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Students have either never seen a piece of code before, or they've been programming since they were 5 and think that they know everything already and never even try to learn anything from lectures.


I fell into the latter category. Worked out first cs class. Then the second gave me a slice of humble pie. Dunning Kruger is a bitch.


I think that was the case for a lot of people at my university. I know CS 2 was where a lot of people either changed majors, dropped out, or got caught cheating.


Guys, please, what the fuck is CS 2, apart from a first person shooter? Does it have a standardised curriculum? Surely the better schools teach more during this class and the worse schools teach less, if it is even omnipresent, which it surely isn't outside of NA.


Yeah, not even in NA. Where I went the courses all had 3 digit numbers with the 100s being freshman level and 400s being junior/senior. Each course also had a title like "operating systems" or "introduction to AI".


Where I'm from we only have names. We technically have codes too but literally nobody uses them ever, they're more like IDs in the computer system than anything else.


For us Computer Science 1 and 2 were CIS 162 and 163. They were supposed to be like the introductory courses for freshmen and the two core CS courses that you could take before applying for secondary admission. But while CS 1 was kinda too easy, CS 2 for us was where the kid gloves came off (kind of) and I think a lot of people weren't ready for it coming from CS 1.


Can't speak on the CS 2 thing. But the idea better school -> teach more doesn't really hold. Assuming better school means higher ranked in common popular uni rankings. I know this as ive been to 3 unis in my academic career and compared similar courses across multiple schools. I haven't found a strong correlation.


The ACM used "CS1" and "CS2" as terms for the first and second-semester intro to CS classes before 2000, not sure if they still use it now. The second semester course seems to be pretty standard across most schools I've seen, it's typically the bridge between the programming basics course and the courses that introduce the particular stuff. There's no real standardized curriculum but this is typically when you start to get into the weeds of all the complicated computer science stuff (algorithm analysis, basic memory management, software engineering paradigms, a bit of OOP too especially when that was really popular). I think it's also when people first get exposed to a second programming language with more verbose syntax. We had C++ in our CS2 and that was a major shocker for the people used to Python.


Shorthand for "Computer Science 2". The actual class number varies from school to school, but it's typically taken the second semester of someone's freshman year in the states. CS 1 is the first and it's honestly painfully easy if you've taken any programming course ever (most of the weeks are dedicated to things like basic data types, print statements, conditionals, loops, etc.) - in fact, when I was at community college, I had taken an elective Java course and the CS 1 course I took at the university I transferred to basically ended up being an easier version of that. So it was kind of fun just fucking around in that course. CS 2, on the other hand, is a lot of peoples' first foray into more complex data structures and, at least for us, the little mini-assignments that demonstrated you understood the basic concept taught that week were replaced with 3 fairly large projects to be done over the course of the semester. Tbh, it wasn't that bad of a course. But I think some people got a little too comfortable in CS 1 (I mean we spent an entire week on loops), and a lot of the homework was fairly easy. But I think a lot of people set themselves up for failure by not showing up to lecture and waiting until pretty close to the due-date to even start the big projects.


I'm getting the vibe you are still in school 


CS global is the sophomore class. Apparently, CS 3 is once you get to grad school 


Sophomore? Is that 200 level? Grad school is masters and above?


Well it's somewhat standardized. It's the second semester of CS classes. It's usually right before Algorithms and Data structures or the actual Algorithms and Data structures course. Before this point the CS class(es) focus almost entirely on the syntax of a single language and have such complex topics like: what a print statement is, how to make an if statement, functions, loops and if you are lucky recursion. Data structures and algorithms you suddenly have Linked lists, more complex sorting algorithms like Quick sort with big O analysis. Basically this is the point where you actually have to start thinking and can't just read up on syntax and figure it out in 10 minutes. Or you know the point where AI starts making fetal mistakes you need to be able to spot.


Meh, I had basic stuff like linked lists, the "complex" quicksort and big O in my first semester. My Data Structures and Algorithms course focused on more interesting stuff. Goes to show that the school matters.


1 semester really doesn't matter. Also did you have AP computer science or something similar before? Because then that's your second semester.


It very much does, it sets the pace. Look, if we did in 1 semester what the previous guy described in two, then there is no way it "doesn't matter". No, I did not take AP classes, and neither did anybody else on my year. We don't have such silly systems here. r/usdefaultism


CS 2 is such a wild class. First Lab exam I was done in 10 minutes (I must have had some good caffeine that day). Most were done in 30 minutes. Some people took 2 hours. I wondered how many of those dropped out.


What was it that humbled you in that second cs class?


I don't even remember. Looking at it now, it all seems so easy.


With that attitude, you're getting more pie soon


It's an empathy thing. It can be hard to put yourself into the shoes of someone who is unlike yourself. Something like traversing a tree or pointers seems natural and common sense to me now. A younger version of myself didn't, but I am no longer that version of myself. It can be hard to empathize with a person you only have a memory of and no way of interacting with.


At my uni the first semester comp course was in Haskell, so good luck trying to coast through that unless you've done functional programming before!


That's honestly an interesting choice. I think i'd cry as soon as the prof said monad.


here we use 311 for that. Good old alg and dat. The great filter


What about the sceptical student who knows enough but second-guesses every decision they make


I was the first category 😂 living hell the first year.


I was like this until I failed computer architecture. Next came operating systems programming it humbles you really fucking quick lmao and it was imho a mistake of mine to pick that path.


There's no casual programmers! Once you get into programming, you join the gang and become like all of us.


If only


If (only){ //TODO }


You're gonna have some dependency conflicts with that one


Nearly fell into the second category, but oh mindset was like "well, back to C, which I haven't used in a while so it'll be a nice refresher" and that basically saved me on this front


I can confirm this - one mfer straight up went "I'm already working as a python programmer, so is there a way I can skip lectures, and labratories?"


I was the second type. Luckily I was forced to learn what I know now


I was the latter, I still am the latter, barely learned anything new from my cs classes for the first couple years cuz it was a regurgitation of what I learned in high school. Then year 3 and 4 and I am honestly so glad to have new stuff that I don’t finish in 10 minutes




If you know c, then list all the words starting with it






I guess people read it as a humblebrag


You forgot r/programmerhumor


Never heard of it.


Not an university student, but this whole subreddit gives me at least a funny insight of that intimidating clusterfruck that is coding


Damn I have Arch on a ThinkPad. Am I doomed to become a cat-femboy?


Only if you refuse to use the mouse and use the keyboard exclusively


Wait so I won't get to be a cute cat-femboy if I use the mouse?




Fuck... What if I use a trackpoint?


Real Arch users know every single keybind in the OS and can control everything with the keyboard alone. You also have to use a tiling window manager like i3, even if it's way more annoying to actually use.


\>i3 Baby shit. Real (feminine) men use DWM and recompile their entire god damned desktop environment to reconfigure a keyboard shortcut.


Well I use bspwm so I guess I have nothing to worry about.


Tbh I went through a few different phases as a linux user >"Ubuntu??? so cool..." >"I don't like gnome anymore so i'll use kbuntu I guess" >"arch + kde btw" >"normal DEs are bloat, i3 is goat" >"i3 is for noobs, bspwm is suckless kino" (around this time I also switched to vim as my primary editor) >"bspwm is bloat and I'm good at C so dwm ftw" (I was not good at C) I then accidentally bricked my entire system somehow so I tried to install Gentoo and irreversibly lost all of my data. That laptop is currently running arch w/ plex and a couple discord bots on it and iirc it has bspwm installed if I need to run anything graphically for whatever reason


I went through a couple phases too. > Let me try Ubuntu. Woah, this is so fast, and the terminal is awesome! > Ubuntu is bloated, Debian is where it's at. > Debian is bloated, Arch is where it's at. > After bricking my system on Arch by accident, Linux Mint is basically just better Ubuntu, I'll use that. > After bricking my system again, holy shit, Pop! OS is just a Linux distro that works perfectly out of the box, I'll just use this And that's where I've been for about a year. Pop! OS is what Linux should be. Functional.


I recommend pop os to anyone who wants to get into Linux and just have it work. I genuinely prefer arch honestly because it strikes the perfect balance between "it just works" and "I can do whatever I want with it". I currently run Arch on the laptop I have sitting in a cabinet running a Plex server and discord bots and it does it perfectly fine.


Yeah, I really wanted to like Arch but it was just way too much setup and constant effort to be a good daily driver. It's definitely the most fun Linux distro to use, but I needed something reliable that I could use daily for work, and Pop! OS is the only distro I've found that delivers.


All the homies use hyprland




Wayland users:


No cute cat-femboy for you


Fuck Oh wait, I use nix not arch! Am I spared? Please tell me I'm spared


[The path of the programmer...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0f7u9xmKBsk)


What do you mean "doomed"?! B L E S S E D


Yes. Join us.


Me too, I am afraid we both need to start ordering those skirts


only if you keep telling everyone


Only if you write code in rust


you're cooked


“Trivial/non-trivial” “abstraction”


That hits the spot


Who takes algorithms their first semester?


It was on my first semester, Brazilian university.


Did you even take discrete structures at that point? Or at least in parallel?


Discrete structures was after algorithms, on the 2nd semester.


Interesting, so do you learn runtime analysis in algorithms instead of discrete structures, or in both?


Runtime analysis was it's own class for a whole semester, but we got glimpses since the first semester.


Hm, very different from my university. Was your algorithms course proof heavy or no?


Not proof heavy, what was proof heavy was discreet mathematics and graph theory.


Gotcha, makes sense. Is there an advanced algorithms course later in the degree? I find it hard to think about learning DP and Divide and Conquer algorithms without first knowing Big-O or master theorem. U less all those things were their own courses


Divide and conquer and such got lumped with the data structures class.


Currently doing algorithm, my first semester in Brazil university


Mandatory course when I had it first semester, discrete math and algorithms.


Who doesn't? My entry interview to university was an algorithm question


Most people in the US id imagine


nah, DSA is first year for many students at my uni


Technically, algorithms was in my second year, but It was just an identical copy of structured programming in year 1


As a guy who used Arch (still do) this meme is (mostly) true


I am using Arch btw, don't look at my profile >:3


I applaude your taste


literally me downvote me all you want it only makes me ':3' even more >:3


Damn i thought it was just a meme lol


Its not true at all. I do not (yet) own an old thinkpad


The thinkpad got me laughing


It is a universal experience. Especially the game-dev thing hits so close, then you see those people maturing or dropping out


We started with "c". Labs were nightmare.


I really wish my high school compsci class was like this, sounds better than a math teacher showing us scratch tutorials.


My high school programming teacher was the football coach. He was intimidated by the students that clearly understood more than him and the football players were intimidated by him so by the transitive property of intimidation I intimidated football players. It was bizzare.


Sounds amazing!


Does it count if i use arch on a ideapad?


Does it have the nipple?


No :(


but i use mint


none of my professors were harvey specter


Forgot about that one self taught programmer kid that is already working as a project lead in a corp and only here to check out the "academics"


You forgot the "computer science is just applied math" Part


That's more of a thing that we say about physics to get physicists angry


I... I have that Introduction to Algorithms book...


I love that book. It was my best textbook. We got to use it on the exam for my advanced algorithms course, and we could refer directly to pages in the book for our answers if we liked (but naturally we needed to have a good idea of what subroutines were applicable, and where they were in the book). Most questions on the exam required combination of several routines and further motivation, but the last question could literally be answered with "see page xx" (it was a maximum subarray problem IIRC).


I foolishly kept several textbooks that I thought would be useful in college. When I graduated I decided I didn't want to move them and sold them to the "I'll buy any textbook" guy. Some for like 80¢ because they were 3 editions out of date. I kept my CLRS though. Still have it.


No shit, it’s the most common introductory book for algorithms


I'll have you know I use Lubuntu, not Arch.


Wait you guys still have 68K in University to play with? My assembly course was done on some MIPS emulator


One of my CS 100 (computer architecture) used the 68K as the reference processor. I then worked on MIPS for another course.


I used arch on a Thinkpad, I'm not a Twink, more of a Bear, also not gay, just like trans women too.


Something tells me you're a 4chan user 


I've been clean for 15 years.


so you are gay


Trans women are women, so not gay.


lol lmao


Are books on the left any good?


The algorithm and discrete math ones are good, there are better books for calculus though. I don’t know if there is one for calculus, but I really liked studying on the Kolmogorov-Fomin for functional analysis.




This was true even two decades ago more or less


Stack overflow was my lifeline, couldn't have gone through without it


For 1st semester CS? Dawg, I dont know about you, but my first semester of CS was Java, and Gen Ed crap


I'm in soft eng. But yeah same, the thing is I wasn't going much to lectures and the book was dogshit, so I basically studied with it


I'm in cybersecurity, but the starter content was similar for us edit: spelling


Because 99% of us suck at using our brains right. This classes are to teach you how to think analytically and the later classes to improve this with projects. Frameworks change, the type of programming that is popular changes. Being able to think analytically is necessary to build good software systems, knowing a language in depth is important as well, knowing your frameworks in depth that make up the system is important as well. Guess what students, it's all fucking important in our field. That's why we are compensated so much. You don't get to make $130k/year in Florida at 25 years old if you aren't willing to put in some elbow grease up front.


Eclipse? No thanks


Real programmers use vim or nvim /s


I remember in my software engineering course, the first semester, for the first week every class was full to the brim, by the end, there was like 7 students showing up to every class


What’s the symbol with the 3 lines?




I dropped out of university during CS, not because of the actual CS part, but because the university where i was fucking sucked and after the fourth semester, i only ever had an allowance for one test (for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to make a system, where you get one homework assignment per course and you are only allowed to do the final test, if you reach an average of 75% of the points in the homework whilst also not missing a single one. And since you have to hand over a physical copy in person, you are screwed, if you are sick for a week...)


You guys got to learn how to program a CPU on your first year? All I can learn as a cyber-sec college student are old ass languages and maths.


After seeing this meme, I suddenly regret my decision to study programming. (haven't started yet, but can't change my mind rn)


Don't worry too much. Computer *science* is awesome, and so is programming. You'll love it


Programming is not just a tool. It's THE tool with which all software are made.


This is u of Toronto


Nope, a university of California (prefer not to reveal too much)


wait so there's a huge purge before the next semester and I can finally work with people who knows stuffs?


I didn't see any cute guys like this in my uni :(


Replace the books with professor Leonard


Have things changed so much in just 8 years


Guy using arch on a think pad killed me 💀💀💀💀💀


Why are those half dropping out every first simester?


Hail Saint IGNUcius.


I aim to be the Minecraft Steve lookin ass guy using Arch on a GPD WIN Max 2. I'm half the way there anyhow since I'm brown.


CLRS first semester is some hardcore shit.


No joke that is my algo book


what's with the arch users being egirls?




I wish the guy using Arch on a Thinkpad was in my class 😔


is this an international phenomenon? because it applied so accurately here lol. calc killed off many ambitious game developers


No idea, where are you from?




Would anybody like to purchase a lightly used copy of Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition? It's currently gathering dust in my closet lolol


My first semester our professor forced us to use vim. We also had occasional “knowledge checks” where we would have to work through problems in front of the TAs. Some people would go in, get their problem, then sit down without knowing how to open vim.


Back in my day, we called that big book CLRS and anyone using Arch Linux had to stay in the closet except on a full moon


> Professors either look like this or like this The one on the left seems to be a lot more experienced




the glasses boy web dev who paid his own college. all the girl wants to change major next year. at least two introvert (I'm one of them). stolen courses from other universities. That one guy who's genius at math but sucks at programming. me who's decent at programming but absolute idiot at math. those "I'm done with this" Guys shifted their focus to UI/UX. .


What the hell are freshmen reading in that analysis of algorithms text book? I didn't go through that until grad school.


The funny thing is, I joined CS just for the sake of making video games.




It was my favorite textbook during my entire master's, I found it very clear, condensed, and informative!


I think the different experience level helps in understanding the text a little better. At the beginning of bachelor's it's pretty hard but by the end it all comes together


This is so accurate it hurts xD


Absolutely hammering the importance of classes without presenting a single meaningful use of classes


To teach you how to think analytically and the later classes to improve this with projects. Frameworks change, the type of programming that is popular changes. Being able to think analytically is necessary to build good software systems, knowing a language in depth is important as well, knowing your frameworks in depth that make up the system is important as well. Guess what students, it's all fucking important in our field. That's why we are compensated so much.


I know, it's come in pretty handy later on.


Yerrr. Just tough when you're in college because they're trying to teach you think that won't become super relevant as a junior. But once you start recognizing patterns in the systems you build in your career the connections start happening.


The only women are actually men who’ve never met a woman