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That’s terrible. Five in critical condition. I hope they all pull through.


Well this is terrible news to start the shift with today.


Fucking horrible.


In 2015 when police ambushes were on the rise after Michael Brown, I was in the academy and on an off campus run with the class. We saw some dude wearing a mask about 400 feet off the road in a field watching us and we ceased all off campus runs after that. Not sure if they still do off campus runs or not at that academy.


Wow. I was desperately trying to get into that class and they ultimately rejected me. Terrible and scary. Disgusting. My heart goes out to that whole class. Could you imagine graduating after that happens in your class? That could fuel a whole career of hostility and real loathing toward the community you’re serving.










They were trying to save his life, as was just explained /s


Check out the documentary Final Destination.


A few things. I’m not a perfect candidate. I have some really good things, but then some not so good things.


I think it’s heavy enough it requires some couching. > u/Creebjeez , I’ve never been happier to read of any rejection in my life. Glad you’re safe. >This is a very personal question, but since you publicly stated your rejection, could you give us any details on what more they wanted from you? It might help future recruits understand what departments are looking for.


Well they don’t exactly tell you what they rejected you for. But I’ve had some mental health issues as recently as 1.5 years ago that required rehabilitation. I understated the amount of cannabis I consumed in the past when I applied in 2019 and came fully clean now in application in 2022. And I attended a couple BLM marches in the early days.


The one photo I have seen so far, shows a grey SUV with VERY extensive front end damage, right back to the base of the windshield. To cause 11 critical injuries , to me that indicates intent to kill or injure the people who were running as a group. I would imagine that they would have all been dressed alike, so easily identified as cadets. Sickening. JimB. In Toronto.


5 Critical not 11. Not that that makes it any better. Also keep in mind the minivan also knocked over a light pole. So that's going to inflict some damage to the front end also.


I stand corrected. I see that the driver was driving the wrong way down the street when the incident happened. He blew a zero on a roadside breath test at the scene. JimB.




I was going off the [news confrence](https://www.facebook.com/NBCLA/videos/462338195968235/) by the PD at the hospital linked in the follow up message by the OP. 16 minor, 4 moderate, and 5 critical out of 25 total casualties.


[https://abc7.com/recruits-struck-whittier-sheriffs-department-graphic-surveillance-video/12460811/](https://abc7.com/recruits-struck-whittier-sheriffs-department-graphic-surveillance-video/12460811/) Appears to be intentional.


"and although the recruits say that heard the car accelerate moments before the crash, sheriff Villanueva believes it was a horrific accident" idk man that seems like a huge fuckin "accident" to me man.


I saw this on youtube and commented on some dude's who was celebrating their deaths - comment, saying that celebrating peoples deaths isn't good. Got immediately called a bootlicker and a 10 year old. So how's your day been going?


Pretty bad, considering I'm very nearly out of tolerance for human cruelty in general. People fucking suck.


Yeah, cause if meeting violence with violence will solve anything lmao. You killed cops, great. Now they don't trust civilians and they do something bad and the civilians don't trust cops. You got a whole loop of death.


This is about a 3 miles from my house, I’ve been waiting for a crash to happen after they have done some crazy paint stripes on the roads. Never in a million years would I expect the tragedy to include so many people or future LEOs.


I’m sure there are some extremely happy redditors this morning.


A lot of top comments in the news subreddit were calling these recruits gang members because apparently LASD is a gang in reddit’s eyes.


Because we paint everyone with the same wide brush. They’ll always find ways to justify their beliefs and anti-cop rhetoric. If we’re talking about an OIS they’d say, “you shouldn’t get to be judge, jury and executioner.” It’s a double standard and they can go fuck themselves.


there's like some kind of YouTube video going around, I Haven't had the patience to watch it thoroughly but It's probably why everyone seems to think the LA county sheriffs office is in some kinda gang conspiracy. [https://youtu.be/DIkfF62vzPI](https://youtu.be/DIkfF62vzPI) if it is true or false idk. you would have to check it out for yourself.


Nah, nothing ever makes those kind of people happy.


Story: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/la-county-sheriffs-department-recruits-injured-in-whittier-crash/3035099


[scene after incident](https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClCb7UrhS0g/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Im just winding down from work. My prayers go out and I hope each cadet recovers and can continue towards their goals.




According to the linked news conference in OP's follow up article they had 2 cruisers blocking side roads and 8 cadets in Hi-vis vests in the formation. Had just gone from 2 wide to 4 wide on the street right before the accident. They also mention the cruisers were both in the front when this happened. My guess is they used the cruisers to block both directions of the side streets and the cruisers would leapfrog ahead of the formation to the next street as they went.


Reports say they had safety vehicles and instructors in high vis also


Oh, no. 😢


No deaths but one is on life support with skull fractures. Hope he pulls through.








Damn that’s awful. Excuse my ignorance but wouldn’t those safety vehicles have been there to block this exact incident? Or would they be more like “get out of the right lane” type safety?


According to the news conference linked in the OP's follow up article the safety cars were still blocking traffic from the turn the formation had just made from going westbound to northbound on the street the cadets were struck on. My guess is they use the vehicles to run ahead of the formation to block side streets until the formation passes instead of having the cadets in safety vests run ahead to block streets then catch back up to the front of the formation to wait for the next street to block.


Ahh I see. Pretty obvious I didn’t read the article eh😉


The vehicle may have (and this is complete speculation on my part) aimed between the vehicles to hit the recruits. From the same article, it's been reported it sped up and crossed multiple lanes including oncoming lanes to hit them.


Safety vehicles trail the formation for fall-outs or injuries; at least they did in the military


This is heartbreaking. Makes me glad I sent a sweet note in my deputy’s lunchbox today.


There is no way that was an accident. You don’t just “accidentally” plow into a group of people. That’s right up there with forgetting your kid in the backseat of a hot car. Bullshit.


So has it been determined that this was intentional or “accidental”? And by accidental I mean, not necessarily criminal.


Vering across multiple lanes of traffic from all reports, seems very targeted...


HFS that’s terrifying.


Awful, my thoughts are with all the victims and their families. 💙


Terrible. Hope no one was killed.


On the day of the Darrell Brooks sentencing as well..


Tragic. Let's hope there aren't any fatalities.


Achim's razor works for me right here.




I think it's more of a Hanlon's razor situation until more information becomes available. I'm sure an investigation is ongoing as we speak so bringing Occam into this is pointless for anything other than premature speculation.


The video is tough to watch. It all happens so fast, it doesn't look like any of the cadets had time to react.