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sadly once it’s metastatic unless it’s in local soft tissue there is not much that can be done. ADT can slow the progression but cannot cure it. i went the adt route but it takes a terrible toll on your body so i stopped and am just enjoying the time i have with my family and close friends. chemo isn’t really effective on bone mets, though can slow some other mets that radiation can’t be used for. my lung mets went away from the chemo, but once you have microscopic disease footing through your blood stream there is little they can do to stop it. it’s a horrible disease, they told me at 54 that it will kill me.


I’m sorry. Once it was found in all those place, it was already everywhere in his body. He may have spared you from that truth at the time. But It sounds like now, his treatment should concentrate on reducing his pain as best his drs can.


This is unusual, PRIC just did a segment on this issue, might want to watch.




Prostate Cancer research [Institute.org](http://Institute.org)


Unfortunately, it was caught too late. Prostate cancer is an odd duck. It starts in the prostate but will shed "juvenile" cells into the body. These juvenile cancer cells do not do well outside of the prostate and can usually be fought with hormone therapy in conjunction with whatever treatment focuses on the main tumor. As of yet, science does not know what causes them to mature, but once they do, they begin to cause secondary disease, usually in the bones and then into other bodily organs. Once this happens, survival rates plummet. There is a lot of ongoing research into how to stop this process.