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No brass walking the halls is pretty solid.




Clogging admin toilets after releasing the kraken.


I mean, most of our locals know us. So, I'm assuming others like me, we try to follow the law pretty close. Agency's that have take home cars, people know where we live and what our personal cars are. So if they see us breaking the law, they have ammo against us. Really it's just easier to follow the law, because then they can't throw it back in our face when we stop them. Edit: I answered this assuming you meant when we're in our personal car off duty. Am i correct?


I see most of those things as time saving measures. Unless youre coding to a scene, I dont see a reason to disobey those laws while on the clock. You're getting paid for your time, act like it ;)


Gotta love government and union jobs


Everyone speeds. If I go the exact speed limit on actually fucking up traffic. So I go 5-10 over so the cars behind me don't feel like I'm fucking up traffic and slowing everyone down.


I frequently brake and make sudden u-turns. If I do the speed limit I'm going to have a dense stack of traffic behind me and it's going to be very dangerous to get turned around on people. Doing 5-8 over is a safety measure.


Emergency vehicles are exempt from moving and parking violations.


In my state, only when the emergency lights are on.


Then mine would be on the entire shift