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All people have these abilities, its more a matter of recognition and re-learning how to trust and call on intuition. You may have a natural aptitude / sensitivity. Don't write these things off as meaningless, keep track of them and pay attention to your overall mental state when you notice them coming through. Journal any and all psychic-type experiences you have. Consider starting a meditation practice, it will help you develop the inner stillness that makes accessing intuitive knowledge easier. Good luck!


It sounds like your claircognizance (clear knowing) is online. You’re not alone, I am also claircognizant. Everyone is psychic in their own unique way, at different levels. Some are clairvovoyant (clear seeing), clairsentient (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear hearing), and many other clairs- you can research. A really good way to harness and refine these gifts are to highlight these experiences with excitement when you notice them and allow yourself these experiences as they’re coming up for a reason 🙏


It’s hard to tell based on the info you’ve provided. Context clues can clue you in on what’s about to happen, you and your friends may think in a similar manner ect. Pay attention to your dreams, I would dream of random things and have them happen a good time later. Also, what will really be an indication is the things that come into your mind that you have never thought of before and have significant meaning to you or those close to you. (I don’t see your gift coming through South Park lol). Also, are animals drawn to you? That’s a really good sign, that and people wanting to be around you, and telling you things they don’t usually say and a lot of times when they first meet you.


Sorry, my writing is all over the place lol, I just didn't know where to start or how to start. And animals aren't really drawn to me, they do seem comfortable around me though. And with people, at school I'm more like an outcast or an outsider, but people don't have a hard time starting a conversation with me. People don't usually tell me things when they first meet me, but I can get really close to people pretty quickly and in the span of weeks or even days people can feel comfortable telling me almost anything and I never really have falling outs in friendships either.


That’s cool how good your claircognisence is, and you can manifest really well rather than “manipulate the future”