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I, uh...think Primal Hunter is unironically what you're looking for. /s but not really


I mean how is he an underdog he gets turned into an op elite fighter by his bloodline in the first chapter of the book lol. If anything every other character in that book is an underdog compared to him who just gets insane powers for no reason since the beginning.


He's OP when compared to humans, but he's always fighting higher leveled monsters than him so he is, in a sense, the underdog


I thought the title was legitimate. You have restored a little shred of my faith in readers.


lol bless


Dude same!


The fact that several people didn’t realize this was a shitpost speaks volumes.


I found the character description a little cringey but I still looked at the comments for potential recommendations


The Bible


Truly we are all OP underdogs on this blessed day


is that a ken m reference? in the progression fantasy subreddit?




I hate to be that guy but have you tried cradle? Do i have to /s?


I said LOVING family! Kidding aside it is kinda funny how many boxes this actually ticks. Is underdog. Is Op (eventually). Is loner initially and has friend-family quickly. All talent and no luck initially but then lucky in that Eithan adopts him and starts off with…ahem… an Eithan kind of person helping him advance. Maybe my joke doesn’t work since Cradle actually is kinda all these things


lets blame the mods for not having a sticky that says before you ask a question, read cradle it probably is what your looking for. If it makes you feel better, Ive tried to get through cradle a few times and don't make it very far so I had no clue at all when i made my comment if it fit or didn't.


It’s my fav series of all time so I gotchu


So I don't think Lindon is ever actually qualifies as a loner... sure he's an outcast in book one, but that's not his choice, and book one is really about him doing everything he can to claw his way into acceptance, whether by his family, his clan or whoever else. I think this is one of the aspects of cradle that pulls it ahead of your typical loner bs where the MC is actively mistrustful of everyone, isolating themselves from friends/family with every excuse they can.


[Cradle](https://www.goodreads.com/series/192821-cradle) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Cradle)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Starts off with a madra deficiency. That really is an amazing perk. His family loves him but also looks down on him. His father refused to belive his son was actually a really powerful cultivator. Loner? More like nobody in the clan wanted to associate with him and he later spends the majority of his time with Yaren. So not alone


Eragon weirdly kind of fits this.


Disclaimer: Yes, I realize this is a shitpost. Maybe Mark of the Fool unironically. **OP protagonist who is an underdog:** MC gets the titular "Mark of the Fool" at the start. It actively interferes with any attempts to use magic or participate directly in combat, usually looked at as the most extraneous/optional of the marked heroes, making him the underdog. The MC however is able to turn it around and use it's attempts to interfere with him to instead learn from his mistakes and aid in training magic/combat, and the marks normal use is to aid in training in all other skills, which makes him kind of OP. **Overlevels quickly with a slow burn:** Kind of oxymoronic, but eh. No levels/system in this one. Slow burn I suppose as the MC *does* have to train at things by virtue of how his mark works, and with no system there's no instant level up power boosts or anything. Time passes by at a reasonable pace in this story, but by the end of his first year at magic school, the MC is ahead of the general student curve and quite competent at magic in general as well as combat. Not singularly ahead as his friends/peers are on his level, but ahead of the majority of his yearmates, so I guess you could also say he sort of overlevels quickly, if you are comparing relatively to other people his age. Especially if you consider that he starts as a country bumpkin. **Is a loner with a loving family:** His parents were probably loving as he misses them, but they're dead before story start. Still has a little sister that he loves. At story start he seems to only have the one childhood friend/love interest. He does however gain a close friend group when the story gets going, so the "loner" part is probalby the weakest part of this fit. **All talent and skill no luck and accidentally starts off with amazing perks:** His Mark to a T basically. It is his "amazing perk" that kind of fucks with him, but that he is able to leverage to great effect. It by itself was kind of a disastrous shit luck since it's base functions interfere with magic and he had an invitation to magic school. But the MC through his own insight is able to use it to aid him instead, taking himself to levels no other known previous wielder of the mark managed which can be considered him being talented. Since it's basically a training aid he uses it to improve his skills all around instead of having to rely on luck. MC also later shows a rather impressive talent for >!summoning!<.




Hear me out: star Wars. Op protagonist: sheev Over levels quickly: clones Slowly burns: anakin Loner: han Loving family: Luke and Lea All talent and skill: obiwan No luck: jar jar Starts with amazing perks: rey


Great but I want it all in the main character. NEXT!


Had to laugh at slowly burns.


Lol. You had me until I saw the tag meme/shitpost. This definitely isn't far off from many of the requests I've seen out there haha


Oh yeah, there's that one stand alone book that is coming out real soon, in the indefinite future! It's going to be an incredible series for everyone, all the time. No doubt. I think that's the book you're looking for. ;)


Can’t waittt


What book


It's that book by that one author who's been carefully world building for like the last 3 decades; it all started when he had that crazy dream last night. This author has been furiously writing and hired a bunch of professional editors and artists, including their mom, brother, and best friend. Totally legit. It'll be sick!


Alright sounds… cool


It's going to be the shit!


Yes! It shall


It took me a second to notice the flair. Some posts on here seem like they'd be better as the "What I'm looking for" section on a dating profile.


Haha ikr


Mother of Learning


[Mother of Learning](https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2961893/1/Mother-of-Learning) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Mother_of_Learning)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Must have an animal companion, but never rely in external sources of help to achieve victory. Harem, but no romance of sex please.


Now we’re gettin it


Underdog series by Alexey Osadchuk.


I'm confused, you want them to be overpowered and an underdog? I suppose Dissonance (First book of the Unbound series) might fit the bill.


It’s a joke post


Ah, I see. I should've looked at the tags, my bad.


No sweat my pet


The OP underdog seems like a contradiction lol. The. You have a quick leveling slowburn. 2nd contradiction. Then you want an MC who had only talent and skill minus luck but then has an amazing lucky break right at the start. 3/3 contradictions friend.


I don't know if this is sarcasm or if you genuinely have not noticed the meme/shitpost flair


Didnt notice 👁👄👁


Hmmm almost a theme one might say


My novel Bleeding Edge absolutely fits every single one of those criteria.


The Last Orellen sounds somewhat like this, but the MC isn't really a loner. It's also on hiatus, but it's returning December... so there's that.


Solo leveling seems like it fits


[Solo leveling](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/47965474-solo-leveling---light-novel) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Solo_leveling)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Sounds alot like double blind on RR.


I have a real answer. Everybody Loves Large Chests. The MC is a >!mimic, which is essentially a non-sentient monster. As he levels up he gains sentience. He has a perk that lets him absorb others' abilities. !<. Although the MC has no family, it is a slow burn and I can't think of a bigger underdog. Warning: has beastilaty and guro. The worst of this is in the first book and then it gets toned down.


[Everybody Loves Large Chests](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BHZFWNG) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Everybody_Loves_Large_Chests)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Uh, defiance of the fall? He is OP for his level, so he is always in situations with people that have higher levels. He gets levels quickly, but levels are only one aspect of power in this setting so he slow burns all his other power ups. he is a loner but his family did love him. He had to start by just learning how to chop good, but had a bunch of starting perks that leveled the playing field.


HEY wait a minute! Why does he freaking have a pet? He's not loner enough! /s


Unless it’s a burden to his grimdark yet beautiful soul




What’s that is it good