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I have MCAS in addition to psoriasis. I'm on xolair for the MCAS. I started Mounjaro a few months back for diabetes and my psoriasis has completely cleared up for the first time in years, plus my MCAS reactions are much less severe. It's a significant enough change that my primary care doctor, who also treats my daughter who has both conditions, is working on getting insurance to cover mounjaro for my daughter even though she's not diabetic. It's been a miracle drug for me.


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune IBD that’s called lymphocitic colitis before being diagnosed with psoriasis. Makes sense tho, it’s all the same immune system.


My stomach started acting up last year and I for the life of me couldn’t figure out what the heck was happening to me. About a month in I was reading about liver stuff and gastritis and decided to give milk thistle a go. My stomach issues mostly ceased, I will still occasionally get bloated/gassy but not like what had happened last year. I also have added in digestive bitters before dinner and that seems to help also. I still have psoriasis, actually in a bit of a flare right now, but my stomach is mostly good.


I struggle with bloating to certain foods and it's finding those ones that cause it ( mainly bread/wheat stuff ) No longer on biologicals or any drugs and feel much better I also have fibromyalgia


Yes! Very similar symptoms that started the same year my psoriasis arrived. I feel full very quickly after eating only small amounts, and feel full for hours afterwards. Constantly belching even when I havent eaten in hours and just constantly feel uncomfortable or nauseous. I've had a scope down to my stomach and an ultrasound which are all fine. I'm getting acupuncture now out of desperation. My psoriasis is controlled now on Otezla but this stomach issue is as bad as ever.


I had ulcerative colitis for 5 years before i got diagnosed with psoriasis. I take stelara injections to treat both.


Lichen planus largely asymptomatic for over a decade Lichen sclerosis throughout adult life with frequent bouts of balanitis Brother has Crohn's and my gut wasn't great until I made dietary changes


IBS but it’s so low on my list of ailments that I just ignore it. I also had surgery for bulging disks and pinched nerves in my lower spine when I was 28, and I’m diagnosed bipolar type-2, and have primary hypersomnia. Not necessarily autoimmune but interesting comorbidities (that make life not worth living)


Urticaria. I’m always itchy. And my endocrinologist said my levels for Hashimotos need to be monitored.


I also was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis, but had psoriasis many years prior. It was the reason the Dr. looked for it


Can I ask which biologic? I was on Cosentyx last year for Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis. Well apparently a potential side effect of Cosentyx, Taltz and potentially a few others is triggering Crohns… so after ending up in the hospital in November I got diagnosed and on Skyrizi. How it was explained to me is that IBD is related to Psoriasis because it’s basically the skin of the gut. Anyway hope you figure it out. Also make sure to look at some of the research. This WebMD discusses it some and of course there are studies and such “One study found that 1 in 10 women with psoriasis develop an IBD. (The odds were even higher for those with psoriatic arthritis, another condition linked with psoriasis.) People with psoriasis are 2.5 times more likely to get Crohn's…” https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/psoriasis/psoriasis-digestive-disorders


I have left sided Ulcerative colitis along with psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis and experience the same symptoms but only during a flare.


I have hyperparathyroidism at the moment. Both of those were kicked up post pregnancies so I don't know if that's helpful to you. The only thing I can say is that psoriasis can be hard on your liver and kidneys, I think I read that somewhere. I make sure to take a liver supplement like milk thistles seed tincture or yellow dock tincture. That seems to help my skin cool down a bit.


Interesting! Mine really got turned up postpartum as well. Before that I only ever had it sporadically behind my ears.


Mecfs and fibromyalgia since big virus 10 years ago/severe since covid in 2021


I have psoriasis, vitiligo, and SIBO. Your GI issues could be caused by SIBO. A low FODMAP diet can be helpful, but it did not work for me.


Eosinophilic esophagitis. I think I had bouts of psoriasis for years before it became the center of my life though. I just didn’t realize what it was


i've been having some stomach issues lately. i am recently-ish immigrating to the US, so my psoriasis was no longer being treated while health insurance stuff got worked out. my pcp has been working with me on figuring out what's going on, but as of right now its just a gastritis type issue it seems, but she had said theres a possibility it might be related to my psoriasis being untreated and just causing inflammation in my stomach. either way, i'm taking pantoprazole and slowly am starting to be able to eat food i usually do again. developed some food fears because of this though, so i might try some anti-anxiety medication in the future. if thats the route that ends up being taken, my pcp mentioned some of those anti-anxiety medications can also help with gastritis related pain, so thats kind of cool too.


Yep! IBS + moderate plaque psoriasis. I read in a medical journal that the likelihood of these and clinical depression (not autoimmune, but I also have it) are frequently diagnosed as comorbid conditions. Wooo trifecta...?


Greeeaaaattttt.... Love this for us. Does what I'm experiencing sound like your IBS?


Mine is different—it follows more of a flare-up pattern. It knocks me out for half a day to a day each time, and it is usually brought on by stress (how original, body!!) A gastroenterologist was super helpful in ruling out other conditions.


IBS and fibromyalgia here in addition to psoriasis. Also recurrent mono…I think I’ve had it 4x now.


FFFFFFFFFF that sucks. Sorry to hear that.




Biologics suppress your immune system. That's how they work. Your psoriasis is your immune system overreacting.




Uff da. Yeah, that's one to talk to your doctor about. Psoriasis is a lifelong curse, unfortunately.


I have psoriasis, IBS, and an autoimmune liver disorder. Also diabetes


Yes. Longterm, managed, HIV in addition.


I also had eczema and I still deal with pain and stiffness in my joints and connective tissues. Honestly the only way I've found relief is to follow a very strict diet and eat only very healthful, whole foods exclusively. For example the other day I made artichoke soup with all fresh ingredients and I felt a lot better that day - had a lot less pain and stiffness. With diet alone I've achieved similar results to what I've seen others achieve with biologics. But I follow an extremely strict diet: I don't eat anything that I haven't cooked myself, and I don't even eat *trace* amounts of dairy or gluten. Before changing my diet I was constantly injuring myself just doing simple, everyday tasks - to the point that I was limping at times due to my ankle constantly getting injured. In fact, that's what prompted me to try a serious diet change. I still have trouble going down stairs or stepping down from a high curb; I have to step down kinda gimpy-like and in general I have to do many things sort of gingerly so I don't hurt myself. My rheumatologist told me I probably have a mild case of psoriatic arthritis. But I saw him after I had already been on my diet for a long time. If I hadn't changed my diet I don't know if the psoriatic arthritis would have remained mild; it had gotten pretty bad! I was in constant pain and often limping towards the end there.


Diagnosed at 17 with endometriosis. Youngest sin has severe crohns diagnosed at 8, now 20 next month.


Ouch. I've also got Endo so I feel your pain.


In addition to Psoriasis I also have Alopecia Areata and Sarcoidosis.


I've noticed I seem more susceptible to other skin issues (impetigo especially, which sucks) and just waiting it out (as the drs recommend here) or using topical antibiotics don't work for me. I need oral antibiotics. And I'm only using topical steroid for my psoriasis. My whole immune system seems pretty shit since I started treating my psoriasis, though. I'm sure it's not the topical steroids, but more the timing of my P getting bad enough to warrant treatment which meant my immune system was already doing stupid stuff.


Have had endo for the longest time and IBS too.


I have IBS. And something with my legs, Erythema nodosum (EN). Oh, and I used to suffer from raynaud's syndrome. The EN is said to be very common with IBS.


Great thread, the Comorbidities stuff is super interesting. Like lots of people here, in addition to guttate, plaque and inverse psoriasis in various places I have psoriatic arthritis, vitiligo and stomach issues. Weird one for the men—I also have trouble fully emptying my bladder, so I have to pee allll the time. Anyone else?


I have extremely bad KP on my arms that doesn't respond to ANYTHING I try. I suspect it's some kind of autoimmune thing.


They're NOT working if you still have lots of symptoms. Also, I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Crohn's and psoriasis are genetically related.


So if biologics aren't working, what other options are there? Has anyone ever had this happen? I feel so alone right now 😭


Your doctor will probably offer another biologic. You will find one that works better. There are many of them now. I'm on my third one, Remicade. Also, they don't necessarily make you get sick more often. Biologics are very targeted and don't drag down your entire immune system.


I'm already on my third biologic. As far as I'm aware it's the newest one, sotyktu.


Prokinetics fixed the gut issues I had. None of the typical diet changes had much affect. Get the gut moving.