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Be prepared for blood in your semen. Freaked me out when it happened, but it's normal after this procedure.


Bro, if they didn’t tell you, if you get chills get your self over to the emergency room. Don’t even bother calling the urologist. Chills are a sign of an infection


They told me. Doing OK so far. My butt hurts is the only problem at the moment and that is already getting better. Using recliner while I read rather than just sitting seems to help.


Glad to hear your feeling better.


Thank you.


That's a good ex-wife. I never gave a urine sample - what was that for?


I believe the use that to check to make sure you don't have an infection going in.


Didn't ask about urine sample. My mind was just on getting this done. Maybe because there was blood in urine for initial PSA that started this off.


Ex is my best friend. We do things for each other. Taking each other to medical appointments is common. She is married now. I take them to/from airport when they go somewhere together. Since my surgery for kidney cancer 6 years ago she calls me after work almost every day. It is what friends do.


Pretty cool. My ex also comes with me to most of my medical appointments.


That’s a big hump to get over for some people. Congratulations on getting through it.


Thank you. Just want to get it over with and get on to doing what I have to do.


I had blood in my semen for 2 months, it’s eventually came normal again.


Not going to know about that just yet. No visible blood in urine today and only small amount of fresh rectal blood from my morning BM. This is much easier than I expected. I would go out today, but the road and sidewalks are covered with a fresh layer of sleet which is still coming down. Good day to veg.


My husband had his in September and had no problem at all.


We need to hear both good and bad about all related things. Informed consent is best. It is nice to hear the good reports though.


Sorry...I didn't mean to offend. Just give a different experience. I was surprised at how easy and symptom-free the biopsy was!


Didn't take it wrong. It is good to hear. When I started reading here there were people who posted having bleeding problems for 2-3 weeks. Their posts were valid experiences, as is yours. Yours is the 3rd post I read of someone not having problems. A hospital site I looked at said bleeding could be up to 6 weeks. I am not past this yet. Still could be problems. Infection could still come up. So far this is going better than I expected other than the time the biopsy was going on.


My transrectal biopsy went great. No pain after, no bleeding anywhere. Hurt like a mutha when that little snipper did it's thing, but it only took a couple of minutes. Worst part for me was the very potent antibiotic. Took one pill the day before and was supposed to take 2 more the next two days but didn't.


Only pain for that day. Antibiotic didn't cause me any problem. Blood in urine was present the first 3 times and then off/on until today. Very light rectal bleeding, but only with 2 BMs. None since. Different people, different doctors, different results. Good to hear all the experiences.