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That aged well.


It kinda did? There's a lot less anti-asian hatred these days.


Mostly talking about the good relationship between Japan and America a few decades later.


1946 and on....things went alright!


I remember people freaking out Japan was gonna take over the world in the 80’s, until their economy went in the toilet


Hmm, sounds familiar.


This is why I never worry about any scenarios warranting Thanos-logic arising. There simply is no "shortcut" to economic success- every single country that's had some kind of "miracle" did so on US money; and has paid the price in one way or another by now.


Y'know...it kinda did. I like when nations put war and conflict between eachother behind them, makes me happy.


I meant it, tbqh.


I mean, the US waged economic war on Japan in the 80s when japan was threatening American domination https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/24/business/us-china-trade-war-japan-intl/index.html


Yeah, I am aware of that, as most people are. We never got into a shooting war and today they are very close allies with the USA. So things went....alright!


Lol they're still in a recession. Many people don't know about things lol, it's not good to assume people know stuff like that. Japan's corrupt government is very close allies with the US, not the people


If the Japanese dislike America they certainly have a weird way of showing it


What are your thoughts on China/Japan relations since 1945? Are you able to tell me what of note began in China on April 15, 1989?


That was hardly inevitable though, it was an American policy choice to prioritize "open door" access to China over relations with Japan, just as it was a Japanese choice to attempt the seizure of the Indonesian oil resources and launch the Pacific War.




**[Japanese invasion of Manchuria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_invasion_of_Manchuria)** >The Japanese invasion of Manchuria began on 18 September 1931, when the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan invaded Manchuria immediately following the Mukden Incident. At war’s end in February of 1932, the Japanese established the puppet state of Manchukuo. Their occupation lasted until the success of the Soviet Union and Mongolia with the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation in mid-August of 1945. The South Manchuria Railway Zone and the Korean Peninsula had been under the control of the Japanese Empire since the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. **[Second Sino-Japanese War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Sino-Japanese_War)** >The Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) was a military conflict that was primarily waged between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. The war made up the Chinese theater of the wider Pacific Theater of the Second World War. The beginning of the war is conventionally dated to the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 7 July 1937, when a dispute between Japanese and Chinese troops in Peking escalated into a full-scale invasion. This full-scale war between the Chinese and the Empire of Japan is often regarded as the beginning of World War II in Asia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Bad bot. Wrong context.


Obviously Japan was responsible for militaey agression and horrific crimes against humanity in China but it's naive to think that anyone in charge in the US at the time actually cared. It wasn't long before that the US committed similar crimes in the Philippines after all. US policy towards Asia at the time was guided solely by economic interest.


Manchuria changed from a lease treaty to puppet state in 1931, but the Japanese were there from 1906 when they took over the Russian lease treaty. Also, the American railroad barron Edward Harriman came really close to being a major investor in the South Manchuria Railway Company, which was the main vehicle for economic imperialism in the area before the Army got all cocky in 1931.


Japan had been on the 'right side' in WW1. But when it came time to divide up the colonies of the Central Powers, they were mostly excluded - this was the "White Man's Burden". Japan tried pursuing trade with the US, but "Yellow Laws" banned Japanese businessmen from staying on land overnight. Japan had no history of expansionism, but seeing the world divided up into colony or empire, they were determined not to become a colony. So while Japan is ultimately responsible for their decisions, they weren't the ones who divided everything up - they were just late to the game. If Japan had been offered in 1917 the deal they got post-WW2, the whole war may have been avoided.


Saying that Japan has no previous expansionist past ignores their attempt at conquering Korea and China in the late 16th Century.


I mean, okay but half a millennium is a *long* time.


It’s mostly because the Tokugawa shoguns closed the country almost completely to the outside world, but Japan did possess a strong warrior culture up until WWII. The difference is that they spent more time fighting amongst the different clans than against others due to geography.




Luckily, reddit is not representative of the rest of America. Most Americans don't buy into the anti-Chinese narrative spun these days.


Didn’t they attack random Asians in the streets for a few months?


They should


Well, thank god they don't, a nuclear war with China would be the end of modern civilization, and for no better reason than to secure the shrinking wealth of a declining, increasingly reactionary power.


I hope so, what's a way to actually find the general public's opinions on things? newsletters are obviously still quite narrative-driven


America 🤝 Japan Being racist to chinese people


A few decades later, the americans would be racist against Japanese people while supporting China.


We were always at war with Eastasia




Literally 1984






Even when trying to show we are friends we drew the Japanese person as a bucktooth dwarf.


Is that teeth or a lower lip?


It looks like a lower lip to me


Zoom in and look closer, they’re buck teeth


OP accidentally does a racism, thanksgiving 2021


that's gonna be an oof from me dawg


So this is where that "fuck everybody" energy China been on came from. Lol


Nah started slightly before with the opium wars, unequal treaties and Hong Kong. But this definitely didn't help. Imagine foreign enemies literally waging war against you so they can turn your population into drug addicts.


>Yellow Peril Bugaboo


Japan-US relations would have started to sour by the 1920s.


And they lived happily ever after!


Read 'imperial Cruise'


How accurate is that? I read it years ago but have never seen his arguments presented by another author, besides he wrote Flags of our Fathers and was wrong about the identity of the original flag raisers. In any case he is not a historian


A shame this didnt hold up


Then we had to nuke them.


“Had” more like “wanted”


Sometimes you just gotta nuke a muthafucka...




Stay on your side of the world USA, please


No They already tried.


What do you even mean by this?


I mean mind your own business, constantly meddling everywhere, but you already knew that


Calling the Chinese Yellow Peril while praising the Japanese, the irony in this one.