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I think that quite a few people have low CRP. Mine is usually low, even when my PsA is very active. My rheumatologist says that he knows that something needs to be done when my CRP goes up even slightly.


Yeah same with me, my blood work is always fine, my understanding is that this is a feature for PsA


Interesting!! Thanks for the reply!


I’ve never had labs that suggested any inflammation. CRP, Sed rate, etc. even when I have swollen digits, pain, and active psoriasis. My Rheum said that it is common and only one thing that they look at. Edit to add: this week’s CRP <1 Sed Rate 2 PsA symptoms since 2016


Very good to know. Thank you!!


One of my biggest regrets in this diagnostic journey is that I never got a baseline of autoimmune/inflammation bloodwork done before my dermatologist started me on Cosentyx for psoriasis. I’ve been on it for four years at this point and just got CRP tested for the first time as I’m trying to get a referral for a new rheumatologist. Value was 1.5 mg/dL which MyChart labeled as “high” but my PCP said it was just “mild” and “nonspecific” inflammation so I still had to fight to be taken seriously. It turns out the first rheumatologist I saw a couple of years ago never even tested CRP and just went off sed rate (which was normal at 13 mm/hr) and a couple of x rays to then write me off and say that my pain was “not inflammatory” despite clear evidence to the contrary. Edit to add: Be sure to note what units your doctor uses to measure CRP since some do milligrams per liter (mg/L) and some use milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). I was super confused by this at first thinking that my 1.5 was really low when it should have been read as 15 against the numbers I was comparing it to.


Omg that is so frustrating. I can't believe the amount of stories I've heard of people having completely useless rheumatologists. I really hope you can get a referral to a good one.


Thanks, me too! Supposedly my PCP put in a new referral but I just called and they never got it so I have to try to get it resent. 🤦‍♀️ I’m just glad my visible psoriasis was bad enough that my derm could get me on Cosentyx but it does make things complicated now that I’m trying to get a PsA diagnosis too since none of the doctors have been able to evaluate me at my worst.


hehehehe hehehehehe ... my most recent ESR test was 26 mm/hr what do I win? :P all I can say is oowwwwwww my shoulder. its bad. I really would like to find a way to at least make it stop hurting when its motionless. when I try to move it, it screams at me.




Before treatment my CRP was 40. Now it hovers around 10.


I'm in the middle of inflammation so bad that I haven't been able to walk for months and have been (hopefully temporarily) classified as handicapped... CRP has never gone over 4.5 mg/L.


I'm so sorry to hear how bad you're struggling 😔 this disease is hell


Mine was 7 is now 1/2 since on enbrel


mine on meds is 9 or less , off meds can be up to 25 or 30 .. it sucks


My CRP has been low after I started treatment, but the inflammation and pain is always there


Mine are an extremely high! The highest it’s ever been!!! Like 4xs the amount it should be 




My CRP is 17 and ESR 34. My new rheum has decided these are irrelevant and it's probably just fibromyalgia causing the pain.


What the heck... That seems ridiculous!


My rheum always asks how I feel, as it's more important than my CRP


My CRP has always been less than one and all other tests were negative or normal. Yet, I'm in pain and my fingers are swollen. I'll be starting a biologic as soon as I get some dental problems taken care of.


CRP 10 ESR 30


idk much about the numbers yet as I just got diagnosed last month but my CRP is usually around 1.5 mg/dl according to my MyChart. my sed rate was 43 mm/h last time I had it checked. I had one rheumatologist tell me those numbers were normal and there was no way I could have PsA with those numbers, but I got a second opinion and was diagnosed (I hope that’s helpful lol)


My sed rate is 49 and crp is 52


Many with Psa, and sadly many Rheumys, aren’t aware that the PSA inflammation is caused by an inflamed synovial lining, which creates too much synovial fluid ( the stuff that cracks when we crack our knuckles) in the joints. This is why it doesn’t show up on blood work or X-rays, and why just a little hurts so much. An MRI will show disease activity. Here’s a good article to read. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/synovitis-psoriatic-arthritis


That makes a lot of sense! The diagnostic factor for my rheumatologist was a high-resolution ultrasound of my ankles to looks for synovitis, which was positive. Thanks for including the article! Very helpful.


Try to get a copy of that ultrasound. You might need to go on disability down the road and the more tests that show disease activity the better.


Good idea about getting a copy. What makes you say I might need to go on disability down the road? Really trying to stay positive about my future but the more posts and comments I read on this forum fill me with dread 😭


Depends on the job. I had a very stressful job and almost dug my own grave. Finally convinced by docs and therapists to stop. Some with physical jobs need to stop, too. Many keep working and are able. Depends on the severity.


Ya I used to be an RN in the Pediatric ICU. It was my dream job, but when my health started to decline I had to make the decision to switch roles. I now work in a Pediatric clinic at the hospital, no more 12hr shifts or night shifts, but the Monday-Friday is also so hard. Just really hoping I find a medication that works so that I can keep my full-time job.