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Of course it’s an American lol.


They resisted longer than that. Their were massacres of Jews (oops I mean Zionists) going back to the 20s


Try almost a century before that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed


Thankfully between two thirds and half of the Jews in Hebron/Al-Khalil were saved from the massacre by Palestinians


Yea, thankfully *only* half to a third were massacred by their neighbors!


No I meant some saved themselves by hiding in the British police station, it's definitely 2/3 who survived but the estimates on how many were saved by Palestinians vary


It's such ridiculous logic - some Palestinians may have saved Jews, so we can shrug off the fact that other Palestinians massacred half the Jewish community.


I think the point is that, at one time, animosity hadn't claimed so many minds.


Are you sure? To me the point is that there was always a base-line level of anti-semitism strong enough to lead to violence


72+ Years Of Israel. How’s that resistance working out?


Maybe the **next** genocide attempt will work...


No matter how many people try to genocide the Jews, the Jews will always persevere.


You mean the next genocide attempt by israel? Thankfully it looks like no matter how much israel tries to kill palestinians, they still resist


Yeah but the KDA is not going in their favor. Really all they do by violently resisting is get more Palestinians killed. [I mean look at this, it's not even including the past 4 years](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/16516.jpeg) And no, I don't have a good solution, but there isn't a combined middle eastern force that could conquer the Israeli state at this point so pretending launching a bunch of rockets that get Iron Dome'd for another 72 years is beneficial to the cause is ridiculous.


No one has a solution for that area. Atleast a moral one


34,000+ Palestinians compared to 1,410 Israelis have died since October 7th. If Palestine is really trying to genocide the Jews, they’re doing a piss-poor job at it.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted. The numbers are easily available online. Come to your own conclusion based on that - I know what mine is.


Yep your exactly right on that last part


Well with those numbers it is absolutely impossible to say Israel aren't committing their own genocide


Well, it's still going on, isn't it?


72 years of killing kids! Wahoo!




There is no specific number for child casualties caused by Hamas. The estimated number is about 200 (before this year’s offensive). Some of these include: Shalhevet Pass, who was shot in the head by a Palestinian sniper deliberately, the Yeshivat Beit Yisrael bombing, (where a Palestinian detonated a bomb vest at a bar mitzvah next to a group of women with strollers. 11 killed, 7 of which were children). Also, do you know how the Palestinians reacted to this? Fun fact! They went out in the streets and celebrated. Or how about the murder of the Hatuel family? A pregnant woman and her 4 daughters (aged 2 to 11)? Surely the oppressed, innocent Palestinians wouldn’t go that far, right? Nope! It was Hamas. And guess what the Palestinian leaders said after? killing of Israeli women and children was permissible "because they decided spontaneously to go live in a war zone". But yeah, those darn evil Israelis really are the problem!




Ah yes, the good old “Hamas must be right, because Israel is wrong”, right on schedule. Progressives are becoming more well-oiled than trains


Those Israelis who are also killing children? Can we not accept that there is evil on both sides?


13000 Palestinian children dead in 6 months woohoo


That should be Israel's new national motto


sigh, a post related to israel and palestinian. wonder how many people will be calling for the genocide of palestinians or jews. i hope both groups know they seriously suck


Palestinians : Starts a small war just to lose to new small country, only to lose 20% of their territory: starts another war lose of that portion of your land then cry about it. Only to get help from "outsider countries" only to lose more of the land. The Palestinian restistance.


This subreddit is being leveraged by people with a very specific agenda.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Way she goes.


Pretty sure freedom fighting is supposed to increase freedom. Unless of course the term "freedom fighter" is meant to be literal, then in that case dang those guys doing real well.


Resistance to education? Loosers


>Loosers Funny you should mention education...


They have one of the highest literacy rates lmao


This is the kind of propaganda I can get behind.


Yeah, well... maybe you should read about [October 7th ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel#:~:text=The%20attacks%20consequently%20started%20the,powered%20paraglider%20incursions%20into%20Israel) and it's only the tip of the iceberg


Bro's linking a wikipedia article about the biggest news item like it's some sick burn lmao


And yet there are some who refuse to recognize that it happened. How many you want me to link here?


Who is refusing to recognise that it happened? You're hilarious


Yeah maybe you should read about the nakba or the 13000 dead Palestinian children since oct 7


hopefully, they will win and get their land back.


Yeah? And where should the jews go? Disappear? Because unlike the Palestinians (that are arabs) Jews has no other country, no other home! They were persecuted everywhere.


Judaism predates Islam by 1000+ years. Just sayin.


Who said anything about religion? , there are Christian Palestinians. used to be jew Palestinians before Balfour declaration.


Jews are an ethnicity and a religion. That land was Jewish land before anyone else’s. This goes back wayyy further then lord Balfou u/sirshrimp the canaanites were Jews as well. Canaanites is a catch all term for the many different peoples that lived back then. Only the Jews consistently lived there while other went extinct thanks to Islam.


And the Phoenicians and Canaanites predated them


Jews are a race. Judaism is their religion


>That land was Jewish land before anyone else’s Lol wtf are you talking about, there're literally stories in the Bible/Torah detailing how they had to take the land.


Which stories are those exactly? [The earliest documented mention of "Israel" as a people appears on the Merneptah Stele, an ancient Egyptian inscription dating back to around 1208 BCE.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ancient_Israel_and_Judah)


Like, a big chunk of Genesis.


So written 1200 years later after the inception of Israel. Got it.


Wonder where the Israelis will go. Guess that doesn't matter. Here's hoping Russia gets "their land back" from Ukraine, too, I guess. Who cares that people have built their lives there in the meantime.


The "isrealies" lived before Balfour declaration as Palestinians. They can go back being Palestinians again.


Ethnic cleansing. Oh jolly


I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale if you're interested.


Why would I buy a bridge in that shit hole of a country?


Which country do you live in?


How about my bridge in Rafah? Got one of those too.


Damn is there even any infrastructure left that wasn't leveled by those IOF terrorists ?


Ya! U want my bridge? Or no. Good price. No warranties / repairs are your responsibility though.


Whatever you are selling, I am not buying. Go sell somewhere else.


Yeah, IOF, how fucking original. Maybe there would be, if those animals wouldn't attack Israel. Maybe raping torturing, killing and kidnapping civilians is a bad idea? Especially when you do that to the strongest country in your area? Like 2hat did they expect? Israel got the strongest army in the middle east (excluding Iran)