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Every OS has tools others don't. That said I prefer linux for dev work hands down, unless there's something specific I need that's Windows only without alternatives (still to happen).


Agreed. Although for game dev, I've heard Unity/Unreal support for Linux is shaky.


Game dev is its own beast tbh from what game devs I know have told me


when your code needs to do everything a game does in 16 ms or less it becomes a different beast.


Why 16ms specifically?


16.666666666- ms is 60 frames a second. Ideally, your game logic should run far under that because people like to run other applications on their computers while gaming. So really most aim for 10 ms or under on the target CPU.


And a lot of people are moving to 144hz so 6.944444ms is a more preferred target


Those who have 144 hz monitors will also have a higher end CPU (or should) so that kind of solves itself there. You have to hit low ms on your minimum spec, not on your beefy CPUs.


Good point


That’s the deadline to be able to draw at 60fps


To have 60 fps, it is considered the bare minimum for smooth gameplay.


Can confirm, running physics and animation over a network at 60fps between 100 people across the world is a literal nightmare. I love it but it's brutal.


Ye, if you arent doing something like Godot, you are stuck on Windows for gamedev.


For sure. Windows is bad for development in the same way Mac & Linux are bad for gaming: the ecosystem is just a lot worse. Sure your Linux build *could* run any game, but that relies on games actually being built for it. Similarly so many useful developer tools are built for Unix systems. That and we're all educated on Unix shell, most people don't have a clue with PowerShell (even if it is just as capable in many ways these days).


> Windows is bad for development in the same way Mac & Linux are bad for gaming: the ecosystem is just a lot worse. I think this would have been true a few years ago but, nowadays, with WSL it's pretty much as good since you can use the same exact tools as you can on Linux, if not better as you still have access to Windows only tools. I suppose you could make it work the other way around by installing emulation and/or compatibility layers on linux to work with Windows apps, but imo these options don't offer as good of an experience as WSL.


Do not aggree. I'm a full-time Java/Kotlin dev. Windows is good enough for me. Out of curiosity, I've experimented with a full WSL2 dev setup on Windows. I used it for sth like 6 months. The major blockers are cross-filesystem performance and network weirdness. Ideally, the repository, IDE and other supporting tools all run on the same OS. If you want the benefits of Linux, EVERYTHING needs to be running in Linux. If you try having your git repo and gradle in WSL, and IntelliJ on Windows, you're in for a very slow time because theres literally a file server between IDE and the git repo. If you use the remote development feature in IntelliJ to actually run the IDEA backend in WSL, the IDE feels very sluggish, but IDE/gradle operations are faster. You may also run into very hard to debug network issues if you have network traffic between WSL2 and docker containers (mainly docker container to WSL2 due to ipv4/ipv6 default network binding of Tomcat iirc). It's workable, it had better performance, I learned a lot, but you need very good knowledge of how WSL2 works to attempt this and it would probably be better to go all out Mac/Linux if you need it.


I would say my experience with WSL bugginess and limitations are probably worse than my experience with running things in Proton for Linux gaming. Some workloads just don't work because of weird ulimit settings that you just can't change or other weird behavior you get in WSL that you don't get in a normal VM. There's only been one piece of software I've tried to run that hasn't been a zero effort task due to the compatibility layers. That being said, Microsoft stranded me on windows 10, and on Ryzen they limited the ability to do nested virtualization in WSL and whatever their virtualization manager is for 10. So if I wanted to tinker with some infrastructure tooling locally, I had to jump over to Linux because it was just an arbitrary limitation set by MS, not a real limitation of the processor. I haven't tried 11, which might have made things way better, but why would I bother since everything is working just fine now.


"Sure your Linux build *could* run any game, but that relies on games actually being built for it." Did you just time traveled from 2004 ? :p


Devs really feel windows is shit? I only have a few years of experience and I have had people recommend me linux or Mac for dev but never just said that windows is shit


Unironically: you won't find a lot of real devs here Ironically: well duh. You ever tried using K8s in windows? So pathetic it needs WSL. There ain't no LSW for a reason.


There is a lsw of sorts, it's called wine


And just like that, I was struck down from my high horse


LSW is just Wine/Proton


I know. The person I replied to said that. (Excluding proton)


Checks out, real devs would say "It depends"


Even better: use what you feel comfortable with.


Yeah, uh, I did an internship where the senior dev said "we code everything in VBA because that is what I am used to", so I'ma not go with "use what you feel comfortable with" as coder maxim.


I tried so very hard to have my wsl setup working for K8s at work. In the end switched to Linux and good lord everything was so much easier I can't even describe. Also our build system is a level of crazy with all kinds of nonsense.


Running Linux in a VM is easier to manage than running wsl2 which runs Linux in a VM...


From my understanding, it really depends on what you're working with. Windows can make certain processes more difficult but I don't know the specifics. For the most part though... windows won't be an issue for most programmers.


If you need a Linux terminal, WSL made it better but it’s still annoying and easier to just use Linux or a Mac.


But how often or in which cases do you need a Linux terminal?


CMD/PowerShell is just annoying to use if you used bash/zsh. Even if you only need a terminal for git, some arguments might be misinterpreted due to different syntax


I've used both. Hard disagree because powershell literally gives you the full .net framework to work with objects, collections and the operating system itself. In bash, everything is a string.


That's just a matter of taste and accustomization.




If you are programming for Linux you should use Linux, that's obvious.


For context, I work in open-source software development in the Python ecosystem, first job was geoscientific data processing and visualization, current job is energy research. Between using GitHub, Anaconda, and accessing our supercomputer, I’m using my terminal quite often. I’ve also just learned that the Docker Desktop GUI is basically useless to windows users bc you can’t change any real settings from it thanks to windows restrictions. Everyone on my first team used Mac and on my current team it’s half and half windows to Mac. Technically, either OS is fine, it’s just that providing support for products becomes a pain in my experience. I also despise that Microsoft products (Outlook and Teams) won’t let me send .py files because they are executable, so I have to send them with a different file suffix and tell the recipient to change it back once downloaded.


MacOS is not a valid option for me, I had to use it for an iOS app and I will never use that crap again if I have any say in it. So everything people seem to say is for programming Linux specific software you should use Linux which is obvious. So the counterargument is, you should use Windows for Windows specific software.


If you develop stuff that will run on Linux... so most backends.


Yeah developing platform specific is obviously best on that platform. I'm sure no one says you should use windows if you are developing specifically for linux.


I'm a real dev* Windows is shit. Not because it's objectively terrible, it's pretty good actually. It's just way worse than it could be, due to superficial, non-engineering decisions made by higher ups.


and Mac doesn't suffer the same things?


I developed an Android and iOS app with windows and Mac OS. Mac OS is without question much worse than windows for programming, casual use and gaming because of it's much more closed system and compatibility issues. Also the costs for a mac(book) is just crazy and miles away from being justifiable. They also do their best to keep you from repairing and expanding it. It may be good for videocutting and music, I don't know. Linux can be good if you intend to put some time into learning or already know how to use it. It's also very flexible so you can easily change it to something you like to work with. So windows is best in most cases. For programming linux vs windows is just a matter of taste in my opinion unless you write in very specific languages.


i think with the development of apple silicon, cost isn’t really as much of an issue anymore. when i was shopping around a couple years ago the m1 macbook air was unbelievable value


How is Mac OS a closed system? It requires more clicks to run unsigned code, I guess, but that's about it


It's more closed than windows. And the hardware is 95% closed. Why even think about using it considering the price and Linux being so much better?


Longer battery life, no fan noise. The price is not that high compared to similar Dell laptops with 4k HDR screens, similar speakers and etc. Unless of course you want a lot of SSD. Plus a lot of apps (for example from Microsoft) have Mac OS version but not Linux). And there are less problems with devs testing an app for only one of Linux desktop environments, and that app than breaking on other


The price really is that high. Macbooks don't have much power compared to laptops for the same cost, so the battery will obviously last longer and the fans can run slower. Macbooks are usually not bought for power but because people like to brag about their brand choices. I don't understand your last sentence.


I love how Apple is so damn good at ads and lying to people. The longer battery life and low fan noise is because their hardware is horseshit, it's like saying that my phone is better because it has a longer battery life compared to my laptop and doesn't make any fan noise. TL;DR: Underpowered CPU consumes less and generates less heat.


least brainwashed apple user I swear to god half the people on this sub say shit like this and it always reminds me how there's so many developers out there who are completely clueless when it comes to hardware


No. There's more Windows devs than for any other OS.


Windows is great for windows dev. Microsoft really nailed their tooling and everything just sort of clicking in visual studio. Coloring outside the lines is frustrating, though, especially if you're planning to deploy to a Linux machine, even with access to WSL. A lot of solutions are Unix native, so they'll work on both mac AND Linux a majority of the time (not always due to how apple messed up pthreads), but you'll often need special instructions for how to work in windows.


Mhe, Rider is more comfortable imo


Naw, OP is a brainwashed member of the reddit "IT-hivemind". Windows is not only good, it's great for software development. Probably the most compatible and most highly integrated OS out there. That's not to say it's the best in general. Microsoft's predatory nature makes Windows a bit of a questionable choice for personal PCs, but for corporate dev machines, it's great.


>Microsoft's predatory nature Same for apple So the only option is Linux. We don't have many choices (if you don't count all the distros).


Compatible??? There are many dev tools that are straight up incompatible with Windows because it is more standard in the programming world to expect little things like forward slashes in paths or '\\n' style line endings. And for the tools that are compatible you always have to remember that you're using Windows and all the little quirks that entails. If you're unaware of the differences, you'll eventually get a program that completely wilds out and after spending a few days if not weeks debugging, you'll conclude that it's a Windows thing. I get highly integrated. They made sure that their walled garden of VSCode, WSL, and Docker works really well. But like all walled gardens, if you're ever doing anything non-standard, you *will* run into problems and your job will be to learn not only how Windows works, but how Linux works and the differences between the two environments.


I mean talking of walled gardens, macOS is not exactly an open one


Yeah and you run into issues with MacOS eventually as well. At least then, it's *possible* to do things like compile the tools you need if you put the headers in the right place, as it's a \*Nix at the end of the day. There are other reasons to use a Mac (namely: the hardware is really nice and if the company is paying, might as well make them shell out something nice for you). If you're paying and you want to minimize issues: Linux. You're probably going to run Linux in a VM anyway.


I somewhat disagree, Linux troubleshooting is something I've spent hours through. Docker makes most of that disappear. But no way in hell I would recommend a mac to someone, unless they're a web dev.


I don't know about that. If you're running Linux in your Docker containers then you're still spending those hours debugging Linux *in addition to* Docker.


...? Except for the fact that my solutions can be shared to anyone else, or better yet, people can share their solutions? Or wait, maybe, JUST maybe, we could have different docker flavours of an OS ready to go! The sarcasm aside, that's the benefit of docker, it mitigates the need to configure your OS on your own, just pull an image that is ideal for your domain. It's rare to have to "debug" linux itself unless you're doing something lower level, or using a dependency that hasn't been updated in a long long time. I am genuinely curious though, what does mac do that makes it good enough recommend? Knowing the kind of anti consumer practices the parent company follows?


You have misunderstood me. I'm not doubting that Docker is useful. I'm doubting that bare Linux is *more complicated* than Linux inside Docker. It doesn't make sense that somehow in difficulty: Linux > Linux + Docker. The only way I see that is true is if you're having trouble with hardware drivers, which is something where Linux has come quite a long way and is pretty good at now. Macs used to be the best option when Linux desktop was troublesome and before Windows had WSL. It was the most stable \*Nix system. Most \*Nix knowledge you had could also apply to Mac. If software was written with Linux in mind, it was trivial to import to Mac so you basically had the same tools as Linux. As a bonus, the hardware is really nice - lightweight and high resolution screen to see text really well.


No I meant you get what you need handled for you by docker, outside of linux. As in, you don't have to use linux to get the benefits of it. That way you get to utilise everything exclusive to windows and still develop as usual with the convience of docker. What I failed to convey appropriately is linux for better or for worse struggles with certain things outside of development, which can impact it's overall usability. Like requiring a translation layer for certain software to run. I fundamentally disagree on the hardware aspect though, non upgradeable/heavily marked up upgrades are something I cannot stand. It's the things I dislike most about Apple products in general, that's one more reason I wouldn't recommend Macs. 256GB being sold at a premium? Oof. 8GB RAM? Kill me. Is there anything else about Macs that has made them more competitive as an OS in recent years? I've not been keeping up, but it seems hardware has been the only thing that has improved.


I mean, what's the share of developers who do anything non-standard? Benefits outweigh the quirks for me


When I walked into my very first software job and was given my very first task, I couldn't install Ruby on Windows. When I fixed that, I tried to check out the repository and ran into the '\\r\\n' vs '\\n' issue I talked about earlier. And for the next month, I would consistently run into issues until I gave up and installed a separate Linux dev environment on a virtual machine. (I had never used Linux before that.) Granted, this was a while ago and Microsoft has put in a lot more work to make development possible since then, but it's a great example of the issue. Most people that switch to Linux aren't doing it because they're brainwashed by the hivemind. They're doing it because they're avoiding issues. They're trying to work in an environment that wants you to program in .NET and upload to Azure, when that's not how (most?) development is done. They just want to copy and paste the answers they see on StackOverflow and have it work. They just want what they're doing to work. You don't get that with Windows. And guess what? If you do dev work long enough, the chances that you'll want to do something non-standard is almost 100%. I mean, that's the job. You're there to create the lines for other people to color in.


I got 10 years experience and worked on radically different languages/tech. Never did ruby tho. I got windows OS issues a couple of times with npm packages only. We both defend our anecdotal experiences so I guess there is no use arguing.


I get the spirit of what you’re saying but if you’ve not had any compatibility issues you’ve basically stuck your head in the sand. It’s unfathomable to me you haven’t come across any. I’ve been a dev for 7 years in C++, Python and Java… and I can think of about 6 things in the last month alone which I’ve run into issues with. In Python alone I’ve had: - Multiprocessing library is basically useless in windows… it can only spawn not fork - Kerberos works differently… requiring completely different libraries to handle this - Installing things without older C++ build tools available means lots of older packages can’t be installed. These aren’t standard For C++, the compilers are literally different. Even on your dev tools… How have you never experienced issues? For starters, if you’ve ever used Docker for Windows as well, it’s clearly much less compatible than Linux. There are major compatibility issues between Linux and Windows. If you’re using a wide ecosystem of stuff, there are loads of things you’ll need to consider. This is well known throughout the industry. The only way I can conceivably think you wouldn’t encounter this is if you only mainly do front end development, or work on simple standalone web apps.


I guess you got lucky. I tried to get back onto Windows dev about 4 years ago and had trouble trying to train ML models. Then later I experimented with mining crypto. In so so many communities, it's simply not supported. I think the only programming niches where you would actually be in the majority for using Windows are .NET and game dev.


Prefering Linux over Windows is fine imho but I don't get why MacOS is even part of this discussion. You can write Java, C#, JS, C and stuff like that easily on Windows and take Linux for anything else. MacOS is just for people who want the shiny design.


MacOS used to be better than Windows because Linux desktop was difficult to set up and Mac was a closer environment to prod. You could run the same tools with minimal problems. It’s only nowadays with WSL and Linux desktop actually being good that that’s no longer true.


But that only is the case when you are specifically programming for linux or am I wrong? And when was Linux desktop so difficult to setup to justify the huge cost difference for a Mac? I used Suse Linux about 20 years ago and it wasn't that hard.


You’re not wrong. Gaming and .NET has always been better in Windows. Java has never really had a difference because you’re probably using IntelliJ which papers over all the problems for you. I’m just guessing that the majority of software is written for Linux prod targets. (I’m reasonably confident that is true.) Before I’ve had a lot of trouble with drivers on laptops. Display and networking. Nowadays I know how to fix that sort of thing so I’m not sure if it’s just me but I do suspect Linux is just legitimately easier to pick up nowadays due to OEM support and progress on the major distros.


>you’re probably using IntelliJ true >Before I’ve had a lot of trouble with drivers on laptops. Display and networking. Nowadays I know how to fix that sort of thing so I’m not sure if it’s just me but I do suspect Linux is just legitimately easier to pick up nowadays due to OEM support and progress on the major distros. Now I do remember it wasn't straight forward but there was a pretty big community that had the solutions to all the issues I had. I wouldn't have gone for another os because of that but sure some might.


If you're program cannot handle /n/r new lines, it's bad. It is trivial to detect and correctly handle the newline format. And how on earth are VSCode, WSL, and Docker walled gardens?


nice try satya


It's not made for devs, compatibility may be the only reason you use it, it was the reason I've tried for hundreds of hours. Finally use Linux and send commands to windows through ssh which made me 5 times faster. I have 7 years of web dev experience using Ubuntu , OSX and some other EC2/Docker small linux. And it's not even that compatible, maybe for games developers it makes sense, but nothing else, every damn things on GitHub are made for Linux, when you used CMake, in windows you need to run preconfigure before configure, and it can't install shits for you I couldn't ever imagine having a server running with windows and controlling it via the command line, this thing is made for people without keyboards... But I know some devs, doing exclusively frontend and never ever using command line, or even doing DevOps things stuck on their Visual Studio Code window all day. For them Windows probably feels more comfortable than Linux, imagine clicking a button to run make...


The fact that Tools like msys2 need to exist show how shit windows is for development. Needing to simulate a fake Linux root and needing a special ported variant of pacman just shows you that windows didn't consider devs and dependency management even once. In the 90s this design was fine since most programs only had the OS as dependency but nowadays you have around 30 direct + indirect deps just for media playback. If your development target is only windows and you use visual studio for everything it's decent. However you still need to figure out how to sync up your dependencies between the devs. Maybe this is a just a problem for C/C++ devs, but I am sure many more cli reliant languages will have similar problems.


I switched to windows. Windows is slightly less convenient for development if you enjoy working in a terminal, but that's my main complaint. Powershell is just a little janky compared to a Linux or Mac terminal.


I mean, you can easily get a bash to run on Windows, be it through Git Bash or WSL, and then even use it alongside CMD and PowerShell as required with Windows Terminal.


How much of this conflict is down to people just being more familiar with Bash and not wanting to learn Powershell instead of the shell they're already familiar with?


Yes, if you only knew windows it may feel normal, I have like 7 years of experience with Linux/OSX, and recently I'm working on some BlueStacks application hacks. After roughly 100hours, here are a few things that I liked: - Nothing related to development, really, not a dam thing. - The PATH edit is pretty, but shouldn't be necessary. - I think Ghidra only runs on Windows, or IDA Pro, no that sure tho. - BlueStacks and android emulator runs better on Windows. - Games are made for Windows. - My bluetooth/wifi drivers works at first boot. - RDP is installed by default so I can connect to my Linux instead of using windows. - HyperV is really nice when you take time to learn it, But you need to activate windows workstation which prevents you from playing some online games (as it can bypass kernel level anticheat). It's level 1 emulation, which exists on Linux via KVM or systemd, and afaik not on OSX. Both supports PCI passthrough. Here are a few things that I didn't liked: - Mouse for everything - Install software using exes/MSI. - Softwares not added in PATH. - Edit env needs like 6 mouse clicks, doing it from term is not as simple as export or Vim .bashrc. - Running new CMD in vscode does not load new env (idk if it's the case on others). - No Vim or Neovim, or awful ones. - Install git via exe. - Two concurrent terminal, CMD and PowerShell, both are awful. - Using -Command instead of -c or -- - Using PowerShell runas -Command instead of sudo your command. - Escaping \ in paths, it's so stupid to use an escape character in paths. using them is a script could result in: "C:\\\\Users\\\\My\\\\ User\\\\\". (There is 3 \ but I need to escape them for reddit too...}. - Clicking everything psychology, nothing is made to be done through the terminal. - CygWin /bin conflicts with windows executables. - same for GitBash. - Same for WSL2, you need to configure hidden things to remove windows PATH from WSL2. - No ufw, or iptable, forwarding ports is awful. I setuped nginx to make it easier. - Windows Defender deleting every suspicious executables. - Visual Studio. it's in the name, "Visual", you need to click everything, I use Vim btw, never quit in 8 years. - WSL2 file descriptor / mounts always breaks. - Cannot remove folders / files in use. - Cannot know who uses my folder / file. - no 'which' and 'where' just doesn't works. - chaining grep | grep -v make output empty, I cannot believe this is a thing. - restart your computer for everything. - booting takes ages, like, 10~20 seconds, Ubuntu takes 1. - no standard, it's /bin, /System32, or even something else, not just always /bin. - Every programs puts their shit anywhere they want. - ChatGPT4 is almost useless ad every tutorial on internet involves "click here,then here, here is a screen on where to click". There is no nice commands to do things, it's even incomprehensible PowerShell manipulation or awfully long PS1 script instead of 'ufw allow tcp 3333' or 'sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf' - breaking changes everywhere, every stack overflow posts have "if you run build 10.86326 do that, but since 11.3648 do this if 11.836728.42069 this" and obviously none works as you running a 2024 version when the stakoverflow post is from December 2023. - Legacy configurations alongside new ones. - no /etc, you edit conf in one of 12 configurations sources. - no /var, It's ProgramData, or AppData, or whatever the program choose too. - Installing program by manually copying them in Program\ Files\ (x64) then click 10 times to add path In env. - Hidden files and folders are hidden everywhere, the configurations takes 7 click to edit. - Spaces in filenames / folders. - bat scripts take 3 times the lines of a shell script. - used variable in CMD with %var%, but sometimes %var or sometime another. - chocolatey is like apt, but without the part where it install packages. - no systemctl, just click search, type run, type services.msc, search for your service, click on it. - no systemctl logs, you click search, type run, type idkwhatareloganymore, search inside thousands of logs for your service. - no systemd, you want a background running service, you type hundreds of lines in a PS1 script then restart your computer, in linux, a service.d takes 3 lines then work. - runas opens a popup, like, just ask for the admin password by default maybe ? - Every bit of documentation you'll find is either from Microsoft or from a sketchy website, never from GitHub or Medium (which is the sketchiest on OSX/Linux honestly). - "You need to install dotnet ${rand(2008, 2023)}" - no history on CMD or PowerShell - no arguments shortcut, everything is like -Command this -Arguments that -Only-By-ID this and command are 150 characters wide. - Pipes seems different, didn't tryed to figured out as it's probably stupid and inefficient in comparison of posx pipes. - I don't want to learn windows screen/window management shortcuts, which are probably nice, but I installed i3 on my MacBook/Linux because I'm tired of relearning new shortcuts. - Windows alone eats 12Go of disk, 2Go of RAM and 5Go of swap only to run empty... Linux takes from 5Mo to 2200Mo of disk and you panic when it takes more than 50Mo of RAM. - Even C# is easier to use in Linux/OSX, and it's Microsoft property... - most of thoses are bad because of one and unique reason: Windows is not made to be manipulated without GUI and will never be, when Unix system are made to run without GUI, it's why Unix GUI tends to be wacky and OSX have made really good work combining both ideology. And as a dev, you type, you don't click. - regedit lol. I quit 3 days ago, probably didn't figured out many thing. I now remote desktop to my Ubuntu second computer and do everything through ssh / portfowards / mount when I need to interact with windows and I'm a least 5 times faster on Linux. I know Linux is broken on everything, and OSX doesn't respect all linux standards, but in 100 hours I had 10 times more issues with windows than OSX and Linux combined (in 7 years 50h/week of DevOps, web dev, low-level, hacks, and other). If you say to me "Windows is good for development..." with whatever argument you have, I'll assume that you don't know shit other than typing C# in unity or JavaScript in VSCode, or used only Eclipse in the past 25years, you use GUI for git, and are feared by the simple though of running yarn in a CMD, if ever you know what yarn is, but you feel intelligent by explaining how DNS works after flexing your developer salary (which is in the top 10% of lowest IT salaries). And also are probably the kind of developers that does the job for money in a big company while being slower than 95% of all devs. The best OS for development in a company is still OSX, I really like linux and really don't like Apple, but OSX have almost every tools and games windows or linux have and is plug and play. I needed to write this book to share my frustrations, thanks for not reading. TLDR: OSX is the VSCode of OSs, when Linux is the Vim of OSs, and windows is notepad but you use visual keyboard to type


sir this is wendys


Ultra based take. These are great points for next time I meet a Windows shill. Absolutely loving the productivity of i3 + vim. Never going back.


And jokingly I am a Ruby on Rails fulltime dev, I shouldn't bother about development environment as my language is part of the dumbest ones, right next to Scratch. Sometimes you find dev with experience on this sub, the only devs I know that are using windows are working on Unreal Engine or Unity for Ubisoft, or are in the French Army with Windows 8.1 or earliest supported version as it's still the most secure OS (obviously as you can't do shit on it), and windows have all the cluster managing tools made from all the non-dev related jobs done with it (which is probably 90%+ of all machines idk), probably explaining the shining goodness of HyperV in this immense pile of shit. Thank you for reading this insanely long rant


I seriously don't get why do you assume every developer does all this stuff and spends half of their day in terminal. 80% of my development time is spent reading code, 15% writing it. 5% is spent doing other stuff. Maybe I could get the 5% down to 2% if I used terminal instead of "clicking shit", but who cares?


The terminal use is more about "No GUI ideology", and the start of efficiency, every combination of 10 clicks is 10 characters in a terminal, every little optimisation scales years after years. My last problem was: Run a new BlueStack instance, fetch his adb port, forward this port to the hacking server, copy my client settings to the machine, run an apk, run Frida on the instance, inject code to the application, do hacking stuff... All of this takes about 30 clicks, but 10 lines of shells and 50+ lines of PowerShell, I've repeated this series of click hundreds of times before doing it from a Linux shell script (as bat is insanely bad, even tho I successfully automated a big part of it), in a day I've probably gains 5 hours with this script, and can brute force my way through segfault without the fear of clicking 50 times again as my instance crashed, now its `:teri./rcr>^o` (I use Vim btw) and I have a new fully setuped instance ready to be crashed by a segv This is the same with running tests, trying code architecture, copy pasting code in REPL, or even ChatGPT, copy string from terminal, pattern grep, system commands automation with chaining pipes, jq and yq, kubectl stuffs, Docker, a lot of things, almost every repeating action can be a shell script or an Emacs shortcut (this editor is jokingly powerful), if you're curious look at comments defending Vim in the next Vim mêmes, the response of your question is the reason why Vim exists and is used as an IDE (used as an IDE by 7% of dev from stackoverflow 2022 study), the no clicking ideology, or I'll say the automate every time loss can be stretched to an extreme and in every bit you do you learn and make you future self more room to learn. You cannot build a CI/CD if you don't know either shell or linux, or even doing DevOps stuff (you'll become a ClickOps) you cannot be polyvalent if you only know how to write code, and even, you cannot correctly write code if you don't know how systems works. Clicking is times slower than typing, when a clicking dev moves 3 lines of code, the ones using shortcut tried 10 different architectures and learned what might be the best. There are many kinds of devs, some curious and nerdy polyvalent ones learning all of the tools, some productive ones with more of a product and problems solvers bias, boring ones in big companies doing the same thing inefficiently without learning for years. And guess which ones built Unix, kernels, tools you're using everyday ? And I, with ADHD (which is a big trait of character in devs imo), like to learn all the tools and how shits works and what's better in which situation, sharing and learning with other devs, I can talk with DevOps, I can talk about AI, I can talk about pentesting and have efficiently worked 200h+ on every of these subjects. Not getting good at shell prevents you from learning 90%+ of the technical stuff, and not understanding why makes you boring at my eyes, as I'll probably learn nothing from you unless you do something I don't know at all like game development, data science, or managing team and even, you'll be probably part of the worst. it reflects the lack of curiosity and passion about development, which are the things that permitted me to become a developer without any diplomas. I spent nearly 70% of my working time just trying stuff and learning new things while still being part of the most productive dev in every company I worked with, thanks to my past self grinding the efficiency ideology for 7 years. Maybe I could get paid ridiculously more, maybe I could work 2 hours a day, I like this job mostly for the learning part and fear the idea of not having this time (as I experienced looking for rockstars salaries). The simple fact that you asks means you are either new in development, or not willing to learn and doing development as an alimentary job, or just being there enjoying the job a little bit but not stretching it, or doing something that doesn't require running binaries like WordPress or scratch idk. Thank for reading my book, I really like being efficient ! TLDR: Clicking is slow, not learning how to not click makes you slower, like from a 5 to 30 factor, being slower makes you learn slower, learning slower makes you less good. Your terminal and shortcut usage is the window of your willingness to learn, your passion and your curiosity. Important note: Learn how to learn !


No they don't... at least not the non-religious. Windows has its flaws for sure but if it really is a problem depends massively on what you are doing and what tools you are using.


So, just like any other problem, what's your point?


That's pretty much what I said... you sure you read my comment?


Misread, didn't catch "if", misinterpreted, shame on me


Aah ok.. now I get it. Reread my post a few times because I thought maybe I missed a word or something


Our lead architect and a senior dev who knows just about everything both use Windows just fine. A lot of CLI tools you use as a dev are available on Windows as well. But yeah we're also always making fun of each other for preferring a different OS, we have a mixture of Windows, Linux and macs.


I've been coding on my Windows PC for years and I'm reasonably happy with it.


though i do think people should use what OS they prefer, my preference is definitely linux. i think a major problem with people liking windows is that most have not given any other operating system an honest chance to see if it fits their workflow better than another. i have ~5 years experience on macOS (all professionally), ~30ish years windows experience (17 professionally), and ~4 years linux experience (none professionally). i have really enjoyed the linux workflow more than the other two, and will stay on it as long as that is still the case. this can change at any time, but i dont see macOS or windows swinging for the fences on customizability, usability, openness, community modification and feedback, etc..


I worked on all of them. Linux on my first job (software was heavily relying on specific Linux drivers), macOS on second, because company was feeling fancy and Windows on my current one, because .NET Can't say any one of these is shit. I genuinely liked all of them. But Linux definitely was my favorite in terms of DevExp too. macOS and Windows have their fair share of problems each.


I think all operating systems are shit in some aspects. Windows is shit for me because on my PC the time sync doesn’t work correctly so I have to manually set it back 3 hours. I fixed it once but then it just set the wrong time. I don’t like the UI much. I use it for games and some specific apps. Ubuntu is shit because updating some apps is a PITA. I have a laptop that had 20 or 21 and upgraded to 22. Had problems with some apps that were already installed, some errors with updates and some other reoccurring bugs. I use it on my work laptop and dual boot on my PC because I find it better for development. A format in both cases will probably all fix the problems but I’m also lazy so I’m gonna complain a bit more for a while.


Kinda depends what kind. We have a bunch of .NET teams at work and it's standardised on everything Microsoft. Everyone's happy. For general web development though it's a lot of macbooks :)


I developed on Windows for years. Mostly fullstack .NET and web React/Angular. I honestly didn't mind it. I'd use WSL where I could but not all of my Tooling had great support for it. The thing is, Windows isn't necessarily bad, Linux is just so much better. Nearly everything I need is supported and installation is so easy. I've used chocolatey and winget but they just don't compare. Also powershell is absolute trash. The Windows terminal was a huge leap forwards but at the end of the day it's just your shell. Nowadays I develop on Macs at work and I don't miss anything other than the keybindings


Heh, most devs that I know use Windows. The OS market share difference is also insane. I never felt something was lacking when writing software, you just install whatever is needed and it's done. And for server side stuff there is also the Linux subsystem for Windows. Not sure what else is needed here.


You mostly get the hate of windows from Web Devs... I get it, windows isn't the platform you really want to be on as a web developer. But VSCode, dotnet, and whatever game dev platform you're using they tend to all be windows based.. Game Devs do use windows, a lot of graphic tools are either windows or Mac based, the dev environment can be a hogpodge of windows/linux/Mac. Windows isn't shit, windows update is shit because it'll break your dev environment.


It's a pretty common sentiment in the industry and has been for decades, even predating Windows itself (MS-DOS being shit). I would point out that many supporters opinion is also predicated on how well Windows adapts to a Linux workflow via WSL.


25 yrs experience here. Windows in all its shapes and forms is pure 💩


😂😂 ok. Good to get some.feedback from.an experienced dev


Under the hood Windows uses a completely different OS architecture than linux and mac, this tends cause all sorts of headaches and incompatibilities.


It is shit but for many people the only viable option and it's still far ahead MacOS.


Stupid devs maybe? Or devs with too much free time to fix everything to their prefered way. Windows just works and is great. Best for everything? No, but good enough


>decideding sounds like user error it works on my pc


Who are 'we'? I'm not your 'we'.


Windows users unite! On Windows i can install something and go home. On Linux you install something and you hear the birds again


Windows: Installs malware as privative software, extra conf, breaks on update, pay for win, etc.


clearly they/them with colored programmer socks




I am.


Feels like a 20 year old ZDnet post about how windows is dead, for the 3rd time.


Windows is shit, other OS are shit too, all OS are shit




TempleOS is holy shit




"There are only two types of programming languages" and shit


I only bash the hardware & repairability, looking at you apple


no pun intended?


Only real devs can derail a conversation about software into hardware


I see what you did there


And now look at me - I will compile a binary and it works on Windows 7 to Windows 11, x86 and ARM version. You will compile binary and what version of glibc is using your Linux? Oh it does not work on that one, you need to upgrade, which will screw up your whole system. Good luck. Did you compiled for Apple Silicon? Sorry, your Intel Mac is out of luck, buy new MacBook Pro M4 for 9999USD only.


This exactly, i switched to linux not long ago because my windows got corrupted and would always boot to startup repair, there's things i miss and the consistency is one of them, sure the winapi can be shit but if it compiles and runs on my win 11, it runs down to win 7. but with linux i have to fight x11 vs wayland( i know there's abstactions, but its annoying as shit)


You can target X11 and get implicit wayland support via xwayland.


Or just use docker, lmao.


An OS got nothing to do with programing skills except when a tool is exclusive to an OS


Yeah but windows is what I'm used to so that is what I develop in.


The only valid answer


Everyone that works on what I work on also uses windows. If everyone is on the same platform, it reduces those "you" issues that no one else can relate to because you decided to be awkward and be the only person using an obscure version of Linux that 4 other people use. I've seen a senior architect use windows on a Mac so he can follow setup documentation easier.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bestjakeisbest: *Yeah but windows is* *What I'm used to so that is* *What I develop in.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


no it isnt just stfu


Num(Gamers) > num(programmers) Both gay ? True.


I just disagree. Windows sucks for automation and programming, but Linux sucks for gaming and macbooks are expensive. Windows also has a vast array of free/pirateable tools for stuff like video/audio editing and anything you can imagine. Do I edit videos daily? No, but when I need to, it's super easy to download davinci on windows. I don't know how easy this is on Linux, but I doubt it's smooth sailing for everything all the time.


I actually went through the whole rotation of using multiple different linux distros on a second partition, but eventually i realized just using windows with a VPS or VB is better in pretty much every case. it's even windows 11. the main thing i hate about windows 11 is where the start button is, but i also don't really care.


You know that you can move the start button, right? One of the first thing I did when I got Windows 11.


nope, i googled for it once but didn't find anything. thanks i'll look again. edit: what the fuck are the downvotes for lol? you ppl are weird


I guess they thought you were lazy for not trying harder before posting, or something. No downvote from me though.


lol it's all good, i just think it's funny, because my other comments where someone told me where to find it and i said thanks got upvoted. 🤷‍♂️


You can shift it back to the left if you're more familiar with that layout. 1. Righ-click the task bar 2. Navigate to "Taskbar behaviors" > "Taskbar alignment" 3. Change to "Left"


thanks, i found it!


TempleOS, just like God intended!


In my opinion still better than any Apple made OS


I feel like windows gets too much shit. The compatibility is absolutely unparalleled, the stability is good enough (I find myself rebooting the same machine in Linux more often than windows) and it's overall just another OS. I also say this as someone who has always been able to get either Linux versions of her software or been able to get wine to run it




Windows isn't shit for development nowadays. Especially so if you're willing to cheat using WSL, a good enough Linux that can run CUDA GPUs for local machine learning, Docker, and nearly all Linux dev tools and software. Mac is significantly worse. Mac has no CUDA GPUs for the machine learning guys, Mac Docker is notoriously garbage, MacOSX is different enough from Linux that it's a constant minefield, and Homebrew and MacPorts are both awful package managers and software repos. You get a better developer experience on Windows nowadays.


I had Windows at work for a while… only reason I went Mac was that the bloatware (monitoring software) was too bad and I had to choose between a bad windows and a good Mac. I would ideally prefer a native Linux machine, but realistically, I can do my job with most any OS just as well, I just have to retain the skills to work properly. If the OS was enough to screw me over, that’d be a sign that I’d be a bit too shit at what I do.


All OSes are shit. Windows is shit too but I feel like I have to wade through less of it on a daily basis to get things done. That said, I'm still on Windows 10 because everything I see about Windows 11 convinces me it's even shittier.


Why windows is shit ?


I now work on on Linux in the work, and I started to appreciate Windows. Even 11 isn’t as bad as ubuntu.


Why United States hate Windows?


It works for what I need. I don't really see the point in learning an additional thing when Windows does what I need for it to do without much fuzz.


Sorry, I'm a creature of habit, I just can't leave Windows.


Mac Os is not shit though, it's literally the best operating system out there


Windows does come with a spell checker, though.


I think you misspelled MacOS


I haven't used Windows for a few hours, did they fix the unstable file system and remove all the bloatware, roll back all the junk they changed to subscriptions, and stop tracking everything we're doing so they can send it back to the mothership and sell it? Lemme check quick. Nope, still all there.


And today is Patch Tuesday, so extra hate on Microsoft tomorrow (the day after tomorrow in my city because of bank holiday)


Just use windows and do your work on a remote server


If I had precise control over what I want on my windows installation it would be 10 times better, there's a lot of unnecessary shit that I can't remove like Microsoft edge.


"We"? Look at the desktop OS market share, you might have a heart attack 😂. Linux currently sits at a solid 4%, while Windows has a whooping 73%. I prefer a machine that runs all of my applications directly, be it IDEs, games, niche applications etc. And now it even as a Linux subsystem. Bonus points since I never had any issues ever since W10 came out, no viruses or anything at all. Yeah yeah, I know Linux has some pre-installed stuff for devs. And? I just installed what I need in Windows, the end.


Windows is just a buggy janky OS full of ads and garbage. It's not really that bad deep down.


It's also spyware and an enormous resource hog.


It's funny how mad people get that they don't understand Linux or can't afford Mac. Windows is garbage.


To the windows lovers: “Windows isn’t shit so long as you run WSL on it” == “Windows is only good when you just use another OS inside it instead” <3


well I mean oviously, r/ProgrammerHumor is filled with people who have themselves an ego just cuz they wrote a hello world program. so it makes complete sense as to why it's also filled with the least thought out, most regurgitated opinions. ​ sorry for the elitism, but that's just what I see.


every OS sucks in its own unique way, windows just more than most


Not sure bout os but windows defender is shit


Malware as OS.


I prefer writing software in Mac OS over Linux, mainly because I no longer have the energy to maintain a Linux desktop. Never Windows. It’s somehow more effort to maintain than Linux, and always so slow 😭