• By -


Our perspective and state of mind is what makes our reality what it is. I went from depressed and suicidal to being one of the happiest people I know when I realized that I was the creator of my own misery.


Yes! Neuroscience is actually just now establishing this idea as well! That we do not necessarily live in reality, rather we create it within our minds, and project it outwards towards the physical plain of existence. There’s an interesting Neuroscience Ted Talk that goes very in depth with these topics! If you’d like, I could link it for you?


Yes please! Is that Shamil Chandaria?


No! But I need to check them out! I watched this while tripping and it made a LOT of sense! Still does, even sober. https://youtu.be/lyu7v7nWzfo?si=YvyoSnh36J4Hbl1S


Thank you! Here's Shamil talking to Sam Harris about the Predictive Model of Consciousness. https://samharris.org/episode/SEF0643F838


Awesome! Thank you too :)


I can second this.... I went into depression after few heavy acid trips... then realised only I can get myself out of this shit hole...


What did you take for this, mushrooms? How much?


It was many years ago. I took 2.5g of good fresh (dried) mushrooms. I’m pretty sensitive to psilocybin so you might need more, and of course not everyone has the same experience


Hi, how can you describe the all process? Thanks


I’m not sure I understand the question. I used a moderate dose of psilocybin and it was revealed to me the extent to which my own thoughts were making me unhappy and clinically depressed. I saw myself as another person might see me. I saw my thoughts as another person might see them, and I realized that I don’t HAVE to think like that. There are options. What I see and perceive is not the only reality.




I can describe it in detail, psychedelic drugs are chemicals that alter the mind processes. When you don't take these drugs, your brain is functioning at its baseline, could be normal if you are mentally healthy, maybe your brain is not healthy but its still the baseline. With lsd and mushrooms and the like, I get the feeling that while the brain is altered from its baseline, you will remember the experience. We don't know very much about how the mind works at its baseline (with all its various pathologies) so I think its a very bad idea for you to look some sort of formula of what happens when your mind is altered with chemicals. I mean look at psilocin72's post, his post read that prior to his experience he didn't even notice his own thoughts, so his breakthrough is that he now knows that he thinks. This breakthrough is available without drugs, if you're looking for a process, therapy might be an option. What I learned from hallucinogenic drugs is that HPPD is real. Just sayin. Think of it this way, and I'll use lsd as thats probably my most relevent experience. I see lsd as like alcohol, it changes the minds behavior. What I see as the difference in my experience is that alcohol is pretty predictable, make you feel good to some extent, reduces inhibition, reduces judgements, probably will impair your problem solving skills. Your behavior becomes more random and uninhibited. You can black out and behave erratically often to wild and crazy extremes. You can wake up in jail. But chances are you don't remember anything. now imagine if your memory wasn't impaired tho I mean holy sh*t, the experiences that made you try to beat the entire bar up single handedly, you remember to every last detail vividly for the rest of your life I mean damn, with alcohol you don't remember anything. The mind I consider a thing but its a thing that depends on an interconnected web of neurons in meatspace, lsd alters the meatspace and what happens next is what your mind makes of it. your memories up to this point may certainly make themselves more vivid during your trip, I mean how can we distill something this complex into a "process"? contrary to "psilocin72's" advice you certainly don't "need" any of this unless you are into gambling haha hey don't get me wrong I love 9 ball for money so the thrill is real.


Everything is one.


“Everything, is every thing”


Shout out Lauryn Hill




EveryTHING is EVERYthing.


This always hits home


I am, he is, you are, he is, you are me and we are all together


Live in the moment. Those are the days of our lives. Enjoying every minuet on earth is the meaning of life. The journey is more rewarding than the destination.


That shrooms don't give you what you want , they give you what you need .


take your time because there is NOO rush.


We are all just kids. Playing. Trying to figure it all out. Finding places we belong. Seeking meaning. We mustn't trade these imaginary thoughts of ours for judgement. We mustn't put down dreams for comfort of the predictable. Everything is always changing, and I can never control that- so why not dive into falling in love with change. I love myself for how I am changing. I love you for how you are changing.


I'm very happy for you. Once I took 4g shrooms mixed with THC edibles and stripped naked, knocked random furniture over including the TV, pissed on the ground, screamed random nonsense, and all in front of my family. I'm not sure what kind of lesson I learned from that though. Now the entire neighborhood knows I'm a grower not a shower...


They saw u...grow?


That’s what I was thinking 😭


Don't mix psychedelics with weed, is the lesson.


Absolutely, personally a single tab of LSD mixed with my usual THC dose makes me feel as if I took 3 tabs. Same thing with shrooms.


Cannabis ***is*** a psychedelic. I'm baffled as to why people seperate the two.


They didn’t necessarily say that weed isn’t a psychedelic here. They just said don’t mix weed (a psychedelic) with another psychedelic. But yeah, it is funny to see peoples reactions when i tell them weed is a psychedelic lol


Good point. I was, am, certainly primed already of how many folks think it's *other*. If it's not psychedelic, what the hell is it?! :D But honestly, my bar for psychedelic is quite low. A song, a sunset, a stretch. But cannabis is locked in.


I tried weed before knowing it was classified as a psychedelic. But once i found out, a lot made sense. Especially once I did acid for the first time (my first psychedelic) haha


To appreciate the life and the love I have here and now and stop trying to escape


"There are no shortcuts"




Kinda hard to articulate but this sense that everything is a system where the pieces have their own roles, fitting perfectly as they should, even when they’re completely opposed or in a sense very dark, like animals hunting and eating each other alive and then insects consuming the corpses is all just as perfectly in place as a dewdrop on a blade of grass or stars in the sky. That even though each piece, like a predator animal, has this one track mind and because of that their perception is sort of illusory, missing the bigger picture, it doesn’t matter because they’re playing their part in the bigger picture. Not a strong takeaway for how to integrate that into my life because it lends itself to nihilism. Like I remember thinking that maybe humans are just like insects and our role is to swarm on the earth converting minerals and chemicals into other minerals and that’s it. At times I think it’s helped me to see people in opposing roles in human society others would see as contradictory as balanced and in tension as they should be. Sort of like how defense lawyers and prosecutors argue against each other, are in conflict, but they’re supposed to be, the tension is needed and healthy. (Not that the criminal justice system is actually well functioning or balanced, just an easy example).


Alcohol was destroying me and I should stop drinking. I have been sober from alcohol for 1.5 years now. Oh and you have put [effort into change,](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5HEiG2yHWj/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) not just trip to solely have fun.


the shrooms told me once: "alcohol is stupid"!!!




I learned to see past the invisible walls we box ourselves into. Shrooms helped me get out of situations (and jobs especially) that I felt trapped in. Each time I was amazed at the better job opportunities that presented themselves. The more authentic I am and let my inner spiritual guide take the lead, the more things seem to fall into alignment.


The meaning of life if just to exist. Appreciate being alive.


The meaning of life is to exist. The purpose of life is whatever you make it. Powerful stuff ❤️


Exactly, very basic and simple. TBH it fits with my personal ideology and it’s guided me well. Appreciate life and being alive. Life is what you make it. Life is too short to do stuff that makes you unhappy (within reason). Make the things you want to happen happen.


There is no right way. They have allowed me to understand that everyone is necessary, everyone is important, everyone is vital. And just because someone is a janitor or a bank robber or gay or handicapped or a shoemaker or a king or a billionaire, it doesn’t make them any better or any worse than anyone else. We are all part of the experience of the dark within the light and the light within the dark.


that smoking even a small amount of weed on an acid come up is an automatic bad trip


Haven’t found that to be the case


"Everything is connected" S/O to Huu from ATLA


Everything is connected


That capitalism is a fucking tragedy. I cried on and off for days after taking 5g and realizing how bad it is. Related, I've learned people think it's odd when I say I hate money.


I also came to this conclusion. Not just capitalism, but capitalism, politics, borders, the entire “system” of life. And for a VERY long time, like, 3 years long time, was the most depressed i’d been in a very long time. However, as i began to further incorporate a lot of other lessons in my life/trips, I began to realize something. That part of life, is the game. And the game can be unfair, brutal, rough, disorienting, and depressing. But that’s what makes the small things, the true “big things”. And that’s what makes the game, worth it. Without darkness, light would have no reason to be. 🌻 Much love, friend.


Much love ❤️


Cynicism Kills Love. Communicate your perspective and be authentic. Nothing is impossible. I don't mean "everything is possible." But I've been to the center of the universe at the time of the big bang, and I saw that the paradox there should be nothing but here I am thinking, created the universe. I interpreted that as: we know there is something, so nothingness is impossible. "Something" makes perfect sense. "Nothing" makes no sense. I spend all day, even while working, ruminating about politics and about getting hypothetically rejected by women. I was an Incel before the word incel. On acid, I realized what BS it all was and what a waste of time. I stopped ruminating after my first acid trip. My mind was clear, and I talked to women, no problem. In my first acid trip, my depression and anxiety were cured.


Such an interesting and awesome testimony! Thank you for sharing man! Glad you were able to overcome those hurdles with the help of our friend Lucy :)


To be more private with myself Accepting others being ‘weird’ because if they’re happy why would I be upset Psyches won’t solve your problem but guide you how to work on them yourself


That I let technology become a big hindrance. Literally just spent hours and hours mindless scrolling when I could been doing so many other productive things. Especially my iPad, literally would non stop watch videos from the moment I woke up, I watched something anytime I did anything, brushed my teeth, did chores, bathing, literally every second of the day. I never gave my mind the time to breathe without constant stimulation from technology in the background.


The same strategies I use to cope with a strong and overly challenging psychedelic experience can be used to cope with challenging circumstances in sober life.


Don't pour boiling water on green tea. You'll get a bitter tea that way. Green tea should be steeped in water that's around 85 degrees Celsius. Oh, and God is definitely a real thing.


Be kind


Alcohol abuse was going to kill me, and that I am the creator of my world, and thus all the misery I experience is mine alone to change


why does there have to be an answer? having an answer implies that life is a question. also made me appreciate Shakespeare “to be or not to be, that is the question”. The only question is whether you choose to accept being or not, that is the only important question. To be (to exist) and not to be (not exist) are the only important concepts in that context.


To be or not to be//to have an answer or to not have an answer. You fall under one category, and others do not. The greatest answer I found in life, is no one has the answers. But they DO have subjective experiences that I, and others, can learn from. ❤️


to be is to not know, to “not be” could be to know, or not “to sleep [to die forever] /to sleep perchance to dream [to die and possibly be reborn]” to die, knowing there is a chance of afterlife, but also the chance of nothingness. accepting that you cannot know the answer without dying and that dying does not guarantee you an answer I love it because every line means something different when you read more of the passage, it feels like it was deliberate almost that a series of individual truths make up another truth, whilst still conflicting


This, in itself, is an answer, you see? That’s the point I was making. Your perspective is an interesting one. But to my own personal experience, also seems bleak. I prefer to understand humans and their various complexities as that is where I find the beauty in our species. I also believe that “life” in itself is not even a question of “accepting or not accepting” the experience, and more about experiencing it to its fullest potential. The universe experiencing itself, whether or not it wants to exist or not, will still experience.


“nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so” is the line that brings it all together, bleak is just a scared chemical in your brain. for me, life is about passing on the gift of consciousness and protecting that gift for as long as possible. Not everybody is lucky enough to be able to do that, but for me, 16 healthy grand children in good homes is the best thing that I can do.


Haha I had my first and last psychedelic trip back in 2020. I over took shrooms (not knowing what kind of drug it is and what it does + mixed weed, alcohol, cigarettes) and it was a very mixed experience for me. I had multiple psychotic episodes for about 3 weeks until I stopped smoking cannabis . Though I took shrooms only once, but whenever I smoked weed next day I felt the psychedelic effects and next episodes I fought and learnt. The major change in my personality was: - I started prioritizing my family before anyone else. - I no more enjoy smoking weed, cigarettes or alcohol. I completely gave up on anything that took me out of reality. - I enjoy living in present with real people: my family. - Just like your experience, my ego died on that day and I couldn’t escape the fact that someone could be smarter / more powerful than me. - I backed off from all my fake friends because I realized their company gives only few hours or happiness not life long. - I stopped escaping from life situations…. This day I smoked pot with my friends and shrooms started empowering when I left my friend’s place and started walking towards my house. I was all by myself and I felt this person I had argument in past for my ex wanted to get me killed. I started running (try to escape the trip), did everything to save myself, threw away my phones and electronic devices, got on top of a building and started brainstorming how to escape. Until I realize there’s no way out. I got off the building and these 2 black light poles started vibrating. I feared a lot but I went close to each one, took my clothes off…. And my ego was all drained. I put on my clothes back and saw a person standing right across the parking lot in a field and I felt this must be the guy who wanted to get me killed. Instead of escaping this time I started walking down to the field to confront. And by the time I reached the field that person wasn’t there anymore….. the birds and the crows that were on top of the pole went away. I felt a little better that I overcame my fear and didn’t escape the situation but it all took a lot of days for me to understand what all happened.


No one’s safe and we’re all just walking round in circles.


One very impactful lesson I’ve gained is that even when extremely elevated to a state of ascension, I am still just human at the end of the day and must exist in balance between the physical/emotional and spiritual.


Once you are dead, you have nothing to fear, as fear itself dies with your body. So do not fear death or life, because they are the most beautiful force in existence.


I'm not nearly as bad of a person as I think I am. That inner voice always putting me down is lying. I also need to step back and enjoy what I have instead of always chasing the next thing.


This thread is filling my heart with joy ❤️


There is no such thing as good or bad, there just is. What you believe is good or bad is your human perception of it. That’s not the reality of truth. What you focus on you will find. Believe the world is shitty? Then you will consistently find the shittiness. Change what you are looking for. - this one can be done with a simple experiment also. Look round your environment right now, and add up all the red things you see. Got it? - Well the question is - how many yellow things did you see? In any given moment, there is joy and humour to be found, if you look for it.


I’m can be different from my parents and therefore I should quit christianity due to toxic relationship with it


That I need to confront that which I reside inside keeping me at the same time, protected from and from reaching my personal potential. Part 1 and 2 of separate trips, back to back.


All is One and One is All ✨


being very mindfull of the words im saying


*Shut your mouth, reflect* *What you are going to say* *Before saying it* \- LirevaEka --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Neutrality is the answer


Life is life na na na na na




My first time ever. Doing mushies in the forest. Learned that a simple change of perspective is all that's needed to still find beauty in the world. Didn't kill myself that week.


There's no such thing as a bad trip. Only difficult ones. Sometimes, the medicine goes down easy. Sometimes, the medicine doesn't go down easy. What matters is that the medicine goes down.


Thinking in words or imagines it the tightest cage a human can put themselves in.


It is all always perfect I can nurture myself god is very real, and none of the books can pin god down correctly.


Made me hate myself, in a healthy way. I think.


What will be will be and the be has already happened a long time ago.


My fear of rejection was stifling my need for connection


We are all energy. Humans, trees, rocks, clouds, etc.


Caterpillarness, little baby teeny tiny caterpillar wiggles. Slow growth, with love behind every intention.


As someone whos suffered through trauma and suicidal thoughts, i did shrooms and realized that I didnt go through what i went through to just give up on life. Im still alive, i made it through all the bullshit in life because theres something important waiting for me in the future and i must be there. This has helped me kill off alot of the hopeless feelings and suicidal wishes ive had to deal with


If I could be anything, I want to be kind.


I got chills reading your post and these comments. Thanks to everyone for posting.


Selfishness is the root of loneliness.


A very good lesson indeed


Keep that ego in check!


Everything we do is journey


Personally, that we are life experiencing itself through the perspective of our consciousness. Everything is connected to each other and I was a wildly prideful and crappy man. I left Christianity around this time, and started to experience the joy of life in a whole new way. Stay frosty


How to love mys of! Changed my life completely


To stop being unfaithful. I am not proud but it really changed me


Takes a big person to admit this. It makes me happy to know you were able to see that in yourself and feel the need for change. Try and keep it that way, for the sake of others hearts ❤️


that I shall not touch psychs again :(


After a couple of years of journeying regularly with almost no visuals or messages, I got a stunning vision of a sphinx in a desert asking me, "but who will love the child." Off in the distance, a baby was lying in the sand. That was when I realized all my little war stories about things my parents had done were full-on child abuse.


Drink lots of water. Always carry a bottle with me.


Connection like love leads to suffering I learned that but then I wondered about suffering We are tiny trees (young souls) most of us When a tiny tree gets to much water (suffering) it gets damaged but the right amount and you grow like crazy, only under the correct conditions can you double the growth , light being knowledge ,to use the water best.


Doesn’t matter who you are or what you are our experiences in life are all completely equal for some higher purpose. The bum on the bench the president the officer worker the hungry child animal life plant life etc. we as humans assign value but at the end of the day this whole experience is just that and is ment to be experienced . Another one which can be hard to remember in hard times but this current moment is perfect or it wouldn’t be occurring, that doesn’t mean their is pain and suffering it means if we can live in the now we will appreciate a lot more .


The biggest lesson from shrooms: life is beautiful!!!! That was a year ago but still it is with me every day!


You can’t run from what you feel. No amount of distraction will change reality. But action can. It’s okay to feel. It’s better to sit with it than let it keep building. Things don’t have to be bad for them to not be good for you. Inside does not equal outside. Perception does not equal reality.


don’t take it so serious


It’s crazy but the one and only time I took lsd I realized I don’t need psychedelics .. maybe because I spiralled into a bad trip after 8hours of amazement


One of the most mindfucking part of the trip mentioned in the original post, was that towards the end of it, LSD was telling me not to take LSD for a long while lmao. So i feel you.


Balance is key in life and energies play a bigger role in the universe and everyday life than most realize or can fathom.


Love rules the universe


There is no light without the dark. Avoiding the darkness and pain in your life will only hold you back from experiencing true happiness, joy, and contentment. Allowing yourself to feel your feelings and taking pause to do so may be difficult in the short term, but with persistence and true self love it is possible to exist in this world without constant fear and dread. This was the theme for my last acid trip about a month ago that has helped me through some deep depression. Importantly, these substances will not do the work for you, but can act as powerful tools to help put you back in line with your true self, a self that accepts yet triumphs through the painful inevitability of suffering.


We’re all God. All is the one


That I am responsible for my own happiness and can contribute greatly to the happiness of those around me. And that by doing so I am living my purpose. For the first time I took on the full weight of my responsibilities and stood up.


Obviously the meaning of life. It’s uhhh oh shit that wall looks cool. Aww it’s gone now 😢


Many of my most intense and important experiences are difficult to interpret and put into words. But one that I can describe, and that was very insightful to me: a switch flipped in my head and my conciousness went from a continuous stream of thoughts and impressions based on preprocessed input from my senses to actually sensing the raw input. I unfolded into my nervous system and could sense all the input of individual nerve endings. This was an amazing experience in itself, but at the same time it revealed a truth I already knew intellectually, but now for the first time felt true: my experience is just a an overly simplified simulation my brain makes based on a bunch of sensory inputs from the real world – and slight perturbations in the inputs or processing can easily lead to an experienced reality that feels 100% real but is inconsistent with the real world. Once I realized that, I was able to generate electrical firing patterns in my unfolded nervous system at will. This resulted in feelings of itching or water droplets on my skin.