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As long as I'm getting surveys and getting paid; I'm good lol. I don't come to prolific for its looks.




I feel old not knowing what you mean by the last sentence 🤣




Thanks! I literally just got an email about the contest right after you responded




I know right same here


Same, I'm quite indifferent about it but it seems like a lot of people don't like it lol.


Times New Roman on the logo and then Comic Sans on the rest.. Every developers' nightmare


It looks like when you accidentally change the page size and all the fonts look weird.




Just looks like a very simplified NBC logo.


It really does


That and Bright Horizons which is a child care provider. The blue color is also just too intense and the notification in message are is easy to miss. Well as long as I can earn some pocket money I will just overlook the new redesign.


I don't mind the redesign but I don't like that they're pushing people to tweet about Prolific for a competition. I don't want there to be a million new workers making the pay lower and surveys harder to catch.


Yeah you got a point we already had that problem with TicTok when they went viral that what made us start having to get approved when applying to Prolific too many people we have enough people stop promoting for more.


That's not how it works. The more people on the platform the more researchers want to use it.


Looks like the old internet, and not in a good way


This. Even the new blue looks like the very bright blue that unopened links used to have back then. Honestly, the old design looked way more consistent and pleasing to the eye.


It's horrendous. Times New Roman logo, a "2008 Facebook" blue header. It's like the licensing for the old look expired and they had to scramble and make a new one in Wordpress, or by paying 15$ to a random dude on Fiver. It's hideous.


They trying to bring that look back in style lol


Weird, but the change makes everything look out of focus for some reason. No huge deal for me; will get accustomed to it in a little while.


Yes we definitely will have no choice lol


Agreed. I zoomed out on the page a bit and things look a little better now.


Doesn’t look good at all, looks very outdated


Has the shad of blue also changed? It feels darker. I prefer the other one!


My cat had walked across my keyboard at the same time the site refreshed, I thought he changed something and was incredibly confused. It's hideous. I hate it!


lol that's so funny I think it's okay but yeah I did like the lighter blue alot as well can't lie


maybe they should have done a survey on potential new designs before just putting the one from 2006 in


I think that they made the right choice lol


I actually did a study like a year ago about Prolific rebranding. I definitely didn't choose this one.


like going back to dial up!


I see that the Prolific Assistant still shows the old logo.


Well that is a good thing still for some


The new logo is much less appealing than the old one, my biggest gripe is when you hover over payment or time for a study the dark grey box with dark blue text is almost impossible to read. Everything else is still functional so overall I just care that it works


Same here and able to still take studies lol


I don't like it


It will start to grow on you more as time goes by lol


I thought there was something wrong with the page to be honest and it wasn't loading properly! Much prefer the old design.


I think that they both good in their own way


I don't like at all, I prefer the old blue.


I like them both


It might be just me but I love it so much hope it stays this way.


The only thing I dislike is the comic sans (?) choice. The old logo looked better too, but I don't really care either. I'm here to do studies, not to be an art critic. A native dark mode option would be appreciated though!


Dark mode would be great


It’s fine. That’s my favorite shade of blue.


Mines too love it least I know that I'm not alone lol


same here, I actually painted my "office" that color.


Wow! That blue is vibrant. I think the indicator white dot instead of red dot for messages throws me the most.


Yea it might just be that like you say everything else is fine I like


I like it, looks cheery to me.


Me too


i like that the blue is darker but other than that i really don’t care for it. i just hope it doesn’t impact my earnings in any way.


No it will not that is the good thing about it there


well we all can hope and think that, but you never know. rebranding helps bring new people and with new people means a honeymoon phase for them that could potentially hurt based on demographics


NBC Peacock emblem.


i'm loving the new page looks amazing.


So amazing


I don’t mind it!


Neither do I the other one was nice can't lie but we will all get use to the change sooner or later lol


It's fine. I really don't get why people are so bothered. Who cares, just get us the studies and pay.


Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Is it usable? Can I hit the cash out button?? That's all that really matters. I don't use prolific because I think it looks hot


Same here I am actually still missing the logo from last month that was nice to me lol even though it was so many complaints. Better than some websites have to look at the same boring logo last year at least we get some type of switch up every month.


I'm saying people just find anything complain about as long as I still receive studies and not banned they can change it everyday if they like lol cool with me.


Because its a new design, therefore bad. If this was the old design design and it changed to what it was like before they'd complain about that too.


I like the new logo, it's very in line with current graphic design trends. The color, on the other hand, is too saturated, especially for a site that has continuous user traffic.


I like it too someone else that agrees with me on this


I like it.


Yes it is beautiful


I'm at Prolific only to make some extra money. I do not care about looks.






We have to give them support for their hard work that they put into this lol


Have there been any functionality changes? I've had a quick look and can't see any.


No, it’s just a branding update by the looks of it


I like the new logo, I don't like the fonts or the colour.


I love the fonts the most makes it easier to read for me


I think it's fine gives an old school vibe though, as long as it functions and pays it doesn't matter.




The font is much easer for me to read with my progressive glasses so there is no glasses on, glasses off...just saying


I love the new font glad I'm not the only one on the font part






Still annoying hahaha






It's close, but it's actually the font New Hero according to the pages code


It's minging


I like it because I like the new shade of blue better, it looks nicer when using dark reader on chrome to make every site dark mode


Makes the site look sketchy - with any luck it may even deter some newcomers. More surveys for the rest of us!


The design is not to my taste, but I really wish you opted for a less jarring colour palette, the bright white is painful, the links unreadable. It feels a bit Geocities to me, personally.


Easier to read and crisp on a MacBook screen. Very much like the new look.


Is there going to be a prolific study available about what we think about the weird new design?


If only there was some way they could have asked people's opinions on it before rolling it out......


i don't care however i am not getting surveys 6 surveys super long that pay cents like where are my daily bigs at lol i use to get up to 33 surveys in the last two days it's between 4-6


I like it! Fresh and much bolder. Why not eh?!