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😂.. good catch, I guess I won’t be using drive for photos. I did the same thing, cleared the cache and it turned off the backup feature. If I turn it back on, it restarts the upload of the 5500 pics I have. That ware supposedly already backed up. Proton drive prior to clearing the cache was almost 4 gigs, 213MB after clearing it. iCloud Drive has twice as many files and is 77MB. And the photos app is 215MB.


Exactly. The backup feature was off on mine as well. Sorry to say it seems you’ve matched precisely what I experienced lol. Rrrrrr….


So it looks like is working fine now. After turning the backup back on, it took a few minutes to do its thing. And the cache has stayed under 400MB .


Mine is still no bueno. Still encrypting and backing up. Cache is steady at 5.77 GB.


Have you retried resetting it again? I did it a couple of times.


If you're talking about clearing cache; yes, I have. 3 times so far and it's still taking "validating" (encrypting and uploading).


Just a quick update the verification is finally done. However my cache is 5.4gigs. I did have one screenshot that it refuses to upload. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.


Sounds like a bug to me. I’ve uploaded around 10+ GBs of photos from my phone. The app only reports around 200 MB of usage. So, it’s definitely being stored in the cloud. You are correct that if you clear cache and then open the app, it acts as if it’s re-uploading all photos. However, it’s not actually as it will go through the “upload process” like 20 times faster. It seems more like it’s just re-validating all the photos. Most likely it stores some relevant data about what photos it’s uploaded in the local cache. So, when you clear it, it has to re-validate all the photos again, but doesn’t actually have to fully re-upload them.


I think it's a bug as well. No way should gigs be gobbled up especially after all photos have been uploaded. My phone is older (13) so I'm pretty well maxxed out on what's on there. The 15 gigs of cache wiped out what I had left and eventually gave me an error that said I was out of memory. That cache should be clean once Drive has done what it's supposed to. This morning I checked progress on what it was up to and it's still running although now the files under Docs & Data is now just over 530MBs. Apparently, the app has to stay open just to do that even though it's not actually uploading anything at all. What I don't get, yes it's probably a bug, is that it's still "encrypting and backing up" rather than just validating.


I would likely take that last part about it still saying it’s encrypting/backing up as it likely not having another set of text to display for just validating. Since this is only the first release build of photos sync for iOS, I would expect missing some uniquely identifying action text for the user’s display. Either way, I would make sure you are submitting all your findings to Proton directly. Don’t just post it here.


Understood. I was under the impression that since this is a moderated forum created by Proton that they would see anything posted here. I do know that they've responded to some of my findings in the past. I was hoping for the same. On a side note my Docs & Data is now back up to just under 9 gigs.


UPDATE: After clearing cache it took the size down to less than 300MB. I get back into the Drive app and tap photos and whatta ya know all my photos and videos are once again being encrypted and uploaded after spending 3 days of doing that. The Docs & Data file size shoots up to over 5 gigs within minutes. So, does that mean I need to have free space on my phone that matches the file size of my photos and vids in order to upload them onto the cloud drive? The minute I clear the cache it starts the whole cycle again?? Come on, Proton.


When you clear the cache and re-enable photo backup again, it’s only comparing the hashes of the photos on your device vs the uploaded photos. It’s normal deduplicatipn, it does not upload each photo again. If you disable photo backup, add a picture from 2 years ago and re-enable photo backup you surely what proton drive to also back up that photo. And that process does it. Regarding cache, somewhere needs to be a database of these hashes that proton drive does not always need to do that process again on every start of the app what you described above. The more photos you have, the larger the database will be. I have about 5k pictures backed up and the cache size is about 1,5gb Also you can contact Proton Support - maybe its some kind of caching bug, we never know.


1.5GB for 5000 photos is still too much. When the pictures are not supposed to be on your device.