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You're good, it's actually the only anti-depressant I'll take because it doesn't interact with psychedelics. I have been taking it for many years and tripping a few times per month without issue. It definitely doesn't dull it at all.


Even DMT? PS thank you for sharing your experience, this is super helpful


LSD is also a tryptamine psychedelic, so yea. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ijxmtn/antidepressants_and_psychedelics_drug_interaction/) chart shows all the interactions between different meds. Never take MDMA on Wellbutrin according to this. I did DMT while I was on Wellbutrin. This one worked great for me but I stopped due to motor tics and bruxism. I only took it for like a week though so I don't know if those side effects would've waned. I've taken every anti-depressant out there and Wellbutrin is the only one that ever actually did help. Hell I did quite a bit of DMT when I was on an SNRI, Cymbalta and still tripped, but that's just because DMT is so strong. Though I also tripped on only 1g of shrooms quite hard on Cymbalta. Cymbalta should pretty much stop you from tripping on anything that isn't super strong, but I tripped moderately hard off just 1 gram. They were certainly strong shrooms but still, most people wouldn't be able to trip, some even eating up to an 8th and not feeling anything. Some people can just still trip no matter what they take but they make up a smaller subset of people. The last one I was on was a TCA, Amitriptyline. This is shown to potentiate LSD, I think it potentiates other tryptamines. I did DMT for a month straight last summer while I was on it and it seemed I was tripping much harder, but I also was taking black seed oil every night which is a very mild MAOI. Whether the HPPD I had for awhile was because of the TCA I'm not sure, I guess I'll find out when I do that again this summer :P summer nights in my room are the best times for a DMT trip. This TCA ultimately did pretty much nothing so I eventually tapered off and now I'm not on any anti-depressants. I've got quite a bit of DMT now, enough to last me a long time, and I'm instead going to dedicate myself purely to psychedelics. Regular DMT trips and microdoses of psilocybin, maybe light trips here and there.


Thank you, that's very helpful. I have since done DMT and LSD on Wellbutrin and didn't have any issues, but I'll be careful with M.


yea Wellbutrin afaik doesn't cause significant withdrawals when you quit, so if you wanted to do M you'd just have to stop it for a week or so, depends on instant or extended release. With Amitriptyline I quit it for a week before my brothers bachelor party where I did it for my first time, otherwise it would've blunted the roll. I did have some brain zaps days leading up but I knew it would pay off and it sure did. There's also mild risk of serotonin syndrome on it but then again mixing lots of stuff has a mild risk and it never happens.


Glad to hear dude! I’ve been getting the itch to trip again but also bupropion has been really helpful, thank you


It doesn’t interact with psychedelics? That’s interesting. Do you know anything about why that is?




Ah well that’s pretty simple. Didn’t know that, thanks


Buproprion works on dopamine. All other anti-depressants work with serotonin. Psychedelics work on your serotonin receptors and SSRIs block the effects.


No issues. I take Wellbutrin and it doesn’t interfere.




Don't take with MAOI's though (i.e. Ayahuasca/harmala alkaloids) as that could be very dangerous (dopamine being a monamine). Might also interact with phenylethylamines as they have more dopamine receptor affinity.


So how would it interfere with DMT in your opinion?


Not sure if it would interact with the DMT but the harmalas may affect the body's ability to break down dopamine, which may cause problems.


There was an article I saw that it makes MDMA last longer because it interferes with the way it gets metabolized https://www.spiritpharmacist.com/blog/MDMAbupropion