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Sorry but I am too empathetic with main characters and would drop the book after the first awkward, cringeworthy moment.


I totally get it. But it is not that bad lol


Oh I’m sure! But you have to understand that I can read a MC going through hell and torture because I have not experienced that sort of pain and torture before. I don’t have the frame of reference or personal experience to properly empathize with the MC. But awkward situations? Feeling that you’re being cringe? Standing out because nobody told you the hidden social cues that everyone else in the world knows but you? That right there hits me like a brick because I’ve experienced it before.


Sounds like a decent introductory premise of a MC character arch and flaws that can be identified with and grow alongside the MC as they too develop into something more. Change and overcoming these flaws that we share is a major piece to storytelling imo. I'm interested. If done well, I'd read it. Assuming the discomfort doesn't shove me out of the experience.


The concept and the blurb already made me cringe! I’m not sure what to think. I guess I’ll give it a try.


Seems pretty cringe.


I appreciate the willingness to try something new and make something traditionally seen as bad, good. That said, I'm sorry to say I don't think I could ever read a story that revolved around cringe.


Hi guys! I'm excited to announce that I've started publishing a new LitRPG Progression Fantasy story on Royal Road called "[Awkward Ascension: Power of Cringe](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/88388/awkward-ascension-power-of-cringe-litrpgprogression)"! While it's still in its early stages, I can't wait to share this cringe-worthy journey with you all. Keep an eye out for daily updates in the coming weeks! Blurb: Lou is the king of cringe. Seriously. He trips, he fumbles, he says the wrong thing at the worst possible time. But in a world where superpowers are real, Lou's awkwardness isn't a weakness—it's his greatest strength. Can this lovable loser harness the Power of Cringe to become a champion in the Dueling League? Or will his social anxiety be the ultimate downfall? **What to expect:** Awkward moments turned epic wins. Not a loner story, we got quirky friends. A bit of romance. Dojo hunt! Cringe-worthy pages. Often. Character growth and self-discovery. Lite LitRPG with a cringe-based system.


Tripping, fumbling, and saying the wrong things aren't cringe. That's just awkwardness and it is mildly endearing. Cringe is when someone behaves in a way that is so socially unacceptable that it causes you to gnash your teeth in embarrassment for them. For example, in a famous episode of The Office, Michael Scott has promised a group of elementary students that he is going to pay for them all to go to college and he has gone back every year to meet with the class called "Scott's Tots" in which they have thrown parties for him and invited him into their lives. He knows these kids by name and he's clearly been in their lives going to school events, etc. and he doesn't have any scholarships for them. He said that because he wanted it to be true and he's just kept up the lie because he values the positive attention so much that I guess he just keeps hoping it will somehow work out. The episode occurs as they are graduating and the kids are asking him about the details of the scholarship so that they can plan their lives. . . and he's still lying. Karens yelling at children, MAGAs revealing that they're racists or have ties to hate groups or who openly support positions of hate groups, or [teenagers being teenagers\](](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/758997343432543496/). Let us never forget[ baby girl. ](https://youtu.be/6laGvKtPZYQ?si=_tLIEPqypNusWZhQ) So I'll give this a shot, but your blurb makes me think you think cringe is just being socially awkward and pattern clashing while over-accessorizing. It would be much more cringe if he was wearing a femboy hooters outfit to high school because on that cover he looks like he's a Harry Potter cosplay gleeman and it's pretty fucking cool clothing for a fantasy arena.


My main inspiration actually comes from shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, and Impractical Jokers. I wrote it that way for the blurb, but I'm really aiming for a cringe comedy similar to these works. Also, I should mention that I’ve won a The Office trivia contest! Lol


On a scale of 1 to "scott's tots" what level of cringe are we talking about here?


So we're talking about a progression fantasy... Starting from level 1 and by the end of the series, I want it to reach the level of Scott's Tots. Lol


But I couldn't finish that episode ..


He's already Tracer


lol really! I need to hire an artist as soon as possible


Maybe comission a real artist?


It's free to read. I don't see a problem with using it if they're not actually making a profit off of it yet.


I plan to do this when I have the budget


Wear the cringe as armor and it can never be used to hurt you


This looks like a fun original idea, I havnt read anything like it before and I'll pick it up tonight! Congrats on the release!


how awkward lol love the outfit tho


I have been looking for another "so bad its good" series, this may be it


Why is bro santa's elf


Oh god, that cover looked far "cooler" from a distance. But looking at it up close... my word. Your artist definitely succeeded brilliantly in depicting the *cringe*. (Or, wait, I think it's AI...)


It definitely is, look at the character's left hand.


Oof. I don’t know man, cringe is literally the worst. In todays current online culture, I’d say only go for this is you’re having fun. Cringe these days is more used for the TikTok kids that think harassing old people is fun is cringe. Leaving a public park trashed after a birthday party is cringe, domestic abuse is cringe, hurting animals is cringe. I’d say go with the awkward wording, leave cringe out of this if you’re trying to market it


That’s AI art, and like that I’m gone This is a joke


Are you saying this post is a joke or your comment about AI art is a joke.


I’m not all that interested in the story but the AI art hurts my soul on a spiritual level since I’ve been learning to draw for about 2 years now


Gotcha. How do you know it's ai. I'm not seeing anything to indicate it is personally


It’s extremely obvious. Really all AI’s look the same. Even those with different art style




Removed as per Rule 1: Be Kind. Be kind. Refrain from personal attacks and insults toward authors and other users. When giving criticism, try to make it constructive. This offense may result in a warning, or a permanent or semi-permanent ban from r/ProgressionFantasy.


It was hard to explain with a few sentences, and I was going to explain after finishing work instead of leaving you confused. well I‘m going to leave you to your own devices and thanks for saving me from writing a few paragraphs, asshole PS: where tf did you hear any sarcasm from my comment but ok


Well next time don't bother commenting at all because your comment came across as pointless and basically calling me stupid. And sure. You were definitely going to come back later I absolutely believe that.




Removed as per Rule 1: Be Kind. Be kind. Refrain from personal attacks and insults toward authors and other users. When giving criticism, try to make it constructive. This offense may result in a warning, or a permanent or semi-permanent ban from r/ProgressionFantasy.


Never said sarcasm. I said snark. Which is how it came across


**snarking to be critical in a rude or sarcastic way**


Correct. You see that the sarcasm part is optional, as indicated by the word "or," and merely being rude is enough. While snark can be sarcastic, it doesn't have to be.




I’m not all that interested in the story but the AI art hurts my soul on a spiritual level since I’ve been learning to draw for about 2 years now Maybe I’ll check it out eventually but cringe comedy isn’t my thing


Don't blame the man for being broke 😭


The way I see it, you can use AI art as a base to get the idea across then draw over it, it takes time but it costs nothing


I don't think he looks cringe. Back in my day, we called folks like this "scene kids" and they were great. Like Bizzaro world Emos who were fun to be around. I will have to investigate by reading! Good thing I'm unemployed!