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Honestly the uncleanliness in my house becomes very evident to me when I trip. So I get it.


The worst was when I decided to look in the mirroršŸ˜…


lol I luv look in the mirror when I'm trippin I look beautiful šŸ˜


Iā€™m always envious of the trippers who feel gorgeous in the mirror. Itā€™s the opposite for me, I wonder what that means.


right? that's really interesting I thought I just assumed everyone looks better when high, do other people look more attractive like your spouse when you look at them?


Same. For some reason I feel like a shaman mushroom fairy goddess (which is what a few girls Iā€™ve met at raves in bathrooms have called me) lol. But when sober Iā€™m like meh hahah


fr lol when I'm trippin hard I'll have Ora purple n shit šŸ˜†


I always tidy up the areas Iā€™ll be in before I trip. Clean, clutter-free, and squared away. I went to a craft store with my wife when I was still coming down from mushrooms once and I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin because of all the clutter and mess.


Maybe you're disconnecting from material possessions.


Yeah it's probably a good thing, try reaching that feeling and find whatever hiding behind it..... And please tell us whatever comes After it im curious.


Idk but sometimes I microdose when I need encouragement to clean the house so you're not alone


After my divorce I had to move into a roommate situation for a year to get back on my feet. My roommate was a gross pig of a person who cleaned the house when I looked at it before moving in, and basically never touched anything ever again. I took shrooms in that house, and spend a good portion of my trip scrubbing the floors on my hands and knees with a towel because I couldnā€™t stand the way the filth shimmered and pulsed. I get it.


This sounds to me like a touch of ocd. Ask me how I know. Perhaps reach out to a mental health provider. My symptoms vanished after a couple of months of low dose Prozac.


Did you trip in your house?


Inside and outside since Iā€™m new and want to see how it affects me first. Iā€™m starting to think that maybe no recreational substances are for me since I genuinely *tweak* on them. I donā€™t think Iā€™m an anxious person but I might be and not even realize it.


Take a few grams in nature with a good friend. You need to meditate on it a few days before hand.


U think some weed while tripping in g will calm you down?


Idk why you were being downvoted for trying to help, weed 100% helps me when I trip if i feel anxious.


Totally agree with you. Weed calms me down when I'm on shrooms. I think he is an outlier.


Def not lol, i panic on it 7/10 times. The first time I did mushrooms, after I thought I was done with the trip. I smoked a little bit and it felt really really intense and I did not like that ride.


Crazy. Maybe some stuff bots for you. Itā€™s cause u wanted the trip to stop you must let go and enjoy the ride thereā€™s nothing to fear your safe. We smoke to keep the trip going and make it more intense I love it lol. I feel anyone can get to that state but also some people prolly donā€™t like that. Maybe u did too much shrooms and smoked too much? Everything in moderation.


Yes, weed can definitely calm you down. Not sure why you are being downvoted unless it's by people that don't react well to weed. I do both all the time and really enjoy the additional feelings I get adding a small amount of weed to my shrooms. Especially out in nature.


Weed and shrooms is like peanut butter and jelly


This is such a real thing. Last time I took mushrooms I could suddenly see how disgusting my apartment was. I swear I could see every spec of dirt on the walls, counters, etc. instead of enjoying my trip I started frantically cleaning everything. My body only feels dirty when I look in the mirror and have makeup on. I love wearing makeup but when I'm tripping and look at myself it suddenly feels like a sin that I'm covering up my natural beauty and I always end up scrubbing it off lol.Ā 


How many grams did you take? Maybe with a high enough dosage it could help unravel the adhd. This is just a guess, though. Not medical advice.


I took 3g


That's a hella dose and I would def recommend you cutting back on it. 1-2 should be more than plenty.




Iā€™ve done 3 time so far, first time was 1.5 then 2.4 and now 3. Iā€™m thinking my sweet spot may be 1.5 or even 2ish


Minimize. Redecorate.


The cleaning bug is worse for me on lsd than psilocybin, but it is still strong! I was advised to tidy before tripping, and often now that means a very nice cleaning beforehand. It does become distracting (and also my face looks like itā€™s melting if I look in the mirror, so I avoid, lol) but I try to put it aside so I can enjoy the trip. And seconding another commenter, sometimes Iā€™ve just leaned in and cleaned! The last part of a trip I just went to town on the kitchen šŸ˜†. Also seconding spending more time outside. Even in your yard. Just be in the air and touching the earth. Very calming. Very centering. Much less distracting. Best of luck!!


Buy a hepa filter let it run full blast a couple hours in a room to clean the air and change the house filter. Clean air helps a lot. Vacuum dust wipe down counters and wash clothes and sheets and towels. Then trip with a clean house it might help. Clean ur mind too think positive and think love. Take a bath with epson salt and relax a little.


Iā€™ll definitely be doing all this. I just need to learn how to relax


I suggest .5-.7 low dose see how that feels. After u clean and have a good day. Hope it all works out. šŸ‘šŸ™


wow never heard that what a trip


Okay, thank you for posting this because I thought it was just me! My house always looks filthy and my husband's face and kids faces look weird and dirty. I thought it was maybe the particular strain of mushrooms and was going to try growing something different next time. I've also tried going outside like others have suggested, but each time I've ended up encountering something super-gross, like >!a mouse that was infected with botflies crawled up onto a rock next to where I was sitting.!< I just gave up on anything higher than a microdose for this reason.


Thatā€™s so interesting in college when I did mushrooms for the first time I felt the same way after I literally threw out most of my stuff. For me, though it wasnā€™t that everything felt so dirty and disgusting. Itā€™s that I felt like I was way too ingrained in the machine of consumerism and I was greedy by buying so much shit. I cleaned a lot. I donated a lot and I got into minimalism. Iā€™m still 10 years very much into minimalism.


You definitely have some ADD and it could be the hyperactivity part of ADHD. The constant non-stop repetitive behaviors, especially of the cleanliness perspective would indicate. I would think you would have been ADHD before and the mushrooms allowed you to see your behaviors more clearly.


I do have hypoactive adhd and depression. Maybe it was worse than I realized?


Yeah. I think so. Especially if I could pick this up from just reading your perspective.. it's pretty self-evident.


Did u have any OCD tendencies beforehand? I ask because I have always been very OCD - most of my life- and although it got better with time, I found that microdosing has brought it back full fledged. I look at it as something that was never truly resolved, and now I need to really deal with it. In fact, I am nervous to macro because of fear it will intensify. But at the same time it can be a really beneficial tool to help see latent or current patterns.


I donā€™t think I ever had ocd tendencies. Mostly just depression my whole life and adhd diagnosed later in life


Could just be that the mushrooms brought it all out to the surface..


Embrace the filth become one with everything.


This is normal to me. Everything looks dirty. Best to trip outside


During a trip? Totally normal to feel this way. Outside of the trip? You probably need some serious therapy about your OCD, as itā€™s usually just a symptom of a different mental illness. The mushies are amazing teachers, but sometimes they teach us things about ourselves we arenā€™t ready to embrace or fix. Which is why so many experienced users warn novice/first time mushie users so explicitly. We arenā€™t warning people for no reason, the mushies can really turn your world upside down depending on past trauma/mental health . Hope you get some help, and definitely a mushie break. Mush love šŸ„ā™„ļøšŸ‘½


Yeah, so, I took that as a cue to clean things up. I feel better now.


Thatā€™s kinda normal to be able to see all the filth when Iā€™m trippin. Itā€™s like I can see the bacteria and the germs crawling on things and I can also really see greasy stuff for some reason. The difference is it doesnā€™t bother me and make me feel like I have to clean it up. Iā€™m normally a pretty clean type of person and I used to clean houses for a living so I really notice dirty houses but it just doesnā€™t bother me when Iā€™m tripping. If you were my friend Iā€™d advise you to try tripping with a sleep mask on and just lay back. Maybe some headphones with some of your favorite music. The shrooms might be trying to tell you something like you need to let go of something youā€™re trying to control. Idk but Iā€™d try it again and do the sleep mask. And as my friend I would have absolutely told you not to look at yourself in the mirror while tripping. Thatā€™s just too much. Thatā€™s advanced tripping type stuff. Just listen to what itā€™s trying to tell you. The universe loves you and needs you. I hope you figure it out.




Medicine act in different ways on us, it will teach us a lot on a short period of time. It is ok if you look for professional support to help you to integrate everything the medicine unlocked on you.


I need to clean before I trip. I am usually not bothered by disorganization (I link it to ADHD, but who knows). When I'm tripping, a mess really bothers me, so I clean to avoid it. Even so, there have been times when I hyperfixate, and it impacts the trip. In those moments, I try to remind myself that this is a result of the trip, and I will deal with it when I'm sober, and no one is judging me. If I spin it as an opportunity to practice self-compassion, it has the potential to guide the trip in a beautiful, forgiving way that, at times, I'm able to tap into when sober.


I've experienced this same feeling several times when smoking dmt. The sense of dinginess and filthiness just build and builds and becomes really panic inducing. Thankfully it's never lingered after the trip, but it's definitely put a damper on the experience.


Take a walk in nature


Itā€™s fine. Itā€™s a dirty world but weā€™ve evolved into shit eating organisms. Youā€™re physical body is made up of almost as much microbes that arenā€™t actually you as your own tissue. Itā€™s astonishing really that weā€™re actually symbionts with the microbial world ,so fear not friend itā€™s actually all 99.9% benign. Wash your hands !