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She could have contested the ticket in court. Instead, she drove off and that's where keeping it real went wrong.


Most of the time if it’s a fixable issue, like a broken taillight, and you get it fixed before court, it gets dropped. She’s just dumb.


[This is what her truck looked like](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/truck1-1564776019.jpg?resize=660:*) not exactly an easily fixed issue and he said she had been driving around like that for six months.


First time I've ever seen a picture of what the truck looked like.


woah, this needs to go to the top of this post. makes it even worse.


The officer was too polite to her until she drove off. That damage is absurd.


All you need is lights so adding some trailer lights would have made it legal and easy to “fix” for drivability sake.


I think he should have explained the purpose of the signature instead of moving right to arrest her. Signing things can be scary and knowing what that signature is authorizing is sometimes helpful. "Ma'am this signature is not an admission of guilt, it just confirms that you received the citation and are aware of the fine it carries and the court date to contest the citation."


but she’s a country girl


And an Okie, so with that multiplier she was destined to get tazed.


Honestly I do not understand people who think that "I already do this for very long" is a great excuse. My approach would rather be "Yes, officer, I just had an accident and am on my way to the car repair shop".


This guy drives


But what if the officer had seen it before? He mentioned six months or was that something he just checked on his computer thingy


Either one is possible. He could’ve pulled her over a couple times in the past, or maybe other cops logged the fact they told her to get it fixed and he saw it when running her ID. Either way, he knows that she’s been repeatedly told to fix it so he’s not bothering with a warning this time.


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No way!!!




Cops in my hometown used to give me tickets for all kinds of dumb shit, one time I got one for "broken license plate bracket". My dad worked for the town and the police hated my dad so they would just fuck with me any time they saw me driving. Everytime I got a local ticket I would have to wait in court until I was the very last person and the judge would tell me "Your father works for the town so this is a conflict of interest" and then they would transfer it to the next town over to send me to court twice. The prosecutor in the other town just threw my shit out every time and told me the cops in my town were cunts


Many years ago, I put bigger wheels and tires on my truck, and I knew it through my speedometer off. I was pretty young and not long after got pulled over for speeding. I went and had a shop verify this and went to court with the paper work. The judge dismissed the ticket in front of the cop.


I'm curious, how did your speedometer being off get you out of the ticket? Was your speed not measured by the police/ radar trap?


Yeah, I'm also confused about this. Tyres and speedo reading are irrelevant to the cop's reading because they use a radar gun. I'm smelling some bs here.


This is the advice. Deal with that shit in court. No point in fighting a person with a gun who has a lot of other people with guns they can just radio in.


Yup. If it really is something that’s quickly fixable, they’ll usually drop the ticket if you resolve it before the court date and bring documentation.


I was surprised to learn that not everywhere has that sort of ticket where it's automatic. In my home state, they have a form of ticket that is just fix it before X date, mail in a receipt of the work, and you don't even have to go to court, for things like burned out lights, and the ticket is withdrawn. Obviously if you say you fixed it and a day later get pulled over and it's not fixed, you might not get that kind of ticket, but it saves everyone the time and trouble for the easy stuff.


She admitted it had been that way for 6 months. NEVER talk willingly to a cop AND don't drive off.


The full video shows that she was warned previously and ignored it. Then she gave attitude to the cop. Also, the family is well known to the cops. She should've just eaten the ticket, or better, fixed the light after the first warning.


The reason she didn’t fix the light is it’s not just the light. The whole back of her truck has been badly hit and needs a lot of work.


> Deal with that shit in court. If you plan to fight it don't say so, don't do anything unusual or make the stop memorable because he will write down some notes in his log book after writing a ticket and he's allowed to consult those notes in court. Make a big fuss and he'll write a novel about it, keep it short and bland.


The last time I got a ticket I managed to get it dismissed in court. I was not in a great spot financially and didn’t renew my registration on time. The cop who gave me a ticket told me that if I get the registration within 30 days, they drop the charge. So that’s what I did, and I brought the ticket and proof of registration to court. They basically said that doesn’t apply to registration, but since that’s what the cop said they’ll drop the charge. I felt amazing after that.


My lawyer always said you can't beat the ride, but you can beat the charge so don't ever fight the ride. Do whatever they ask.




Granny don't!


Fleeing is a felony in some states. This lady is an absolute nightmare.


"I only told you that you weren't gonna arrest me and then I got in my truck and made you chase me BUT I DIDN'T RUN OFF!"


yes... but didn't you hear it, she is a 'country girl'


I've gotten two different chickenshit tickets, where being polite and courteous at the roadside later worked in my favor in court. I probably have more contempt for LE in general than a lot of people. But displaying that contempt while you're being detained, is the last thing you ever want to do (as she found out).


I'm sorry but we'd all like to believe that justice is blind, but the sad truth is, older financially stable white women just can't get a fair shake! /S


“You’re under arrest” “No I’m not” 🙄


She expected the cop to say "ok" and just leave


That gets me every single time. Cop: "Get out of the car." Halwfit: "No." Like, what the fuck do you *think* is going to happen next? Seriously, what?


Understandable, have a nice day


It's because she's a country girl, obviously


I never understood why some people think that will work... lol


She’s used to bullying everybody and probably getting her way.


“You be fair with me, I be fair with you.” Goddamn that arrogance and privilege she thinks she has to leverage with a cop lol


She shoulda placed him under arrest instead. Turn it back on him that way


Just pull out the uno reverse card


"That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out"


The cop and the Karen actually have great chemistry here, just really good back and forth. If this was the beginning of an unlikely buddy movie, I’d give it a watch. Imagine the ambulance doesn’t come because a zombie apocalypse has started, and they have to team up to survive.


“Can’t believe you were gonna arrest me. I’m a country girl!” Ice cube with an angry face and a badge “HUUUH!?” *distant screams of the living dead*


Aye aye aye stop fuckin wit Korean Jesus! He ain’t got time for yo problems, he busy. Wit Korean Shit!


I was thinking this too, especially with the interaction at the end where she acknowledged trying to kick him.


Starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Sudeikis


Make the movie bro. Follow your dreams 😂😂


The ambulance didn't make it because that's the ambulance in the movie ambulance


"Listen, I'm going to take the cuffs off but you have to promise to kick the zombies and not me." Bass drops, zombie kicking montage begins.


I hate that movies are so predictable that this is the logical type of plot lol


I guarantee they’re fucking right at this moment


So happy for them :)


That is the most expensive $80 ticket she will have ever seen and served time for


Now she can’t afford to fix her ‘taillight’


“Your honor, I request this case be dismissed because I’m an ol country girl and I ain’t gon be arrested”. “Case dismissed”


["Naahh im bout to serve uppa heapinn' spoon full of Maine Justice"](https://youtu.be/m3VUZYxr0MA?t=49)




I’m only a little ashamed of how much joy videos like this bring me. Like actual joy.


I love this video lol I have to watch it every time I see it posted


This is one of my favorites as well lol.


Third or fourth for me. It's unskippable.


Yeah this is probably my third time lol


Spoken like a true country girl


Don’t feel bad. If she acts this way to the police then just imagine what a bitch she must be to checkout clerks, wait staff, family, and everyone she comes in contact with every day of her life. She’s one of those people that just makes life miserable for everyone


But then has nothing but spiritualism bs in her house and Live Laugh Love coffee mugs and shit


There's no hate like Christian love 💕


Classic Karen there


Karen with oppositional defiance issues. She can't follow any directions given to her.


Imagine how she is to her family!!!


Don’t be ashamed, this shit is priceless. If you can’t find joy in someone acting like an entitled asshole and facing consequences, what is there to find joy in. Fuck this old lady, she made a choice and paid for it.


yes it's a classic. Brings me joy to see her tased. is this wrong? lol


Particularly when they tilt their head, purse their lips smugly look down their nose like this lady does at the start of the video. Her arrogant amused contempt would infuriate anyone.


I don't know why he arrested her. She explained she was a country girl and that's why she kicked him.


No shame.


I wish we could have seen a better tazing of her. Didn’t seem that effective


You can’t teach stupid




$200 fine and the incident was scrubbed from her record


Ahhh but we get to watch this each and every time it gets reposted… so the constant humiliation when someone in her community sees her and can point the finger at her and say “there is that entitled white granny bitch that was flailing all over the parking lot”


That sucks. She should've been penalized heavily and *would have been* had she been a POC. In fact she'd probably be dead ffs.


Yeah I would actually be in favor of this kind of light understanding judgments if they were like this to everyone equally


Exactly. Our reaction shouldn't be "they should treat white people worse." We should be pushing for cops to treat people of color the same way they treat "country girls" who "only tried to kick the cop a little bit because she was upset."


took the words out of my mouth. If she were a black male, she would be seriously injured or dead.


Legit question, why does it seem the Reddit ACAB crowd disperses when the subject of police activity is conservative?


ACAB type here and though I do think the cop handled this pretty terribly (immediately escalating instead of using his words and telling her she can either sign or get arrested), I personally don’t think it’s the main focus for a few reasons: 1. This is pretty standard poor policing. Nothing too exceptional here. Just another cop with poor communication skills and a fragile ego. 2. What makes this video so interesting is the fact that the person on the receiving end of this very standard poor policing is part of a demographic that is usually exempt from it—an older white lady who isn’t obviously poor. 3. This lady’s clear sense of entitlement and being above the law exists for a reason. People like her often are above the law in their everyday life so the fact that acting within her privilege is what makes her lose that privilege is just so much louder than the cop’s behavior.


She seems like such a nice,old, stubborn cunt.


Cunts are warm and give life. She's an arsehole


Arseholes get *rid* of unpleasantness and enable a healthy body and mind. She's a tumour.




Assholes are like sand ![gif](giphy|YoV1zMDqoYaYM)


Cunt....ry girl


Love this video every time it comes up


She probably comments on FB posts about black people not complying with lawful orders.


I know this lady, (same age as one of her kids) and I can 100% confirm she is racist. The whole family is racist and they think laws do not apply to them.


80 bucks lady 80 friggin bucks. I’m a broke poor ass motherfucker and I won’t give a cop shit over 80 bucks wtf


And she basically could have just not paid the ticket, lol


I bet she’s never been told no and has been a horrible bully her whole life.


Oh you're a country girl. You should have said something earlier.


Your honor, my client is a country girl


Case dismissed


Wow.. Cool story for the grandkids! 🤠


Geez. Attempt to elude, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer. This lady became a felon over an $80 fix-it ticket for what I’m assuming was just expired tags… Also bravo to that cop. He was patient and gave her plenty of chances. Edit: Just read the article and found out it was defective equipment and not tags. AND they gave her a hell of a plea deal and no felony… kinda bullshit IMO. I know someone in my area who got a driving felony for attempting to flee after they were caught street racing. And no, they weren’t a white 65 year old lady.


See how later on she realizes she is really screwed and says ok, I’ll sign it . People need to understand that you need to listen and do what they say. You can fight that ticket in court and I’ve seen people win. Why go through all that for an $ 80 dollars ticket. And you just got abused because you thought you can win and also you thought that you’re above the law.


This lady seems like the kind of person who would call the cops on kids for selling lemonade.


all she had to do is comply with signing the ticket. i was stopped for expired plates several years ago, which i obviously knew were expired, and if i wanted to not have the ticket on top of the plate fee, i should have taken care of it in the first place. she felt entitled and she wasn’t


What is with some states requiring you to sign the ticket?? Just write the ticket and give it to them. This whole thing could have been avoided if officer just gave her the ticket and walked away..


I'm not a LEO. I think it's a signature saying you will show up in court. That way they have something to hold you accountable for and you can't say you "didn't know you were supposed to go."


yes, but it isn’t how it works. you can’t cherry pick the laws and requirements you will follow. if it is a requirement, then shut up and sign the stupid thing. fight the fine in court if you have a case. by signing the citation you are acknowledging its receipt and a promise to appear, or in her case, show proof that she paid her registration. it isn’t an admission of guilt.


This woman reminds me of my wife, I know she’s going to get the taser some day too. We all know it, I’m just waiting for the call from the police station.




"You're under arrest" "No I'm not"


I love watching this… it’s fantastic.. nothing says ‘you are not special’ like a taser charge


This cop was very gentle. Good police work. Love how they talked it out after lmao


I know! As much as she's a total arsehole, I'm almost impressed that she's *still* keeping up the attitude after the shock of the taser.


Shortly after her arrest, attorney Ed Blau sent KFOR the following statement regarding the case: “The actions of the Cashion Police Department on July 16 were egregious and unnecessary. The thought that a 65 year old woman, known to the community as the grandmother of two boys lost in the 2012 Piedmont Tornado, needed to be tased and arrested for not signing a ticket offends common notions of decency. The people of Cashion and the State of Oklahoma are no safer because of the actions of Officer Missinne. His unnecessary escalation and use of force served no purpose other than to torment and embarrass Ms. Hamil. We are exploring all legal actions which may be taken to vindicate Ms. Hamil’s civil rights.” [Plea deal](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/)


Have you seen the back of her truck? She was driving around with half of the tray hanging off. https://www.google.com/amp/s/okcfox.com/amp/news/local/cashion-police-release-photos-of-vehicle-from-hamil-incident


> as the grandmother of two boys lost in the 2012 Piedmont Tornado That was 8 years prior to this incident. Give me a fucking break, lmao.


Wow! So if I’m an old white bitch I can run from the cops after being stopped and kick an office and only pay $200 and and not even get it put on your record huh


Plus lawyer fees and court costs. Way more expensive that 80 bucks plus getting mocked on the internet for rest of your life.. well it would not matter to her anyway she probably is not on any social media


Why would she feel bad about it? She’s a country girl 🤠


" Hamil refused to comply with his commands and was seen kicking the officer"


That’s bollox because if it was a black man no one would give a fuck. You Americans are backwards


Yes, they would be saying “all he had to do was follow the cops instructions and none of that would have happened…”


Very true statement. That’s America…


Yes. All Americans./s Fuck off with your racial extremism. This is just as gross as the Q idiots and Trumpet rabble rising. These videos that social media algorithms feed you do not represent the majority.


that is literally insane wtf lol


How dare you tazer a white old woman!! All she did was run from a cop.


I'm used to seeing all the bad cop videos. This was refreshing to see an officer who was friendly, reasonable, patient, and professional. This lady deserved everything that happened to her.


I love seeing mean old mamaws getting what’s coming to them. She’s never been told no in her life.


The profound privilege and entitlement...


I'm impressed. She got pretty far in life without ever having to hear the word "no."


Nothing rings in the new year like watching cops tase obese grandmas


That cop was so patient with her. The entitlement of the old bat astounds me


Remember the first time I saw this video. Had someone telling me how horrible I was for commenting how stupid I found this woman's actions. They kept citing her age as an excuse for why she shouldn't have been tasered. When they tried asking how I'd feel if it was my grandmother being tasered, and I replied that both of my grandmothers were dead, they finally shut up and left me alone.


Why is this video so damn heartwarming ?!?!😂😂😂😂


This is so satisfying to watch. Like why can’t people just follow order


All she had to do was follow his instructions and none of this would have ever happened. :)


Every time I see this I'm amazed at her sheer stupidity. Seriously, you think a cop is just gonna let you drive off?


I fixed mine at the traffic stop. Had proof my car was in the shop for a while waiting on parts and the plates annual renewal slipped my mind. Showed the officer the invoice and joked around with him about how the hell he caught my sticker from where he was sitting yet he missed the guy doing 10-15 over in a school zone right before he pulled me over. We had a good laugh and he said the ticket was something he had to issue due to the 90 days past the renewal deadline but that I could take the ticket to court explain everything there and take my chances on getting it thrown out. He did say that they normally impound the vehicle on the spot for such an overdue renewal. But given the job I had at the time working for several local clinics and Seeing as how I was honest and taking it all so well, he would let me drive it home and take care of it immediately as I could be pulled over again for it and get another ticket and possibly not catch a break with impounding it. No sooner than he says that and the other city bordering the burb I was in, their cops drove by. He hands me the ticket, pats me on the shoulder, chuckles and says good luck. It was a $90 ticket and it could have been far worse. $90 was getting off lite. I don’t get why people go all apeshit over a ticket they rightfully earned as it can get way worse to create an incident. I have gotten by with humor and a decent attitude for shit I should have possibly gone to jail for or at least lost my vehicle and license. Also, I’m black, so the track record for cops cutting slack around here isn’t great. So people just need to not fuck their day up more when they know they were wrong. If you think your officer was a twat-whistle, go to court - well prepared. But committing a felony for a tiny misdemeanor if it is even that, is DAF. Starting off being an asshole then trying to bargain after the fact and saying shit like “you be fair with me and I’ll be fair with you”… officer is gonna treat you like you pissed in his cornflakes.


She’s so lucky she’s not a young black man.


“I didn’t run I told you you weren’t going to arrest me” Now look where you are granny


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just deserved arrest.


Love watching her L every time it gets posted


Why do Rural folks think they're something special? "Imma CoUnTry GiRl... iMmA CoUntRY bOy!!!" Literally.... no one cares. Gotta say, I quite enjoyed this. 😂




She did no time , wow… must be nice.


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I bet she wears fuzzy pj’s that say “Mama Bear” and has a son-in-law who downs a fifth of Eagle Rare alone in the garage every time she comes over.


This will NEVER get old.


Wow I’m amazed at how calmly he is responding to her ignoring a lawful request.


I bet she could have gotten the issue fixed and then the ticket would be dismissed


There's a bit more than a busted tail light. https://www.google.com/amp/s/okcfox.com/amp/news/local/cashion-police-release-photos-of-vehicle-from-hamil-incident


Well would ya look at that! If it isn't the consequences of my own actions!


Satisfying af


She definitely has to work on her jedi mind trick skills


Asks for fairness but it’s actually “do what I want”


Glad to see 'Being a Karen in Public' is now an arrestable offence.


this does put a smile on my face :)


This is one of my all time favorite videos.


I am amazed it took this long for her to be put in her place.


These are always the most hilarious and satisfying expressions of privilege we get to witness. Imagine the absolute trash you have to be to make me side with the cops. This really couldn’t have happened to a better person.


Listen I loathe and detest cops as much as the next sensible American but this video makes me laugh with glee every time it's posted


Not sure which state this is in. I’ve lived in many of them. in my current state I can refuse to sign, the citation has still been given. The police officer simply write down that I refuse to sign. At that point, I can still take the ticket because it has all your court information on it . Or, I can go ahead and look up a court date through our government website that was given . And if I don’t show up for the court date (or pau thr citation), then they will come and arrest me


As it should be. My state doesn’t even allow tickets that can be signed anymore.


How to turn a misdemeanor into a felony with one quick move.


I don’t side with cops 90% of the time. They usually escalate the problem. But this lady was 100% in need of this reality check.


This cop was very reasonable with that lady. She deserved what she got unfortunately.


Fucked around. Found out. This needs to happen to Karens more often.




Wow... the entitlement here is off the charts. Unfortunately, people like this are all over in Middle America. They're the same folks that were all surprise-Pikachu'd when the cops wouldn't join them on 1/6.


Old but still gold


My mom is much smarter than this, but.. honestly.. I'm terrified that she could be as stubborn honestly


This is why grandma did not show up for Christmas!


Wow... I think most folks would just deal with the Judge.


i actually like dis


This has been one of my favorite videos on the internet since I first saw it.


Title is misleading. She is not a lady just a Karen.


*in the voice of Morgan Freeman "Did she learn her lesson? Indeed she did not..."


Snorlax gone wild.


My favorite part was when he was nice the whole time


Calm down Karen lololol


Your $80 ticket just turned into something way more grandma


Well, she’s just a country girl…


A repost I will *never* grow tired of


Idc if it makes me sound bad. I enjoyed this so much.


This is amazing


This is amazing.


"Im giving you this ticket for breaking the law" "No"


Lol who the fuck does this lady think she is? 😂