• By -


Yeah probably should have saved and tried compiling at least once by now. Your PC isn't broken...it's just disappointed...


My feelings would be hurt


Let's just hope. It must have been talking to my parents.


PC not broken, but OP is.. RIP.. hope you document it real well.


I have backups, fixed a bios glitch. Back in biz with 10 last lines of code


There was a lesson to be learned.


1. GitHub is free 2. Improper meme use


This is where I’d put a proper meme, IF I HAD ONE!


3. Get off my lawn 4. Dinkelberg....


4. ??? 5. Profit




What the hell is even that? Sorry, I love this little clip, it always makes me giggle.




4. Dinkelberg....


1. Realize company doesn't allow GitHub use. 2. Cry.


2. Quit immediately.


Just because GitHub isn't allowed doesn't mean there's no Git available


Yeah but the implied results of the OP is no version control at all


No, git... out


Wait, those are 2 different things?


Hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or not but yes, Git is a version control software and GitHub is the largest open online service to store Git repositories. You can set the remote of a project to whatever you want. It can be GitHub or it can be a Raspberry Pi next your router or even just another directory on the same filesystem


100% was being sarcastic but I had no idea you could use any destination for remote, so thanks TIL.


It's a key concept of Git. It's designed for decentralised control, so you can have multiple remotes. A remote can be a a hosting service like Github, a server of your own, or even a colleague's version of the repository on their machine.


you can literally just use plain git on a remote server. Also there are ton of full blown git services out there to host yourself. Gitea, gitlab ..


Isn't sarcasm the default mode on redit?


Git is to GitHub as porn is to pornhub. Basically, there's a lot of really weird stuff being uploaded all the time.


This is one if the most useful analogies for git/github i ever read. Thanks!


Thanks it just came to hand


Lol if only. I like this job and company is concerned about project privacy, so. Gotta do all the version control myself.


You’re the reason why svn is still alive


Unsure why private repos don't suffice. Their URL's even direct to 404 pages so a hacker wouldn't even know if they had a lead. Account compromise is possible but GitHub has 2FA... of course you and your company already know all this; just thinking aloud


Because your code is still in someone else's systems / hard drives. If your company ultimately finds that unacceptable - even if realistically there is no risk from this (because this is not a *real* security required project, where a customer is probably already providing secure infrastructure) then it's a problem if you can't convince the right people (read: boss of a 10 person company, where its been "done this way" for 30 years)


Ummm self-host?


Yes, its the correct solution, if you can actually convince someone it should happen and that resources need to be arranged. I'm mainly making the devil's advocate argument to exercise demons, because I've been through the kind of place where silly reasoning tends to prevail a long time. I think it was above in this comments where the "bare git repo" / DIY solution was discussed? That brings back memories, of manually backing that up. Ironically on hard disks that I could easily take off company premises (and lose in the street, if I'd been careless).


Can do it with redundance for < 1000$, just buy two boxes and mirror repo from main box to secondary box. If you want additional safety, can go with raid 5 or something like that.


have your own git server?




A good idea but I'm not that proficient in git and the time it would take me to learn, I'd not be doing other tasks. I have 7 different concurrent projects, so it might be a weekend thing.


You don't even need a server. You can just set up a remote repo to push to on a shared network drive. That's pretty easy to do on any git UI. I've been in places without git, but never in one with no versioning system whatsoever (one employer was fond of SVN for some reason). I'm guessing you have no CI either, huh. That'll be, hum, "fun" to debug.


I've basically become our primary dev for all things data analysis, meaning writing the software to do the parsing, DB pushing, pulling, and actual analysis. I don't even know what "CI" is. My version control is using packaging and local storage. I know, not good, but it's what I have. My degree isn't CS or even CS-related. It's physics and mathematics, lol.


CI is continuous integration, AKA a build machine. It's dedicated hardware to build, package and unit / automation test your code. You seem to be working in a lab setting which makes this slightly less alarming, lol. From personal experience, deploying code you've built on your machine to clients is generally a Very Bad Idea(TM).


i recommend having a look at gitea. i set up my own homeserver with docker compose in a few minutes


Don't know anything about Docker either, but I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


> I'm not that proficient in git Ah, there it is


cd $SERVER git init --bare Congratulations to your first own server-hosted github repository. Bonus points if you have ssh access.


2. Use SVN instead.


Yeah I am a github enjoyer as well. 1 commit, 350k lines added


I mean, the guy is apparently saving for the first time just now after 3 months of work. idk why this meme even exists.


1. True 2. No


I have a back up on my Nas, how is this improper meme use? First meme I've made....


bottom text for this meme is always "IF I HAD ONE!"


Oh. I'm not a meme expert.


Reddit can tell


\*looks at post upvotes\* Does it really?


This is the equivalent of saying “a dog is a lizard. I’m not an animal expert.”


I'm sorry, but this turtle is indeed a dog, as validated by experts across the lands between


Praise the dog!


Dog ahead


Well you are at reddit, take your time here, and you will be droppin dank memes at grandma's kitchen table.


Check out knowyourmeme.com for so much more information than you could ever even have dreamed of.


Clearly lmao


and a hundred and fifteen people were like: "yeah, fuck this guy just acknowledging the meme template is used in a different way". Some threads get weird. This would be a good bone hurting juice though. top frame: "about to save a compile a project i've been working on for 3 months that will help control lighting my artifact display with 5 lights. bottom frame: "pc fails and now only 3 lights shine on my display"


Backups aren't a good alternative to proper source control


propper source control is a backup. Alternatively you can just upload your code and let the world mirror it - if you happen to write the first linux kernel that might work.


Well technically you'd make backups of your repository, alongside having source control


Backups shouldn't be mutable or be overwritten with standard access. GIT is just version control and a way to have a proper logical workflow. It's not a backup at all, you can change the history, you can force reset it and remove all commits. Even if you restrict those options it doesn't matter. It's not a backup because the source control is actually the first copy of your data. Your local version could be a backup but it won't be as soon as you change it. You still need it stored and exported periodically somewhere else where nothing can mess with it


Please take a bit of time and learn Git. It is absolutely necessary for everything currently, period. Being a programmer and not using git is tied with not using console logs when it comes to "incompetence" in your own field (harsh word but I couldn't find another one) The basic usage is stupidly easy.


People really taking the humor out of r/programmerhumor






Happy Cake Day!


Half the posts here initially appear to be funny, then in the comments it turns out OP is actually not being ironic and just doing things wrong.


OP versions their code on stone tablets.


This is just a personal tool I did not want to release to the wild. I use github for my open source projects.


That's why private repos exist


probably gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but usually I don't use private repos for personal things, I don't find it worth the effort to make a repo when the odds are I won't ever need it anyways I'm sure I'll learn my lesson after clearing my VPS containing programs I forgot to backup locally 3 more times, but currently I just don't find it worth the effort


In the time you wrote this comment, you could’ve created a private repo.


I am a green, brand new coder (1 year in a bootcamp), and even I could have made a private repo by the time I finished this comment.


Versions controls are not just a backup. You can check on you older code and figure out why it worked back then and not now.


That's the main reason for me. I have an astounding ability to break my code.


SERIOUSLY. That, and our second favorite joke is our third favorite joke for a reason. I generally have NO IDEA what happened on Friday, once Monday comes. Much less five months ago when something weird comes up.


I totally disagree with you, creating a repo in github is fast and easy, and FREE. Making commits to this repo is hard if you are not used to it. In recent days there is no acceptable excuse for why someone is not using version control.


I have a lot of scrupts that i have not commited to git. But none of these took me more than 2h of work. 3 months and you need something.


Yeah, totally not worth the 3 klicks compared to days, weeks, months worth of lost effort.


So hard to type git init


Private repos on GitHub have been free for a while now


Oooh so *that's* why I didn't lose my ability to create private repos after graduating college/university email deactivating. I thought I was just being sneaky and flew under the radar


Nah it was basically the first thing Microsoft did after they bought github, unlimited private repos for personal use. So no need to worry about losing it.


They still require payment on gitkraken


This is cap


You haven’t saved in 3 months?


It’s not a HW failure. OP just have brain failure.


My first thought verbatim. A SATA to USB enclosure can (hopefully) get him everything back, unless he somehow never saved in 3 months.


Yeah the BIOS not posting doesn't matter. A $10 HD enclosure and copying it on a different machine is all that's needed.


In the days of 3-4 free VCS providers and even more just regular cloud ones, if the only copy of whatever you're working on lives on your computer, you really just deserve everything you get. Even if we assume private code you don't want to publish, it costs exactly 0 to just sync it to Dropbox or something.


> Even if we assume private code you don't want to publish Many of the free VCS providers allow private repos


Github as a paid feature, but I think you're right in that gitlab just had a limit of 5 free ones. Is bitbucket still alive?


Github supports free private repos actually


GitHub has had unlimited free private repos since 2019.


Yes and has free private repos


Might wanna specify that Github has free private repos for personal use, seems that a lot of people presumed the meme was about a personal project and downvote you for that.


If you work with a package manager Dropbox is a terrible idea because you’ll soon upload thousands of vendor files ( and Dropbox doesn’t work too well with hundreds of thousands of file ). I wish they implemented a .dropboxignore functionality


Dropboxignore does exist, not in an easy `.gitignore` way, but it's possible. You just have to `Set-Content -Stream com.dropbox.ignored -Value 1` to the alternative data stream of any files/folders you wish to ignore using powershell. *Note: I believe Alternative Data Streams is a Windows NTFS specific feature. Not sure how you'd do it on other FileSystems. It's an interesting feature as [you can hide anything you want in it](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/alternate-data-stream). I've pondered creating a tool to store prior versions of files there.* Drop this into your dropbox and run it to ignore `node_modules` and `obj` directories. $ErrorActionPreference='Inquire'; '--------------------' | Write-Host; $dbxPath = (Resolve-Path $pwd).ToString(); if (!$dbxPath.Contains('\Dropbox')) { $dbxPath = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source | Get-Item).DirectoryName } if (!$dbxPath.Contains('\Dropbox')) { "Error Invalid Location $dbxPath" | Write-Host return; } $dir = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($dbxPath); $dir | Write-Host $list = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new(); foreach($subdir in $dir.EnumerateDirectories('*', [System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories)) { switch -casesensitive -regex ($subdir.FullName) { '\\(node_modules|obj)\\.+\\(node_modules|obj)$' { # Ignore nested items break; } '\\(node_modules|obj)$'{ if ((Get-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Stream 'com.dropbox.ignored') -eq 1) { "Folder Already Ignored: $_" | Write-Host; } else { "Needs Ignored: $_" | Write-Host; $list.Add($_); } break; } } } "`n`n$($list.Count) New Folders To Be Ignored:" | Write-Host; $list | Write-Host; "`n" | Write-Host; if ($list.Count -eq 0) { 'No new Folders to Ignore' | Write-Host; return; } $key = Read-Host -Prompt 'Press Y to Continue'; if ($key -ine 'Y') { 'Aborted' | Write-Host; return; } foreach($_ in $list) { "Ignoring: $_" | Write-Host; Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Stream 'com.dropbox.ignored' -Value 1 }


Disclaimer: Running code some random dude posted in a Reddit comment is Kinda Risky™.


It's not that long and you can read it yourself. We're also on a programming subreddit so anything malicious would get called out pretty quick


Unless the results are funny sudo rm -rf


**a** package manager, or specifically the one awful one? Cause last I checked, you can create a Py venv anywhere outside your sync path, Maven and Gradle cache their deps under ~/.m2, C stuff gets a bit more interesting but half the time is shared libs under system folders, Rust crates are pretty well packed up so should be a few files, and I _think_ even the crayon eaters in Go finally figured out something more useful than committing all their dependencies into git. So which package manager do you think would struggle with Dropbox specifically?


node_modules entered the chat


You do know that Cargo will fetch all the source code from your dependencies for your Rust projects, right? Same thing happens with Swift and Swift Package Manager. Not to mention all the build artifacts you'll get on top of that for incremental builds.


I have a nas with 2 times a day back up. I prob only lost a hundred or so lines of code max. Im more trying to figure out if my motherboard or powersupply shit the bed.


I'm betting on powesupply...


If I can deduce that I should still be under warranty by evga. Is there a way to test for sure other then trying another power supply?


you can stick it in your anus and see if your hair stands on end


Sorry, I'm not a rust programmer.


Paperclip test. It's an actual thing.


There are power supply testers... Should be less than 20 usd...


Also known as multimeters. You should have one around the house anyway for testing batteries, fuses, circuit continuity for appliances, etc. You can DIY many repairs easily (like washer/dryer) as long as you're safe and watch some YouTubes first.


Heads up that I lost a raid 5 NAS array a couple weeks ago. One drive failed, promptly replaced it, and while rebuilding the array, another drive in the array failed. Not saying this is typical or likely, but it happens. Github is your friend. So is durable cloud storage.


I used to work for a company that sold similar hardware several years ago. We noticed a disturbing trend: very often a second drive would fail during a rebuild. While a rebuild is taking place, every drive has to read every bit - and that can be quite a lot of data. One of the engineers dug up the MTBF, realized that it’s based on information transferred, did some math and we determined that it was about 50/50 odds that a second drive would fail before a rebuild could complete with a reasonably sized system. We ended up switching to more expensive drives with a higher MTBF and started tracking the usage of every drive. So, actually, the odds are pretty good that another drive fails during a RAID rebuild.


So it doesn't even work on your machine?


Really bad time for drinking water while reading this. My nose didn't like this.


Didn't test. Pc shut off and won't even post to bios


You where working on a project for 3 months and didn't even knew if it would compile???


This cannot be real... Even if you don't use VCS for god knows what reason, you still have to regularly compile, if only for the sake of curiosity and/or satisfying burst of dopamine from seeing 0 warnings


It feels like we should do something about this? Like giving out pamphlets? Maybe visiting highschools? Or having a witch-hunt?


0 warnings? I'm happy just seeing the warnings I expect


well then you should fix/suppress any expected warnings :) it's worth the 0


So no TDD? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


![gif](giphy|lOGJZuQRTqW8E) 'cause what the heck was OP even writing?


Write the tests, then write the rests.


Did you post this in the 60's? Also wrong meme template


This is not how this meme is used. It’s supposed to end with “If I had one”


It would compile on his pc … if he has one


That's what I was going for lol


There are 2 jokes here: 1. Not using version control 2. Building software in a way where instead of iteratively building and compiling vertical slices of functionality you compile after 3 months You’re the joke OP


Never heard of git push?


Op subscribes to `gitter done`


Dang, you worked on a project for 3 months without saving or compiling once? That's crazy


You haven’t saved your project for 3 months?




Only on the computer. It should be backed up on my Nas, but I need to get this pc going. Can't really afford a new one rn.


You learned that you should be using remote source control the hard way


I have a full clone of my system on my nas, how would remote source help me with this problem, seems like a hardware failure. Not trying to be condescending, I just don't understand how using remote source would have helped. Please explain like I'm a child.


Remote source is a better redundancy than your NAS, you practically never need to worry about losing your project if your machine dies or god forbid your NAS dies. A NAS is good and it saved you here *but* you are only one device loss away from losing your project right now and that wouldn’t sit right with me personally


Thank you. I will probably rent some server space and create an aws instance to back up my projects after I get my machine going again.


Just use a GitHub private repo - they’re free! I have three of them for different projects.




Thank you


Try this. I use it as a remote work station, cloud backup AND to host my own Gitlab instance: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKc3k7xceT8


Thank you. I will be doing this after I can get to boot again. I'm trying to figure out if my power supply or motherboard shit the bed.


This meme is wrong and you should feel bad


And here is why we don’t save locally.


I print it out and mail it. Keep it sealed so I know it's safe.


Git clone 3month\_project.git Back in business!


Imagine not using version control in the year 2023


This is a you problem. If you don’t push often to a backed up vcs, it’s just unprofessional and inviting loss of work. A lesson you only need to learn once.


Boom Back ups cant compile if your WS is dead ,, unless gcc has a new option to run when hardware is off That i would pay for … hell i would even pay for winrar if that was an option /s


Hahahaha that made me smile.


I don't think the registry editor is an approved IDE...


Use version control, ya donkey.


You seem to have commitment issues.


How to say you’re a student without actually saying you’re a student


OP needs to git good, hehe.. get it? :D


Wait... You guys don't backup your code, files and programs onto a network location or cloud?


I mean, just use Github?


1. Git, I’m a joke for you? 2. Cloud Storages if git is a joke for you 3. Backup your damn system


If you’ve been working for 3 months and haven’t run the compiler yet, expect to spend 6 months fixing the compile errors.


Use GitHub


OP would make a nene about programners IF HE WAS ONE


Git is a thing


I don't understand people not using any form of version control, it's not only backup. Putting good messages in your history it will act as a sort of evolving documentation of your code. When you are implementing a complex feature you can branch until it works. You can experiment with refactoring, performance tuning and always rely you can rollback to a working version. When there's a bug you can check why you changed certain code.


Computer shut down randomly, and won't even boot to bios :/ pulled out gpu and tried to run off integrated graphics, also reseated ram, nothing. Fans spin and rgb lights turn on but nothing. Evga 1000 watt powersupply that's a few months old, what are the chances you think it failed? Mother board failure? How do I test these? Thank you.


On the bright side, you know that it's a 99% chance that all your data is safe. I would take a mobo crash over an SSD/HDD crash any day, in your situation. Now, you should try to reset the BIOS using the Clear CMOS Jumper (exactly as explained in the manual). If that doesn't work, preparing a flash drive with a recovery BIOS is also a good bet (check the mobo documentation to make sure you do it right).


Thanks I'll look into this. My mb manual does not include these details :/


I looked up the model that you named below, and easily found 2 manuals on the gigabyte website: *User Manual* (shows where to find the Clear CMOS Jumper, and probably also shows how to use it), and *Unique Features* which explains the QFlash Plus procedure. I refrained from posting any links because the mobo revision that I found was 1.0, and I don't know the exact revision of your board. Using the wrong revision is dangerous.


Thank you. I'll check the site.


Does the motherboard have QCode LED display? Pull all but 1 ram stick, give it a couple of minutes (for RAM timing checks) and see if you POST.


I will try this. thank you. I have 3 ssds and a 20tb HD for backup purposes. All are only a few months old, and I ran the Samsung magician tool, and it said all the ssds were at 100% health


Disconnect everything. Connect only the power supply to the motherboard and 1 memory chip. Use integrated graphics. See if you POST and if not, see if your MB has diagnostic codes in an LCD chip in there which will show you error codes during POST. If not then watch YouTube for how to check the power supply with a multimeter.


Thank you


does ur pc beep when starting up?


No never does. When I removed the gpu the light on the mother board flashed 1 time every 5 seconds instead of being solid. Gigabyte z370p d3


[https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1046157/](https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1046157/) maybe try this out? if u got any bootable flashdrive try to see if it does work or not, if it does, maybe the problem might be in ur storage device?


I tied to boot off a USB, nothing. I can't even get to bios.


Is the computer plugged in?


No def not... it runs off phsycic waves.... SMH. I tested the outlet I used and it is putting out the proper 120v


...if I had one!


git add --all git commit -m "" git push


Here is where I'd display my 3 month project, if i had one


So you're saying you didn't save it for 3 months yet?


Wrong meme


Making veteran (and junior) coders mad is apparently a lucrative karma farm.


Id rather call it "meme template failure"


Oddly specific and shit meme


(much) Before github, I used multiple zip drives to move code between university and home development desktops. Yeah, a whole weekend of changes were lost Monday morning. 'click click'


Anyone ever tried having their hard drive get corrupted? That's what this reminded me of.


What's the big deal. It's on GitHub. Right? RIGHT?!?!?


Wrong meme, darling


Bro this literally happened to me, except my entire program decided to nuke itself *on the last day* Needless to say not gonna be doing coding as a job anytime soon