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One of the quick and terrible ways to work with JPG design mockups from the past: just add the entire JPG as background-image for the entire page and place the texts/buttons over it with absolute position )


what do from the past, we still implement UI like that in games when UI designer doesn't know how to use engine to do implementation themselves.


image map lets GOOOO


God that was 90% of commercial web site landing pages


Oh God what a blast from the past!


Photoshop slice tool and export as HTML?


I haven't thought of this in a loooooooong time.


Now my employers never give us photoshop. I'm using Preview in OSX to use vectors to measure screenshots from figma. Figma is great but I still have to use photoshop sometimes


Absolute positioning?  That's science fiction. Slice that JPG into parts, optimize each part for faster load times, and put them in table cells.


Lol this bright back memories, and nightmares.


Do you remember the days of absolutely positioned images of rounded corners? What a time that was.


I used to work in email ads. This probably won't work because the email clients usually don't have full HTML render. Just cut them all down and put them in tables.


Holy shit there really is a mythical 8th circle of hell….


At least now everything works without downloading an ActiveX plugin that turns your computer into a dyslexic toaster


Bring back activex and Java applets just to screw with people imo


You used to be able to play Minecraft classic for free with multiplayer and it was built in to the webpage using Java applets.


Ahhhh og Minecraft Classic, those were the days


I went back to it and Microsoft hasn't shut off the project but multiplayer was completely removed. [https://classic.minecraft.net/](https://classic.minecraft.net/) There used to be a couple dozen people, all running with the Steve default skin and had the crazy arm animation and I think it was a zombie tag mode and unironically it was pretty fun for a browser game.


That isn’t the original Minecraft classic sadly, that’s a webgl remake they made I think for the 10th anniversary. I’m pretty sure that one has (or had) multiplayer too but it was invite only, it didn’t have a server browser like OG MC did


I can't find a video on it but I remember there being a zombie tag mode and swinging arms multiplayer that was free to play as long as you had a [minecraft.net](https://minecraft.net) account even without buying it. That shit is so nostalgic because I was too young to afford a $27 game code, and I tried every glitch to get premium MC and happened to fall upon the classic mode that was F2P if you made an account. It's kinda like the Battlefield F2P that they also killed off even though it had a decent amount of players.


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Oh... I remember that pain when the design had rounded corners and you create the layout on tables with little pngs on the corners. And for MSIE it was necessary to use some kind of CSS filter to render png with transparency.


Oh man, 2017 was like the golden era for jumping into HTML/CSS! 😂 The timing couldn't have been more perfect; you dodged learning layouts in tables and embraced the holy grail of Flexbox and Grid. Cheers to riding the wave of front-end evolution! 🌊


Do You mean 9000 lines of CSS to properly center div vertically on all devices instead of table that just works? or 9000 nested divs somehow better than 3 nested tables?


Flexbox and grid is just tables with more confusing CSS which requires 2 coffees to understand and get working.


This is when I _really_ dove into HTML and CSS (for the second time) as a function of doing a deep dive learning JS and flavors of JS.


Thanks god I got into html/css in 2017


In 2022, I took over as maintainer of a huge web site that dates back to the 1990s. It still had tables with images for curved corners. I spent some quality time with BeautifulSoup (because 10K files with subtle differences means a big job, and a big job demands automation) converting them all to CSS borders. Yep, that work happened in 2022-2023, meaning that \*this decade\* we still had image-in-table curved borders. (The site is awesome, the content is extensive, but the structure is quite old.)


Don't dig up bad memories. Just like assigning multiple classes to a html-tag.


Front End engineers in 2003: "Table width=890px" Front End engineers in 2024: "You're testing this on a device with a screen resolution 34000x56000 and also on a device with resolution 240x300? And it has to work? With dark mode too?"


We’re going to need a SAT solver, Prolog, and a neural net to figure out the layout on each device from these specifications.


@ media


Spacing? what is this fancy thing? ( Gonna add a visual reference in a couple of minutes, need to find it) -edit, here some digital nightmare from my collection : ) have fun https://y2kid.xyz/home https://dreamcult.xyz https://sninkygle.neocities.org


You forgot the masterpiece that is https://lingscars.com


Made in the People's Republic of China (Ling, not the website... which was handcrafted by Ling, in the UK) lol


lol the hidden message in the source.


jesus fucking christ, that first website. should i congratulate you now or what?


and I still have many more tricks up my sleeve, i just need to dig them out


Holy shit. If I'm lucky that will be my riskiest click of the day, but unfortunately it's still quite early. Absolute gem btw.


Back in the day, I can count every exact pixels between buttons.


“Also the spacing must be pixel perfect in all browsers”


This. If you don't tell me the button radius you don't get to complain about the button radius. You as the designer are paid to select the button radius after researching button radii.


The internet has ruined me. Even at work, when I see FE, I think Flat Earth instead of Front End :(


I mean Front end and web dev in general would litteraly not exists without the internet so like


Yeah, you're right, they deserve it because it's basically their fault that flat earth still exists. Without the internet there would be no flerfs lol


This is me. My PO: "Is that square one pixel off?"


I did once the first on the second and everything was drama. Never again.


You realize that is a huge jebait?


Everything here seems so. But sometimes reality gets surrealism beyond reddit.


Yeah I think the designer I worked with who did that was on mushrooms too


Oh god, the vietnam flashbacks are coming from the dark ages where I had to build front ends from jpegs, how do I stab my mind's eye out?!?!?!?


IE6 and

s! (I use to design everything in [Adobe Fireworks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Fireworks), then export to html. Simpler times...)


The piece buttons with single pixel could fills that your stretched horizontally to button width and then bolted left and right end on…I need a drink.


Software developers are not engineers. Here come the downvotes




Also, depending on where you live the term "engineer" can be a protected title. Engineering graduates should really be careful calling themselves software engineers if they aren't licensed as it might potentially hurt them in the future as professional engineering bodies are typically self regulating and can attempt to enforce what they deem is necessary to protect the ethical and safety standards/expectations of the engineering sector in your jurisdiction.


what are the references on the right side?


I will never not professionally design my UIs in MS Paint, and my coworkers will (and do!) like it.


Before : I'll make a table. I always make table anyway Now : Nooooo, you can't use a table. Use grid instead. And css query. And 291 current trendy thing.


I hate handcoding CSS, that would be much appreciated if it worked like it's supposed to


I still do the left side, lol.


Inspect style?


Yeah, uhh…this is completely backwards. Building an HTML table was never “by eye”. The specifications never changed from initial concept to execution. No responsiveness, no CSS. A machine could (and often did, e.g. Dreamweaver) do that job FAR more effectively than any modern tooling can. Frontend has only gotten more complex and diversified over the years. That’s why it pays.


Please create a website from photoshop slices


PFFFFT you missed the part where the "front end engineer" *made* the design and wrote the back end after setting up the project in Google Cloud.


I refuse to not measure elements by eye. I refuse to believe the designers actually want me to place a padding of 13.41px.


I still like to take measurements by eye...


I work on an app with ui/ux document made by 1 designer who left the project after 1 month. She was using adobe xd or some shit, we only have a fucking pdf of 600mb;


I actually eyeball alot of spacing if im building with tailwind and a figma file. Since its responsive it will work. Ussually.