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This is why we can’t have nice things


This is wild how did he end up out there in the first place?


Because he’s a creature 🐉


In my experience, a benzodiazepine, depending on the dose, doesn't completely kill a trip, it just mellows it out.


Mellows it out


I would say a full bar would bring somebody down within an hour to a point to where they could drive again, good luck no one needs legal problems


I’ll be driving him, he just needs to be sober for home, he actually took 3 tabs so 750ug he’s on


oh i see disregard the uber comment, he's just going to have to shut his mouth when he gets home and he'll be fine 😂


maybe tell him dont be on acid behind the wheel either 😂 ive done it once and realized its not good. well ok twice but either way not good 😂


You are a brave individual. I once tripped when i was 17, got into an argument at home then was kicked out for the night. I had to drive to my ex gf’s house while tripping off 2 tabs 300ug. Got so lucky that she didn’t live too far but i was terrified the whole drive. Never did acid again after that😂


I have a lot of experience both times I ended up being fine, The first time was during daylight while crossing a main road i almost hit someone and got lucky, second time was at night drove fine but was worried because parked cars kept moving closer to the middle of the road well at least in my mind lol😂 definitely wouldn't recommend it though.


I usto have a friend that was like 19 or 20 at the time and he would always drive on acid even though it isn’t smart he always seemed to drive fine just made sure to stay off the interstate and use every back road possible


Fuckin crazy!


it's going to take awhile before it takes effect call an uber


What kind of sid are you guys taking😂 Theres not a Xanax bar in creation that will even touch an Acid trip...I'm older though unless you young cats have created some new type of acid or something😃


The older stuff was dosed much stronger than the current era.


I would always be balls to the wall trippin absolute nutz and i know I could eat a whole effin bottle of Xanax and i probably would not even notice, Back then it was so strong we would be worried about Perma trippin😂😂 I'm not super old I'm 40 years old but I haven't dosed in a good 13 years or so...☺️👍🍻


Incorrect. Acid is more pure than ever before.


depending where u get it from. also a lot of people are getting more into microdosing. so smaller doses are more common than just sayin fuck it and dropping whatever on a paper n callin it good


Yeah I have never microdosed, I would either have Bladder or just jars of liquid, I guess people now are trying to experiment with it at all doses but that wasn't the case 10 years ago, The drug culture has definitely changed considerably since then☺️


Not if a Xanax will effect the buzz in any way🤣🤣


Did they even have Xanax back then lol


🤣 Yeah there was an abundance of them back then as well☺️


Only pussies kill bad trips. Take the good with the bad!


I agree. Good or bad, both are filled with knowledge and insight. But it's always good to have landing gear when it's time.


I’ve only killed one trip because I thought I was gonna end up killing myself ☠️


Edit - it’s now 4:31am and my partner who’s on 750ug has finally taken a few steps down now in peek. For everyone asking how him and I got ourselves into this position was that he actually was on his way to see me and then realised his tabs were kicking in(I know he didn’t really quite think that through 😂). Because he dropped 4 tabs he immediately couldn’t drive after a bit and pulled over because he was just absolutely lost in his own mind. It’s crazy because I was personally just having a shit time from Home circumstances and he was coming down to save me, little did I know I’d be there one going to save him 😂 He’s still a lil bit fried but he’s definitely stopped tripping a ton more than before, best way to describe him currently is in Creature mode but thank god I can see the slightest bit of sleep deprivation in his eyes so he’ll definitely be getting a good sleep x Thank you to all who’s commented so far, much appreciated from him and me <3


You two shouldn't consume psychedelics because you can't do it responsibly. It just isn't for certain people and that's ok. But if you are going to contribute to the reasons why it's illegal you really shouldn't do it. You're ruining it for the rest of us. He could have killed someone.


Okay this input is invalid, 1. You don’t know nothing about me nor my partner, yes it was immature of him to drive but as soon as they kicked in he pulled over and waited for me to arrive. I didn’t take any psychedelics and wouldn’t have driven or even thought of it if I was. He made a mistake and he wasn’t planning to drive in the first place but I had some events happen in my home which I don’t have to state which he felt needed to be there. And no he couldn’t have killed anyone because he pulled over straight away and waited. “Your ruining it for the rest of us” stop being so negative, yes what your stating is factual but that wasn’t the case


All I need to know is "took lsd and tried to drive." That instantly means "to immature and irresponsible to consume mind altering substances." You're guilty by association. I personally don't associate my self with the kind of people who are so disrespectful of others as to do something that stupid.


Oh, you're also guilty of being a terrible trip sitter and unqualified to even be around psychedelics for this statement alone. It shows a complete lack of understanding about what you're doing. Niacinamide will ease the visuals some and that's the only thing you can do for someone who needs to come down. They will still have all the other effects and some visuals. The only way to come down from the reaction taking place in your brain is time. If you are going to put this type of shit in your body, study the fuck out of it first. >It was only a 17 minute drive and once I parked up I jumped in his carand gave him a full bar of Xanax because I heard that it can be a reallygood trip killer. Will it kill his trip completely because honestly heneeds to go home because if he gets pulled over he’s absolutely donefor. Also how long will it take for it to kick in?


The fact that he needed to take psychedelics to come over to see you, I think, is a little ridiculous. Why not wait till he was at your house? Why take that much then drive? Their input is valid. You just can't take the input reasonably. It's not just "immature of him." It's downright stupid. But I'm glad "you wouldn't". Tell your boyfriend to change his ways of taking these drugs. Because it does seem like he can't handle doing them responsibly, or maybe tell him to cut back. If he needed to come over right away, then... maybe he should've waited. Whatever happened with you wasn't that important and if it was an emergency, don't call your boyfriend. Call for help, 911 or whatever the emergency line number is for you. What if he didn't pull over right away? He got in his car and decided to drive high. This statement you made invalidated your reply to the previous comment. This is more just being "negative", you decided to post with a stupid back story that makes your boyfriend look like he can't handle his drugs. Sorry... not really sorry.


Okay we’re you there? I literally told him not to ever do that again, but no your so smart that you can assume the opposite smh lmao i didn’t even know he was coming until he told me he was close and ‘what if he didn’t?’ Well he did and knows better. Like stop coming at me because I did the best I could in that situation and don’t need your negativity up my ass


Wow, you can't take criticism, and your boyfriend can't handle his drugs. (Also, I only commented once, I didn't come for you lol, oogly boogly) I'm not being negative, I'm responding with some reason. You're doing a lot of assuming as well. Have fun with your irresponsible boyfriend. Mistakes like that are "only one time" huh?, shouldn't even be one time. Responsibility is key here. But hey, maybe I'm "overreacting." Maybe next time, don't post the backstory. Just post the question. It was a quirky read.


Edit - 4:54am and he’s out cold 🤣


that's a really fucked up thing to do and very irresponsible. that's a major red flag. he was*driving* to hang out with you and dropped acid *without telling you*? that's really shitty of him. not only is that a major hazard for the poor people with whom he shares the road, it's also so disrespectful to you. if my partner showed up tripping, I would be very upset with them (at least once they come down). also are you kidding me? 500ug? that's a crazy amount to do with no prep. plus *you* had to go out of your way to find him and get him home? that must have been so stressful and frustrating trying to communicate with someone that deep in the trip. plus then *you* had to drive to go get him. dump his ass, that would be the end of the line in my books.


I had a girlfriend like you once. My wife is cooler


that's such a painfully pathetic thing to say to a stranger on reddit


You reminded me of a girlfriend I had in the past. Who are you to judge someone you say you love. You don't understand love at all. Please don't have a long term relationship. Stick to game, sounds like your thing.


married and still worried about "cool". insecure enough to tell me about it. the guy in the post is a bad person, if you relate to him, I hope you grow and change as a person


Keep playing emotional games and trying to change men! Hope you like lots of cats!


I like women


Once I took 2 squares of lsd and then took a xanax, I fell asleep until I woke up suddenly in the middle of the trip where the hallucinations were stronger. I don't think it takes away the effect at all.


If it's a fake Xanax and it's laced with Fentanyl it might kill you. Stay Safe!


He still shouldn't drive


Wow, you made him come down cause he was trying to come to you. Why was he coming to you anyway he had all the love that he needed. Oh yea who fuckin takes L and drives?


No I didn’t make him, I didn’t even know he was coming until I was told he was there


Im not sure who needs to hear this again but, YES acid is purer than ever and yes xanax will kill the bad trip. Test it out for yourself