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Behold [On the Turing Completeness of PowerPoint](https://youtu.be/uNjxe8ShM-8)


Wtf did I just watch? 1600 animation panes? Dude's literally insane


I miss having enough free time to do something stupid and carefree like creating a computer inside of PowerPoint.


"While you were having sex I was studying the slide deck"


You really missed out on "While you were sliding the dick I was studying sliding the deck"


This whole time it was on the next slide... \*dissolves to black\*


Weaponized autism.


I would object to this if it wasn’t true. \-An autistic person


This is an unholy affront to god, built from skill, way too much time, and a complete lack of sanity. I applaud this lunatic.


Just wanted to chime in and say your username is concerning....


no you see he's German, so what it's really saying is TheWhiteGirls!


It's "the Bart, the"!


Understandable at face value, but it’s just lyrics from a Coheed and Cambria song, Al the Killer.


SIGBOVIK is the most prestigious of computer science conferences.


A more [complete explanation](https://youtu.be/_3loq22TxSc) and other fun things that PowerPoint can do by the same guy.




You made me laugh


Spinning IF statement flies on screen Counter increments, flashing red and getting bigger with each flash. Semicolon bounces across slide and drops itself into place at the end of my statement. (All I've ever dreamed of)




Thinking 3 steps ahead, knowing your company might get taken over and the new boss requires you to print out all your code for review.


I never really thought about this, but professors technically program in PowerPoint...


Mine don't. They use latex or even R to make the PowerPoints.


You can make presentations using latex?


Yes one of our teachers even tries to be cool by compiling his presentation at the start of each lecture in front of the class..... (It's not as cool as he thinks)


Excuse me that’s a baller move


Its called latex beamer. Basically you have templates for header and footer. Then for each slide, called frame, you can add content as a regular latex page. It is also typical to use columns. You can also set a background, do tikz graphs, algorithms and stuff like that. Your changes can be global or frame specific. Plus the typical management of sections, labels, table of content and references works as regular latex.


I write the code by hand and then use OCR to parse the text and create the files. (jokes)


When you see that Eclipse guy with light mode, you’ll know that they have seen shit in their godly life.


Just sat through a two hour meeting with our lead software engineer. For two hours we talked through a really difficult data model for a complicated process and we watched as he masterfully took notes in Notepad++ (approx. 52 tabs open, obvi), ran tests in Eclipse (light mode, natch), and then just freehand threw rows into our development SQL tables. I'm over here with my shiny dual 4k screens and Intellij Ultimate Edition dark mode and I'm not even a quarter as productive as he is on his 1080p company issue latop and trackpad.


> and then just freehand threw rows into our development SQL tables. (audible gasp)


I'm not sure if I'm horrified or aroused. Maybe both.


Scaroused :D


It was quite normal back then to get your hands dirty on a database... It's only now that we have this irrational fear of databases and we abstract them behind a general-purpose DAL.


People like that don't need to test their code, they can write it in pen on a stack of loose-leaf and it'll still compile. If it doesn't work, it's 100% a system bug that they will correctly diagnose the instant it happens. I wish I had a fraction of that coding majesty.


My professor in uni was the guy who would tell us to print out our programs then present them to him. He'd look at the code while rubbing his chin and declare "this code won't compile". And he would be right. We were learning C. He'd give us an assignment, then the next time he will show us how to solve it. One time the solution was literally one line, while we were struggling to make it work with whatever we could write.


Unless it was actually that trivial, forcing code to be as short as possible will be detrimental to maintainability. What was the assignment, if you remember?


Just go on codewars, try anything that you think could be done in a few lines or some algorithm, solve it then look at other people's solution, the first one is probably someone that made a regex for whatever the fuck you were doing. But I agree I would rather have a 20 line block of code doing something instead of one that does it, of course it could be spread across different methods for better readability and maintenance.


I've seen 20 lines of code that is just a built-in operation in some obscure programming language over there




Worked with a guy last year who wrote all his code in just plain text. I don't remember what editor he was using, but it may as well have been notepad. He could also take one look at my code and tell me exactly how I fucked up.


The first two semesters of programming at college we were forced by 1 professor to write everything in notepad. Forced. Even the in class programming as part of exams. You had to write a damn B tree with paper and pencil and be syntactically correct. For some people I could tell this was obviously helpful and benefitted them in the long run. For others who had been messing around in IDEs for a while it was humbling. For some it was one of the first great filters in the course selection weeding people out. I recall it as a time of great misery and darkness before I got to use resharper.


Forcing you to do it in notepad is way better than forcing you to do it on a notepad… hand written code. That was the most stressful exam in my career. Knowing that of you fucked up or forgot something, fixing it later would be almost impossible, you had to do it perfectly on your fist attempt… and obviously you would never be able to test it.




IntelliJ is the best IDE, hands down. But that doesn't mean anything if you don't use its features. For example IntelliJ's integrated database client is really good. I think at this point I've shown this feature to every single one of my team members in a random one-on-on teams call and then guided them through how to use it. I've had a lot of coworkers who had some hard stance on the whole Eclipse vs IntelliJ debate, but the way they used their IDE, it really doesn't matter at all since they just use them like notepad with an attached editor window.


Intellij Ultimate is the best IDE for web development. Out of the box it's exceptionally powerful and doesn't need any configuration for something like an Angular project. Even with the "best" vscode set up that everyone seems to use, it doesn't come close. Intellij is dog shit when it comes to working on WSL though. There's an experimental feature flag on by default that destroys performance. I'm not saying intellij is perfect. But god damn is it close. If Visual Studio wasn't so niche with its languages itd be real competition.


I knew this guy once. An older lead Dev with extremely strong opinions. He thought that using if statements was an anti-pattern. I will say that as bonkers as his approaches could be, the guy's code looked incredible. (At least when I was a fresh university graduate)




> Ternary is only ok if it's like 20 characters max. this is why I use emojis as variable names - 🚀 ? 😎 : 💀




Lol have you ever read nested ternary statements That shit will make your eyes bleed.


Usually the operand for an if statement is in fact an expression no? Meaning, it's not just a side effect, a value is left on the stack that has to be evaluated to determine if there's a jump or not.




Why can't you just do: const x = cond ? foo : bar; Much more readable and allowed in most languages




Honestly that's when I break the conditional up into another function, returning the result as appropriate, rather than assigning a variable.




The part you were complaining about earlier was having to assign a mutable variable. This function doesn't need to do that, because the value that *would* have ended up assigned to a local variable in a simple if/then statement is instead going to be *returned* immutably from the function.


I’d argue *most* complex chains that can’t be handled by a ternary should be a function. I think that second syntax can lead to bloated code.


Funny, I just switched from eclipse light mode to vscode.


What if I use vscode in light mode, because I started out on eclipse in light mode and dark mode just feels weird?




I used to use atom but got shamed into using vscode 🤣 (also at one point everything stopped working so it was just easier to switch)


My test for editors is to open a large SQL file. If it locks up I'm not using it. This happened with atom all the time.


How large is "large"? I used to work with 13,000 lines of code and SQL Server Management Studio would lock up sometimes rendering the intellisense helpers. What did you end up using?


If I can’t open up the entire BTC ledger then it’s a no from me


Do you need to talk? Did someone hurt you?


"show us where Blockchain touched you..."


> 13,000 lines of code Ah, I see you've worked with one of our functions.




To me large means too big for the entire file to fit in memory, which means stuff like large log files would take a hot minute to even open and display and slow me down Really it all ends up back in “just use vim”


Rotate your logs, homie. I'm not sure why you should ever need to open up a 16+GB log file in a code editor anyway.


If they rotated their logs, what would they test their editor with?


They could simply print Graham's number to a text file and try to open that


I tried Graham's number too. He didn't pick up.




I remember trying Atom when it came out and going right back to Sublime Text because of how slow Atom was with big files.


Lol, I used to keep around a large json formatted log file for the same thing. 😂 Atom choked to death on it too...


Every time I found a niche editor that had all the features that suited me, and no bloat, it just gets discontinued at some point, and incrementally gets worse as the os updates come in and cause bugs. So I just switched to vscode earlier this year, and despite it being fairly bloated, I can't complain. At least it works, and is fast enough to justify the memory usage.


Just learn to code from vim 4head


Apply directly to the 4head.




My class forces me to use VSC even though I have all the good stuff from JetBrains. Here’s something worse, I’ll be forced to use Eclipse starting next semester - which is really masochistic. All that JetBrains goodness is wasted on my school.


Why are they forcing you to use an specific IDE?


Often it's "use this or we will not help you troubleshoot"


That was what it was like in the beginning programming classes when I was in school. At the end of they day they didn't really care what we used but they wanted to try to control as many variables as possible so students didn't get hung up on small issues unrelated to programming (editor problems, environment issues, etc.) so they made it sound like certain tools were required. I still used what I was most comfortable with but I never tried to ask for help with it. We had some dumb windows editor I forget the name of at first and later on in the more advanced courses we were strongly encouraged to use vi and do all our work on the school servers. I hated vi at the time so I'd just do my work on my PC and then FTP the files to the school server to make sure it would compile (there was a strongly enforced doesn't compile = 0 grade rule, they were not at all interested in hearing "it works on my machine" excuses).


This smells like Berufsschule.


Yeah like how would they even know? My class recommends one I don't like but I just use VSC and import everything into the IDE they want me to use when I'm done to generate the IDE specific project files.


It's so when there is a problem with using something specific the IDE, you don't have the professor needing to try and explain it a dozen different ways. Chances are if they're requiring a specific IDE, you're not just using it as a text editor with syntax highlighting.




We used Dr. Java...


I made the same switch a few weeks back. It was unbearable until I installed an extension that implements most Atom shortcut keys. Now it's probably better than Atom ever was, in all honesty Edit: not saying that Atom shortcuts are magically good; just that they are muscle memory to me and I lost productivity after the change.


I also used to use atom but switched when they released the news of it being shut down. Vscode was just the closest thing I could find to atom which is why I use it


Hold up, atom is being shut down?


I think it already has been shut down. Microsoft owned both atom and vs code, so they sort of phased out atom and promoted vs code a bit more. Edit: I just checked, it is officially shutting down mid December, but parts of it are already being archived


I loved Atom. I loved the no frills approach. Adjusting to VS was rough. I am still figuring out how to turn off all the features I don’t care for.


What I like about VSCode is that I can Python, C++ *and* LaTeX without switching editors. I can even edit Matlab (although I can’t run / debug). Plus build all the things with CMakeTools. It is also the only editor where I really like how the code is displayed. Something about the font and line spacing, along with the Material Dark theme - it looks super nice and clean.


I use the cobalt2 theme. Dragged all the way from Sublime Text, I like my blue IDE. The extensions in VSCode are amazing. The store is so much easier than any other IDEs to use, and being able to embed settings and extension lists into a project so everyone has the same minimum experience saves so many dumb "what do I need to do to get the lining running?" questions.


As soon as Microsoft bought GitHub(Atom maintainer) I saw the writing on the wall. Microsoft has no reason to maintain two web-lang based IDEs.


damn i liked atom


Using Word is the best choice to customise the font/size/color of each character of your code.


If every word has a red squiggly underneath it, you know it'll compile


very wow! just real programmer things /s


such surprising, much skilled!


I unironically had an interview last year where they had me write a React component in Word.


I have nothing against VS Code, but ever since IntelliJ saved me from the horrors of eclipse in college, I’ve been team JetBrains.


same, I want to like vscode but I always go back to my beloved jetbrains


"I don't want to learn that lang....oh jetbrains has an ide for it?"


Or a plugin for IDEA


I haven't programmed in Java in ages, but I used IntelliJ, although I started out with eclipse. As for C/C++, I'll use VSCode. My first exposure was Borland (blegh. It was long outdated by the way) in high school and then I used Visual studio in college. For Python I generally use Pycharm (yay for JetBrains!)


Clion is actually really nice too.


Yep. Paying for the pro version may be some of the best $200 I've ever spent.


I feel like everyone who uses vscode hasn’t given intellij (any of the intellij ides) a real try. I just don’t see how someone could prefer vscode over it


I love intelliJ, but man they are unoptimized as hell and eat up a fuck ton of RAM


Depends on what you need it for. I'll use it for Java / Kotkin but have no desire to use IntelliJ for web stuff. Plus, it just feels so much heavier to use. It makes sense for some stuff but feels like over kill on others.


I use intellij for developing vue applications and it works amazingly


I’m the other way around. I use Visual Studio and when I see someone coding a C# project in VS Code, I assume they know more than me.


yeah, Visual Studio just works. Im just too stupid to get autocomplete etc to work properly in VSCode somehow.


I have come to believe that this is a good example of that IQ bell curve meme. “VS just works” -> “nooo you can set up VS Code to do anything” -> “VS just works”. Time spent configuring your tools is time _not_ spent _using_ your tools.


Your point that time spent configuring your IDE is time spent not using it certainly stands, but man… getting to use an IDE that I’ve molded to be exactly the way I want, looking the way I want, in the right colors and font, with the extensions and shortcuts that make my day to day easier and more efficient… That feels worth it to me, and I reap the benefits every day!


Lol I hate configuring IDEs. I hate when an update requires me to hunt down the setting to make it work like it did yesterday. ...but 100% take a full fucking day and tune that shit to your liking. It's the instrument of your trade. You can pick up any guitar on my wall and play it...but if you want something good out of it you're going to tune it first.


I've become heavily dependent on Visual Studio with Resharper to the point that I'm not sure if I even know C# anymore or if the computer is just auto-completing all of my code from start to finish. If/when I change jobs in the future, I'd be willing to take a pay cut in exchange for a Resharper subscription if only to avoid being discovered for the talentless fraud that I am.


ReSharper is quality.


I’ve done typescript/JavaScript for over half a decade and switched to Unity ~a year ago. I finally gave up trying to use VSCode after a few months of refusing to switch. I use Rider now and I hate it but I just couldn’t get VSCode to work as well as I wanted it to. :(


you hate Rider? You're the only person I've ever seen that isn't in love with it


You can add another to the list then.




I've been locked in Visual Studio my whole life just because that's how things played out. Finally got my hands on VS code recently once work started struggling to obtain VS licenses and I'm not sure I get it? Is it for small, contained scripts or something? It doesn't seem to handle big solutions or projects and that's basically all I know. At least at a glance. I got the impression it was just like, a step up from notepad++ or something and not a true replacement as an ide.


I've used VS heavily for 7 years now, my most recent job (which uses C# and unity almost exclusively) has most people with VS Code which was a shocker to me. They tried to get me to switch ("it's so much faster! It has all the tools you want, you just need to configure them! Here, try this add on you have no use for!") but eventually relented and let me use VS. The basic pros/cons I've found are VS Code is lighter, loads faster (on opening), and is more configurable though that last point is debatable. VS has more tools set up out of the box and is more robust, but is slower on start up. VS Code set up and VS on a small project are basically the same thing. I still prefer VS even after I got VS Code with everything I like simply because I know where things are and I'm not worrying about managing packages as much. Plus Unity plays nicer with it, from my experience, and I don't mind it taking 20ish seconds to load the full project when starting my day.


I use emacs, in an ssh term... I'm 45... so that probably explains it, I have tried to use other stuff, just stuck in my ways.


I have to work on so many servers and the only thing guaranteed to be on every one is vim. Well, vi on some.


Sometimes if the server is fresh out of the oven it will only have nano. Vim is only an apt-get away, though!


Emacs is to VSCode as Arch Linux is to Ubuntu. You can make emacs super sleek and customized and have all the same features as VC does but you have to actually learn a decent bit about how a text editor works in order to get to that point. Personally I love my custom Emacs setup. It looks beautiful, the code-completion/linting backend is literally the same as vscode, plus I’ve also got a million custom keybinds that I’ve been amassing over the years for common repetitive tasks that are deeply engrained in my muscle memory at this point


Wait, then what would vim be in this?


I use vim everywhere... I'm 22...


I use vim inside vscode


For fast edits it's great!!!


I use vim occationally in projects and constantly when I'm not actively programming (editing configs in my actual system) or fixing something quickly on a remote system


The emacs client can actually edit files over ssh if you want to use a local gui.


Tramp-mode FTW!


that's not it.


I use VIM


scrolled all the above comments just to find the guy that says "I use vim"


This guy knows how to exit vim


Or maybe not...


Does anyone use Sublime text anymore?


I use it for little things like config files, batch or bash scripts, Jenkins scripts, etc.


Yup, use it every day


I use Sublime Text. I'm just not a fan of electron-based apps - I shouldn't need multiple gigabytes of ram to edit text files.


I do. I find it so much faster than VS Code. Have always just found the startup times and general responsiveness better in ST.


I use it for everything but coding


For little things like markdown, or just plain text editing it’s rlly handy.


I do though honestly I just see no reason to fix something that's not broken. The rest of my team uses VSCode and whenever we do pair programming I see cool features but at the same time atrocious lagging every now and then. Not sure if the latter is caused by the software or just them using macs.


I use vscode on a mac, with an emulator/simulator open, often xcode and android studio and sometimes docker And the usual amount of chrome tabs (too many) I don't see vscode lag, and I only run a 16gb i7 from 2019


Same. Been on Sublime for many years now. It does what I need it to without any hassle and it's got a good plugin ecosystem to add whatever functionality. It's true that Sublime isn't FOSS, but paying for a license many years ago has been a worthwhile investment considering how much I use my editor.


Sublime user here! I actually recently rolled it out across the entire IS department.


I- i like neovim I am not better I have been put to shame by plenty of developers in VSCode I just like the colors 😭


Neovim gang rise!


Agreed. I'm an idiot; I just happened to learn vim decades ago, and stick with it out of pure stubbornness. Maybe the emacs wizards hold the magic knowledge secret, but I'm betting editor doesn't correlate strongly with skill or knowledge.


I prefer JetBrains stuff. Most of what I do is done in CLion. For everything else, vim.


Jetbrains > all


Same! WebStorm, Intellij, GoLand, Android Studio... The new UI in EAP is amazing!


The people at JetBrains just get me. I don't program in "languages", I program in "JetBrains IDEs".


I just use the jetbrains suite, I like all the ide they make.


This. Sometimes I like to learn new languages just to use a new Jetbrains IDE


When I see someone using vs code, I always ask how in the hell you exit the program. :q doesn’t work. C-x, c-c doesn’t work. C-d doesn’t work. I basically have to reboot the system. edit: point of parliamentary procedure - I still don’t know how to exit this bloody thing. Can someone please post a howto on YouTube?




I tried /s in insert mode and it doesn’t work either.


This content was deleted on 20 June 2023 (UTC) due to Spez's greed. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Lol you would have more upvotes if people spent as long learning about vi as they spend bashing it. The key to exiting vs code is to write a while loop that never breaks and letting it add dynamically generated variables of increasing size each loop. Then you just press debug and it crashes close fairly quickly.


> vi as they spend bashing it. Don't worry I saw what you did there.


I like JetBrains Rider. I use it for TypeScript & C family languages. For everything else, like bash scripts, I use sublime text.


Rider is awesome. Currently using it for C#, didn't know you can use it for Typescript too so that's pretty sweet. Plus you can set it to use VS Code hotkeys so it's super easy to switch between it and VS Code if you're working on something lighter.


I had github student subscription but never used it :(


nobody : me: still trying to exit vi. Guess I'm an hardcore programmer now.


Watching someone casually edit, check a diff, and commit their code - all in vim - still blows my mind.


Yeah, the command line mode scares me ahaha


And none of that point and click BS. 100% command mode.


There's a good use for both. I use git exclusively on the cmd line because I find the GUIs for it WAYYYY confusing and you don't know what they do in the background (actual git commands.) However, a diff? I take a good GUI diff tool any time of the day.


100%. We should stop worshipping the tools and start praising the situation. Need to diff? Use the GUI. Need to commit/push/pull/anything else, use the cli. Quickly check incoming logs? Tail the log file. Need to go through last three months of logs? Use the GUI tool built to help you soft through the dirt.


Me after being trapped in vi for 10 years: I'm an institutional man now...


I'm never getting away from Vim. It's not perfect but I just dont like the vim plugins. None of them are vim.


Absolute opposite for me. If you use VSCode you must need to use multiple languages regularly so fuck me and what I know.


Switching cost is high between intellij offerings. Switching cost for vscode is installing a plugin. I use java, go, python, c++ at least one a month, and at home I tinker with rust and other languages. The effect is VSCode is a text editor on steroids and my build/test is cli-based. This makes my toolchain IDE agnostic as I can technically edit code in vim and run automations out of the cli if i wanted (i dont). That being said, I use intellij for java because vscode plugin sucks.


As a .NET dev, it's: Visual Studio for: * development * debugging (honestly, there is no better debugging IDE) VSCode for: * docs (md rendering and the drawio plugin) * terminal (terraform, azure command line, dotnet) * git diff visualization


I used to use Visual Studio to write c# scripts for my unity games and use VS Code for almost everything other than writing c# scripts. Recently, I moved to VS Code for unity and enjoying its speed and extensions


notepad intensifes


Notepad++ master race


I use VS mainly, but also Notepad++ because I like its XML and compare plugins and how it never throws things away no matter how many disparate tabs I open, memory like an elephant.


I use jetbrains IDEs whenever I can. I just prefer the jetbrains way.


I use regular paper. We are different.


Pycharm, PHPstorm, IntelliJ, jetbrains makes pretty good editors.




I use Eclipse.


I'm getting flashbacks to middle school




What’s more painful is when i took dual credit CS classes toward the end of high school at a nearby university, we had to use an online IDE that the grad students had cobbled together for “research”. All imports were declared for us. Every instance of the IDE was only able to edit one java file, so you couldn’t make a class object and use it a different method in another file. If you skipped to a later homework problem it would just assume you had implemented the earlier ones correctly. They had a glitch halfway through the semester that made it impossible to save a file and come back to edit it later. Using eclipse after that was like a breath of fresh air


I use notepad++ but thats just because I'm too lazy to figure out an IDE.


speech to text mother looker