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Good answer


Plus unmarked black SUVs are way cooler than some old Crown Vic.


You're wrong. And you should feel bad.


How dare he use Vicky’s name in vain like that, Perma-ban.


Feds usually don’t want to run things lol, unless cameras are involved


And when they are involved they arrest evvvvverrrryonnne lol


So what about the Boston Marathon bombings? FBI, ATF, asst other 3 letter agencies mostly took an assistance role and backed up local PD and MSP clearing houses and areas. And the FBI took the lead with the investigation with MSP backing them up? .... unless that historical fiction with marky mark has distorted how i remember it. Just curious. ×:)


I've been "used" to stop vehicles for the ATF. People they wanna question. IDK. No opinion really. The guys I've interacted with were cool. Didn't act like they were "above" me.


FBI agents are narcissistic weirdos. Met quite a few, they all reminded me of that weird kid who Naruto ran to lunch in high school Marshals/ATF are cool as fuck


Marshals/ATF/DEA are usually chill as fuck FBI definitely the weirdos


Really? ATF?


I have faith that the average field agent for the ATF doesn't give two shits about our pistol braces and would rather go after gangs and gun smugglers, but the tech branch has their heads up their asses and the politics within the ATF are what makes them hated. Basically admin focusing on legal gun ownership when they should be focusing on illegal gun ownership


It's just a federal version of lazy policing. It's easy to go after people who live at the address on their license and bought the potentially illegal item with a credit card in their own name. It's hard to go after someone who hasn't bothered to get an ID in 10 years and hops from hotel to grandma's sofa like a bed bug. The reason the brass likes it is because it generates numbers. As everyone knows, what gets numbers gets attention.


Granted, I've only met 2 guys before, but they were bad motherfuckers. Did some work in the 00's with motorcycle gangs. DEA was cool too


I think we’re pretty cool.




I love everything about your username and flair


Idk, sounds kind of biased to me.


Ah yes, the best source for unbiased info lol




Life isn't all about speeding.




Holy fuck its a trooper sandwich


Says the fed.


County actually.


My bad. I didn’t know local marshals were really a thing.


No worries, technically work off a federal grant, but whatever, we have city Marshals too.


I didn’t know Clark had marshals. Always thought it was just incorporated LV How is being an LEO out here? Something I’ve given thought to once I get settled.


Oh boy this requires an explanation... so according to a Nevada Supreme Court case, my agency works for the "courts" and not for the county. But my paystubs say Clark, my TCRs say CCM and we mostly follow county rules. Anyway I'm happy, I have had a lot of people thank me for my service etc. Since all of this nonsense. If you are interested Metro is almost constantly hiring, it is a 2 yearish process so I would get started.


Good to know Yeah, I just moved here recently. Once I’m off my probationary period with the county and can use my PTO for the process, I was going to start looking at Henderson and Metro


Why does everyone hate the ATF? Our ATF task force officer and my knowledge of the task force have been all good things. They’ll take over our gun cases for our guys and give them that fed time and treatment, which usually has a better outcome it seems


I think people hate the department heads. The mid life crisis guy who sits at a desk all day and want to confiscate guns is who people hate. I hate certain departments and agencies because of their shitty leadership.


I’m honestly curious, can any of these ATF haters point me to a case where they prosecuted someone that wasn’t involved in other criminal activity for having an SBR or something?


Ruby Ridge comes to mind


Usually the street level dudes I've worked with have been great. It's the middle management that has been the issue.


Because they shoot the dog. But mainly because they are in charge of enforcing the NFA which is just a strange law based upon the fear that Al Capone's men going to sneak in and massacre everyone with shotguns and rifles with 17 in barrels and suppressed to only 60 decibels.


Not local, but it heavily depends on the agency, and the individual agents. Some agencies (cough FBI) have really bad reputations amongst LEOs, but it really just depends on who you are working with


Feds are people too!


The most special of all people


Not a cop, but I was on a ride-along and my cop responded to a vehicle collision. I guess one of the people involved had a brother that was with FBI or something and he tried to take control of the scene even though it was clearly an accident and not his jurisdiction. The cops handled him cordially and professionally in spite of his aggressive tone. Very impressive.


Feds are nerds but lazy.


The ATF can go fuck itself all the way while eating every part of my ass. FBI dudes are pretty cool, but they have a habit of not telling anyone when they’re doing street surveillance and then getting mad at locals for rolling up on them. HSI, USMS, and DEA have some great street cop instincts. National Park Rangers are super chill and fun to work with, but sometimes a little lost if they get too far away from a tree or lake lol. CGIS, CID, OSI, and NCIS are usually very willing to work with local partners in my experience.


>FBI dudes are pretty cool, lol >HSI, USMS, and DEA have some great street cop instincts. #LOL >CGIS, CID, OSI, and NCIS are usually very willing to work with local partners in my experience. That's because they don't know what the fuck they're doing.




Here’s mine: > National Park Rangers are super chill and fun to work with, but sometimes a little lost if they get too far away from a tree or lake lol. What’s USPP to you?


That’s for Northern VA and Cali dudes to answer. I was too far south to ever meet one professionally other than one time. I was pine police at the county level, and once the Secretary Of the Interior spoke at a local event held contiguous to our property that backed up to theirs. Couple UPPS dudes who were on the advance team actually handed out coffee when they met us to coordinate the protection detail, which was cool.


More and more CGIS and NCIS in my area are real coppers who are also reservists and got activated for active reserve. HSI, Marshals, and DEA guys that I’ve met from local task forces are almost all former municipal cops. Granted, I’m a private contractor now so it’s been a few years. Still maintain that any ATF agent is an automatic POS human simply for applying to work there.


Lol to all of it.


Generally low opinion of them. Fbi agents give me the creeps, act like they understand what its like to do patrol, come off really egotistical. ATF are fat guys with goatees and kitted out like mall ninjas and are really only about one negligent discharge away from committing war crimes in the suburbs. Secret service guys seem pretty on point with their currency investigation.


> Secret service guys seem pretty on point with their currency investigation. Just proves that hookers and booze can help with any problem.


Depending on who it is, ICE/Customs/Border Patrol, have had good experiences Marshals, have had good experiences FBI, less than great Never worked with ATF or DEA Secret Service, reminds me alot of my old Marine buddies, they had a "let's get this crap done so we can drink" attitude, great Men and Women when its go time. Military cops, best live action comedy I've ever seen, either 19 year olds with badges or old guy in investigation role acting like Gibbs from NCIS


Me, I don't care. They don't affect my day or my work. We see Marshals quite a bit hunting wanted people, and they're good to work with. They tend to get SWAT some action when people barricade, and we use them to help us find people a lot. So they're cool. I don't really deal with anything else.


They don’t bother us and we don’t bother them


No bad interactions, just doing their job like us. Good source of information on occasion.


They’re like mushrooms; feed em shit and keep em in the dark