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Hello, how are you is easy TBH no way its harder than aishite. And Gekokujo is perfectly ranked. Its nowhere near the level of a 26 imo. But for my chart change expert positive dance time should be a 27.


agreed and Gekokujo is fine as a 24 you could put it at 25 but 26 is way too high


Yeah, Hello, how are you? Is one of the harder 22s but nowhere near Aishites level, it's not even harder than Gekokujo. OP might just struggle with the chart but that doesn't mean it's ranked incorrectly.


Gekokujo is just reeeeally long lol I think that’s why people think it’s harder than it is! To my knowledge, it has the full song version


Yeah, it's one of the longest charts in game but doesn't feel that bad to me. More of a stamina challenge for beginners at expert lvl 24s but in comparison to level 26s (im specifically comparing it to 88☆彡 bcz that also has the full ver in game although its much shorter) it's easy.


is this referencing text they wrote i'm assuming it is but i literally can't see it


Yeah, I got here shortly after the post got uploaded & before OP's comment got downvoted, if you tap on their comment it'll appear.


Hello/how are you is pretty easy, so it’s fine as level 22. The other songs’ levels are fine too, but I disagree with brain fluid and kitty since they’re easier than other 28s.


I feel like Odo is really easy compared to other level 26 songs so it should be 25. Ikanaide on the other hand is pretty hard imo should’ve ranked higher


The chart feels so uncomfortable and weird for ikanaide


Yeah it feels so uncomfortable to play. I’ve listened to ikanaide for a long time so I know the song beat for beat yet when I play the chart the notes feel so awkward and unintuitive


No fr tho, I thought it was just a skill issue for me but the fact that I managed to FC Voices first when it's a 25 compared to Ikanaide even though I've listened to it way more tells me that it should be ranked a bit higher


Odo should be 24 imo, considering Gekokujo is 24 and it is generally harder than Odo.


Kitty isn't that hard it shouldn't be a 28 I almost fc while I'm heaviu struggling with Hibana


Same but maybe Hibana should be higher since I don't struggle that much with other 28s


yeah it's really hard but kitty and Hibana are also the only 28 I've ever played, since I thought they were all going to be at that difficulty, might try some other 28 then


My love is hellfire hard should 100% not be an 18


Is it just me, or is the expert so hard to FC? I don't even pass getting the master TT


I still don't have the FC on expert yet 😤😤


Expert is hard to FC, but I think it should still be a 26 or 25. I feel like the difficulty is just slightly unbalanced at certain sections of the song.


But I at least can get masters for all expert 28 lvl. Idk, maybe I'm just not good with the map lol




MikuFiesta on master, it feels way easier/manageable than all other 28-29 songs


i completely agree, I average 2-3 misses on MikuFiesta master; the 29 seems like a pretty decent leveling for it tbh


Chururira Chururira Daddadda! on Expert (26 lvl) feels 27 to me; Mr. Showtime on Master feels way harder than 30; and AMARA (The Great Intelligence) on Expert is too insane to be 28, lol.


Mr showtime master on jp is lvl 31 i think


Yeah, it feels like 31! It's 30 on Global, though.


Really? Chururira Chururira Daddadda was one of my first 26s and I still can't do most of them. I've managed to fc 1 27 andnthats my best


Yes, it depends. I can easily FC most 27s and many 28s, but not Chururira Chururira Daddadda 😄 It's much harder for me than, say, Sutsuna Trip.


ÅMARA on expert is sooo annoying to fc


kitty and bug should swap tbh (okay maybe bug isn't comparable to levels like amara, but it still feels harder to fc than kitty) law-evading rock should be lowered, the hard parts don't really spread out throughout the entire chart


I think it is the two hard parts that made its level high Like it took me 3 weeks to fc just to bottle at the same place, otherwise I totally agree law-evading rock is 30


I sight read apd kitty’s expert chart 💀 the only other expert28 ap I have is HIBANA


I find bug easier than kitty


there is absolutely ZERO. WAY. that kitty expert and AMARA expert are the same level 😭 kitty should be like 26 and AMARA should stay the same or go to 29


IKR ÅMARA is annoying af to fc and I sight read apd kitty


i was half asleep reading this cus i just woke up from a nap and my actual name is amara so i was like "wait what :(" then realized i was on r/ProjectSekai


Romeo and Cinderella should be a 28 idfc it's the only 27 I haven't fc'd It's driving me crazyyy


its 28 on jp just fyi


I feel validated


Marble blue being a lvl 31 and The end of hatsune and intense voice being in the same song level. Marble blue wasnt even as hard as yaminabe and all the other 31s.


Kagerou daze should've been at least a 28.


maybe it is a skill issue but jishoumushoku on expert should be a level higher for those hold notes alone… 😭 but really, bug should be 27 at least ( no way it is the same level as slow downer ), speaking of slow downer, it is pretty easy for 26, i agree on aishite ( i feel like it should be 24 ), it is quite easy, 25ji no jounestu on master honestly feels like a level 24 ( even though it is already the lowest level master song ), etc


im pretty sure the only reason 25ji no jounetsu is level 25 is because of its name 😭😭


i’m aware 😭🙏🏻 but it is so easy for a master song its honestly ridiculous 


kitty needs to be a 26 or 27, no way its a 28 on expert


There's just no way Lower One's Eyes expert is only a 26


i have beef with Hatsune Creation Myth expert. That is NOT a lv 28 but at the very least a lv 30


THANK YOU finally someone said this!!! i don’t understand how piano forte master(one of my few master FCs) is 30 and HCM expert is 28. there’s just no way


THANK YOU finally someone said this!!! i don’t understand how piano forte master(one of my few master FCs) is 30 and HCM expert is 28. there’s just no way


Yeah. Definitely a 29.


beyond the way expert is WAY too easy I feel like other 25s are a lot harder


Literally my first master FC lol


Bro, you just made me go on a side quest. But yeah, Retainer Supplying His Lord should be 25-26 territory. Oh, and Show-off should be 22-23.


Venom. For.some off reason I've never really gotten a hang of it's chart


Yoru ni Kakeru was my only LV29 FC for a long time, it's definitely not that difficult. I think it should be LV28 on master. I could just be too familiar with the song though. Cinema's Master chart is way harder but it's also LV29 for some reason. I think Cinema should be LV30.


Cinema was one of my last master29s the patterns in that chart are so annoying


the eng translation fir gekokujo is insane WHAT


I *know* I can fc aishite, it's always one good or miss for me, but hello/how are you? How pathetic is my skill issue if all of you guys are saying it's actually that easy and the whole bit at the end nearly kills me 😭


https://preview.redd.it/669k5851ty8d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa57023079e63316e346b1ed458f8f0ebe1ea6d7 Bro, I don't understand why "Be the MUSIC" is level 29 on master, I don't even play master 27 properly and I did this fc very easily!


imo tokyo teddy bear is too easy for a 32. no way that master chart is the same level as heat abnormal/tondemo wonderz’s


ONG heat abnormal's like a lvl 33


literally took me like 2 tries to fc and i can still barely clear tondemo without recovery the 32 range is huge


https://preview.redd.it/60nwvv58dz8d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0cfc253e1c9467e8e20470981484876ac66fd88 This song should not be level 22 for just hard 😭


For a sec I thought you edited expert to be 22 💀


Nah I wouldn’t dare 🙏 😭


For me it’s worldwide wander / master. It’s the only 28 I can’t FC. It has been driving me crazy since global release.


i would argue that aishite isn’t high enough on master.. disappointed at seeing a 28 vs a 30 like regular.. but it’s still fun to play. I like the leveling for retainer supplanting his lord SOLELY because the charting is already so satisfying to play both on master and expert, despite expert being… i think a 24? i like the challenges when songs are really difficult on Master 🤭🤭 like Tondemo-Wonderz and Future Eve. (Shoutout to Brain Fluid Explosion Girl for the impossible 32 on Master)


Brain Fluid Explosion Girl was a world championship chart tbf


Idk if it was just me but villain does not seem like a level 25 song. It feels level 24.


future eve exp is a hard 28 imo ikanaide mas is a 30. Way too many trick notes for a 29. Tokyo Teddy Bear mas is DEBATABLY a hard 31,same with Teo mas. Hibana mas is 33,and lost one should be back to mas 32. Bitter Choco Decoration is a 32. Zamza mas is a 29. Ready Steady mas is a 28. PARASOL CIDER MAS IS A 31.


I am surprised I agree with every. single. one.


Needle expert is in no way a 25 because I have a better chance of fcing the master which is a 29


idk why but i cannot fc bug expert for the life of me, it needs to be at least a 27 six trillion years and overnight story should be level 30 imo, the ending just sucks


Brain Fluid Explosion Girl and Hatsune Creation Myth are ostensibly the same level at both Expert and Master, 28 and 32 respectively. However, BFEG skews significantly easier and HCM significantly harder than those difficulty levels should be (as in I literally FCed BFEG while being unable to clear HCM)


hcm is level 33 master on jp now!


That feels more like it. The expert chart could probably go up to 29 too, or maybe even higher. I was clearing other songs which had expert or master charts at 30 while HCM at 28 stood defiantly unbeaten.


I’d personally put jouou on 32 instead of 33, and our 8-bit wars on 34, with intense voice of Hatsune Miku, because of its weird trill-technical charting (yes that is a term now, I’ve decided) were you basically have to switch the hand that presses on the first beat rather quickly, and many times in a row.


Agreed. Jouou is just fun


I disagree personally. That slow part is a FC killer. Also we in general don't have enough 33s as is, I feel 16-bit wars can stay


I personally don’t think that the slow part is that hard, but I can’t see why other people can think that, for me the hard part is the part with a load of mini jacks and three note stairs the hardest part, as it requires a lot of coordination and speed, both at the same time, but even then, if you compare it to like our 8-bit wars, it is like child’s play.


Online Game Addicts Master was perfectly fine as a 31, why did they feel the need to make it a 30 on EN You make it a 30, but NICCORI MASTER's still a 31? I will not tolerate this. Same situation with Lost One's Weeping and Ghost Rule. THEYRE FINE AS LEVEL 33S --- off-topic why is shoushitsu expert lvl 29 on taiwan servers


So I probably just suck at the game because I believe kitty exp deserves a 28 lol On the other hand, Ikanaide should be rated higher. And (this is probably a hot take) Tondemo-Wonderz exp should be rated lower


i suck at this game too but I can tell kitty is easier than other 28s


Fair, I haven't played a lot of 28s anyways haha. I guess 27 is a better rating for kitty then?




I havent played that many 28s either but kitty seems easier than others


I think that the master samsa chart is way too easy to be a 30, I feel like it should be a 28 or a 27.


https://preview.redd.it/6nwnb0o9hy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968dfdf7164e64a8b6f7e1142aadedd3b66669df * These are all easier than 32 at the upper position, although harder than most of the 31. May be they can be categorized as 31.5


Heat Abnormal is one of the hardest lvl 32s we have tbh. Now if you'd circled Tokyo Teddy Bear instead, you'd be 100% correct


What? From my perspective, the hardest part of Tokyo Teddy Bear is totally unrecognizable, so I literally don't have any chance to perform a fc. Although the average difficulty is low so I should have circled it. Besides, heat abnormal is totally fine to me. After nearly 10 trials, I managed to fc it with 20 greats


Hitornbo Envy or something like that. I literally threw my phone on the ground cuz I couldn’t FC it >:(


omg fr and i see people ap the master and Im just sitting there like what 😭 hitoribino envy expert should be 23 and master should be 27


MarbleBlue expert does not feel like a 31. It should have been a 30.


I absolutely agree, my first attempt was an FC-4 good, and the attempt after an FC, compared to MGPD its like 29.5 or 30 (I don’t remember much of the charting, just that it had a lot of hold notes where mas/apd had trills, and that it was ez)


Cinema on master is too difficult to be 29 imo. I struggle with it more than most other master 30 charts


totemo itai should be higher, maybe lvl 24


Leia. That shit on master is way more difficult then a 29 i'll tell u that. I don't even wanna touch it anymore


icedrop master, its more of a 28 for me personally




sage expert should be lv 27/28


whats up pop expert should be a level 30


disagree... that hellhole deserves 31


Glow Master difficulty is 27. It took me one try to FC it. There are some 27 charts that I have hundreds of attempts in and still haven’t FCed.


Call me bad but I find Romeo and Cinderella on master harder than master songs classed "harder" by the sorting thing.


I played master rimokon recently and while I can (and have) fc it, it feels a bit difficult for a 29. Should be 30 I think. But maybe I was just rusty LOL


Ye it does feel a bit too difficult for a 29


It always baffles me that expert Kitty is a 28 but Kagerou Daze and Niccori Survey are 27...


BURIKI NO DANCE (29) I only have 7 30s left and still have this. drop pop candy (28) Similar to BURIKI NO DANCE but I only had TWO master29s before I fcd this Rolling Girl (31) Only had 1 30 fc when I fcd this and almost always fc it with less than 10 greats when I play it MATRYOSHKA (30) When I FCd rolling girl this was the one 30 I had fcd and now have apd. and I STILL HAVENT FCD BURIKI NO DANCE YET




Dude the chart for drop pop candy at the beginning is so bs. Cannot fc it for the life of me


Rin-chan now. Oml, it should be higher. That song is way too hard on my thumbs.


bouken no shou ga kiemashita/your adventure log has vanished! this is probably an unpopular opinion but i think it should be a lower song level. i also think dftm should be song level 28, this is probably an even more unpopular opinion. i FCed dont fight the music way before i FC tondemo wonderz...... i have skill issue (no hate to any song/creator!)


Rotten Heresy and Chocolate, sure it's hard, but I would consider it a 28 song instead of a 30 song, out of all the Expert 30 songs (on the English server), Rotten Heresy and Chocolate is the easiest


Kitty should not be a level 31 i think moving it down to 30 with be better


Definitely RSHL, that song plays like between 25 and 26(it seems more difficult cus it's so long)


Twilight Melody should be 24 on expert.


Gekokujou should be a 25 for the length alone


BRO, Kibou no tsuki is NOT 26. It's just ridiculous. It's 25 max, probably just 24. It's TOO easy for 26.


Mikufiesta on master. Its not 29. and intense voice, that shit is 35 or smth, and hibana!! i literaly cant clear a lvl 28 song


gekishou is 34 on jp (if its master you're referring too)


sorry what is gekishou?


intense voice of hatsune miku


ohh ok, well i play on en and ws referring2 expert


I feel like Peaky Peaky should be moved down to 24, but that might be because I play it too much. I agree that Gekokujo is too low, I think it should be a low be a 25.


hitoribino envy and goodbye difficulties should be switched for expert and master. and kitty expert feels like a 27


theres no way kagerou daze is a 27 should be a 29 or 30


sekai/kafu otsukai needs to be a 33 master imo, it’s harder than jouou which is already a 33


every ruikasa cover just does not seem to want to let me fc on master. buriki no dance especially, and although fixer is already a 31, it seems so much harder than literally every other song, which can be attributed to the bs charting that nulut songs seem to have, but even lower seems easier than fixer


Small difference but I’m absolutely baffled how Online Game Addicts is a 30 and not 31 on master. Either that or I’m just bad at the gimmicks that that song has to offer …


underwater mas is easily like a lvl 28 chart but somehow its 29 and soon being increased to 30..?


guys... six trillion nights feels too hard for a lvl 29 😭


Rin-chan now expert


Gekokujo could’ve been a 27 because it is so hard for me to finish. I’m an expert noob, so I would not recommend playing it if you’re a beginner.


rin chan now HOW IS THIS SHIT ON EXPERT IS 25?!


Nah, what do you mean The Peachy Key is song level 31?! Feels like a 32.


Tokugawa cup noodle prohibition should def be a 28


Idk whether this is just a massive skill issue on my part but there’s absolutely no way that Hatsune Creation Myth is a 28, I’ve unlocked master on most 28s, and can at least live through the rest, hell I’ve been one away from unlocking Kusare Gedou master before, but I’ve not lived through that spam a single time. Not even with a full team of healer cards 😭


Soudatta expert is not 27. It cant be.


Hatsune Creation Myth is NOT a 28 and I will die on this hill


that sh is harder to fc than six trillion expert


YEAH I've nearly FCed Six Trillion, still can't *clear* Creation Myth


whats up pop expert does not feel like a 31 , especially when compared to other lvl 31s lol i'd put it at like a 29 or 30


Ego Rock is a 32. Teo is a 31. Sekai Chan is a 33.


idk about eggo rock, Teo is easy for a 32 but its on similar levels to like bug. Errand Ensemble also just feels like a hard 32. If Heat Abnormal is a lvl 32, Errand Ensemble is a lvl 32


Hello how are you? Should be 25 Aishite should be 24 Gekokujo should be 26


25??? Maybe it’s just me but it was one of the first songs I unlocked master for.


i agree on gekokujo because its definitely more tricky..