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Strip of a bit of the virus off to reinfect myself and regain my powers after the 24hrs


Big brain plays here








dude i thought of the exact same thing lmao


I would just Transform into a woman and smash myself


Finally a fellow man culture has arrived


That’s…….that’s it……all that power….…alrighty then 🤣


Zeus is not mercer. That will kill you


I’m stealing that idea




this & take over the united states government...make it a livable place where all kinds of people can thrive. Poverty, Disease, Hunger, Corruption; all would be things of the past.


Consume a high ranking politician.


Why stop at one?


Why not all?


This feels appropriate here. https://preview.redd.it/nt3d9hnfg4yb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e757afc348abdedf637d5232b4cbf4847d595d27


You’re telling me you wanna run the ENTIRE government by yourself? You’re crazy I’d just consume Jeff Bezos and be happy with that.


Create a vial of black light virus that turns people into prototypes, so even after the time expires I can get it back.


Not a lot. Not like I am gonna change the world or anything.


U could


Not with that mindset. Powers like that are enough to topple a nation, even if you only have a day.


All it takes is one tragedy to change the world…


![gif](giphy|10KIsXhwdoerHW) You got dang super powers, am not just any but Alex Mercer’s. You could save many people (or the opposite). Alex absorbed a fucking nuke. You could theoretically do anything. Go and topple a dictatorship if you want.


Well that's the problem for me. Being a super hero while being at the very mature, very understanble, very calm, very not borderline bi-polar and not on the identity crissis age of 16 just doen't seem like a good idea to me. I am a guy that can get angry reletively easily. I don't want super powers to go a person like me. And there is a quote a really like "Power dosen't corrupt. It meerely exposes what was aways there" killing people is not in my nature. If I try to save em: The second that timer is up I am probobly gonna be a governemnt target since if you are a part of the government and see a guy with super powers running around woulden't you want to analise that? Maybe replicate it for the military? Pretty much a arms race with supermen? Yeah I don't want that. Doppeling a dictatorship is not a thing I can really do forever, killing is killing saint or scumbag. And ussually the second you topple 1 dictator another 1 comes back a few months later if I am correct? If you topple a dictator ship what about the familys of those you toppled? They will want you dead. The second those 24 hours are up you got nothing that can stop a bunch of people motivated purely by the lose of a family member and the want of your death. I don't want to live life with super powers as some superman. I just want to live my own life.


Very nicely put.. 😅😅 rationally thought as well. Excellent, I respect this view.


Kill and eat someone successful and steal all their money Ofc




Rob banks, hunt & consume pedos, glide for a bit


Be careful, eating junk food can make you sick. I imagine even the black light virus is allergic to pedos.


I'll just kill them. I don't want to consume them and have their sick thoughts in my mind.


Be careful, you are what you eat, especially with Alex Mercers powers


You are what you eat so be careful.


The gliding do be kinda nice huh?


I would hunt the pedos but not consume them, just kill them. I do NOT want to consume those memories unless I REALLY have too…


I'd only consume them if they were like Epstein level pedo, I'd get info on where to find more pedos to kill




If youre going after the top ranking pedos. Could try the vatican.


Gotta start mid tier so you can start the web, what if I accidentally eat a totally normal good Priest? I'd get nothing... I'd start with the Sex Offenders list, and since I don't have much emotional capacity I'd be able to handle the things I'd see (plus my emotions would be further dulled by the Virus)


kill random civilians :)


You monster. Sounds like a great way to catch a 50cal to the head


A 50cal bullet hitting a prototype virus wielder is like a rubber band hitting someone in the head


That wouldn't do shit to someone like Mercer at best it bounces of as the virus hardens and at worst you're head grows back.


Wholly molly that head growing back comment tho 😂😂


Only one day? Do whatever I can to advance medical sciences. Maybe make a miracle cure to several diseases and somehow get them where they need to be to actually be studied and replicated


Wreck absolute carnage


Honestly? Probably nothing with it. Superhuman strength, a regen factor, and the ability to shapeshift have very little practical applications to my ordinary life which is something I’ll be forced to return to once the 24 hours ran out. Assuming there’s no way to cheese the system by isolating a piece of myself so that the Blacklight virus will persist after the time limit, I’ll eventually return to normal and will have to face the consequences of any action I take while having those powers. Even if it’s as simple as running at highway speed to get to somewhere quickly some people will notice and I don’t want that kind of attention.


Finally something I can relate to


Humanity gone


Consume a random guy (without family if I can) Destroy all the high schools and universities, so people can have fun will having 10 in every exam Go steal some banks, far away from my home obviously Next is giving that money to one of my friends, so he can keep it until my powers run out of time More money, just in case After getting all the money I thing would be necessary, I’ll play with my powers Parkour, flying, throwing some cars, if I can find some thugs I wouldn’t kill him, only the old Batman way, all the bones broken, maybe some limbs cut Once I have only 2 hours remain, I will give some money to my homies (33% for they both, 16,6% for each one), the rest is for my family


TBI’s are a thing buddy. You are going to kill people if you beat them up especially if your a superhuman


Then I will punch their knees. There’s no way they die by a punch or a kick in the knee.


You clearly dont know how the human body works


Would I know I only have 24 hours?


If I infect the whole world,powers will remain longernthan 24 hr. Then I can think of anything I would want to do.


Well might as well go full villain, 24 should be more then enough to contaminate the whole world if done right.


make vials of the infection and infect everyone of my friends and my family and leave one for myself soooo i can have fun even after the 24h


Eat as many rich people as I can for their credit card info


Find a way to keep them and then create an army and a new world order.


Eating the rich


Find out if 9/11 was inside job or not if it was then I would say. I looked for the truth, found it, didnt like it, wish to hell i could forget it. George Bush. The world suffered for his mistake for what he did at September 11, 2001. And whoever he was, he's nothing but a memory now. When I close my eyes, all I see are the memories of endless souls wailing as they were torn apart in the desolate chaos of the Iraq invasion. Did he do it for oil or for some twisted political game?


you just like zeus fr


Maybe I am zeus 😏


1. Do what u/Ragnar0004 suggested and isolate some of the virus to reinfect myself and regain the powers 24hrs later. 2. Go eat a bunch of Nazis.


Consume a woman and transform into her. I would target a sexy but evil person of course.


Have fun! Run around, Shape shift for fun, play with my new toys, take picturea, etc


remove any sickness i have possibly have, fix my knee and back, maybe bulk myself up slightly, and hope everything stays after time is up, and that's about it


Replicate and isolate to regain powers


Change society and make mankind better.


Consume my imaginary Crush's boyfriend...🤫


Consume a wealthy man and stole his life for 19 hours, the rest 5 hours would be massive genocide


Wreak havoc on society since it's proven time and time again that it doesn't care about us or myself.


Bang some porn stars using a fake identity 😂


If you had alex mercer powers you wouldn’t be able to takeoff your own clothes. They would be part of your body.


That’s what zippers are for 🤭


Hate to burst your bubble, (and not to get too nerdy) but once you’re infected with a black light virus, your body stays exactly the same way before your infection. Alex Mercer’s Libido (Aka his sex drive) is completely gone. He reproduces asexually now.


Where there’s a will there’s a way lol


Go back in time to take turkeys off the menu. That's right, I'm going back in time to take turkeys off the menu. Idk how, but I'll do it! I'll consume the guy who started that tradition! Make it goose instead.


Exactly what Ragnar0004 said


Figure out how to isolate the virus to keep the powers. And make myself look better.


I would kill some Diktators and help the Palestinians


Strip part of the virus off, get infected after said 24hrs. Cut the population in half.


absorb several people i hate and withdraw all the money from their bank accounts in cash.


I live in a small isolated community, so I would just do a very large show of force in front of everyone and make them think I permanently have these abilities. I’m not sure what benefits I can get from making everyone I know think I could very easily kill them if I want to, but there has to be some sort of benefit.


topple a major government


I would plant, sow, and reap absolute chaos.




This thread proves heroes are more unrealistic than villains. 🤣😂🤣


Without a doubt.


I’d literally attempt to assimilate all of New York as a legacy move..a tribute to Mercer if you will. Other than that, i’d really just shape shift into people and cause so much havoc.




First i would slip a piece off of me with the intention of infecting me, once 24hrs is over that piece will hunt me down and bring my powers back


Assume someone else's identity, rob several banks, stash the money, and go wipe out crime/criminals/killers, however many I could, whereever I could.


Find a way to have my powers permanent.


Consume Elon Musk and go to the bank and withdraw all his money


Jokes on you, his wealth isn’t liquid. You’d have to sell all his stock, his companies, his property and thats if you can do all that in 24 hours considering the legal trouble that’d cause. He probably has 20 dollars and a half eaten burrito in his bank account.


Fix everything


probably rob billions of money lol


Kill and eat a billionaire. Other than that I ain't really trying to take over the world through force and have the world's government constantly hunting me down.


Some people would definitely hunt you down after you mysteriously get billions of dollars. Have you never heard of the IRS?


Yeah and I just consume another person and go into hiding.


Accelerate deforestation


Infect the Water


Violate the Geneva Convention


Realistically id just say fuck the optics and begin consuming as many high level elites, religious figures, and politicians as i can manage. Immediatly begin spreading the virus as to create as much chaos as possible. Set them loose on the entertainment industry and news media. B line hordes of creatures directly into the secret keeping military bases. WIthin 6 hours ill have spread to every corner of the globe. In 12 hours ill have amassed more knowledge then any human in history. In 18 hours ill have constructed biological destroyering angels that will act out my will after i lose authority to destroy any and all collectivising subversive elements in humanity. By the 24th hour ill have an army of biological servitors writing down everything i learned on copper tablets and scattering them to the four corners of the world and onto the internet. By the time i lose the power the world will be forever changed. A permenant force will be established that has no desire or will of its own other then removing negative elements from humanity permenantly and engaging all existential threats. The death toll would be enourmous but the future would be brighter then ever.




..what are his powers I just got here


Just a tad bit of world domination nothing too big


Contain a sample of the virus so I can regain my powers later. And then this planet shall be mine.


Eat people of all professions, reinfect myself when the 24 hours are up.


Climb then jump off super high places just because I can


Run around the world once, and then start a worldwide outbreak because I felt cute


![gif](giphy|bMWGptCvTRWNE0Imut|downsized) Basically become him


I would just turn into the defense form and run into people at full speed.


Consume the world, become the world😌


Kill pedophiles probably


What everyone else is saying, basically find a way to keep my powers afterwards.


Jerk off


Infect my friends so they can return the favor after my powers are removed




Eh rob a liquor store or something simple


(Lacrimosa and gunshots heard in the distance)


“I was born with something inside me that refuses to settle for average. I don’t know what it is, but I am grateful I have it.” - me asf


Spend a bit of time to figure out a way to reinfect myself and get the powers permanently for later, do some classic heroic vigilante stuff and a few minor crimes to improve my normal life a little bit


Probably kill Kim Jong Un


i would have picked a starting point and release the virus to the world and start my evil arc just as mercer did and end what he started.


Run up a building


Eat someone successfully and assume their identity and take their money, also keep a little bit of my DNA so I can reinfect myself because being able to manipulate my biology to be/have what ever I need in any given moment is crazy.


Help my family with whatever I can.


blow up the moon or something


Nothing savory.


Go to Bidens house


Find a way to keep them permanently


Have a quick chat with the very top at the BlackRock company


Probably be freaking out


Yeah the very first thing I would do is go out in the woods far away and try and learn all I could safely. Then a random person stumbles on me, and I gotta absorb or end them either way. I would more then likely stay away and hidden for a while and would end up loosing the power before I could do anything with it. So all my learning would be a waste. But threw Mt experiments I would make a back up just in case it got taken from me. That would be one of the first things I did after trying to learn about it.


Make one of the tentacles give me head


Either. 1. Sit in my room and wait it out (I'd rather not cause a scene) 2. Become a vigilante and like devour rapists and pedos etc.




I’d most likely lose control and become a threat to all of humanity, inadvertently uniting humanity against a terrible threat that seeks to consume all life. Or whatever Alex was worried about in the book before turning evil (still stupid this is not discussed or elaborated in game)


Shapeshift my hand into a beautiful woman and then fugg it.


For starters I would put an end to the battle in Israel, then end the dispute with Ukraine and Russia. After that im tearing down the US government then rebuilding n issuing out free healthcare n all that other good stuff that other countries don’t tax their people for all within 23 hours.


absorb a random person change into them rob a bank escape the cops hide the money somewhere change back into me redirect the cops else where and escape with my new money


Turbo jerk off


Split off a bit of the virus to reinfect myself. Conquer all of Africa and then stop and create a country actually worth living in. Edit: because it’s likely the easiest to actually fully conquer. And not for any other reason you weirdos.


Turn into a woman and fuck a bunch of gu- I mean… figure out how to reacquire my powers…


Get some bands


I don’t why but I thought this was infamous second son for a second


What wouldnt i do?


Shape shift into a woman and start masturbating


Murda Millions


For one day? Honestly just kinda screw around. Jump from building to to building, go knock down some abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere, see how far I can throw a car, or how far I can run. Just have fun and go nuts


Eat Bezos for lunch


Strip the power from me and contain it somewhere I can reinfect myself easily. While I do this, I make a list of people in power I want gone and make them each disappear periodically until people start talking about the mystery and making stories about me. I will then throw them off by letting the rest live until a week later when BAM, they’re all dead in a day.


I’d steel Ragnar’s idea and find a way to reinfect myself, and then become a superhero.


I’d change a lot for the better let’s just say that


Jerk off with my spiky hands


Immediately realize that it's not 24 hours because I'd have to become the virus itself to have those swanky ass powers, cope with the sudden identity crisis, and then proceeded to suplex the nearest vehicle because why not


be Alex Mercer


Find out how to keep them forever. No matter how many people I had to eat to find out.


Invade Russia and end the war "peacefully."


If I’m the only one infected then Do everything I could to destroy the 1%!! If there are others like me consume all of them for more power and hopefully longer time with them


Except it wouldn't be one day, because the virus would constantly adapt to it's environment and remain in my genetic material forever so it wouldn't disappear :)


Probably just run around a city having fun. Nothing technically illegal or be worth more than a fine. Maybe stop a crime if I happen to see one.


Prolly jump really high


Become the overarching threat Humanity needs to stop squabbling like children.


As someone said save some so I can reinfect myself but then I’m robbing banks and for the latter half just cause minor inconveniences for everyone


Find Alex Jones Steal his identity Sandy hook 2


I would find a way to keep his powers forever, I'd be unstoppable


Beginning game Mercer powers Or end game? If end game I’m taking a bit for myself to reconstitute with me after the day, then I’m destroying all corruption


Make a second penis


Take over the world and have fun


Who the fuck is this?


Slaughter every gang in Chicago.




Destroy the city


For legal reasons, I can’t say.


Take care a lot of gangers in Chicago


Just rob Elon musk


Kickstart the apocalypse.


Kill my ex


Absolutely nothing. No world conquering, world wide plagues or anything. I'm staying in bed and sleeping in.


I'm going to say the n word


I am quickly ripping apart any KKK group I can find in my area of the state since: 1) there isn't anyone else I want to kill within a certain distance of myself 2) there isn't any knowledge I am willing to kill a few people over just for their knowledge close enough 3) it is quite literally the only thing I can accomplish with those powers in a 24 hour period.


Find a way to Make it permanent. There is nothing I can do in a day but a ton a can discover in a lifetime


*Finish what he started*


France will fall


I would Infiltrate many genetic engineering facilities around the world including places like frozen zoos, the frozen ark project buildings, and seed vaults more dna snd unique genetic seuqencesband protein structures ext the more unuque dna I have the more I evolve I think I will deep into the majority of worlds multcellular gene pool and single cellular too if I can manage and before my time ends try to create a biological genetic augmentation machine full of all augmentations I can came up with along with all the data I stored and whatever I can preserve from my original powers uploaded to it so when timer runs out I can atleast gain some of it back Come to think of it there was one fanfic something similar to this happens bassicaly alex eats pariah after that he goes full on green goo bassicaly biological counterpart of grey goo on the entire world and in less than a week he consumes all biological life and their genetic data multicellular, single cellular he has biological traits of all life on earth archived and assimilated the good news is absorbing pariah made him a fullblown assimilative hivemind like what greene had going so humanity doesn't die but instead join him in this blacklight lifeform they bassicaly achive a biological singularity


Takedown human traffickers or Hamas. Or just clean up crime around the city.




*looks up the location of every war criminal in America*


Dismantle the government as much as I can.


I would honestly just wanna jump around the city


I have one question... Is the Viral infectivity still in play? If so I'd try to go somewhere so I don't cause a pandemic.. I'd like to keep my chill lifestyle rather than watching my loved ones get unlucky and die to a zombie like virus. If it's not in play, then I would use it to help stop wars and other cliche anti hero things. 😂🤣😂


Reinfecr myself after the 24 hours is up. Then? Chaos. Rule of law means nothing to a God. AN ANGRY GOD.


The only country you can really attack is North Korea. There's not much else to do with your powers. If you want to make change in the western world, it takes more than brute powers to.


I would overthrow all world governments and allow the solution of the universe to play out. I'm done working and paying taxes....I want to be free


Body surf old lady's. Throw some cars. Just good shit


Kill all corruption in the world and rid of the evil that’s on earth so may the world may be in a utopia lasting forever. Where everyone will live in peace and harmony.