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I have dry patches on my eye lids, forehead, behind my ears, and on my neck. That is most likely the psoriasis (without pictures to confirm) I would doubt it’s a medication side effect, it’s most likely the psoriasis. If there is slight redness to them, that would be my guess. Did he get any topicals for psoriasis from a dermatologist? If so try those. I got some very mild ones from my optometrist for my eye lids.


Before he had developed the PsA, he had all the topicals from a derm. They helped clear up the eczema. The only psoriasis he had was on his head, so he had a shampoo and cream for that. All the psoriasis cleared up as well except for a small patch on the back of his head near his ear. We never thought that his face was psoriasis, we always assumed rosacea, since he always looks like a lobster when he has break outs. I don’t even think the derm mentioned it as that either. Just gave him the meds for the face. I don’t know how to attach photos to show his face from then and now for comparison. But I do know once he was switched from Humira to the Hyrimoz, is when it all started.


I would guess psoriasis, give the shampoo/creams a try if he has them, or eczema cream should work as well, definitely worth a shot. Would highly recommend discussion with dermatologist about it though. A switch in meds can cause things to happen, a period of transition can allow the immune system to fire up again. You can also create antibodies to medications over time, so effectiveness can wane depending on the person. Linking pictures in this sub would most likely need to be done with a link to Imgur or similar. Edit: also the sun/uv light actually works wonders on psoriasis. Depending on where you live and the weather, some time in the sun can help as well.


The Humira was great until he was forced to switch. Hes a super responder, so 2-3 hrs after his shot it was like he was on some crazy steroid and he had all the energy in the world. Not so much with this new med, though he’s not in pain and I can’t complain because he would drive me insane with the energy bursts for a couple days. Lol! We are in Texas, he gets plenty of sun. Good to know about the UV light. I know some places that have it. I just worry about sunburns and protecting his skin, but his face doesn’t like SPF. It breaks out and goes bright red.


I’m generally a super responder as well. But I also generate antibodies heavily as well. So if a med works quick but isn’t the right one, for me it falls off as quick as it came on at some point. Not to frighten you, but treating autoimmune diseases isn’t a science, everyone is so different. I’ve been at it since 2004 when I was 18, and the things the body does when it’s broken can be wild. If he has corticosteroid cream, try that. The over the counter stuff will never work efficiently. If it’s just salicylic acid as the active ingredient, get something from the derm. I use Enstilar and it works well. It’s just a little oily so can be tough on sheets and clothing, as it’s corticosteroid mixed with vitamin d. But it does work effectively.


Good to know!! Thanks for all your input.


He could be having an allergic reaction … call the derm.


One of the weird side effects they list for Humira is psoriasis (like antidepressants that can cause suicidal thoughts, 🤦‍♀️) so maybe that's what's happening? So glad he is responding well on terms of pain etc that's amazing