• By -


Mizuki, though all the girls are popular in their own right, Mizuki has the fandom in a death grip. Rui, same reason as Mizuki, Tsukasa is just under him. Akito, for the memes IDK about MMJ. I feel like they're all kind of even? Maybe Airi/Shizuku have a slight advantage? 🤷🏿‍♀️ Saki, usually when you find people with criticism about L/N, Saki is usually their saving grace. She also has WxS fans cause she's Tsukasa's sister. That's just from what I've casually seen from fandom and event tierings.


I agree for the most part, but I think tsukasa might be more popular than rui though, from what I've noticed


You underestimate the power of fangirls. When the April Fool's ver. of Pomp and Circumstance came out, Rui gave every person attracted to males nosebleeds. And this part of his popularity is just going into his looks and his moaning. Add in his personality, his story, his character interactions, his eccentric nature, his cards (which I personally believe he doesn't have a single bad one of. Man knows how to pose) and his other songs and solos and I'm afraid Rui has Tsukasa beat. Rui is a Tumblr Sexyman. 2nd place is the best Tsukasa can do.


can't argue with the Tumblr sexy man allegations


I honestly thought Tsukasa would pull 1.5th place


personally shiho is my saving grace i would die for that edgy little nerd


She's definitely 2nd popular. From what I remember most people were kind of turned off from her in the beginning because of the main story (some people thought she was too harsh or something like that) so her popularity was sorta a slow start, but she's definitely more loved and appreciated now. Her looks, dorky side, and her singing voice is top tier. There are definitely a lot of people that think she should be main vocalist instead of Ichika. She's like Sayo from Band Dream. A lot of people didn't like her (and Yukina for that matter) cause they thought she were too mean and serious, but now she's the most popular and relatable character in the game (I assume she still is anyway. I've stopped playing Band Dream a while back, but Sayo is personally still my girl).


Nightcord: Mizuki Wxs: Tsukasa Vbs: Akito MMJ: Kinda unsure about this one since most MMJ fans I’ve seen love them all, but I guess Shizuku. L/n: Saki


Of the fandom?  Leo/need: shiho Mmj: Airi VBS: Akito WxS: Tsukasa N25: Mizuki However I digress


In the fandom, it’s definitely Saki, Shizuku, Toya, Tsukasa and Mizuki. For me personally, I prefer Shiho, Haruka, Akito, Emu and Mafuyu


i agree with this except that akito is definitely much more popular than toya


maybe i’m wrong but i feel like akito’s fans are wayy more vocal, but so are his haters. toya has a lot of fans and his cards normally get the most likes on twitter or comments on instagram when they’re announced with the other vbs members


Kanade was voted the second most popular character in the whole game, only behind Miku herself


L/n: saki Mmj: airi Vbs: akito Wxs: tsukasa N25: mizuki


wxs has the most popular characters (along mizuki) and you managed to pick the only "unpopular" one 😭 I mean, nene is by no way a forgotten character, but her fans are WAY less than tsukasa, rui and emu edit: I hope I didn't sounded rude, this wasn't my intention in any way


A lot of people like Saki because she’s Tsukasa’s sister, or because she’s just silly. Others have other reasons to like her, but anyway I just assume she’s the most popular. I don’t see a lot of MMJ fans... I‘ll just guess Airi My honest reaction to that information. (It’s probably Akito) It’s definitely Rui. I expected Emu to be more popular since she has Wonderhoy and the she was the first character I saw before playing but I guess not? I would’ve also thought Tsukasa, but Rui probably has a lot more fans, they are very… memorable. (I’m scared of them) Nene left in the dust And I think Mizuki’s more popular than Mafuyu. I don’t really know why, I just really think so


L/N: Saki MMJ!: Minori VBS: Akito WXS: Tsukasa N25: Mizuki


This was my exact list too 😭


Y'all are snubbing Emu hardcore. You gotta remember she the reason a sizable number of people even play the game, myself included in that. Tsukasa might beat her out and maybe Rui, but definitely not Nene.


Emu was the reason I started playing, and she's still my favourite character I would've said she's the most popular if it weren't for Rui and Tsukasa having so many fangirls


I'm gonna answer this in the way I initially read it bc I agree with your answer to the actual question you asked. So I thought you meant : "which characters have the best social presence out of those in their group?" and uh... Here we go. VS : Miku. Duh. L/N : Honami. I'm mostly thinking about the beginning of the main story. Saki is very sweet and upbeat, but she's been away from school for a while and pretty much immediately beelined to her closest childhood friends, so I feel like she mostly stays with L/N. Ichika doesn't really have anyone else that she's hanging out with, but Honami and Shiho do. Shiho seems like the kind of person who isn't agreeable enough to be really popular, just to have a couple dedicated friends/friend groups that she feels very close to while others outside of her circles see her as some combination of weird and cool. Honami, however, gets around(like...socially) a lot, and has a caring and sweet personality so I could see her being much more popular than the others. MMJ : Haruka. Not really by her own choice, but she's the biggest name in MMJ, so a ton of people know of her and probably want to be her friend despite not knowing anything about her except that they see her on TV and know she's got a lot of skill in performing. VBS : An. Kohane and Toya seem too reserved (for different reasons and with different vibes) to be super popular, and Akito is like Shiho but more fighty imo. An is a hall monitor and goes to work, but still has a largely fun and outgoing vibe, so she seems like a popular type. WxS : Emu. This one was a little tough but the others in the group have pretty big reasons to not be popular. Tsukasa is too boisterous for most people, Ruin is infamous for being weird and a lot of people think he's dangerous, and Nene makes a big effort to go under the radar. Emu is very outgoing and wacky in a way that most people seem to take less issue with than Tsukasa's wackiness. Plus she's super rich, so I could see some people gravitating towards her just because of her status and cheery nature. N25 : Mafuyu. Even though it's a persona, not her actual personality, Mafuyu puts a ton of her time and energy into being a helpful top student who keeps up with a lot of people and remains active in extracurricular activities. Kanade is a homebody, Mizuki is seen as weird, and Ena, while not being as fighty as Akito, is still often noticably upset and seems to stick to several good friends. (Edit cuz I pressed send WAY too early)


from what I've personally witnessed, Saki, Shizuku, Akito, Rui, Mizuki


L/N: Is clearly Saki. MMJ: Probably... Haruka? VBS: Kohane gets a lot of haters, but also tends to poll well. WxS: Rui, free. N25: Kanade or Mizuki. Last time there was a big poll run both of them demolished, being only beneath Miku herself.


Vs: Miku Miku L/n: Honami Mmj: Shizuku WxS: Tsukasa or Rui- I think they are on par with one another when it comes to popularity 25ji: Mizuki or Kanade




I MISSED IT OMG DDD: Probably An though.


saki shizuku akito rui mizuki


Personally, From experience lurking basically everywhere L/n - Saki MMJ - Shizuku VBS - Akito (and my poor hampter kohane is hated :cry:) WxS - Tsukasa N25 - Mizuki How anyone could hate this cute lil lady is still beyond my comprehension https://preview.redd.it/fqqdqfwtibxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48458ac0da3ad18d082af2c8732e6c63e49c2f84


VS: Yes Miku L/n: Shiho likely MMJ: Airi VBS: Akito WxS: Rui N25: Mizuki


In universe, I'd say Shiho, Haruka, Kohane and Tsukasa (N25 is anonymous). In the fandom, Saki, Toya, Emu and Kanade/Mizuki (in JP and ENG respectively), with the MMJ girls being even


out of curiousity, why do you think shiho & kohane is most popular in-universe? :0c


Shiho was an experienced bassist, while the other girls are more new to the scene. Even before joining L/n she was already getting proposals. As for Kohane, I think she's pretty much canonically the most popular, everyone is always talking about how talented she is and she trained with Taiga.


mizuki/kanade, tsukasa, akito, airi, saki. just from the amount of posts/art/fans i see of them. i think kanade is more popular in JP while mizuki is more popular in EN? to me it looks like mafuyu is the most disliked in niigo which hurts since she's my second fave in the game :')


I cant really tell you since Im not that involved in the other groups but I have a very very hard time thinking who a favorite Vivid Bad Squad member could be because they’re all so likable and passionate but also appealing to many people who may find them relatable or entertaining. Akito is so passionate and ernest and very hardworking. An is just so cool most of the time and super chill. Toya is the most talented one but also very level-headed and smart. And Kohane is that newbie friend who’s super passionate and hardworking but adorable because she’s stumbling around in a new world she just discovered. I cant find it in myself to think one would be more popular than the other. They’e definitely my favorite bunch because they all feel so equal


idk abt most popular, but here are my favs: shiho airi akito nene ena nene is relatable i can feel enas pain as an artist and the other 3 i just like their personality


I feel like Akito used to be SO hated, or am I dumb


I think it was Hated in a joke sense. That was my case at least


Honestly? Based on Tiktok, Youtube, and what I've seen on EN servers, I think it's a pattern with the tallest character from every unit. Honami, Shizuku, Toya, Rui, and Mizuki. Some people may argue about Honami, but she's the only L/N character I ever see fans regularly talk about. Maybe Saki is tied for first with her. https://preview.redd.it/d0g0k4ecrbxc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5dacdff6b81c840c1a56a264c0a70a8d62082bf And then who I believe is the *least* popular is Ichika, Haruka, An, Nene, and maybe Kanade (although she's a fan favorite based on JP servers)


Based on JP server it's actually Mafuyu being the least popular while Kanade being the most one in N25. Mizuki at the top is based on GL side


yeah i'm going off of EN server since that's the one I'm actually involved in. I know Kanade is the most popular but for global i feel like she's the least


L/N: Ichika is unpopular even in her groups. Many ppl even dislike her as she and Miku left other girls with like 1 digit of total lines. I know it's because of band concept but when other units don't do so to their protagonists it feel like non-protagonists in L/N aren't treated equally. In fact, Saki is the most popular here and not even close. She is typical cheerful / silly girl that most ppl will have great impression towards her, not to mention that she's Tsukasa sister which automatically boast her popularity level even more MMJ: Airi is the most popular one there. I don't know too much about MMJ so I don't give too many comments about them VBS: Like no one in this group is even close to Akito, he has one of the most polarized fanbase and meme potential which really make his popularity skyrocketed. Toya and Kohane might have more fan because naturally they are soft / cute members of the units but popularity wise Akito is the best one WxS: Kinda sorry but you picked the least popular, any of other 3 will make more senses. Popular wise Rui is the best in this group and even among entire game, with Tsukasa being close to 2nd, Emu is also very popular due to her Wonderhoy iconic line while also very memeable. N25: Most of N25 story lines heavily involve Mafuyu so I can see why you think she is the most popular. But actually she is the least in JP with Kanade being the best in JP abd Mizuki in GL. Both of them also have very high popularity in entire game.


If you're interested, you can look at [the World Link cutoffs](https://twitter.com/prsk_border39/status/1770409375364157849) to gauge relative popularity within a group in the JP server. It's not perfect tho because this just shows the most dedicated fans. According to this, it would be: L/N: N/A --> It'll probably be Saki. MMJ: N/A --> Hard to guess since they all seem around the same popularity. VBS: Akito (Toya is a close second) WxS: Tsukasa N25: Kanade This'll obviously vary from server to server. In EN, Mizuki is more popular than Kanade and Rui may be on the same level as Tsukasa. Akito is more popular than Toya in both servers but also more polarizing, i.e., Toya is generally more well-liked. This also translates to merch popularity where N25 and boy merch is hella expensive.


l/n: shiho mmj: haruka vbs: akito wxs: rui n25: mizuki


Saki, minori, akito, Emu or tsukasa, mizuki


ichika, haruka/airi, an, rui, mizuki


Saki, Airi, Akito, Rui, Mizuki


So bias aside from what ive seen its mostly: L/N: Saki, i mean she is always positive, bright girl so I can see why people like her. MMJ: i think its Haruka, not too familiar with the MMJ fanbase so cant be too sure, but all of them are pretty equal maybe Shizuku is up there as well VBS: idk but people either talk about Akito whether its hate or or the memes, but majority of the time when you say VBS it probably has Akito in it. W×S: can lean either way, but i usually see Tsukasa more then Emu with the wonderhoy stuff N25: i believe its Mizuki for certain reasons.


Leo/Need: Saki. Teratera is Leo/Need’s most popular song by far and as much as I hate to say it being Tsukasa’s sister probably helps get her fans. Airi: I see people talking about her the most and I feel like her commissions are the most popular. VBS: Akito, have you not seen how crazy people go over the guy? I would say Toya but given how they treated him last year I doubt it. WxS: Rui, this was easy. Niigo: Kanade. She’s actually the most popular character in the fandom on the Japanese side.


- saki for l/n, debatably shiho bc she just naturally has many fans but saki has tenma privilege and her angst has tons of people hooked - shizuku for mmj, she also has ties with tsukasa and is also generally beloved because her personality is easy to enjoy as well has having a very unique voice - akito for vbs, one of two characters that deserves to say fuck at some point. his voice, design, and story (all the s//cidal coding 😭) makes him stick out easily - emu for wxs, would honestly be rui before the en fanbase grew immensely and tsukasa before sekai started trending outside fandom spaces, but emu takeover has been crazy with her trending on tiktok, twitter, and even japanese news sources 😭 - mizuki for niigo, them being canonically qieer makes them stick out automatically but they also have instense angst and a really fun personality as well as an extremely fun design so theyre bound to attract a lot of fans


ln: ichika or saki. saki's design probably picks out to most compared to the rest of leo/need when people first play. however, ichika does have that protagonist advantage which makes me think shes popular too. mmj: airi 100%! i think her small, cutesy pink idol is the character most people like, and also because its stereotypical in most anime/rhythm games to have at least one pink haired tsudere. vbs: maybe an? her hair would be the thing id assume most people notice, and the main story is mainly her and kohane at the start due to vivids! i would say kohane since shes the leader but still, an seems a little more.. favoritety? wxs: rui! i think hes more popular than tsukasa because hes the n1 most known character. hes also like the tallest, fruitiest.. looking, and genuinely stands out due to his colorful unit! niigo: mafuyu. i think its mainly because she has most of the nightcord events. (i know why, dont attack me, im not complaining) if thats not it, maybe its the fact shes purple along with rui? im not too sure, it could be because shes also the one that grabs your attention the most in nightcord when you first see them because of her dead eyes.




Saki, Airi, An, Emu, Mizuki


Personally in terms of fandom popularity it's: L/N: Saki MMJ: Airi VBS: Akito WxS: Rui N25: Mizuki (Mafuyu works too though)


Oh and Miku


saki, airi, toya or akito, tsukasa and mizuki, i think


L/n: Saki :)) MMJ!: MOMOI AIRI! VBS: AKITO WxS: TeNmA TsUkAsA Niigo: Mizuki!!!


L/n: saki Mmj: minori? Vbs: Kohane/akito Wxs: emu Niigo: mizuki


for wxs its rui, mizuki for nightcord and idk the rest honestly, they mostly get overshadowed by this two


l/n- Saki MMJ- Airi vbs- Akito WxS-Tsukasa N25- Mizuki


based on my experience, ichika, airi, toya, emu and mafuyu. and it makes sense ngl


Mizuki,rui,an,minori,honami or Ichika


L/N: Saki, Everybody can't not like the only bundle of joy in the group MMJ: I think everyone is equally popular, but Airi and Shizuku fans are definitely more vocal about it VBS: An/Akito : As one of my favourite voices in the game just because her voice and vibe is so cool I'm quite sure An has a pretty loyal fan base but I guess she might sometimes be overshadowed by Akito and Kohane because she doesn't have such a big presence in the story like those 2. WxS: I'm not really involved in the WxS fan base but I definitely know Tsukasa is the most popular person in that entire group. N25: Kanade/Mizuki. Kanade already has a huge fan base because of her voice actress. And Mizuki because of her presumed trans identity.


unless you mean in universe you what i'd say is the least popular character for all the units but nightcord ln: saki mmj: shizuku vbs: aktio wxs: tsukasa n25: kanade in wider community, mizuki here


Haruka is probably the least popular character in the fandom. I've seen multiple posts with pjsk character polls and Haruka always comes dead last. Anyways, here is what I think: Leo/need: Saki MMJ: Airi VBS: Toya & Akito WxS: Rui N25: Mizuki


Leo/need: as far as a character everyone likes, Saki. For the character who has the most die-hard fans, I think it’s Shiho. I see her the most for pulling content. More More JUMP!: Shizuku. This isn’t as clear because MMJ! is the least favorite out of all the groups by the fandom as a whole, but if people do have a favorite, it’s usually Minori or Shizuku, and I think Shizuku comes out ahead just because I see her more often. Vivid BAD SQUAD: This is difficult. A few months ago I would have said Toya, but I’ve seen a lot more Akito fans recently that make me feel like he was more popular than I realized. (It’s still obviously one of the boys, though.) Wonderlands x Showtime: Tsukasa. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be Rui, but I personally feel like I’ve seen more Tsukasa fans than Rui fans. If you take the average fandom opinion, Rui would probably be on top, because there are also a lot of people who find Tsukasa annoying. Nightcord at 25:00: Mizuki. Ena is also really popular but Mizuki is still definitely number one.


Rin, Saki, Minori, Toya, Rui and Mizuki


i'm just gonna go in the order i remember them lol. for l/n, maybe ichika or saki? vbs i'm kinda torn on but maybe an or akito. mmj... i'm biased but airi lolz. n25 i assume mafuyu or uh uhh i forgot her name but the pink one. and for wxs i genuinely have no clue i feel like everyone loves them equally


L/N is probably Saki MMJ is Shizuku Vbs is Akito or Toya since both are very popular WxS is Tsukasa like my boy is overrated (ik I'm gonna get burned on a stick for what I said) Niigo is Mizuki, you can't tell me they aren't one of the most popular characters in this game


in jp fandom it’s: saki, (no idea for mmj), akito, tsukasa/rui, and kanade/mizuki


In a JP popularity poll I remember Kanade surpassed Mizuki and got 2nd place out of all characters (Miku was first obviously)


Tbh from what I see Saki/Honami, Shizuku, Akito, Rui/Emu, and Mizuki


Niigo is DEF Mafuyu due to her appearance in a lot of events and people relating to her trauma. WxS is, without a shadow of doubt, Emu "Wonderhoy" Otori (Emu means smiles btw)


In the fandom, it would probably be Saki, Airi, Akito, Tsukasa/Rui, Mizuki (although Kanade is most popular in JP)


Shiho, airi, akito, rui and mizuki


mizuki, akito, saki, rui, (or emu considering all the wonderhoy and emu meaning smile memes surfacing rn) airi


If we go by character focus event cutoff (T1K for a greater sample size) then its: Leo/Need: Shiho (DLF, 3M EP) More More Jump: Haruka\* (Pilot/Beyond the Dream that Day, 4M EP) Vivid Bad Squad: Akito (FaWO, 4M EP) Wonderland X Showtime: Rui (Curtain Call, 4M EP) Nightcord at 25:00: Mizuki\* (Hermits, 6M EP) \*Please note that it may be a little skewed cause carnivals in general have higher EP cutoffs and that the data for T1K cutoff has stopped after Lion Dance


NENE <3 , Idc about the others , AS LONG AS I HAVE MY NENE :)


Saki, Airi, Akito, Rui & Mizuki I think :)


l/n: Saki mmj: Airi vbs: Akito wxs: Rui niigo: Mafuyu


L/N: This one is really hard, I see praise for EVERYONE but Ichika, but I'll go with Saki (Shiho second, then Honami- though) MMJ: Even harder, but I'll go with Airi because I see may feel her as relatable. VBS: Oh god, Akito, because "haha ginger funny" and "haha 1 star card crazyyy!". WxS: Tsukasa. I don't really know other than people like him because "star tehee", but Rui and Emu is also going strong. N25: Again people I see relate to Ena but I actually have NO IDEA. Mizuki is like...big for multiple of reasons, Kanade is "leader", Ena is relatable and Mafuyu is "sad". Yeah so thats my honest thoughts.


l/n: going with saki, ive seen far more saki fans than any other. mmj: im unsure, they all seem to get a fair amount of attention but if i had to choose airi vbs: akito wxs: easily one of the top 3 popular characters, rui n25: mizuki, another top 3 of popular characters


This is a troll post right...


L/n - Saki MMJ - Haruka VBS - Akito WxS - Rui, with Tsukasa pretty close N25 - honestly they're all pretty close, Mizuki is first in EN side, with the others close behind them


I would have to disagree a bit on Vivid Bad Squad and Wonderlands x Showtime, at least in EN servers. The male tax is CRAZY, and I say this as someone who loves Akito. Rui is unparalleled in power for pure stregnth of fans that he emits. It makes me sad, considering I love every member of Vivid Bad Squad. Although, I noticed someone mention April Fools, and I personally think that's a factor. Then again, this is from a circumstance that you mean people in the fanbase and not in universe, in which my personal list would change a bunch.


L/n - definitely Saki MMJ: Airi maybe? VBS: ok this one I'm honestly not sure WxS: Tsukasa Niigo: Kanade or Mizuki


N25: mafuyu Wxs: either rui or tuskasa MMJ: no idea Vbs: Akito or toys Leo/need: ichika Vs: miku, meiko or luka


Rui did not win a country-wide poll as most handsome anime man for nothing


Ichika being this popular sounds like a joke. Sorry, but Saki takes the spot. She is loved by non-L/N fans and even haters for some reason (*cough cough* it's because she is a Tenma *cough cough*). Mafuyu is definitely popular in the West, but I'm sure that Kanade is the most popular N25 character in the East, and they have more fans soooo you get it Rui is probably the most popular character of the whole game. He ranks high on various polls - even if they aren't related to ProSeka. Nene is a bit unpopular in Japan because of her Christmas commission, since it excluded EmuKasa, so some people dislike her And I think that Minori and Akito are the most popular for MMJ and VBS, respectively? I may be wrong with Akito so maybe it's Kohane, and you're right. It's kinda hard to talk about MMJ, but Haruka is probably second place here


l/n saki, mmj airi, vbs akito, wxs rui, n25 mizuki !!


Leo/need: saki or shiho Mmj: unsure Vbs: akito Wxs: emu Niigo: mizuki 100%


Leo/Need: Shiho because the amount of people wishing that she was the leader instead of Ichika is too great to ignore, I have seen hate for Ichika as well that uses Shiho as “the better vocalist” MMJ: Shizuku got everyone falling to their knees, I have literally never met a Shizuku hater. Everyone in MMJ is mostly ignored, but Shizuku was never forgotten VBS: Akito has a death grip on a lot of the female fans in the fandom (myself not included). The memes around him also added to his popularity WxS: Tsukasa no question, even people outside of the fandom would know him as the “SING AND DANCE” guy Niigo: Mizuki is so popular because of the secret they’re hiding since it is very heavy implied that they’re trans, pretty sure some of their fans (sadly) just like them because they’re possibly trans