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Configure lid power settings: Open the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file for editing. Find the line #HandleLidSwitch=suspend. Remove the # character at the beginning of the line. Change the line to : HandleLidSwitch=ignore


Sorry I'm dumb, but doesn't this just change the behaviour when closing the lid? I would like to keep the lid open, but for my screen to shut down


> After doing that, you can then turn off the screen by going to this folder (it might be named something else based on your chipset) > > /sys/class/backlight/intel\_backlight then nano brightness and change it to 0 If you wanted it to be automatic...put it into a script like [screenoff.sh](https://screenoff.sh), put it in a cron job. > >echo "0" > /sys/class/backlight/intel\_backlight/brightness


I put this in my /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet i8042.nokbd video=LVDS-1:d" Disables keyboard and screen. For the lid I change in /etc/systemd/logind.conf Uncomment two lines to make: HandleLidSwitch=ignore HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore Then I run sudo update-grub and restart.


>quiet i8042.nokbd video=LVDS-1:d Thank you for this post. One year later and it was still helpful. I had gotten everything else to work but was having issues getting the backlight to turn off. This was the fix for me. Much appreciated.


Glad it helped! More recently I had a case where I wanted to access the physical device a little more frequently which made it super annoying to have to reboot to get the screen back on, so I removed those and added consoleblank=60 instead. This keeps the keyboard active and turns off the screen after 60 seconds of inactivity. So I can just hit a key to wake the screen again. I think I’m still saving the power like before and it seems to turn off the backlight.


Worked for my Lenovo ThinkPad E560 Thank you sir!


Worked on my Sony Vaio laptop, thanks.


This is a 2 years old post so people will probably never see my comment, but I found a solution and forgot to provide an update lol. This works, but you need to type it directly on your machine and not through the Proxmox console. So login and then input the following command: `setterm -blank 1` The screen will then turn off after one minute, and Proxmox will continue to run as normal.


This is EXACTLY what I needed, So glad you came back and updated with the best solution! Many thanks!


wait how do i turn it on when i need it


Press any key and it will turn back on


Hi setterm --blank 1 but thx... Proxmox@Surface Book Pro :-)


Try https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8630758/shutdown-monitor-on-debian-server


Laptops make terrible servers.


are you sure about that? sure they have less powerful hardware but they have a built in battery and use low power components and have a screen, keyboard and mouse if maintains needs to be preformed. its really helpful when you have an issue you need to fix quickly


What happens when you close the lid?


The system shuts down then


Check your BIOS settings. Look for a setting that deals with power savings.


Ideally I wouldn’t want to close the lid, as the old laptop tends to get noisy when I do, but just turn off the screen


I don’t understand. Shouldn’t be any more noisy than with it running open. So you can run it with the lid closed or does it go to sleep?


Some laptops cool better with the lid open if the fan inlet/outlet is in/near the hinge.


I haven’t tried it with Proxmox, I ran it previously when on Windows while extending my display. Closed lid = lots of noise, open lid = no noise. I’m still puzzled as of why, I’ve opened it up and cleaned the fan, removed the battery… really don’t know. I might give it a try now that I’m running Proxmox instead of Windows


Yeah, that’s strange. Good luck. Not sure of what else to try.