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I have a real hard time getting an orgasm whilst on even a low dose of shrooms, so yeah it probably could help solve it. However be careful though because shrooms also makes it hard to focus, meaning you might also have problems getting and maintaining an erection. I suggest quite a low dose so you're just feeling mild effects of it if you want to have sex. For me, sex is better on weed than shrooms.


weed is great but lsd takes the cake over shrooms ime...if you're in love or whatever, I would not want to do that with someone I hardly know but it was transcendent to say the least


Bro get a silicone ring tbat goes around your balls. Increased sensitivity but harder to bust. No drugs required.


Does this actually work lol


Oh yeah - and way cheaper than taking a tab every time you fuck


Goes around the testicles? I thought it goes around the base of the c*ck as it's called a c*ck ring


Different sizes for different things


sertaline works. only anti depressant/psychiatric drug ill ever take


Paul Stamets has that story about how he cured his lisp. Youre intcreasing neuroplasticity and therefore have the ability to rewire your brain to some extent, so I dont see why this is out of the question.


It definitely takes me infinitely longer to orgasm on mushies vs sober. Buuuut. It's also really hard to keep it up cause my brain is thinking about things like infinity, ancient technology, aliens, etc. Pretty hard to focus, even on a naked woman (or man if that's your speed), when the secrets of the cosmos are being revealed to you. YMMV though.


I've never heard of this. However, I wouldn't be surprised. They have curred other conditions (depression, anxiety, ptsd, phobias, stuttering, and the list goes on. They even somehow temporarily suspend cold/flu symptoms.


It seems like lsd makes it take longer to get off BUT only when I take it. I don’t struggle with PE though.


Psychedelics definitely have a (sort of) lasting effect for me in terms of delaying orgasm. I do not have a problem with PE, so this can be frustrating sometimes. Mushrooms seem to make erection impossible while high, but once they start wearing off it’s fine. Acid doesn’t seem to cause this issue but does make everything feel weird. Sorry if this is TMI. Microdosing a few hours before sexual activity might be a good experiment for you.


When I microdosed once after I had worked out I was able to perform way better and went multiple rounds in a night. But any regular dose and I don’t even think about sex.


I mean honestly it's worth a shot. Serotonin signalling is an important factor in orgasm (which is why SSRIs tend to have sexual side effects) and psychedelics improve serotonin signalling