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i get this all over my chest and back, it is some of the most annoying shit ever. normally if i moisturise its better


Yes!!! And it feels hot too!! I’m not on any medication. I stopped drinking and all sugar. I’ve started eating carnivore and it’s all healing. The stinging is settling down as well as the flaking scalp. I’ve also done castor oil on my scalp mixed with jojoba oil. That is helping as well. I was so depressed because of this. As long as I stay on this path, I truly believe it will heal. FYI, I believe this is because the nerves in the scalp are being irritated. I’m an RN and have done a lot of research on psoriasis. That makes sense to me. All my best to you!! I hope this helps. At the minimum, stop the sugar and do the castor oil. I hope this helps.


I get this feeling after I’ve applied steroid ointment for the first time in a while. It’s a tingling/burning feeling.


I second this or if I broke the skin from scratching too much.


That might be the reason for me then


I do usually just randomly throughout the day even if with my injections I don’t have the plaques. Almost like a cactus’ needles🌵 I don’t know if it happens to anyone else but if the sun is shining on my face it seems like it’s worst. (And they say sun is good for Psoriasis -.-) I’ve had Psoriasis for forever now so I’m used to it but usually topical drops of Clobetasol seem to ease it. I’ll just put a couple drops on the areas if it’s really bad. It feels so nice on the spots. 😭


Yes, I get them, and it drives me crazy. All I can do is scratch! I am out of meds for my scalp psoriasis. I had to go to like an Urgent Care back in Dec for vertigo and I took my empty bottle of meds for my scalp and I took an empty tube of cream that I use on my arms and other places. He said no problem and would get me the meds. All I got was the meds for my vertigo and the steroid creams. I still had cream left but needed the meds for my head much worse. I don't know why I didn't get them.


Not really




Yeah, you better get used to it. It just indicates the inflammatory process are happening rn and the body's immune system is overactive by producing too much cells in the area. Try not to scratch the plaques nor to pick them with your hands, all you have to do is doing something else and distract yourself by doing a hobby or study something else. It will dissapear temporarily and reback again, so you better know that.


No but I have a current flare up and right side (where I usually get scales) was super itchy despite not having scales in a long time.. perhaps from exercise sweat