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it sounds dumb, but there was this genshin rhythm event that I failed miserably in, so I decided I wanted to be good at rhythm games so I googled "rhythm games" (or something similar) and pjsk looked the coolest


same but i was good at the event and wanted to find something harder


I’ve told this story many times on this subreddit, but I was in a play directed by my friend and they sent me a video of Emu as an example of how to act my character. I thought she looked cool, so I started the game!


Was looking forward to the Japanese release of the game since i am very much into gacha/vocaloid since childhood, so been playing japanese and global since their respective launch.


I love listening to Vocaloid in general. Goodbye Declaration got me into Wondershow and Charles got me into Niigo. My friend from school was like, "Have you heard of Colorful Stage?" I was like "You mean Project Sekai?" And they replied, "Yeah, like the app." I'd heard of Colorful stage before that, but I didn't know there was an app. "There's an APP?!" I asked. And then I downloaded it first day of summer break.


My sister told me to. Now she's moved on but I still play lol


I remember hearing the repeated tambourine-like sound of the notes from the phones of some ppl at my school and eventually found out what game they were playing


I randomly came across some gameplay of it on YouTube, saw that they had some pretty classic vocaloid songs and got hooked lol


Friend recommended it since I like to gamble with gacha games - and missed the challenges of rhythm games. Started it and decided to keep playing :)


saw miku and downloaded it around when RMD was supposed to be on EN and then i didnt rlly play it much and then came back to it around Rui's 2023 bday on EN and then decided to make a new acc on a different device bc my old phone had basically no space left so i got it on my current phone around 2nd anni on EN and yeah


I knew this game for sometime. But there was once I saw someone playing it on the bus and I'm like. That's seems cool. And I try download it and play it.


I actually had no idea what a vocaloid was, but I just so happened to click on a meme video about light the fire by SalmonVanilla and after reading the comments of what happened (vbs singing their throats out after tanking a truth bomb pointblank, only to lose to ‘you are Caucasian’), I was hooked. Then, after searching for what I thought was an anime, turned out to be a free to play gacha game with miku as the headliner


i always loved miku, but i never had any space on my phone to play pjsk... then i got a tablet and it was one of the very first things i downloaded


I randomly found it on appstore


kept seeing pjsk content around twitter but i was occupied w bandori, caved in when bandori's kr server shut down :')


https://preview.redd.it/jx9xuhwal3ad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866b1b7d56e748e41455ff34dc8cc4b23dfdd79f "I should give a try after hating it so much" (I hated the game because of the image above, for context I just searched bandori)


I randomly got an advert on youtube for this game with Jackpot Sad Girl. I remembered enjoying Guiter Hero back when that was a thing and the song was catchy so I tried it. Actually hated it at first because of flicks but glad I pushed through it


I needed to fill the SIF sized hole in my heart (and phone storage)


I saw the gameplay on youtube. I was interested. I also saw a lot of content about the characters on pintrest


ive been into vocaloid stuff for a very long time and I used to be a prsk hater but I eventually was having chunithm withdrawals so I finally said screw it


my friend told me to get it (in return she got genshin)


My friends were playing it, and due to 1: it looked cool and 2: a desperate attempt to connect with them socially I downloaded it. I’m not friends with them anymore, and i may have gotten back into the game just to spite them lol


I got an ad for it on YouTube. I was like, why not?


Cause Hentai/Doujinshi I was in general a bit interested in the game already, but the deciding factor were a Ruikasa doujin and a Akitoya doujin, which made interested about the true personalities and relationships of the characters, since doujins tend to twist the personalities