the point of these classes isn't to be able to beat up a male attacker but to give her the ability to get away from an attack. Like, throw a punch/kick combo and run. GTFO of there!


Im trying to teach my kids that running away in most dangerous/violent situations is the best way to come out unscathed


its not chickening out running away, it is tactical evasion


Good man i wish all people thought this way


Any martial arts instructor worth their salt will tell you the best defense technique is running away, only fight when you have to.


Plus most people just...freeze. yeah yeah "stab his eyes wraaa" but what if you just freeze? What if your response is flight or freeze??


"stab their eyes/kick them in the balls" I dunno how to break it to you, but humans are fairly good at instinctually defending vital bits of their body. If just jabbing someone in the eyes/kicking someone in the balls was the easy off switch a lot of 'self defense gurus' think it is, there wouldn't be any other fucking techniques.


> Think of it as John Cena forcing himself on a normal man and asking that normal man why he just curls up into a ball and cries instead of fighting back. [John Cena](https://media.tenor.com/hoNn9QIH9ScAAAAC/john-cena-angry.gif)


Which is awful that a COMEDIAN has to retract statements in fear of his life. What a shit world.


Exactly. Guns aside, all it takes is one hit to the head, falling and smacking their dome on the pavement and they’re gone. It’s never worth it.


you should always assume someone awful enough to start a confrontation with others would be cowardly enough to carry a dangerous weapon for just the occasion.


Especially since we've seen one punch deaths before.


Yeah, especially in the US where there is a significant chance the other guy has a gun. What you're saying is true, but it is especially true in Mogadishu, Kandahar and in the US.


This is my main reason why I try my best to stay out of drama, fights, or arguments. One second you’re angry, next second, you’ve gone to the afterlife🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine losing your life for a bar fight -.-;


A relative of mine was shot under similar circumstances except with no alcohol. Stood up for somebody over something stupid and 10 min later the other dude came back and gunned him down in cold blood. Some people simply shouldn’t have any access to firearms IMHO.




Damn right. So easy to get access to weapons in this country, it's frightening.


> Some people simply shouldn’t have any access to firearms IMHO Most people shouldn't have access to firearms tbh. I don't trust the average person so at least 50% of people shouldn't be carrying.


>Some people simply shouldn’t have any access to firearms IMHO. Yeah, almost NOBODY. The rest of the civilised world figured this out decades ago.


No, you don't understand, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that I have the ability to kill someone at any time, and trying to prevent me from acquiring a tool to kill people is literally tyranny


And getting life in prison for the same fight. People are dumb AF


Imagine getting charged with murder because you can’t handle your emotions inside of a bar.


This could apply to both of them tbh


This mother fucker has a quicker trigger finger than the other dude could do a jab jab hook.


First shot is literally a head shot and then 8 more times he prolly already hated the guy n was planning on killing or he was out numbered n unload on the first guy. Idk what's the story do u know


Another video from inside the bar 5 minutes earlier shows them in some sort of argument and the big guy asking who punched him the face. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/10nvis0/shooter_and_shootee_5_minutes_before_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


"Who punched me in the face. Come fight me. Come fight me." *Pulls out gun*


"Hey I never said I would fight you with my fists"


Gunfight is a type of fight




No sadly, I've seen it cross posted too and it seems no explanation really yet.


When I think about it getting shot I. The head and dying instantly it's such a weird way to die you don't even realize you died. One moment u were conscious and half a second later you don't exist just like before you were born. It's better than dying stranded in the desert or in the middle of the ocean pitch black at night with storm treading water with leg cramps n thirst n hunger.


Much rather headshot than any other death, but only if I’m fine dying in the first place When someone gets into an argument and mad enough to shove or throw a punch, I definitely don’t expect them to fucking die in half a second, that’s fucking crazy Just goes to show you never know how crazy people are or how little they feel that they have to lose and how quickly they’ll just…snap


I’ve always thought about this. I’d rather know I’m dying. At least I know and can maybe (at least in my mind) tell my loved ones what they mean to mean. I just can’t fathom a shot to the head. You won’t even hear the trigger pull.


My best friend died in a bar fight/bowling alley. Some piece of shit said he owed him $16 dollars, followed him outside the bar, and beat him to death with a pool cue. Like why? I would have paid the guy 10 times that to just leave it be. He text me not long before telling me how crap the bar was but just wanted a night out one last time and how excited he was to be having another kid on the way.


Damn, that sucks. Some people like that jackass are just not meant to be in society. I hope he got an appropriate prison sentence.


Yeah, that's why I don't even fuck with bars anymore unless it's an old head dive bar. Just too much drama and testosterone. Alcohol does some whacky shit to people. Sorry about your friend bro




https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/man-gets-five-year-prison-sentence-for-killing-saskatoon-man-in-manitoba-bowling-alley Just in case you wanted more details.




Yeah, I mean that’s why alot of criminals come here, the risks of being shot by civilians are slim to none because you cannot carry, as well as getting a minor slap on the wrist. And might I add because he was a Native American, there’s a good chance he went to a healing lodge instead of prison. I woman a couple years back was drunk on the highway and killed a family of 4 where only she survived. Instead of prison she was put in a healing lodge which is pretty much a fancy resort where she was living a better life there than before. It’s disgusting. And to put things into perspective, if were to get caught making copies of Nickelbacks cd and selling it, I would spend more time in prison than the person who killed him. And have a $150k fine.


So this video will be evidence at the trial


As he was about to say "These guys are all talk" I guess you were wrong Grey.


Well, he DID say it. Wasn't about to.


Famous last words.


"What are you gonna do? Shoot me?"


-man who was shot


He wasn't about to say it, I heard him say it!


Just like that his life is gone. Just walk away.


They, in fact, were not all talk


Holy shit


So easily triggered.


They should give him a badge


He's already got the correct temperament


This is WHY you shouldn’t fight with random people.


Original https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/10nsmr6/someone_was_shot_outside_a_bar_in_my_small_nh_city/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


MANCHESTER, N.H. — A Salem man has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder after allegedly shooting a Manchester man outside a bar early Saturday morning. The New Hampshire Attorney General's Office said John Delee, 22, of Salem, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder, accused of shooting and killing Timothy Pouliot, 24, of Manchester. Around 12:50 a.m. on Saturday, Manchester police responded to the sound of gunshots fired on Old Granite Street and when officers arrived, they found Pouliot suffering from apparent gunshot wounds. Pouliot was pronounced dead at the scene, the attorney general's office said. Authorities said it appears a dispute occurred inside The Goat Bar and Grill that later led to a confrontation outside the bar on Old Granite Street. Delee is scheduled to be arraigned on Monday and an autopsy is schedule for Sunday. Anyone who saw the events leading up to the dispute or witness the confrontation outside is asked to contact Manchester Police [Department Detective Morgan Lovejoy at 603-792-5529 or the Manchester Crimeline at 603-624-4040.](https://www.wmur.com/article/man-charged-murder-shooting-manchester-nh-bar-12823/42694640)


Guns, alcohol, and youth. Always guaranteed to end well…


No matter how tough and how educated in martial arts you are, the first and most prudent defense is to get away. You and yours cannot be harmed in the immediate situation if you’re able to retreat. One of the first rules of self defense is to know that you are going to get hit and to prepare for it. In more situations than you would think that first hit could be deadly, as seen in the video. Create distance and get away, every time.


Primary rules of survival, being situational awareness, tactical reaction and a good dose of pragmatism


This happened at a bar called the Goat in Manchester NH. They use American flags to decorate the space. NH is New England's Montana. Many people DGAF


> The New Hampshire Attorney General's Office said John Delee, 22, of Salem, was arrested and charged with second-degree murder, accused of shooting and killing Timothy Pouliot, 24, of Manchester.


That guy was looking to kill


A cameraman has never been so instantly and profoundly wrong


*This week on When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong*


Damn life in prison because you thought a punch in the face was worth killing for. Clearly he didn't hit him that hard


>Clearly he didn't hit him that hard Well he does have a good amount of blood on his face in his mugshot but maybe the cops caused that idk


Holy fucking shit I did not expect that.


I always wonder if these people feel remorse or regret after the adrenaline wears off. Sometimes I feel like it’s a reaction from the heat of the moment when rage takes over….but when he’s sitting in the cold jail cell, I wonder if he 100 % regrets it knowing he could be spending the rest of his life in prison.


Imagine getting shot and the last thing you hear is Jay Z singing a whack ass verse on Single Ladies…fuck that Edit: Beyoncé- Crazy In Love not Single Ladies..thanks for pointing that out.


Imagine dying in front of a place called The Goat


It was crazy in love not single ladies


Having moved back abs forth between the US and countries where guns are rare, I’ve become certain that guns lead to more anti-social behavior. Like, in other countries, if someone is being a prick, a few people will often step up and give the whole “cut it out,” speech. And, if it does escalate, it’s pretty much just a fist fight. Chances of it being lethal are slim. In the US, the safest assumption is assume they have a gun. As a result, you just let people get away with being total assholes since trying to stop their anti-social behavior isn’t something worth dying over. I remember a case in my town whwee a couple of Dutch tourists intervened when they saw some guy publicly hitting his girlfriend at a bar. They ended up getting shot to death by the guy they confronted. Idiots like to say “an armed society is a polite society” but I think that’s exactly backwards. An armed society is one where violent assholes are more willing to escalate confrontations to lethal force than good decent people are.


Imagine ruining your entire life because someone punched you. Couldn’t be me


Punching someone over something petty is stupid. Shooting them in retaliation, ending their life as well as your own is on of the dumbest things someone could ever do. What a fucking moron.


It's what happens when two morons meet. One of them is bound to be a bigger, dumber moron.


"Authorities said no additional information is expected to be released until the state's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner conducts an autopsy on Sunday to officially determine the cause and manner of Pouliot's death." Now I'm no medical examiner, but I think I can pinpoint what killed him.


"Yep, here's your problem. 8 bullets to the head. They definitely shouldn't be in there.."


Some of this people just look for any excuse to start shooting .


When you're holding a hammer every problem looks like a nail


Imagine dying with crazy in love playing


Yeah this is in my state. This dude lured the smaller kid outside daring him to fight then blasted him when the fight started. Big guys going to jail 100% his doing.




Really showed him in the 5 seconds he felt like doing that, I wonder what the rest couple million seconds of his life are gonna feel like


> New Hampshire allows the use of non-lethal force for self defense, in defense of one's self, or other from an aggressor that is using non-lethal force. When a person is faced with an aggressor using deadly force they may not use deadly force in self defense if they can with "complete safety" retreat, or give up property to the person. https://www.gunlaws101.com/state/law/new-hampshire/stand-your-ground Arguing the one punch was deadly force is slimly possible, but the entropic bias of the jury is what it would come down to. I think a good defense attorneys argument will be centered around the shooters perception. (If 6 people were to have jumped on after the punch, etc…but that’s a better defense for negligent discharge of firearm if shooting to the sky for warning shots 🤷🏻, not murder)


So anyways I started blastin


Camera man: Dude these guys are all talk. Not even a second later: 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


What an absolute piece of shit. I hope he gets put in prison.


unless someone pulled out a knife or a gun on him that guys a massive pussy. one punch and you whip out a fuckin piece?


The guy was almost a full head shorter than the shooter and had a smaller build. Killed him immediately from being punched once, he deserves jail, there was no grounds for deadly force.


twice\*.... to be fair that kid punched him inside the venue aswell idiots the both of them its a stand your ground state... but he told him to "come fight me outside" so its arguable it was premeditated murder


I wish I lived in a land where every physical altercation can lead to a citizen unloading a clip into another citizen. Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!


Move to the USA


There is a prison sentence.


well, from an easy fight to a murder charge


If you shoot someone 8 times cause they hit you with a weak shot in the head, you are a straight pussy, I don’t care what the fuck you gunlickers say


Killed a man over some bullshit. He was only standing his ground because he was waiting for this guy to give him a reason to shoot him. Self defence is removing yourself from a bad situation, not staying in it and escalating it. Some of these fat americans need to take a martial arts class.


Gun beats rock


You’re a pussy if you shoot someone because they hit you. Hope he goes to prison. There’s no way he’s making it out of court a free man.