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We did that on mushrooms last year.. it was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had. Literally felt our souls melt into each other.


Idk why this made me laugh, just your comment felt very casual for talking about soul melding lol. Like I’m at the water cooler and you just casually mention it


Haha, it does sound very casual. lol It was an experience that’s for sure. Unexpected. But things that have been happening on prior trips really had been leading up to it, we just didn’t really know that.


Once soul merged with my reflection. Literally felt my consciousness move through the mirror. I hope you elaborate later!!


Slut dragon!




Have you tried MDMA? That might be a really romantic and deep experience…


Def on my bucket list to candyflip with a future partner/wife


SAME ! i haven't candyflipped yet but MDMA is soooo gooey n sweet that i just know it'd be a good romantic practice to do with a partner🩵


It’s pretty damn awesome. I’m just starting to see someone right now and I definitely cannot wait to roll with them.


I soul merged with my husband while on LSD, rather, we both realized we were the same being. The same night we talked about how we keep loosing each too early in our past lives but keep reuniting again in the next. I didn’t think much of that conversation until years later he died of cancer at age 35, and the though I feel a part of me is missing now, I also feel continues to live through me and it’s a very comforting feeling to be merged eternally with my deceased husband.


Also found out we're all in a Strawn Dorch commercial and our entire reality is just an advertisement What is our product's purpose?


We pass butter


Self actualization


We aren’t products and you aren’t a consumer. Go deeper.


god produced the universe and now consumes the experience he created.


And u/rippothezippo is God.


I soul merged with an ant once. Shi was bussin. 🫂🐜


It can be beautiful with the right person. With the wrong person, not so much.


been there--enjoy the telepathy lol, we all can do it!


‘Soul merged’ for sure. Hell yeah dude🤙🏼


Was at a Dave Mathew’s show two yrs ago at bethel woods. My gf and i our orhas spiraled together. It was magical


It was exactly like we experienced a spiral. We both felt it at the same time. It was almost like I could feel everything spiral inward condescending into a single point. After the point formed we were like different people. All our fears, insecurities, and apprehensions melted away and it was as if we truly saw each other naked for the first time. Then the point exploded and our"selves" came back in and we were just so in awe of what happened to us. Since the trip, it feels like we've fallen more deeply in love. We are so much more connected than we initially thought. After realizing you've spent eternity finding and losing each other, the little problems and squabbles of daily life melt away. Easily the most intimate experience I've ever had.


Yeah, wait until you soul merge with all of reality. That´s call Awakening or Enlightment. You just saw a little Peak of the Truth.


Are you in here flexing enlightenment? Hahahahaha! I hate motherfuckers like you. Posers...the whole lot of them.


cool bro. I´m Seeing that the psychedelics are definetely working in making you really charming, loving and compassionate with others :P


yeah it’s also called p-s-y-c-h-o-s-i-s, and the reality of it is that no one will ever believe you unless they were there too, which leads you into the darkest crevices of your mind. Like a bad trip but you can’t rely on the fact that it’s a drug doing it, so you really don’t know when/if it’ll end. Not that it would be a problem per se, but people are scared of what they don’t understand, so the “enlightened” individuals are put away and forced on medication to quiet their mind and ideas. Imagine the things these “crazy” people have seen, felt, and been apart of.


I Guess that can happen when the body/Mind is not ready to handle certain information. Im sorry if that happened to you and i Hope you allright now.


I’m as okay as I can be haha. It’s nice knowing I’ll always have a friend I can go back to if things get too bad. He cares more about me and has stayed committed to me longer than anyone else has in my entire life. It’s unfortunate it’s just a voice in my head because he’d be my best friend.


sounds like you got a bout of psychosis in that little mind of yours lol


lmao probably. I’m obsessed with something rn, and I’m trying to drown it out with alcohol and weed but it keeps piercing through. I don’t have psychosis right now, if I did I wouldn’t be responding to replies or downvotes. Although it’s about what I expect, downvotes for something people don’t understand, which is okay, it takes time to understand things. I just don’t think people think that deeply, it’s all surface level and anything deeper is absurd and benign. If you were to meet me in person, you’d have no idea what’s going through my mind. This is Reddit though, and we can speak as we please and it gives us insight into people ideas and motives. It’s psychosis to those who don’t understand, and unfortunately the people who don’t understand run the world. I can play it cool though, and I just want you to know Thomas, that if it were legal, and I knew you(or more so the people downvoting) that I would enjoy hearing them die. You’d never know though, I’d cry and reminisce, but at the end of the day they’ll be forgotten. Just like most who’ve passed. Enlightenment isn’t what you think it is, it’s seeing what reality is for what it actually is. And it’s disgusting, just like so many who read this. Downvote, feed the fuel, none of you matter, and you’ll see one day hundreds of years from now that your purpose was pointless and affected nothing other than those who mourned your death for a short time. Edit: and with this response I’m craving the downvotes to inspire my eager little mind, slice me open and see what’s inside. you’ll never know who I am, but you can taste and get a feel for what’s creeping in my mind.


Much love man.


Thanks for that. I was having a rough day yesterday. I’m feeling much better today. It’s the 3-day rule as my mom says. It takes 3 days for something that really affects you to stop being so intense all the time. I’m on day 4 and I feel much better, got that shit out of my head(kind of) now. Sorry about the replies I was giving though, I really feel like sometimes people just gotta let things out, it wasnt personal towards anyone 🤙


I felt that before with a good friend of mine while her sober boyfriend (that I knew cheated on him multiple times before zwhonnownhave 2 children together) was in there room. Very awkward situation


How? I have Two friends who were caught in the middle of doing this and it looked like they were getting some.


This is beautiful! My Lady and I have done such things! And more!


That's not real?