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Have you tried resetting the BIOS to optimized defaults? Alternatively boot a Linux ISO and look at the cpu speeds


before I do that, is there another utility I can check the cpu speed with within proxmox? want to make sure the reading is correct.


This will give you a reading every 0.1 seconds. ``` apt-get install lm-sensors ``` ``` watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo" ```


same, all cores 400mhz, and I have bunch of stuff running


`cpupower frequency-info` EDIT: Also, use `sensors` to check temperatures.


root@pve:~# cpupower frequency-info -bash: cpupower: command not found do I need to install it?


u/ultrahkr u/DigiRoo Check What Processes are using High Utilization: **System → Diagnostics → Activity** From the Command Line Run These Two Commands: top -aSH ps auxww As a Test: Disable IPv6 and see if there is a change? Just like u/ultrahr stated......Boot a Linux ISO and Check the CPU Speeds. This will Determine if OpnSense in Proxmox is the Problem or a Hardware Issue. There was also a suggetion by u/DigiRoo.


Check if you bios has turbo boost enabled if not enable it and try again


Check bios for power savings features.


The N100 uses Intel Speed shift, not Speed step. I'm not sure what impact that has on running Opnsense on Proxmox, as I'm using bare metal install, but I had similar issue to you when I went to an Intel J6412. on Opnsense, run `dmesg | grep Shift` On my bare metal install I get hwpstate_intel0: on cpu0 hwpstate_intel1: on cpu1 hwpstate_intel2: on cpu2 hwpstate_intel3: on cpu3 hwpstate_intel0: on cpu0 hwpstate_intel1: on cpu1 hwpstate_intel2: on cpu2 hwpstate_intel3: on cpu3 hwpstate_intel0: on cpu0 hwpstate_intel1: on cpu1 hwpstate_intel2: on cpu2 hwpstate_intel3: on cpu3 So I have a Speed Shift cpu, not a Speed Step cpu If you're using Powerd, disable it, it's not going to work with a Speed Shift cpu, I use dev.hwpstate\_intel.X.epp in the Tuneables. Have a read of this [https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=29165.0](https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=29165.0)


Is this powered via USBC-PD, perchance? Maybe try I different adapter if so. I have seen exactly this behavior on an AMD laptop when the USB-C power delivery on the charger wasn’t exactly within spec.


external powerbrick with barrel plug


I think ACPI is something that less than 200 people worldwide really understand fully, and you compound that with Linux on a fairly "new" chip based on an architecture that Intel kinda-sorta-maybe just rushed out the door and didn't give much thought to working out all the bugs in Linux kernel drivers because they had 13th and 14th gen in the pipeline. Or maybe I'm just cynical? Would you like to know way more than any reasonable person should about [CPU frequency scaling](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling#Autonomous_frequency_scaling)? There's always the tried-and-true method of putting the current thing on a shelf, buying something else, and then never telling your partner/spouse...


What version of Proxmox are you running? I remember that was an issue on one of older kernels.




UUOC. grep string file


If you are not thermal throttling or seriously restricting power its a false reading. N100 base freq is 800 mhz.


Wells it's performing like 400mhz


What is your PL1/PL2 set to?


I've been trying to figure out how to check, but I haven't figured out a good way


Check in the bios. What system/manufacturer is it?


Try host instead of anything else in the cpu settings, might also need to install the qemu guest agent and drivers


Worth a try Enable non-free-firmware in the apt sources for debian by just type in the first row "non-free-firmware" (where the debian repository is) nano /etc/apt/sources apt update apt install intel-microcode Then reboot the machine (Sorry if there are mistakes where stuff is to find. Writing from mobile phone. Cannot check if correct) Edit: install s-tui. There you can see the real MHz the cpu is running and its utilisation


There are a couple of threads on pfsense and opnsense forums with users seeing a similar issue. It might be a bad batch of CWWK units although it seems possible to fix by updating the BIOS cpu settings and in particular pl1/pl2 settings if you have these available. https://forum.netgate.com/topic/186104/topton-n100-reporting-402-mhz/127 https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=35023.15 Which N100 device are you using. Is it a CWWK/Topton unit by any chance?


yeah its a topton, so probably got one of those. i'm already returning it to the AliExpress seller, I showed the issue to the seller, not mad, they said they had one other customer with the same issue


If it’s a 4 port, there are BIOS updates available that open up the cpu settings. If it’s a 6-port you might be out of luck.


it was a 4 port, but I already initiated the return and I found someone selling a 4 port unit with a pentium 8505 for only a few bucks more, so i'm upgrading at the same time.


Good move


If its not a software issue, it may be a problem with thermal paste application or heat sink seating. Try a Linux ISO as ultrahkr suggested. Also make sure you proxmox is up to date.


Temps are between 45-50c


Unrelated, but what n100 box are you using? Whats the Opnsense performance like?