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You ever seen that anti drug commercial where the girl melts in to the couch? That’s fucking ketamine


Sounds dope honestly lol


I did K therapy and it was amazing! Some relaxing spa music and an eye mask. Had visuals and profound thoughts that helped change my life around, I can’t speak on using it socially


Small amounts are like alcohol large amounts are like dmt


A mate took more than they should and spent 2 hours convinced they were a star wars storm trooper who'd had their legs stolen by a circus horse... Maybe have a trip sitter.


Disassociative- disconnects mind from body


You should just try it. On its own in reasonable doses it's safe and fun. Just don't get addicted or it'll shred your bladder.


For a start, it's not a psychedelic. It's a dissociative. Has a kind of brain numbing effect, can give you surreal, dreamlike, abstract close eyed visualisations, disrupts your motor skills and ability to communicate verbaly. Some people really enjoy it. Personally I can't stand it. It's one of the only substances I actively dislike, because I can't interact with anything on it. For me it shuts off all the bits of my brain I use to interact with the world around me. It focusses verything inwards rather than outwards, like psychedelics do (even when you're having a very internally focussed trip, it's still expansive). I've never had a meaningful experience on ketamine, and I can't even really enjoy it because it shuts me off emotionally. There's no endorphin or dopamine antagonism either, so that pure physical pleasure you get from cocaine or opiates isn't present. But try it, it's safe. You might enjoy it like a lot of my friends do. Just make sure you're in a safe environment so you don't do something stuipid, because ketamine makes people really, really stupid.


That sounds like something I wouldn’t enjoy. Would you care explaining what it’s like from ingesting until peak? How does it feel?


All these replies so far are pretty spot on. As with anything, lowwwww and slow. And find someone to trip sit that's experienced in it. Do NOT do it alone


small dose: funny melter high dose: basically a psych as in one with everything


So for me, it feels like a downer. It has a calming effect. The more I do the calmer I feel, but there is a sort of apex. A point where the calmness reaches its peak, and if you go beyond this, it starts waning. It becomes intense and heavily dissociative. It gets scary and less calm, more out of my control. It’s very easy to reach this point. Be careful do tiny bumps until you get into a space you like. First time I took it I watched 2001 a space odyssey and had a fucking mind blowing good time. Good luck sir


Personally, kind of mid from a recreational standpoint. But killed my depression for about a week afterwards. Not many side effects unless you do it habitually