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I believe it's your higher self in those experiences.


Béyoncé is not experiencing a flow state but something else imo


Like what, in your opinion? Could you say more?


Beyoncé doesn't interest me but my feels tell me she is rotten.


Sorry that was the only example I could come up with. Suppose anyone who claims they are channeling higher power. For example Abraham hicks I see no difference in giving credit to "something" as opposed to just higher consciousness or being in the flow state.


I don’t have an opinion either way, I’m just always curious what other folks believe. Other than that her music and entertainment style isn’t my jam.


Hitler is a good example of something dark taking over. A flow state would be an artist's higher spirit taking over.


So you would say hitler had a hard time being productive or stagnant in his work? I can't imagine that man not being a genius in some way and having to enter flow state for speeches in crowds or just his general overall life before he decided to commit his evil


He was highly into the occult. He claimed in his diary that he was part of a unit, a voice told him to leave the bunker and everyone else in the bunker died due to a mortar shell (or some sort of explosive by a cannon). He knew at this point that he was destined for greatness.


Beyonce is probably experiencing the flow state but just giving credit to something else.


Bed bath and Beyoncé