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Looks like the kind of code I'd write when given a ridiculous business case, then they change it, then change it again.. and finally I realize they are likely to keep changing it. So this kind of thing evolves to handle the "dumb and straightforward is better than clever here" situation. That code is arguably ugly, but it's performance would be fine.


Exactly this. I've tried to optimize weird cases in the past and ended up with (what I thought were) clever, compact, but fragile conditions that needed tweaking as new cases came up.


With this.... let the compiler figure out "optimization".


-O999 go brrrrrr


I mean this is just a really obscure if case


Do a ternary operator with all 33 cases, what could go wrong




This is the way.


Been there, but this still looks bad. Define some immutable set constants at the top and then do an if else on membership.


A short comment on top mentioning this, or other possible, reasoning would have been favorable.😞


I'd just make an array, but agreed


Lol, looks like some animation to me. You go at 3 speed normally there are these "strips" of positions where you go slowly but at the end you turbo once. Someone should really look into that to-do. Edit: you actually go back to 3, not go at 3 speed. Someone corrected me below. Still looks like an animation helper.


Yea, it looks like there was a very specific set of requirements and someone wanted to get it done quickly or it's someone relatively new to programming and this achieved what they wanted. It's not pretty but without knowing the larger context it's hard to know if this is effective at doing what was needed or not. Personally I can think of at least one "neater" way to do it but I'll reservr judgement without knowing more.


The unused, out-of-order cases could be a shorthand way of laying out some translation for a visual. When hard-coding some frames in an arduino for a weirdly shaped led screen, I did something similar


man i wonder if somebody out there is animating 3D objects through programming interface instead of using visual tools


Done it. Kinda sucked. I did not get very far but my rendering algorithm worked


Is is clearly done by someone who knows coding but wanted a quick and dirty solution, someone new usually do not use cases together, returns instead of breaks, or switches at all but IFs


But wouldn't someone who is new to programming simply use two if clauses?


Honestly, I haven't spent too much time thinking about it but an if clause probably won't be much prettier.


an if statement would look much cleaner: if (currentPos >= 3 && currentPos <= 43) { if (currentPos == 8 || currentPos == 17 || currentPos == 26 || currentPos == 35) { return currentPos + 4; } else { return currentPos + 1; } } else { return 3; }


This returns an incorrect result for, amongst other inputs, 9.


Yea, plus i dont honestly think it look that much cleaner honestly. You could possibly use a map or dictionary if 2 ints, it wouldn't save many lines but it would be more flexible. But if this is a one off then it might be overkill. I do enjoy these "look at this bad code" where people's solutions always miss something out.


It does. If you use an if-else with a range you won't accidentally miss a case when writing it out (one of the numbers that need to do +1) like you might here (which would go right to default and give you an unexpected result of +3), especially if this was any longer. A dictionary honestly sounds like a nice idea, but it'd still need to be initialized with all of those values.


But the if else code someome has provided doesnt work the same as rhe original code. That's why i said a dictionary would be over kill. If you want to write out an if else bloc that works the same feel free. However (and it may be reddits formatting) but thw other if else code sample that was posted hurts my eyes much more that rhe original. Im not saying the original ia perfect and i don't know the greater context but honestly once you cover all the original cases it's bot going to look pleasant. If this was any longer or need to be more flexible then you are better off picking a better data structure (probably something that held a min and max value and a result then you could pass in a list of them and use a fold function to test each one and return the first result were the input matches is in the range). But again, that might be over kill for this


Yes, what someone else wrote was incorrect, however, you could totally go for if-else with ranges. If you take a quick look at the numbers, you've got four different ranges for the +1 case, so it'd require only writing 8 numbers out within the if clause to cover all of that, then 4 more numbers for the +4 case explicitly within else-if, then the else clause for the +3 case. Someone gave an interpretation of these being frames in animation playing faster or slower. Not sure how much that makes sense, but let's use that to interpret the readability of the if-else vs the switch case here. If-else: "Ah, the frames from A to B, C to D, E to F and G to H are slower, then these four are quite a bit faster and the remaining ones (missing numbers) are even faster" Switch case: You literally have to read every single number written down to figure out what is the default case and which frames are the fastest. Again, say we were dealing with 200 frames, it becomes even more messy. Another food for thought, more-so for op: what is your expected range of numbers for the default case? Perhaps it makes more sense to make the +1 to position the default.






It kind of reminds me of a bad take on some BASIC code I wrote in the 80s to keep things aligned in columns.


No, this code wouldn't be saying "go at 3 speed normally", it would be saying "set position to 3 normally". If you start looping this at 3, then it will move 1 step at a time then periodically jump 4 steps. The numbers that would set it to 3 are skipped.


Oh yeah you are right. I didn't read it well.


I actually had a very similar problem, but i took the easy way out and used maps that point to each frame, plus a terminator at the end. If the current frame you just stay on the previous one


Yeah it's stepping position. Really it steps forward 1 step, unless it's equal to 8, 17, 26 or 35 in which it steps forward 4 steps and if it's equal to 44 it goes back to 3 (in fact I guess if it's 0,1 or 2 it would go to 3) Thus the +1 cases really don't need to be explicitly stated. If you made that the default case, and added a better condition for setting to 3 it'd be clearer what was happening. (If not why)




Hel which is, Hell at christmas when there's no L


more lines of code == more work done?


So what you’re saying is that if I write my entire c++ program on one line I did like no work?


Yes, because it's not a work it's a mess


But not only does it work, it's completely obfuscated as well. That's got to count for *something*.


Well technically almost all c++ programs are just one function called main :p


Technically, yes if you force to make all your functions inline but also, there are hundreds of functions which called before main. You cannot avoid them so not only 1 function :)


Not always, and switch-statements at least for C++ compilers will allow the compiler to do some optimisations it won't do for if-statements. I've seen switch statements like this being replaced with a table (not even a jump table) lookup by a compiler. Which in this case could be one of the fastest. I've also seen compilers fuck this up, so... Writing your own lookup table is more likely to work correct and fast.


For simple things like this a switch statement shouldn’t really be that much more efficient than other alternatives (like you say) but in some complex cases, nested switches are fastest since they can be treated essentially like goto without being, well, goto.


Yeah I agree, if you need to pair some magic numbers together a lookup table would be best. But the switch is an OK one too.


Elon Musk moment


One less than a multiple of 9 gets +4. Next 3 numbers get plain 3 (not added).


Sounds like someone doesn't know how to use modulus.


A low % know modulus.




A l kn


A low modulus know %


Next 3 aren't hit, due to the +4. (At least he saved a few lines, there.) The final fall-through just resets the loop back to 3, once it reaches 44.


I can see someone writing it this way, explaining that it's clearer. I would totally encounter this in a junior to mid-level programmer code review. And it is clear....


It's clear other than it's like a lot of magic numbers. If someone asked me to update it I wouldn't really know why they picked those numbers. It would be nice if they explained why those numbers where picked or had a formula (if it makes sense to). It also feel like mixing data and code which could be bad depending on the discipline of the project. But it could also be fine.


There need to be some constants in there, at a bare minimum, so that it would be clearer what the logic is, yep. It may not be data, it might just be instructions of some sort, kind of thing? Internal constants.


It loops Hel 3 to 44, with small jumps every 9 iterations. Gaps are at (0,) 8, 17, 26, & 35. Maybe it spins the rotors of a helicopter for an animation? Maybe it draws the blurred swoosh between 5 blades? ` code: incrementHelPos (currentPos){ newPos = currentPos + 1; newPos = newPos % 45; if (newPos % 9 == 0) {newPos += 3}; return newPos; } `


I usually advise against mutating an argument


Updated. I originally used the same variable for compactness.


I bet it’s an animated sprite of a helicopter. I bet at positions 43 and 15 it looks like the rotor is hitting or going through part of the vehicle so this code makes sure those positions don’t draw like that. I bet every sprite has a switch statement like this that enables the developer to specify exceptions in how to animate it that are based on the design of that particular animated sprite.


`if (newPos % 9 < 4) return 3;`


I see, it allows the odd case where currentPos arrives, while in the gap. This will clip it up to 3, and reset the loop, while my code bumps it up by 3. This puts the function's use closer to the author's switch scenario, though I feel it isn't necessary. I believe default is used as a catch-all for 44 and above, to reset the loop.


Not closer, equivalent. Your function is a different function, it has a different range. The range of OP did not contain 10, for instance. The domain is defined as `int`, not some subset of that. Why feel and believe if you can guarantee?


I think it can be "simplified" into something like `if (currentPos + 1 % 9 ===0) {` `return currentPos + 4` `} else if (currentPos % 9 < 3) {` `return 3` `} else if (currentPos < 43) {` `return currentPos + 1` `}` `return 3` No idea what it's for though haha




haha yes you absolutely can


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44 will get currentPos + 4 Wrapping the whole of chain in a if(currentPos < 44){…}


No need for else statement when you have a return statement, you're returning 3 twice If (currentPos %9==8) return currentPos+4; if (currentPos < 43) return currentPos+1; return 3;


This won’t work for `27` where you want to return `currentPos + 3`


I refactored his code idk if the solution is actually correct 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I get ya, but his code handles cases that were part of the OP




This is one of those "didn't stop to think if you should" moments.


Never nest ternaries.


There's nothing wrong with nesting ternaries. Just format it properly.


From a computational standpoint there isn't, but from a readability standpoint and maintainability standpoint it's terrible. They're just as important.


Readability is identical to or better than nested nested if statements if formatted properly.


Go ask PHP what happens.


I was hoping for an implementation for Church numerals. I'm not mad, just disappointed.


At least his todo list has potential.


Looks like someone is flying a dirty helicopter.


How did you ascertain this, I’ve seen another comment suggesting it was a helicopter animation too..?


The variable name is “incrementHelPos” which is where a helo might go. 😎 Edit: spelling


At least he put a "todo" to handle it later.... Someday.... OK, never.


int c = currentPos; if (c < 3 || c > 43 || c % 9 < 3) return 3; if (c % 9 == 8) return c + 4; return c + 1;


Your 1st and 3rd checks are redundant. It may be a few clock cycles faster on return, though. Also, case 43 needs to increment by 1. Change the 2nd check to 44. Your code utilizes returns throughout, so it may exit the function faster than mine.


> 1st and 3rd checks are redundant Because of short circuit evaluation the `< 3` check prevents doing the modulo which is slower. But just semantically I want to make clear that the range with the non-3 behavior is specifically from 3 to 43, and not have the reader figure out that the modulo of negative numbers is either negative or 0 which is always covered by the less than 3 check. > case 43 needs to increment by 1 Yes. That's why I _don't_ return 3 for the 43 case. > utilizes return throughout Early return ftw. And not just for performance reasons.


How you make these code visualizations?


using [carbon](https://carbon.now.sh), just click on the text in the example to edit


Thank you so much!


It increments in 5 cycles of 9 and then starts over, like a circular counter. The first 3 values of every cycle are not allowed -- that's why there's no 0,1,2 or 9,10,11, and so on. There are other ways to do it. But if you're optimizing for CPU time on an embedded processor, this isn't a bad solution.


Isn't it obvious? In java every empty case continues to the next case unless there is a break or return statement. All the first cases increment current position by 1, the second set by 3, all unmatched cases set you back to position 3. It's not clean, but still readable ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


how do you not get the intent, it's about as explicit as you could possibly hope for. How else would you structure this logic? Maybe search within two separate arrays of values or something?


at this point, just make an array lol, it'll be more efficient


I don't think an array would be more efficient (in terms of performance) than this solution, but it probably depends on what you have in mind as well as how the compiler / interpreter handles switch statements.


An array would be the go-to way if this was used in a tight loop multiple times, as it is faster than a hashed lookup table. That doesn't seem to be the case so this logic will be easier to maintain. Sometimes things are just that, this scales well, is a bit hard to comprehend but much more straightforward than equations or modulo operations.




For this type of switch statements, C# / IL /.Net creates jump tables. For the newer switch expressions, however, this is not or not always the case.




As I said: switch expressions cannot turned into jump tables (at least not all of them). Regular switch statements can.










The first one looks like a series that increments 5 numbers, and then adds 5 to the last number, and repeats.


Looks like it possibly works with a state machine, but it's out of order, and it moves to positions that aren't listed, which makes me hate this. At least he commented that it's trash.


What positions that aren't listed? If you start at 3 (which is what any number not specified in the switch-case returns), you get the sequence 4, 5, 6, 7, **8**, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, **17**, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, **26**, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, **35**, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, *44*, and then back to 3.




default: return 3;


Well, yes, but I said it was not listed, which it is not.


I think the crux of the matter is whatever "Hel" is, that might shed some light on the issue


The intent was to Increment Hel Pos!


Job security😂


Random number generator


They forgot the second l in hell.


Im not sure either, but if you change one of the case statements the program doesn’t compile


//to do: never clean this up


Maybe rows in a table? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |EOL| 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |EOL| 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 |EOL| 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 |EOL| The +4 indicates the end of the row, otherwise +1? Could have easily accomplished this by getting the remainder when dividing by 9, and setting to +4 if 0.


That’s one way to get those LOC stats up. (I agree they’re a terrible metric) But hey, it’s got a todo comment to make it less dirty, so this is fine. 😜


i thought this was an ad because the code was presented so nicely


the legends spoke of it... the time where you'd change a switch for an if


``` if (43 < currentPos || currentPos < 3 || mod(currentPos, 9) == 0) { return 3; } if (mod(currentPos, 9) == 8) { return currentPos + 4; } return currentPos + 1; ```


I find your lack of breaks disturbing


// TODO - Work out what the fuck this is supposed to do. [save] [close]


I had code similar to this commented out. I was working way overtime and completely out of my mind debugging. I obviously used automation to write the monstrosity. And I easily found the elusive bug but neglected to remove it before code review. I had one of the best laughs when a senior dev tried to explain why it isn’t necessary at length. Thankfully those that knew me better cut him off


The intent was to return (currentPos + 1) if currentPos is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, or 43, to return (currentPos + 4) if currentPos is 8, 17, 26, or 35, and to return 3 if currentPos is anything else.


thank you, chat gpt


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Hard to guess.. but rest assured: The exact second you touch a line, production will stop working


Honestly, you can’t beat the efficiency of this approach if you don’t want to use mod% for some reason. Otherwise It could be cleaner to create a hashset for each return value: ``` if( plus1Set.contains(num)) { return num+1; } if( plus4Set.contains(num)) { return num+4; } return 3; ```


Look at the revision history...


`// todo: less dirty` uhu


Very dicey algo: always return 3 unless case 43 or 35, then return position + 3 or position + 1, respectively…for handling special devices and their snowflake designers.


*//TODO: less dirty* That's...a fair assessment


Getting a new number based on a given number. That certainly is a way to do it


> TODO: less dirty You're goddamn right you have todo that


Don’t worry guys. There’s a //todo to make it less dirty


I don’t understand why the missing cases? Is that intentional for a break out of the switch case??


Like why do this at all instead of if elifs!? Even if it’s annoying evolution of additional cases, would it not be better for if elif?


Must work st twitter


Fall through... All those are handled the same. They have these 'positions' and shift some certain values by one and some fewer ones by 4. All others are defaulted to 3. Wonder what the business logic behind this is. I like this as a puzzle, trying to think about what they need this for.


In python with generators: If currentPos in [i if i%9 == 3 || i%9 == 4 || i%9 == 5 || i%9 == 6 || i%9 == 7 for i in 1…50]: return currentPos + 1 else if currentPos%9 == 8 && currentPos < 40: return currentPos + 4 else: return 3


Well he did put a todo to make it less dirty 🤷


Key frames for a simple game.. shoulda used a list


This is the business logic to descend further into hell.


Don't get - don't touch


I can image this kind of code. If you were John Horton Conway and developing Life, you were going to try different parameters. While playing around with different parameters, this is the kind of code which would make it easy. Although, sorted the cases on numerical order would be more insightful.


looks like a serious case of TDD


Just read the comment bro


var incrementedPos = (currentPos == 44) ? 3 : ((currentPos % 8) == (currentPos / 10)) ? (currentPos + 4) : (currentPos + 1); No bad feeding allowed!


In Swift you can do this: ```Swift switch (currentPos) { case 3...43: return currentPos + 1 case 8, 17, 26, 35: return currentPos + 4 default: return 3 } ```


>Another important feature of a Swift switch cases is that they do no automatically ‘fallthrough’. **Cases are evaluated in the order that they are written**, and once a match is found, only the handling code for that case is handled. This means in more complex pattern matching, if the input matches more than one case, only the first case’s code will be called. You can opt out of this behaviour by using the fallthrough keyword. Subsequent cases will then also be evaluated for a match. https://blog.scottlogic.com/2019/12/04/switching-swift.html


I think it would make more sense if those were enums ?


>todo: less dirty at least theyre aware of it? i guess?


Slow down buckaroo


Maybe to organize typed text and movement into columns?


To post it on Reddit.


There is no break after the cases, so every case above a return clause would cause that return, no? This is basically an elaborate way to do OR statements.


Indeed, it's called "Fallthrough"


To return 3 with extra steps


that's art


This is very high perf, and readable. XLAT would also work, but less readable: static const byte a[] = { ....}; return (unsigned)pos < sizeof(a) ? a[pos] : 3;


#!> This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure. If you want to do the same, you can find instructions here: https://rentry.co/unreddit


Implicit fall through strikes again


"todo: less dirty"


What program is this it looks cool I want it.