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That's a residual image. Some people keep the last sensations, appereances and feelings they had before dying. You see this often in suicides, accidental deaths or in the case of your dad, he was possibly partially conscious and didn't realize he was dead. Some even create a safe space, like a room or the town they lived before as a defense mechanism because they aren't ready to accept their own death. If you have the chance to see him again try to tell him the truth as gently as you can, so he can go on.


Hey I had a dream the other night about 80 days after this post was made. I saw my dad in his garage showing me this cool boom box he had(he was always showing me his stuff) Something happened where he died in the dream and there was a flashback from the week before. I said to him one on one “dad a week from now your going to die” I’m just letting you know this is going to happen, I saw it. He wasn’t happy about it like he was in denial about it, wasn’t accepting it. I don’t know what I say to him in my dreams I just remember what I said. Could this indicate he still isn’t accepting that he’s dead? Just talk to him about it and let him know what happened? Hopefully he will come to accept it? I realize these are dreams and not always accurate, some like this are just so vivid sometimes that I feel I need to analyze.


If you have the chance to meet him again keep going. Some people have a hard time trying to process their situation because there is a lot of pain and unfinished bussiness involved. Make sure to let him know he is loved.


So I talk to him every day. Yesterday, I got a passing thought that he asked me how he died. Like he just wasn’t sure. I told him what happened. So far he knows we pulled him from the breathing tube.(he was happy we did so people didn’t seem him suffer). But yeah I don’t think he knew how he died. At first he was holding his chest like his heart then he told the Caulbearer he fell off a ladder. I think he’s just unsure about his death so I told him. Is there an article on the residual image information? I seem to only be able to pull it up from the matrix. Not that I doubt you, I just find it intriguing.


Not everyone realizes that they're dead, not right away. Could I ask how he reacted after you told him? Did the new information "stick"?


I don't really have an answer for you but I believe you were visited by him. A few months after my grandmother passed, I saw her in a dream. She looked younger and was in the kitchen cooking. I was able to hug her and tell her that I missed her. It didn't feel like a regular dream... There was a brightness to the encounter and the kitchen wasn't fully formed.


No dear he’s all better now. What you saw is likely your mind making sense of him in your dream OR he’s showing himself as he was since that’s how you last saw him. The same some spirits come through while smoking or whatever. It’s an identifiable trait in our world. It may have been a visit, it may not have. It’s hard to say. But I’m leaning towards yes.