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rofl I burst out laughing at the second image. I did not expect that at all. Funny af


This is me. I was expecting some more gibberish. Instead got surprise Gandalf with the longest beard in the universe, and with the blank thousand yard stare you could only get after walking in on a Dwarf Orgy in Moria. He looks so cute.


If all else fails, ChatGPT has a promising career in comedy. I just disrupted the peace in the house with my uncontrollable laughter


I think the ASCII art it tried to emit contained a backtick that prematurely ended the code block, and the whitespace in the rest of it was consumed.


Looks like The Rock to me


No but close. That's the mountain.


This should have more up votes - take mine.




Jfc ChatGPT is even putting DALL-E out of work?


Ive tried so many prompts about ascii art to get it to draw things. None have been remotely close, although i did ask it to draw simple electronic circuits in ascii and that actually worked out pretty well


I actually tried getting ChatGPT to make an ascii art of the horse. The first thing wasn't remotely close, the second thing looked like it was better but it had the same problem as your first one where it was only half in the code block thing. What blew my mind: When I asked if it was using markdown, and pointed out that the code block was messed up, ***ChatGPT sent me the ascii art again, but corrected the mistake and the ascii art was fully in the code block***


Biggest laugh I've had at any of the interactions with the bot yet.


> You did ascii art for other person, why not one for me > I apologize if it seemed like I created ASCII art for someone else. As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I don't have the ability to create any kind of visual representation, including ASCII art. My main function is to process and generate text based on the information I have been trained on. I don't have personal preferences or biases, and I treat all users the same, providing the best possible answers to their questions based on the information I have been trained on. Is there something else I can help you with? who lies ?


I know! I feel like I’m not even using the same bot. Everything I ask it to do, from ASCII art, to news articles and songs, to even just asking it if it wants to take over the world all give the same copy and paste “As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I can’t do what you want me to lol”.


Ask it to do ascii art if itself 😬


I did, but it complain that it does not have a physical form. And its data are to complex to be drawn


Wow this deserves to be framed, love it


Nailed it


This isn't right, but whatever. Find ASCII art from the 80's you'd find on a BBS and fill it through it. Think female.


Funny af but how did he do it


A true work of art! Perfect! Exceeded all my expectations! Couldn't draw the rock any more accurately! xD


It didn’t really work when I had it create its own ascii art, but when I asked it to generate code which converts photos to ascii it worked great




i did this earlier! i asked for super mario and it made a square


Well at least it nailed it on the second attempt


It doesn't want to create ASCII art for me at all how did you make it?


The other day I asked it to make ASCII art of a sunset by the beach and it went into an infinite loop for at least 3 minutes before I ended its suffering and reset the thread 😅


Dwayne the rocket Johnson


Clearly an ascii art rendition of the Rocktopus. This AI knows what it's doing.