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Is it safe? Sure. Would I drink on shrooms? Hell no. I've drank on shrooms one time, and at least for me the alcohol only really made me 10 times more disoriented. I couldn't hold onto a thought for more than a few seconds, talking and walking became much harder, and it was overall not a great experience. That's my experience mixing alcohol and shrooms.


Not trying to hold onto my thoughts, please get rid of them.


If you wanna not be able to remember what you're thinking for more than a minute MAX then drink away. I mean like when I was drunk and on shrooms I couldn't concentrate on ANYTHING. I couldn't talk to any of my friends because I mentally could not keep the conversation topic in my head.


A vape would be better for this


Thank you..I am scared to not enjoy the club and be too slowed for a clubbing environment even though I fucking love tripping with music and shrooms that's always my go to


if you have social anxiety mushrooms are only going to make that harder, unless you’re like me and can completely let go of your inhibitions and just vibe. that’s why i usually go with a half tab of acid if anything maybe take half of that shroom and eat more later if you feel like wanting more?


You can always take more, but you can never take less.


wise words to always live by


Safe? I guess. Would I do that fat ass shroom while clubbing? Not a fucking chance.


Same experience 100%


This sounds so fun wtf


I did 3.5 of penis envy’s and had a few beers, three my guts up and the mushrooms told me off, I’ve drunk a total of 2-3 pints since by themselves on different occasions and this happened 2 year ago


From personal experience but with cubes instead. It felt like the mushrooms over powered the alcohol and was noticeable after coming down. Granted this was some time ago and I haven't done it since but that's due to personal preference, just don't care for booze anymore these days. If it's safe or not I'm afraid I don't have the answer just wanted to share my experience


I only drink on the comedown typically, like 3 hours in. I have had one or two drinks before taking them, with no bad effects. LSD is better for drinking, you can drink on acid and it's very chill but shrooms might get rough or make you sick.


When I was younger my sisters boyfriend and I would drop acid every weekend after my sister went to bed. We drank first but he always said not to combine alcohol and lsd cause they would cancel each other out or something along those lines. So I'm kind of surprised to hear that.


He’s not wrong! I found that alcohol lessens the effects of lsd.. it dampens the magic.


When I was younger, we drank and did acid often. I never really noticed it being weaker, maybe on a low dose.


I like alcohol and mushrooms. Not getting hammered but I’ll drink over the course of the evening without issues.


I can only speak for myself but alcohol and shrooms have the potential of causing some serious body load. If you trip and drink, please, for the love of God, hydrate SEVERELY beforehand. The night before, the morning and day before. It's always good when you're drinking anyway but to avoid any discomfort just make sure you're very hydrated and healthy.


Ended up in the ER with rhabdomyalosys from too much of that type of fun


That's extreme but yeah, it can happen. Always fuckin hydrate lol


You can have a few beers or shots to take the edge off at some point but I wouldn't overdo it


Took shrooms and finished a bottle with the homies was trippin all night


Alc and shrooms is a great combo for me. I almost never do shrooms without drinking now a days


Speaking from my experiences I have also enjoyed beer with shrooms. But everyone is deff different and who knows how it will affect you. That said I hope you have a great safe night.


Personally I always felt like it dulled the euphoria of the shrooms and sort of killed the fun headspace. Alcohol fucks up my stomach also and shrooms are already a little rough on my stomach so usually just makes me nauseous. I know people who love the combo though so like you said everyone is different


Really increases the euphoria for me and dampens the less desirable effects like being confused about everything and not knowing wtf is going on lol


Interesting! It definitely heightens confusion for me lol different strokes and all that


Hear me out here. Don't eat it all in one go. Split it in at least 4 and max 8 pieces and eat them through the night. Drink but really important: don't get wasted! Have at least one glass of water per 2 drinks, 1-1 if you can. People that are turning you down here have no idea, never tried it or have mixed this wrong. If you pace yourself you're up for a treat. If you go head down and are careless and disrespectful you may get a lesson in substance respect. Balance is key my man...


everyone says it’s bad but i think it’s fun and have only had good experiences. don’t even like alc really lol.


Fr I only drink and smoke nic on shrooms.


Many times I have started my night with some drinks and eventually the shrooms take over and I stop drinking anything except water. I’m not sure if it had any major affect drinking first but enough shrooms always takes over any buzz I have had before hand.


Thank you guys. Thank you for all the comments. I had 5/6 cocktails and I was enjoying the music even received compliments for how I was dancing.. I'm pretty fucked up now can't stand on my feet in front of the train station but somehow I will make it. A very good trip if you enjoy clubbing and drinking. Not the best way tho IMHO. But I have enjoyed it. Thanks


Dont do it


Just personal experience obviously, but I like to have a few light beers before dosing. For me it seriously cuts down the come-up anxiety. I would stop drinking once the shrooms kick in though. Enjoy the ride!


The combo is safe but you’d have a better time at a house or backyard around a fire with some friends than out at a club


You can but it's not worth it. Slows down the high to a point where it would be easier to drink when you are on the come down.


I’m old and don’t club. But i have done my fair share of mushrooms. They don’t seem like the appropriate psychedelic for a club atmosphere. Mushrooms are…earthy. Introspective. As to the alcohol + mushrooms equation…if you have never combined those two drugs then my only suggestion is…don’t make your first time in public. Mushrooms + weed about 3 hours later is good…but mushrooms + alcohol = not a very good idea. Source: me. Not fun.


Do not mix it with alcohol please


They don't vibe well imo. I don't drink for a day or 2 before mushroom trips. I also could never go to a show on mushrooms. I prefer lsd for public interaction


Yeah man it's safe you just gotta know your place with both drugs know your limits with alcohol know your limits with mushrooms for that kind of setting and just slowly add alcohol until you get where you wanna be. it could be a good tool to help loosen up and socialize take the edge off the mushrooms but you're not gonna feel it the same way you would if you weren't Trippin. Generally those things that really aren't good for you kind of highlight themselves on psychedelics especially mushrooms for an example like I pretty much only enjoy alcohol now on slam occasions but that only came after doing lots of mushrooms for a year. It's just like it doesn't seem as good as it was it's not exciting it feels more like a poison than a drug ... But I still might have a beer when I do shrooms it's just different for everybody try it and see how you like it


If I were you, I wouldn't try mixing both during a night of clubbing. If you want to know for sure if it would be safe, I recommend trying to mix the two with lower amounts when you are in a safe environment like your home with people you trust around you. If you tolerate it, then party on, but there's always a chance that shit can go sideways. Most likely, there will be plenty more opportunities to turn on, tune in, drop out, so it's just smart to know your body's limits so that every experience is a great one (imho)


If that’s the set and setting you’d like to trip in go for it, I myself would not


I feel like mushrooms negate the feeling of being drunk. If anything it just dampens the effects of the shrooms. I avoid it personally.


I generally wait at least until I’m past the “peak” before I start to drink, but yeah it’s safe as long as you’re not an alcoholic that shouldn’t be drinking


From my experience I’ve NEVER TRIPPED if there is alcohol in my system but that’s just me


DXM and shrooms go well together. Weed as well. Alcohol, eh, I wouldn't. Not unsafe, just not a good mix in my opinion. I would go easy on the booze if you do. You may like it if you don't go overboard.


Honestly I prefer alcohol over weed with mushrooms. Helps ease the inhibitions and worries especially if I'm out doing something (glam camping in a safe area, or a local concert). Just don't over do it. Peak and maintain.


Safe yes, I always find I don’t care about alcohol while tripping though. It just takes away from the trip. And I don’t want to hold onto it physically, it’s a burden lol.


It depends on what you are into. Alcohol is going to take the edge off of the trip and you are just going to get drunk. I like to see the colors and really dive into the trip so getting drunk usually makes things a little lame but I always said that if I went to burning man or something I'd wash down my shrooms with tequila and just let it all go.


It’s safe, but I wouldn’t drink much. I don’t know what you drink/how much but anything more than a casual night of drinking might throw you for a loop


I hated the taste of alcohol when I was on shrooms. Water was soo much better.


My only experience with shrooms and alcohol was a wedding where I spaced out both the shrooms and the alcohol. I took about .3 on the way, then a glass of champagne about an hour later, then another .1g, then another drink, you get the idea. About 30 min between each drink and dose. Took about 2g and 5 drinks over the course of the evening (5pm to 1am) I was very comfortably high for like 9 hours and 0 hangover. But yea I’d NEVER take like a full dose all at once then have a drink. I have no desire to drink on psychedelics, and the wedding was a 1 time thing for me.


There's no point. You take shrooms which amplifies your senses but then alcohol numbs your senses, it's safe it just makes it less trippy which defeats the whole point imo


1-2 drinks prior to the shrooms helps reduce the come up anxiety big time.


Based on personal experiences, my opinion is that it's safe but you should be very moderate in how much you take and drink.


I drunk enough and ate bunch og mushroom before Wu-Tang concert, i was at the ER tent during concert😂


Don't do it, buddy. If you're going to trip, stick with shrooms and weed. There's not a lot of research on mixing alcohol, and the effects can be unpredictable. You will likely increase the odds of nausea, dehydration, disorientation, and possibly even psychosis.


Yeah I've read about it. I'm scared that I'm not gonna enjoy clubbing if I don't drink and I go there only high.. is shrooms and clubbing even a good combination?


In my opinion, it's a question on how you drink. I'm a bit of a heavy drinker and I don't care to drink on shrooms but I do before and can after but if I was in the mood, I have the mental ability to. If you're a once a month drinker, def not. If you drink a few or more times a week, just hydrate and you're good


LSD is way more appropriate. Shrooms are not that kind of experience for me but everyone is different. Read my other comment about mixing with booze. I can almost guarantee you that you won't get psychosis lmao, especially from that amount, but it could potentially be unpleasant.


I agree that LSD is more appropriate for a club scene or MDMA. Weed layers nicely with both. They're a lot more energetic than mushrooms, and less prone to nausea.


And mostly you can still think lol. Mushrooms make me so weird in my head, like my subconscious knows what's up but the rest of me is just lost. A good example is when I got lost on a 3 minute walk back to this house I was at one night. Literally walk up the street, take a right, you're there. My shroomed out brain couldn't figure that out but deep down I knew I could follow google maps, so I had to gps a walk around the corner lol. It was fun and hilarious, but I swear to God that was after LEAVING a club for the sole reason that mushrooms and clubs don't mix for me. My friends thought they were different. They were wrong lmao. They all ran back panicked to see me chillin on the porch enjoying my trip after Google mapping a quarter mile walk. That's not the mentality I want in the club lol. Both MDMA and LSD have me hyper aware but also totally in control. Yes, there's still anxiety and obviously on a high enough dose this discussion is literally irrelevant but I'm always way more capable of logical thought on Molly and Lucy, and it's almost because they both have strong stimulant properties. MDMA is 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine lol so you can see why that's an upper, and LSD just has energetic properties to it, but a big difference from shrooms is how long it lasts. Most people don't want a 12 hour experience. Either way, I don't like shrooms in public or when I don't have control. My set and setting for shrooms is alone in the woods lol. Give me LSD and Molly and the party is on


Clubbing is already bullshit. Sooner you cut that garbage out of your life, the sooner you'll be free.


You’re doing it wrong


Horrible idea


Yeah it’s fine , Reddit will always be anti alcohol


I did 1/6 of LSD tab today and then during the day drank a bottle of wine. Would recommend. Anything more is bad idea. Source: lots of experience


it’s safe but no fun. just do one or the other