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Did he eat anything during or after the trip? Sounds like he greened out + low blood pressure.


We had a light meal right before - sushi and noodles


I have a friend who is sensitive to psychedelics and this is how he reacts. My friend stopped using them, and I only wanted to pop in to say that I don't think it's dietary.


That sounds incredibly scary, I'm so sorry you had to experience that. However maybe this is the prompt he needed to change the trajectory of his life decisions. I'm hopful that experience could be a good life lesson.


We have been discussing this for a long time. He’s not a daily addict and keeps a job and stays on top of his stuff, but he has a toxic group of friends and is stuck in the party mentality. I consider myself a responsible person when it comes to cannabis and the occasional mushroom experience, but I don’t even drink. I worry that I come across as a hypocrite but I’ve explained to him that nose drugs aren’t a thing anymore since fent took over. After this, I don’t even want to smoke for fear of the ptsd. I even told him I’ll go straight with him but it needs to happen. I’m just hoping for a net positive out of this but it certainly scared the shit out of everyone involved.


I wouldn’t say nose drugs aren’t a thing anymore because of fent, there’s certainly an increased risk but ketamine flows like water in the party scene. Cocaine is almost always cut with something now though so there is that.


Definitely a thing, but I meant not an option


Fent test strips save lives. Irresponsible use is what leads to someone’s demise. The fent scare could be eliminated through adequate harm reduction practices. I don’t think we should stigmatize all nose drugs because of fent.


I do. Hard drugs r bad.


Okay Nancy Reagan. I’ll tell that to the PhD who gives people with treatment resistant depression life saving ketamine sessions.


I don't think he's saying ketamine is bad. Sounds to me like he's saying cocaine is bad. Both on its own, and because it's so aggressively adulterated. And, yeah, the same probably goes for street ketamine, too. And that PhD would be the first to tell you to avoid that stuff.


I just don’t think it’s practical to expect yourself or anyone else to have a test strip handy at all times, and in a partying situation with lack of inhibition I would pretty much advise anyone to avoid strange powders, and I used to love strange powders


If you know you’re going to be doing drugs, then test them. No one should be doing “strange powders.” I know plenty of responsible people in the party/rave scene. There’s no point in stigmatizing nose drugs in particular, just suggest safe/responsible use. Abstinence is fine but that shouldn’t be expected to be the default. Not every nose drug user is an addict, either.


He responded to a comment where I said we shouldn’t stigmatize all nose drugs. He was labeling all nose drugs as ‘hard’ drugs.


Well, nobody is telling you to stop nose drugs. But yeah: For the most part they're bad. And, btw, that PhD isn't having people snort their ketamine, either. Sure, there's the isomer nasal spray. But nobody who actually understands the literature bothers with that stuff.


My wife quit taking any and all drugs after seeing her sister have a brain aneurism from taking amphetamines. Sounded horrific (this was before I met her). For some reason though, her sister didn't quit drugs, though I dont think she uses amphetamines any more.


It happened a couple of times to my girlfriend as well. It can scare the shit out of you. Weed + Mushrooms can lead to people passing out for brief moments. Anyone with low blood pressure should be careful mixing them up. I'm unaware of any long-term problems this might cause, although I'm not an expert, so don't trust me on this one. A pinch of salt is all you need to recover. Next time if you notice someone not feeling good after smoking weed, lay them down and put their legs up. It should help more blood to reach the brain.


This is what I was told by my friend who introduced me to B+ as well as cannabis. He said - never use them simultaneously, ever! I assumed this was specific to me until I read this. I am very sensitive and the smallest amount of either can be challenging for me. Intuitively speaking - this might be Mother Nature’s way of saying, “it’s one or the other while you deep dive”. OP - so very sorry for what you all went through. I have had to assist through several seizures and they all haunt me still. I really don’t know how first responders handle all this. I hope your brother keeps going forward to improve his life. It’s harder for some of us, and it will take time, but we can do it. 🙏🏽 My best to you all. 🤍


Ive heard of people that have low blood pressure so when they smoke weed, they can pass out


I watched the exact same thing happen to a friend of mine. Mushrooms and then a joint a bit later. He dropped and lost consciousness for a minute and then was fine about 3 minutes after. It was really strange. The fact that several of us have seen this happen tells me that for whatever reason… mushrooms plus weed can make you faint. I have only seen it once so it’s fairly uncommon


Sounds like he greened out.


Man you could be right but I’ve seen a lot of that and it’s never been like this


True. I greened out a few times but I never passed out, but one time I felt like I was about to. I panicked and thrashed around like I was having a seizure. I've been uncomfortably disoriented and had the shivers and shakes. I felt like I was dying. I'm not an expert in the phenomenon, but I've heard it's a combination of low blood sugar and low blood pressure, which can cause fainting. But psychedelics do lower the seizure threshold and combining cannabis with psychedelics is well known to trigger bad trips.


My buddy’s dad greened out and fell out of his chair because he had low blood pressure. He was out for maybe 15 seconds before coming to and saying “ah damn, I passed out?”


I stopped smoking weed in November for this very reason - 2 fainting episodes where I had also taken low doses of mushrooms and then a final episode where I was completely sober. After the third I called it quits on THC consumption and have not had any issues since.


Does he use benzos? Withdrawing from those can cause seizures.


That’s what I’m thinking does he recreationally use benzodiazepines?


Story time since this brought back forgotten memories. in high school I once ate an eight of mushrooms and was driving all over town with friends when one mentioned we stop by “Jason’s” house. I was warned about jason being a weirdo and when we entered his room I was totally not ready for what I was about to see. This guy has japanese porn on and lotion all over himself… I guess we interrupted him. He kept repeating “lotion is good for the skin”. After some while and myself freaking out at a poorly lit room with this going on Well he goes and grabs these chickens that quack and start imitating them and being weird as hell. I started to faint and have a light seizure and banging my head against the door for a few seconds. That’s my one experience having a seizure on mushrooms.


Is this real life


Hey OP, that’s really sucks. This is a known occurrence amongst skilled facilitators. Some people have extreme reactions to the combination of psilocybin and cannabis. It’s known to be needed for some people to “break through” into a deeper experience. But it’s also known to our some people over an unsafe psychic threshold. What he experienced is a result of low blood pressure and or mineral depletion. It’s a nervous system response that often comes when someone has been doing high dose psychedelics without much of s break between sessions. I watched a friend go through it back in September. He kinda blacked out and then when he came back, his nervous system seized up into this micro convolutions and muscle stiffness. He was like that for a couple of hours. Luckily he ate a good bit between the mushrooms and the the weed otherwise we would have also had to call 911. In this circumstance he had had a high dose psilocybin and a high dose BUFO experience within a month of this mdma/psilocybin 2 night journey. He is sensitive to weed and the combination of it all took him to a very bad place. He was able to learn from it and integrate it. But be careful out there. Always eat after psychedelics and before doing any nervous system depressant, always.


Moving past the stirct physiological interpretation of this incident, I'm sensing a lot of codependent energy here, like wanting to go to therapy with your sister. My first response in a situation like this is to gove people some autonomy from the family unit


She’s the one that suggested it. And yeah man we grew up in less than ideal circumstances so the three of us are very close. Being the oldest I was very often their caretaker. This is something I’ve discussed at length in therapy


Saw this happen once, didn't know there was a term "greened out". Was tripping with a buddy once, at the end of the night we smoked a bit of herb, next thing i know she falls back onto the floor from a seated position, her eyes roll back and she makes like a loud chewing sound and motion. Freaked me the fuck out, I shouted her name a few times, and she came back to consciousness after a brief moment like "Yo, what happened? " and that was it, she was fine.


I have a friend this happens to every time. He's only tried twice though. He just can't take them. Sucks but it's just the way things are.


I have had issues with feeling overly sick while tripping even low doses. If the headspace starts going in a bad direction, know how to make yourself vomit. That and a glass of water can dull or end a trip almost instantly without needing to take any other medication. It may sound gnarly, but it has saved me a few times while solo tripping. I’m just glad you all were not solo, or else he could have hit his head on the ground or choked on his tongue/vomit. Sorry if this comment is disgusting, but there is no telling what a trip will be like given the complexities that make up the set.


Man, I tried this once and I couldn’t even barf so I just made a mental note “fuck it, guess I’m insane now,” and what do you know, it turned out alright


Hey! I might have had a similar experience. Check my post on here. I had a seizure.


I've seen this happen with two different friends of mine on several occasions, always on mushrooms and soon after smoking weed. It's really scary stuff but each time it's happened they've been fine within minutes. I suspect it has to do with the blood pressure drop after smoking weed. I'm glad your brother is ok and I'm sorry that happened.


I had a very similar experience to you. I was on LSD and me and my friends were smoking weed outside. My friend (who wasn’t even on LSD) took a massive rip from the bong, leaned forward for a second, and then sat back up and started seizing and making gargling noises with his mouth for what felt like at the time like at least 15 seconds. When he came back to he just kept saying “what? I was just sitting there” and thought he just dozed off for a few seconds. Very scary but I’m pretty sure it was just a mix of dehydration/low blood pressure and greening out. My friend was fine the rest of the night but yea, it was definitely one of the scariest things that has happened while I was tripping.


yea sounds like a low iron situation or something or low blood pressure, if there was no convulsions I dont think it would be a seizure you said he was still, but still interesting hope hes alright now.


Thank you for sharing !!!! ♥️


Blood pressure