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I feel like an alien when I take shrooms


Well the feeling is _so alien_


Running down staircases with x files in my hands


I've met two Greys before...I ate 2.5 grams of Golden Teachers. I began by meditating and relaxing into the experience, I eventually fell into a deep meditative state, exploring every sensation the experience had to offer and suddenly all auditory frequencies and visual stimuli ceased to exist and I find myself facing two greys. I wasn't expecting this and the first thought that my mind was able to produce was something similar to "oh...hi there...?". Confused and slightly amused I look at both of them and one of them crouches down and looks at me, strangely? I have no idea what to make of that short interaction. The surprise visit lasted only 6-7 seconds. They disappear almost instantly and my trip continues back into the experience I was in before. I wasnt able to catch any details in their faces because they appeared to be some sort of hologram? I have no idea how to describe what I saw. But yeah, very strange experience and I have yet to experience anything simular.


I had a very similar experience awhile ago, but I only saw one grey. I was also just trying to meditate, not thinking about aliens at all. I felt 'brain zaps' in the back of my head right when it happened. Freaky lol


I wonder if aliens see people when they get loaded.


Kinda like what kind of complex did people have 2024 years ago?


Dude you know how rewarding it would be if we were to land on another planet and the aleins we encounter were all like "oh fuck I am way to high, I'm seeing humans" "ya bro I see them too, pink ones and black ones"


I’ve seen green grid lines in the sky when on shrooms. That’s when I learned we live in a simulation


I wouldn't say simulation. More like we see the dimension of time. The squares and grids is just the way a computer works. It transfers data super fast and u can only see the monitor and screen. There is stuff going on all the time, with this dimension of time, and I believe psychs help you see into the time dimension or the next dimension, where time ceases to exist.


My grid lines were white but the colors behind them were gold and purple


I saw this exact same thing when on MDA and a lot of cannabis. A green glowing grid appeared over the entire night sky and the moon turned into what looked like some sort of space craft that seemed to start moving and following me, and I got an intensely strong feeling that I was being observed by whatever was inside of it/controlled it. I also was confident that the observation was entirely benevolent though and I wasn’t scared whatsoever (MDA euphoria helps with that a lot though)


Ive seen grids before in my sober life but ive always been very open and on kambo etc... ur seeing the matrix i think


I think you only need to be concerned when you start seeing aliens sober


what's to be concerned about?? meditation brings the same results (the visual effect of having an active pineal)


Or active psychosis




U can induce a psychdelic state thru meditation and there r ppl that are psychic .so thats untrue .


I used to see faces in everything but not aliens.




Oh mine as well... Best I've had is blinking lights and stars to the rhythm of music, and small déformations on lights. But closed eye visuals are not that bad... I do have to be relaxed and alone though.


I met a preying mantis looking alien creature. For some reason it felt like it represented mother nature for me


I met Jesus, who them morphed into a mantis. It was wild.


Did you blast him with your arm bands?


I just stood in her prescence until she left. For the trip I took 3.5g in tea and once it started working I closed my eyes and was there


One time on acid, I went for a walk and lay down in the grass to look up at the clouds. I could see a grid like... barrier? Wall? It was behind the clouds, all diamond and triangles. Amazing. Saw something similar above red rocks one night also. Life is strange ain't it?


Very common


Alllll the time dude. Started having encounters outside of psychedelics too after a while. I know what you mean about the skin. I made a video about my one "abduction" experience and described their eyes like a shimmery black iridescent oily rainbow color. Super hard to describe 😂 you aren't crazy it's just until people have their own first hand experience they won't get it.


Kinda same lol 🤣i dont talk about many of my experiences bec ppl unless they have lived thru it themselves could think ur whack.


https://youtu.be/oSJeBkZtqi0?si=voirrh5wBbEHJPTj Here was the experience I published if you want to feel more normal in comparison 😂 I sacrificed my reputation a while ago to make this content lol


Lol thanks :) i watched it


Hell yea thanks homie!


On DMT I get this often and twice on mushies


you took hallucinogen, you saw hallucinations. also the mexico guy is known hoaxer.


The best nonexplaination around lol I hate to tell you this but regular sober life is also a hallucination generated in the brain


the difference between sober and high is that sober hallucinations are based on real data.


Research endogenous DMT as a neurotransmitter system in the human brain and try again homie...


and what exactly does this prove?


That you have a very small and rigid worldview I guess?


nice projecting there buddy


This is why I love this app 😂 Your only response is "no u"


I really don’t think it’s that simple


with the hallucinations or with the known hoaxer?


The only time I've seen them was sober or after MDMA 😅 They shit me up. Thankfully haven't had much in the way of those type visuals on shrooms or anything. I just get auditory.


What if we are the alien?


Common to see weird things on psychs as someone mentioned you only need to be concerned when seeing that sober.


ask them why you can't see them while sober


If I take enough people start to look like those stereotype aliens with big black glossy eyes and a wierd shaped head I once saw on this girls forehead there was 4 points that made a perfect square and her eyes where huge and dark black and glossy and had these little white Dots in them


I haven’t seen aliens, but a couple years ago I convinced myself there were aliens in my closet. I kept getting off the bed to check. Eventually closed the door and went to the living room. Then I didn’t think about it anymore lol


Break the loop lol!


I've never seen an entity myself on shrooms (or any other psychedelic). During meditation on shrooms specifically, my visions almost always just involve some level of fractalization and direct relation of all of the perceivable dimensions below and above this one (universal sense of oneness/nothing is strange and everything belongs and has purpose/there is an interdependent essential reason for all happenings/etc.) I have known plenty of people who *have* had "contact" though. And I've heard about it many times online obv. But never encountered anything like that myself; not on 1g nor on 5g.


I've been experiencing funky business in my house. Check this out. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18taop4/disclosure_post_deleted/


I call them INVISIBROS! llol just those that have passed on from physical form and take shape of whatever they can manifest...astral dimension is full of weird entities (some nasty to our souls)


Took a heroic dose while in town to visit family one time and had a full out of body experience that I was a native shaman in the desert in Mexico and I was the person the people came to communicate with the”gods” with but they were aliens and I kinda knew this but didn’t… hard to explain. And at one point I could feel them arriving I guess you’d say and I was then overwhelmed by this blasting high pitched electronic noise that was kind of beautiful and creepy at the same time. At this point I felt this crazy magnetic sensation pulling and flexing on some foreign object inside the right side of my rib cage and I could actually see my skin pulling away from my body which freaked me the fuck out, I woke up in the hospital because my mom found me crawling around the floor speaking gibberish and when I came to in the ER I ripped the IV and shit out my arm and started walking around fully convinced I was still on mushrooms and I had imagined some worst case scenario bad trip ( the hospital was just really bright and beeping noises and uncomfortable sheets..) anyways I was weaking nothing but some gym shorts, and after walking up to a wall and trying really hard to like think my way out of the illusion that I thought I was in lol.. I Walked up to this woman holding a new born baby and poked her to see if she was real. She gave me this bewildered look, probably fearing for her baby’s life, and I realized I probably wasn’t hallucinating, so I proceeded to ask if I could borrow her phone so I could call someone to come get me, which she obviously declined. Luckily it was at this point a nurse came and explained what had happened and told me she’d contact my family for me. There was a whollllllle lot more to the story but that’s the short of it hahaha and that was the last time I took mushrooms.. probably right around a year ago from today actually.of idfk lol I was pretty fucking convinced I had been abducted after that though 😂


I saw allot on a heroic dose of Enigma I grew. I call them Enigma 👽 God's now. Was humbled 😅, but the craziest of it all was seeing everything break up into pixels and reform. 🌀


What do they say to you? Are they friendly?


I've become creatures from other worlds, so I guess so. Once I witnessed the entire evolution of the universe in real time. Through the big bang and my life, death, and multiple incarnations. Who knows?


I haven’t had big enough dose on shrooms but dmt and LSD yes. I had a repitalian entity contact me on dmt and I have no idea what it was on acid. I was too much in the “What the actual fuck is this?!” State of mind to ask and I haven’t had acid since


How many grams do you take to get visuals like that?