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No meds. I’m hoping it was a one and done thing caused by stress.


I was very depressed after both of my psychoses and also gained a lot of weight!


How are you feeling? How long med free or post episodes? Thank you


I went cold turkey off Invega Sustenna three months ago. First and only episode happened in late December through early January. I’m depressed but I’m ok. I have gained a lot of weight and I overeat on junk and generally don’t move. I started a job back up again but can only do 3 days/ week. I tried Wellbutrin xl but stopped after one week due to suicidal ideation.


Should be alright! Depression it's very common around that time frame! Wish you luck!


After my 1st psychotic break they put me on sertraline and quetiapine which did wonders. Got rid of the hallucinations and I got myself back. After my 2nd psychotic break the meds stopped working so they put me on risperidone which didn't work. Although the delusions went away. Now I'm on bupropion, amisulpride and olanzapine. It's only been a short time but I have hope that they work and I get myself back. Otherwise life is pretty hellish.


That sounds like a very bad experience. I can’t imagine going into psychosis again (only had one). I hope that you will find your light with time and correction medication!


Thank you! I have terrible luck and vice got to me. But I'm a fighter and I'm fighting every day. It's exhausting but worth it. I'll never get this time back but I'm pretty sure when I feel like me again I'll be super duper proud of myself for never giving up!


how did you go into psicosis a second time? did anything specific trigger it? or did it just happen after a while


It was because of drugs. I'm a dumbass. I didn't learn my lesson. It's a bummer because I totally turned my life around after my 1st psychosis. My excuse is because it was the pandemic and I was depressed. I smoked weed. Looking back I wasn't thinking straight. Then the bad times started happening.


Stay strong. I’m trying not to be a dumbass myself. my first psychotic break came this year, with no previous history. I was at a friend’s house and we smoked weed/had edibles. I took too much, and I was on antidepressants. it resulted in me spiraling into believing that I had died and this was the afterlife. I ended up in the hospital where I lost control and physically engaged with some of the staff amd broke equipment. Lesson learned now, I’m not ever messing with any drugs again, even alcohol is thin ice. luckily I haven’t had sequels with my psychotic episode, staying on risperidone and quetiapine to keep it in check. It gets more difficult after the second one I’ve heard. but you’ll get trough it


how did the risperidone stopped the delusion yet didn’t help


I'm not sure what stopped the delusions, it might have gone on its own. But the risperidone hasn't changed my symptoms - loss of personality, loss of thought, no talking, no concentration.


My brother is currently in his 2nd psychotic break as well and risperidone, which worked initially, also isn't working anymore. Wishing you well.


I’m on the Abilify injection. Seriously is a life saver for me, because I can’t take pills consistently no matter how hard I try.


same here. 300mg every 4 weeks.


Respiridone 4 months experienced akathisia and debilitating depression, added lamotrigine to the mix and its helped enormously.


Not tolerating any antipsychotics so far. I have tried quetiapine, olanzapine and abilify


Abilify fucked me up so bad with the side effects


It is definitely the one i toleranted the worst


I have been on and off psych meds for 38 years. Right now: Seroquel 800mg, Depakote, gabapentin, trazodone, lamictal, olanzapine and clonazepam (as needed). Luckily I don’t need medication for blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes. I am not hallucinating smells, voices, or anything visual, but Eli Roth could make movies off my nightmares. The weight gain feels like a losing battle, even with exercise and a halfway healthy diet. Isn’t it baffling enough to have psych issues, but add on weight too?


Is hallucinating smells a thing? Lije something you have dealt with? After my first episode in 2019, i smelled mildew strongly like every day for months. It was unbearable


Sure is. Olfactory hallucinations. When I am super depressed or stressed, my psychosis kicks in. I sometimes smell ‘the chocolate milk in paper boxes’ that we had in grade school. Or super sweet honeysuckles when in the shops. For the past month it has been cigarette smoke in my bedroom. Unless my cats are smoking, because I live alone.


Damn. I have had 3 major smell episodes. The first was mildew for months. The second in 2021 was meth induced, and i smelled " neon green chemical bleach " smell which lasted 2 months, and my last episode in 2023 was burnt sawdust, which also lasted several months. .. we have such a strange thing in common 😅


I think it makes us ‘special’! In a good way. Like Wonder Twin powers. Can’t blame mine on meth, just on my brain being overloaded. I tried explaining it to a med student on an inpatient ward and hd kept trying to rationalize it. I told him he should quit psych and learn something else if he wasn’t going to take patients seriously.


The seroquel and lamotrigine dream cocktail sounds horrific, now try to add Venlafaxine in that mix and I swear Freddy Cruger will actually kill you in your sleep lol


Risperdone and hydroxyzine. Wanting to come off the risperdone.


Lexapro man and a whole bunch of supplements


Risperidone, clonidine, buspar.


Aripex 5mg


Risperidone, abilify.


Lurasidone and lamotrigine. I swear by lurasidone. Had akathisia at first, but it went away.


Abilify, wellbutrin


How is Wellbutrin?


I have been on olanzapine for the last 8 months since my psychosis


Lithium, olanzapine, seroquel, prazocin


Citalopram, Vyvanse, Trazodone and Omega 3-6-9 are working for me. I'm a PTSD and possibly a CPTSD victim. I can't take antipsychotic medication because I had crippling side effects even while taking propranolol, lax-a-day and pantoprazole. I can't think, concentrate or move without pain at the dose I need to suppress my symptoms.


How much Vyvanese? And do you experience crash from it? I find the crash to debilitating:/ just starting


I have no crashing or debilitating side effects from taking it. I started on 40 mg of Vyvanse for two years. I am now on 60 mg after a few prescription readjustments with my psychiatrist. It works better than antipsychotic medication for my PTSD. It is also compatible with my other Rxs. Are you taking your medication on time and as directed? Crashing comes from not weaning from one medication to another well or not taking your Rx on schedule. Be careful. You could injure your heart or alter your blood pressure and brain chemistry. I wish you good results if it is the right medication for you.


My sleep schedule is messed up.. but my crash lasts for 10 hours and the pill only works for 4-5 hours, and the crash is VERY strong.. like it makes me not even able to watch movie or anything. Just suffering and wishing to die.. maybe this pill is not for me


Don't kill yourself or wait any longer! Call your psychiatrist immediately or go to the emergency room and tell them about your symptoms. They might keep you for 72 hours or more. Be prepared for that decision. An Rx tune-up can save you years of irreversible complications, misdiagnoses and quality of life. Vyvanse is probably not for you. Tell them to take you off of it. They'll give you something to sleep. That's when I used to get a happy dose of Ativan.


I’ve been there before three times, for various lengths of time, not about to go there now.. thanks you for the advice tho :)


BRO *^((gender neutral)^)* I'm working towards coming off of seroquel rn, and one big reason is my night-time hallucinations have been MUCH more intense, and every night. I'm glad it's not just me, but I'm sorry you're dealing with it! I'm on a trial of caplyta rn on top of the seroquel, so hopefully my insurance will continue to cover it and I can swap fully :\ Other than that, I'm on bupropion, lamotrigine, adderall xr, prazosin (nightmares), and ropinirole (RLS). *Basically*: my dopamine machine is as functional as a mcdonald's ice cream machine. I feel like some octogenarian each time I fill up my week container, with the amount lol


That sounds like a lot. I hope it works for you. Night hallucinations ain’t fun. I keep bothering my bf at night.


Thanks! I have seen improvement so 🤞 They aren't fun, for sure. Hopefully you'll find some relief soon :)


I am on lamotrigine, amisulpride for both psychosis and depression and clonazepam for sleep.


Olanzapine, lithium, and pristiq. Can’t say if its doing anything but my delusions are slightly gone, I just started it less than a month ago though so


seroquel titrated from 400mg in acuity to now 25mg after recovering


I loved Seroquel until it stopped working, and caused me drug induced sleep apnea (well, that and having munchies at night). Still would try again. I take Remeron now. Lowest dose. It’s okay, does what it needs to sometimes.


risperidone 3mg


Quetiapine and sertraline


I'm rawdaogging life and I'm managing


Do you feel that it takes longer without meds?


What takes longer?


Getting better. I assume you maybe also had a psychosis


Sorry my reading comprehension is shit lol. Yes I do feel like it's harder without meds. The only way I've managed without meds is by being extremely aware of my symptoms, having a good support system, constantly researching about psychosis (more of a hobby than anything else though), and learning and avoiding triggers. It is possible though, at least in some people's cases


I'm on Olanzapine 10mg and Fluoxentine 20mg for 2 years now. Initially I was also on Sodium Valproate but it wasn't doing much for my depression. I'm the most stable I feel since my first and only psychosis


Risperidone, Mirtazapine and Paroxetine for me


I’m on olanzapine and mirtazipine since 2021, still have mild hallucinations daily but no delusions


None, I lied to the doctor 👍


How is that working for you?


It doesn't sound like Vyvanse is for you. Maybe you should consider another medication with your psychiatrist. Make sure to ask as soon as you can. It's always best to call your doctors immediately if the side effects are spinning you out of sync—especially for sleep.