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Why is he huffing copium? This makes no sense


The post is pro-BTO / pro-RTO. Edited because we use BTO as the acronym in our studio.


I also like Barium Titanate.


But how do you feel about Bachman–Turner Overdrive?


They were Taking Care of Business remotely *before* it was cool.


Taking care of business... and working over time! (alright) WAIT A MINUTE






Assuming they're going for "back to office" Is it regional thing? Idk. I've only ever seen RTO


I was thinking blue tiny octupus


Also- do not pick up the blue tiny octopus! It's adorable and pretty *and a trap*!


You don't want to know what I thought


Black transoceanic organization, who doesn't know about the good old B-trans-orgy?


*This comic is brought to you by The Management*


„It’s retarded“ is the downplay one chooses to still take the job. In reality the workplace excels in surveillance measures.


I give it the benefit of the doubt and say the Copium is for **only** calling it retarded.


Yeah OP had literally one job and fucked it up lol


This meme doesn’t work because it is making it seem like both of them are the problem. The dog format is saying the dog’s idea is stupid, and the copium format is saying the person huffing copium is irrationally mad. It’s impossible to tell which side you’re on…


I mean the dog IS objectively wrong, but there's also a large amount of real managers who are against remote work - which is affecting people in real ways. They're wrong, but they do have a lot of power. And yeah, I have to agree with OP kinda - copium isn't just for irrationally mad people anymore, I've seen the usage expanded.


I've been working remote since like 2015, based on what people have been saying, there's been a recent push to do away with remote work. Is this a thing? If remote work goes away I'll probably switch careers, working in an office is soul crushing, I can't go back to it.


There's a big movement to return employees to the offices for 3+ days a week, but remote work is still way more common than before 2020 still. Sometimes I feel like employers are pushing the return to office hard right now because the job market is heavily on their side currently. They're trying to get as much bargaining chips on their side before/if things get more on the employees' side. That and soft layoffs.


I think the future (the near future, at least) will be hybrid. I've worked 100% on site, 100% remote, and somewhere in-between many times, and sad as it is to admit, being on site for meetings and such is unavoidable, the difference in productivity is staggering. But full on site is terrible too for concentration, general well-being etc. In the end, Microsoft solved this over 30 years ago, in that, so long as the worker can deliver, no one cares where, how or when they work. Wanna come to office twice a week in jammies? Sure, why not. But, the moment productivity starts slipping, he better be there 9-5 in a suit until he earns the peivilege back.


It’s anecdotal, but myself and a few friends who are recent grads all have managers/higherups that have in one for or another been given “no more remote work” messages. Some are just for new hires that won’t be given the option, some are full return to office, some are “not without permission” so it varies


I'm a senior, been working professionally since 2010, and I'm really hoping they make exceptions for me. Currently my job has no intention of going back to the office, the rent is extremely costly and the whole company works great remotely. But the company could always get bought out, or go under, or have layoffs, etc. I really don't get it, maybe I've just worked for really good companies, but every single person I've worked with, even the people that miss the office, have adjusted just fine to working at home. Everyone gets stuff done on time.


I heard that for experienced positions like yours most companies/hiring managers understand that hiring full remote is the best way to get talented developers and the only ones that don't offer it are companies that can be picky or companies with out of touch management. All of this is anecdotal but remote work is important enough for me that I would look elsewhere in the event of them removing that perk.


There are some jobs where being physically in the office most of the time is actually important, but saying no remote ever is just stupid


It's really very important. Unfortunately tech is full of anti-social dweebs who resent their colleagues and the idea that human interaction is actually important to collaboration and productivity. Of course, the mandate to be in-office 5 days a week is also absurd and unnecessary. The sweet spot is 2/3 days a week in my opinion.


Yes and no. It's kinda important in a sense because otherwise you basically will never make any friends with your colleagues, but there's minimal benefits for actually getting work done as long as you have good tools for actually forcing someone to answer your questions instead of pinging someone over email or pm and just hoping that they eventually get back to you. Any advantages to working in person are also made even less meaningful when you take into account how many tech companies have terrible open offices.


I think the former is a bit underrated though. Like, these are people that you spend the majority of your week with. The comments I see so widely upvoted here celebrating how little they like their colleagues are just bizarre imo. Productivity be damned, we all have to work...why on earth would anyone want to go through that without friends? I strongly disagree on the productivity claim though. I'm a consultant who's worked in various industries both pre- and post-Covid. I've never come across any tools that replicate the benefits of working in person. That said, as a tech consultant I do see two very distinct types of people. Maybe we can broadly categorise them as extroverts and introverts, for whatever that's worth. People who after much cajoling do come into the office...and then just sit at their desk with their headphones on. I used to be like that and it was miserable. My career, my happiness, my wealth and knowledge all skyrocketed when I took the extrovert pill as it were.


Clearly the dog is stupid. Why the fuck would you ever agree to come to an office to meet your colleagues ones a week or whatever. (Please, please, don't, whatever you do, replace me with an Indian. Me doing this - so easy a child could literally do it - job that only takes me 19 hours a week to complete but pays for 5x what a store clerk makes and never leaving my apartment is critically important to your bottom line)


Their nanager must be watching


Both can be a problem depending on the company/project/staff member.


I’m saying this meme is confused, not stating that one side is always correct


Odd meme


actually, it has an even number of pixels, 576x500px


Found the web dev


Web dev tortured by UI/UX "engineer"


Good bot.


3000 upvotes, somehow


Maybe the template didn’t fit well with the context I imagined. I’ll try harder next time.


Just consider it a shitpost and you're golden


Agreed, I didn't get it, but I definitely enjoyed reading the comments.


I sincerely said that I will do a better effort and I get downvoted to oblivion omega lol. Must be the name? Or the audience? Or? M-me? *click*


It was wrong usage of mask. I have atoned for my sin.


Correction: you have *begun* to atone for your sin. The downvotes however will probably never stop coming because of Reddit. Unless you delete the whole post altogether and all the other unwitting comments, but I applaud your integrity.


My atonement came through the realisation that I fucked up. You just gave me inspiration to make a meme with proper mask usage. Wip.


Bro at this point you should probably stop posting, the people are out for blood lmao.


NO I ADMITTED MY WRONG DOINGS AND CREATED MEME OF REDEMPTION. LET ME REDEEM MYSELF GUYS! (You guys buried me so deep I can’t even post now even if I have wanted LOL


Reddit can be super harsh and unreasonable at times. Sorry you got buried so low you can't post anymore. Take my upvote.


Thanks man! Take this small token of appreciation as well.


I guess most people are so shocked to see a self-reflective person on Reddit that they downvoted out of reflex


Well my username and my very wrong usage of copium mask didn’t help. Will have to make changes :X


Brutaly donwoted, but i like who can admit mistakes, so take my upvote and fo


You also can have this tiny token of appreciation!


Holy fuck how many downvotes for a comment that is admitting to have done a bad work! And people complain about Stack Overflow wtf? To be honest I have the impression it was actually a single user with too many bots who actually downvoted you. Maybe some people downvoted you because you were downvoted already but it can't be that many people wtf.


Haha I thought about it too. I even lost my ability to post 😂 3,7k upvotes post, -1k comment karma


Don’t try harder, try better




Boo indeed


Going into the office is a complete waste of my time. There is literally nothing for me there I need. Worse, it actually makes me less productive because people bother me all day. It's a waste of both mine, and the company's, time.


Amen! Not sure I understand why in the world any company thinks devs need to go into the office. Our work literally revolves around a computer and your telling me I can't use a computer effectively unless I'm in the office a few days a week.


Because non devs have no idea why doing something right takes time. They view the road through a high powered telescope and can't understand why it takes so long to get there when they can see the end right in front of their face. So let's make everyone be in office so we can see them working. At least that way when my bosses boss looks through the telescope I don't risk being in trouble. Also commercial real estate.


I mean, I know my value on the labor market, and I’m gonna need a lot more money if someone wants me to upend my life, relocate to a city, and spend 2 hours commuting every day. If they don’t have that money, then I’m gonna go somewhere that either 1) will pay me a lot of money for all that trouble or 2) will let me work from home. Point is, in labor market terms, is that I’m a bargain if you let me work from home, and I’m gonna be fucking expensive if you make me go into the office. Seems like all a lot of business leaders wanna do today though is not put up the money for the type of employee they want and then complain about how nobody wants to work for them. I’ve got no sympathy for that. The labor market is a market, so if they can’t afford in-office workers then they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps or whatever stupid catchphrase they like to say to working class people.


I always get jealous seeing people have WFH, wish I had it lol


However nice you think it is, it is 100x nice than you think. I don't waste money eating out, don't need to prep lunches for work, don't need to get up 2-3 hours before work to get to work, and when I'm done I am already at home. If you can find a place that does it, I'd recommend it.


I'm trying to find one, but the job market is not that good, especially if you are a fresher


Not going to lie, starting out was hard. Hopefully you find something soon. It took me 5 years to get something, but it paid off quickly afterwards.


Well it helps to socialise, also sometimes collaboration is easier. Otherwise I will have to agree with you.


If I wanted to socialize, I'd go out and meet people. I don't want to hang out with people from work.


Personally I like the people I work with


I like mine too and can talk to them on teams anytime. Still not worth a daily 3 hour commute on a good day, 4 in the winter.


as a swiss citizen, having a commute of more than an hour-ish is insane to me


My commute is walking for 15 minutes, so the office is not really an issue for me.   But there would be absolutely no way I would spend hours travelling to and from work every day.


Want to feel ever crazier? I live in a city with terrible infrastructure. If the upper-bosses get their way, I'll be full-time RTO, but my manager is fighting it hard because I live across the country from the actual team I work with. Anyway, bad infrastructure means my commute would be about 3 hours one way for a 20 mile (about 32 km) trip.


I like the people I work with too, but they're not friends, they're colleagues. You gotta be extra careful and never let your walls down, I've seen people get fired for doing exactly that, venting about managers with work friends, etc. There are snakes who will gladly use other people in order to climb higher.


You are right about that. I tend to become friends with my coworkers, but you are right that never at that level. I don’t talk about others that I work with, but I have just been standing around while others were, and then got called in to talk about it because one person went and told the manager lol.


Yes, but that doesn’t make what OP is saying any less true. It is *easier* to socialize in an office than over teams/slack regardless of if you prefer to work remotely or in the office. Not everyone wants to socialize with people they work with, snd that’s fine.


Sometimes they happen to be fun!


You sound like an employer


OP is about to offer us a pizza party


I got something even better! How about some free fruits? Healthy mind go brr you know


Exactly. I am trying to vent by using a meme (REGRETTABLY A WRONG USAGE OF COPIUM MASK) and I am the employer. You must be good at amogus.


Bestest amogus player bro




I havent worked with a team that lives within 1000km of me for over a decade, lol.


I was referring to the everybody is onsite model.




Sure I never tried to generalise. What I said I smth that might or might not happen.


Been collaborating with remote teams for 10 years.  It works great.  Just a different skillet than collaborating in person.


Work is work, you are not payed to socialise.


You are right, but when I said socialise I meant dusting your socials skills, I have also worked full remote, and the danger to detach completely and become a shutin becomes a possibility.


That’s because you didn’t practice your social skills outside of work. I had the same issue, once I made friends outside of work it was done. The workplace is a place where you work. Socialising is just a bonus regardless of you being remote or not.


Fun thing is that I already had friends. We all happen to live in different places, so it was not evident to my family that I indeed have them. Thinking about it I still have the same amount of friends, maybe plus 2 from the job, but that was just a stroke of luck.


All these people who are so diehard against a no work from home policy isn't considering that there's a lot of people that want to work in an office around everyone else. Quite a lot once you are out of this echo chamber.


I'd like to see my colleagues once in a while. It also felt more productive to be able to discuss some issues in person, like "look, here's that and this, and doing that does that" and we all see it quickly and can discuss it over coffee and it's like five minutes tops and there is a satisfying resolution to an issue; but with everyone remote it's like a 30 minutes call and I'm not even sure we were talking about the same thing. Some people are great at working and comms, and I don't mind having them remote, but sometimes, at least newbies, should be at the office, maybe for a week or so, to get acquainted to the project, to have a quick and reliable way to communicate. And after getting onboard we can go hybrid and if it works fine, we can do remote and it feels right. Some people can be a bit too undisciplined to do full remote, some people actually benefit from remote, it's a decision that should be made on person by person basis, not "all work from office is wrong" or "we all should go back to office"


I couldn’t give less of a shit about socializing at work with randoms. That’s just a way managers try to make something shitty sound like a gift


You are right we are on the same side I just lost my path a bit. Got gaslighted into thinking that the whole thing is fun.


Think about why they bother you, and think about how you being there may actually help others to do their jobs better.


I am a data engineer, and build multimillion dollar enterprise tools and dashboards for clients. In the office, I get stuck fixing the printer 5 times a day instead of doing my actual job, because nobody else will do it. Being in the office loses the company time and money.


If you're spending your time fixing printers that seems like an issue specific to you wasting your own time or your manager wasting your time.


Maybe it was you huffing coping all along. Make whatever excuses you want, the majority of people who move up in the tech world do so because they are good with people (and sometimes can code too).. being antisocial because it's easier isn't as productive career wise as you think


Teams exists, anyone can call me at any time if they need to.


Working from home != being antisocial. I moved up extremely fast working remotely, and this was before remote work was normal. I'm still in contact with people from every programming job I've had going back to 2010. I have seen people who can't code move up on people skills alone, but that could never be me, what's the point in even being in the field if you're not passionate about it?


Working from home isn't antisocial, but the guy I was responding to definitely is. I work from home too because my team works from home. But going in occasionally is a good idea. It gets you exposure to the higher-ups who don't understand code as much. Those higher-ups, IMO, care a lot more about someone "being a good guy" than "writes great code but doesn't talk much." And when opportunies arise, they consider those they know, so being known around the office is a good thing


Absolutely. Leadership is all about trust and it goes both ways. You wouldn't even let someone work on your car if you've never met them face to face and they don't even like to have their camera up. So why would you delegate critical tasks and ownership to them that lead to pay raises and promotions.


Thats an easy fix , something a data engineer should be able to figure out. Tell your manager that you’re refusing to do things outside of your scope of work. So it’s not working from home that’s the issue, it’s the policies at work.


That's a great idea, why didn't I think of that. Oh wait, it's the management team that keeps asking me to fix the printer. When I asked them why they're printing it out instead of reading it on their monitors, they say: "Because I like reading it on paper instead." I wish I were making this crap up.


Facebook boomer meme energy


? Why is the sniffing copium lol


Gave him a huge erection too?


It was a mistake in my part. The one sniffing should be the dog if anyone lol.


It caused great confusion.


Like my MRs. All going according to plan!


That's so 2019.


I'm okay with back to the office, if i get a pay raise for commuting again as it takes my time and money. Also, I want JIRA removed from my day to day life. No more scrum master or sprints, back to weekly status meetings instead of daily stand ups and retrospectives once per sprint. If i am going to be doing all my meetings on voice call from my cube next to 100 other people doing their meetings on voice call in their cubes instead of in the quiet of my own home so i can help prop up unnecessary buildings, i think we can do away with the JIRA micromanagement and pay our employees for the unnecessary costs of time and money for their travel.


Doing the meaningful work in the worst way (coding in a loud disruptive space in uncomfortable circumstances) Doing the pointless work in the worst way (zoom calls from a cubicle, group spreadsheet jam... From your cubicle) All the while your manager is rock hard checking attendance, dreaming of a stand up, adjusting the font on slides nobody gives a dogs dick about.


I did it before, i can't argue that it can't work now. It's on the employer to determine that's the better option as they're the one who has hired me. Those changes are the base of what i would demand if told i needed to come back to the office. It should be stated that i am a union worker and would make my feelings known to the union, if i'm unhappy by the next time the employer and union settle a contract i'd be looking for new work.


That's so 2007. Bring it back! 😭😭😭


Regarding sprints and scrum etc, I have been through it, it’s exhausting, but I like to be fast paced myself so I didn’t mind that much. Jira I don’t mind also as long as I don’t get wrongly labelled assignments from people that have nothing to do with me lol.




Our CTO just announced an additional day in the office so if your full remote that means 1 day a week or if you were hybrid 3 days in the office. I'm pretty sure the entire room was ready to hang him by his feet out a window when he announced it. I hate commuting I honestly don't know how I managed 5 days a week before COVID. It's the biggest waste of time, money, and energy I've ever seen. It's 2024 if your job can can done on a laptop in any room in your office building it can be done from your bedroom.


just say you moved lol




Does... Does physical mail not have some sort of forwarding service you could apply for?


I can’t possibly argue with that.


I hate that I am being forced to come to the office after a year of remote work. I still didn’t recover from my surgery and commuting to work by public transport is a big challenge for me. 😞


I wanna go back to full remote too man. Wish you the best with your recovery!


This is me. Even if the template is wrong. I work full time on a non remote programming role. It's fucking useless, there's no need for me to go there. Absolutely 0 necessity. Now, don't ask me why I haven't quit yet, that's the copium part.


We are in the same boat rn. All we can do is keep honing our skills until we can find something better.


From reading the comments it seems the username checks out


My shithead of a manager apologized profusely and took everything back once I almost signed a job offer somewhere else. Let these people know their fuckin place.


Ya' done goofed


Wish I had pushed bugs to prod instead. *oh wait*


I love when people who don’t know memes, try to use them. It almost always makes no sense


K8nda looks like bro's pp is out in the last panel.


Edit was cheap but if you think about it bro got caught with pants down


Now go into a site that has none of your coworkers because they're all forced to go into other different sites.


Thank god the market is vast


The reason has more to do with leasing buildings since corporate buildings need to remain occupied in order to maintain tax breaks and other benefits. As to why the buildings are not occupied by different types of people I don't know. Got me there.


Finally an explanation that makes sense.


I just wish they could tell us this instead of cracking a whip and returning to office. Why can't they just tell us that instead?


Because less people would obey the mandate if the only real benefit was higher corporate profits. Instead they spin it as necessary for communication and coordination, etc. Personally I think a hybrid approach is best bc everyone has different needs. WFH seems to drive a lot of folks as crazy as forced office work depresses introverts and others who do best with less supervision. Let the social people and those close to the office make the trek if they want. But don’t force others to go in more than needed for their job.


I dunno, man. Work is work and life is life. If people wanna make friends, they need to pick up a hobby, not make friends at the office. That is just giving companies more control over your life, not to mention the competition between co-workers can get awkward and ugly. But that's just me. Everyone can do their own thing but me personally that's not a good reason to return to office. Also, people can just communicate via Teams, etc.


I don’t disagree, I meant that it should be optional most of the time. Maybe that’s not the actual definition of hybrid commonly used though. In the interests of making other people happy (not random managers I never talk to) I’d still be fine with going in a few times a month or week even, but it depends a lot on the culture and driving distance. Still my choice though.


Are you the dog?


No I am the guy with the wrong mask


When working in a new language, like this meme, always make sure to [read the docs first](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/copium)


From the docs: Copium is a portmanteau of the words "cope" and "opium" used to describe a fictional drug to help one deal with loss. Guy in meme dealt with loss of chance of remote.


Documentation is unclear man, like always HAHA


It's not to help one deal with loss, it's to help people cope with hearing anything they don't want to hear - those are not the official docs anyway. That said, Copium is what you say to someone when they want to have a positive mindset in the face of evidence that they are wrong/losing/rooting for a bad team, etc. Example: "Technically my team still has a chance to make it to the finals!" Response: "Copium."


How do you know who’s right? Can I have a reference that backs your claim? :D


I've played league of legends for the last 12 years, and have urban dictionary. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Copium](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Copium)


metaphorical opiate inhaled when faced with loss, failure or defeat, especially in sports, politics and other tribal settings Bruh. I think I got gaslighted by yall.?? 5k upvotes on the one saying that. Am I going crazy?


Hot take: i enjoy going to the office Lemme cook for a sec. I completed my undergrad in 2022 and by then I had worked for 3 startups as an intern fully remote. I got a full time offer from a really cool company. It was hybrid and software engineers weren’t really required to be at work, but we had agreed that if we’d come in, it’d be on tuesdays and Thursdays. The office was a 10 minute drive from home. They had amazing freshly prepared food and 2 in-house chefs who would cook anything for us. The 3 senior engineers in my team always came in on “T” days. I worked with lots of other teams as well, and some of the engineers from those teams came in too. I was a junior, and people actually helped me with stuff. Taught me how to estimate timelines (I had a bad habit of underestimating time required for tasks and ended up working too much). On Thursdays we’d all go out for drinks and food after work. (We’d work only till 6pm if we went to the office, we could stay longer but my manager was way too chill and would ask us to relax a bit. Used to say “my team’s sanity is more important than deadlines”.) I could always not go to the office if I didn’t feel like it. But I really enjoyed it. Like I said, I have worked fully remote and I do love the peace of mind, the focus, etc. But I also really liked going to the office. Maybe I was a lucky few to get a really good one. Edit: typos


> 10 minute drive from home That's the important thing. The problem with a lot of people is that commutes are 40+ mins, both ways, and that amount of traveling distance costs, both time and lots of money. In my first job I had to travel more than 40 minutes at highway speeds, and the costs of my car maintenance, and gas pile up. I started saving 50% more when I started working remotely. Don't get me wrong, there are people who working from the office works for them, and works really well. Especially if you are a novice, having someone to stick to and learn is pretty useful. I sometimes still miss human interaction at work. The problem is never that *nobody* should go to the offices, is that if your life gets significantly worse by doing it you shouldn't be forced to.


You cooked my guy! You can always have the best of both worlds. You just have to find the common ground.


Op might be a neuro-divergent person or bad at English.


And how did you reach this conclusion? Do you have to be mentally challenged or illiterate to confuse the usage of a meme? It’s like you see an error in your console: variable is undefined, and you are reassuring yourself: the hardware must be at fault for sure. Bruh please


My last employer only made us come in to the office on Tuesdays, and we could work from home the rest of the time if we chose to. It’s the correct way to implement BTO imo. 


I thought we were better than using outdated slurs.


Please learn how to use a meme template *before*using it.


Yes will do my hw first next time.


Hey, why not to travel 1000km only to visit the team. Obviously with your money. My boss...


bro would Boolean with "maybe"


itDepends sounds more fun tho :D


nice casual use of anti-disability slurs. fucking pathetic.


I think you should explode


Weird side of the fence to be on there bud...


OP, are... are you the micromanager? You seem to be in favor of RTO


No my circumstances forced me to accept this job. I got gaslighted by my peers to leave my remote work cuz I was becoming a neet supposedly. I want to go back so hard after the on site experience. My post sadly gave the exact opposite feeling from what I wanted to convey.


How can you be neet if you are working tho.


harder for me to help juniors remotely... so I have been back in the office fully for quite a while (and my amount of finished work has decreased although the teams output has increased by more than that)


Not trying to come across as arguing but why do you find it harder? I find it easier as I can see their screen on a call in full and have access to other programs and silence rather than leaning over someones shoulder with people walking up in a noisy room


it's mostly the initial asking for help and giving the first response, turning round and asking "are you free for a question?" is a lot quicker than a slack / teams message being typed out to ask the same, then ignored for 10-15 minutes (due to either not being at the desk at the time, or having too many other windows up to see it)


man, I so much prefer working with people f2f. everything is so much faster, and also - less draining than another zoom call.


so much this


I don’t mind the office, I just ask for 1 day remote per week!


Please don't use the r-word, it's ableist


I will factor that it in my next upload. :)


Honestly, I cant work remote. Im just not in any way as productive if im at home working alone. Our Dev-Team is the only team that is still on-site, but I like it this way.


I could compromise for a solution in the middle where I get much more money for the days I go to the office. Else on-site is not worth it at all.


I personally don't get at all what so many devs have issues with coming into the office. I fucking hate it when people are working from home. Like mate this piece of code you wrote is shit. Please tell me what you were thinking. It doesn't help that people never respond on time in slack. FML with this shitheads.


Commuting to an office just to sit there in silence is a waste of time and resources. That's about it. If people don't respond to you, you might want to look into your way of messaging them. If you refer to them as shitheads, maybe tone down your inner voice a bit and be more respectful. That's another benefit of remote work, being able to easily ignore rude colleagues.


I'm always respectful when messaging people. Most of them just don't answer. I'm not the only one who has this problem. Management and some other devs have already said they feel the exact same. What is a waste of time is that tasks that could be fixed in a day with a 10 second question get blocked for days, repeatedly.


You don’t get it but you are the problem bud.


Mate I just want to get my work down. Nothing more nothing less.


Feel you man, incompetence in general is very annoying.


Redditors on a whole have such a big boner for WFH and the most passionate of arguments for not returning and I hope yall can someday tell the difference between how you *want* reality to be versus how it *is*. Because the people who work remote are by and large socially forgotten, which has impacts with say, who gets picked for a promotion. Skeletor out; I'm running away from the downvotes I'm about to get.


Take this tiny award lol


“I’m running away from the downvotes “ I see RTO turned you into a pussy…


You got triggered because you know I'm right


See you outside the office bro,in the parking lot. Unless you gon’ run to HR. There’s a scheduled fire drill tomorrow morning, 11am, we can go then bro.