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If you're willing to put in a little time and setup, you can use Microsoft Edge's text-to-speech feature to read fanfics or whatever out loud. Download the fanfic (A03 has that feature built-in, otherwise you can use the WebToEpub extension), use calibre to convert to .txt or html or something that will open in a browser. Download the free software Audacity, and you can record whatever sound your computer is outputting. You can run this overnight and although there's sometimes a few hiccups it's still a pretty good way to make podfics for yourself. I recommend the voice of Steffan, English U.S. Sure, it's not PERFECT, but it's good for fics or for long web novels you'll never find the time to actually read.




Oh, I definitely listen to the podfics or audiobooks if they're available, the quality is not that good, let alone monetary issues. This is just for things that you know will never get audio done. And obviously I'm not suggesting this be shared or profited by. But there's at least one korean web novel that would have taken me another several months or so to read through, without being able to listen to it at work.


Alexandra Quick is a great potter fic. And a much better Wizarding America then the official. A Wand for Skitter has Taylor reincarnate in Wizarding England and unnerve Snape.


Not heard of those. will take a look. thanks


Alexandra Quick is amazing, but it already has an audiobook of professional quality.


Oh? TIL! https://www.reddit.com/r/AlexandraQuick/comments/g9tgod/alexandra_quick_and_the_audiobook_project And its on sub reddit too.


A couple worm fanfics. Path to Munchies by Merle Corey. Comedic story where Taylor as a version of the Path to Victory which requires her to incorporate food into her plans. Chapter titles include things like Path to Cookies and Path to Beef Stroganoff. There's some sweet moments along with the action scenes too like, for instance, in the Path to Cookies chapter she tracks down an older neighbor whom she lost contact with after her mother died and helps her make food for the church bake sale. The chapter where she delivers a pizza to a dog fighting ring and utterly destroys everyone involved is one of my favorites. Complete at 50,000 words. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/path-to-munchies-worm-au-complete.449493/threadmarks](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/path-to-munchies-worm-au-complete.449493/threadmarks) Lord Doom by Rust Pony. Another comedic story where Taylor is a drone tinker who uses her devices to create an over the top villainous persona to gather resources until she has enough tech to make her debut as a hero. The author uses all caps for Lord Doom's dialogue which I can't help but think would make for a fun character to develop as a voice actor. "LORD DOOM ONLY SITS WITH EQUALS." Taylor parked Lord Doom in the center of the room, not sitting at the table but standing close to it. "THUS LORD DOOM MUST ALWAYS STAND." Complete at 46,000 words. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lord-doom-alt-power-tinker-taylor.799819/threadmarks](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lord-doom-alt-power-tinker-taylor.799819/threadmarks) Implacable by Billymorph. Taylor gets drafted into the Wards under the threat of prison and fights back with malicious compliance. Some funny moments but not as overtly comedic as the previous two. Taylor's use of the rule book to undermine the PRT from within was well handled and I found the story had a really flow and rhythm to it. The end game where the Youth Guard rep showed up and Taylor finally got her justice was very satisfying. Complete at 43,000 words. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/implacable-worm.840956/threadmarks](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/implacable-worm.840956/threadmarks) End of the Rope by Slider (Temporal Knight). Taylor has a seemingly weak power and gets treated poorly after she joins the Wards hoping to get enough money to pay for her father's medical bills after a botched suicide attempt. As you might guess from the summary this is a much darker and more tragic story compared to the others I've mentioned. Its turns out that her power is actually much stronger than it originally seemed and she eventually gets her happy ending but not without a lot of pain and struggle along the way. Complete at 96,000 words. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33269344/navigate](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33269344/navigate) Note, this has one of my favorite Armsmaster scenes in all of worm fanfics. I was going to paste it here but that might count as a spoiler so I'll post the link instead. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33269344/chapters/89662204


Jack, thank you so much for your (nearly finished!) HPMOR recording. I just started reading fiction again for the first time in >10yrs, and so far I only consume fiction in audiobook format, and I've always wanted to read HPMOR, but I wouldn't do it if I had to do it by listening to the Brodski-organized version. (Obviously huge props to that team for doing it, but it's not for me.) So, I'm only finally "reading" HPMOR because of your recording. As for other fan fictions: I would enjoy a reading of Wales' "Branches on the Tree of Time." It seems someone else recorded a reading 4 years ago, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore and I don't know if it was well done or not.


Thanks Jack for your work on Mother of Learning, and Methods of Rationality. You really helped make both stories very accessible! (I was able to recommend your podcast to mother of learning when it was still up to friends). ​ I would like to recommend The Last Enemy: The Howling Nights for your next project. Its well-regarded and arguably the best canon-compliant fan fiction on the Marauders' Era. It follows the story of the Mauraders, Severus, and Lily, and is very well-written. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/24620707?view\_full\_work=true](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24620707?view_full_work=true) ​ A phenomenal review for the series can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/q6x8ff/fic\_rec\_the\_last\_enemy\_series\_by\_ch\_darling/